#!/bin/bash # Helper script to run generation of CBP/XCode projects on Linux / OS X. # Running it requires that Tcl should be in the PATH anOldPath="$PATH" anOldLd="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" anOldDyLd="$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" # go to the script directory aScriptPath=${BASH_SOURCE%/*}; if [ -d "${aScriptPath}" ]; then cd "$aScriptPath"; fi; aScriptPath="$PWD"; if [ ! -e "${aScriptPath}/env.sh" ]; then cat ${aScriptPath}/adm/templates/env.sh | sed -e '/__CASROOT__/d' > ${aScriptPath}/env.sh fi aSystem=`uname -s` aTarget="$1" anOpt2=$2 anOpt3=$3 anOpt4=$4 anOpt5=$5 if [ "$aTarget" == "" ]; then aTarget="cbp" if [ "$aSystem" == "Darwin" ]; then aTarget="xcd"; fi; fi if [ ! -e "${aScriptPath}/custom.sh" ]; then tclsh "${aScriptPath}/adm/genconf.tcl" fi if [ ! -e "${aScriptPath}/custom.sh" ]; then echo custom.sh is not created. Run the script again and generate custom.sh exit 1 fi source "${aScriptPath}/custom.sh" if [ -e "${aScriptPath}/env.sh" ]; then source "${aScriptPath}/env.sh"; fi tclsh "${aScriptPath}/adm/start.tcl" genproj -path="${aScriptPath}" -target=${aTarget} $anOpt2 $anOpt3 $anOpt4 $anOpt5 export PATH="$anOldPath" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$anOldLd" export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$anOldDyLd"