# This script provides commands for upgrade of OCCT and software based on it # to a newer version of OCCT (7.0) # source code for upgrading set ArgName(HelpInfo) "h" set ArgName(SourceCode) "src" set ArgName(IncPath) "inc" set ArgName(IncExtension) "incext" set ArgName(SrcExtension) "srcext" set ArgName(RTTI) "rtti" set ArgName(CStyleCastHandle) "handlecast" set ArgName(All) "all" set ArgName(Handle) "handle" set ArgName(TCollection) "tcollection" set ArgName(CompatibleMode) "compat" set ArgName(Recurse) "recurse" set ArgName(Rename) "rename" set ArgName(CheckOnly) "check" set ArgName(WLog) "wlog" set ArgName(Log) "log" proc HelpInformation {} { global ArgName global DataSectionName loginfo "Tool for upgrade of application code from older versions of OCCT." loginfo "" loginfo "Required parameter:" loginfo " -$ArgName(SourceCode)= - path to sources to upgrade" loginfo "" loginfo "File search options:" loginfo " -$ArgName(IncPath)= - path to header files of OCCT or other used libraries" loginfo " -$ArgName(Recurse) - process all subfolders of '-$ArgName(SourceCode)' and '-$ArgName(IncPath)'" loginfo " -$ArgName(SrcExtension)=cxx,cpp - extensions of source files" loginfo " -$ArgName(IncExtension)=hxx,h,lxx,gxx - extensions of header files" loginfo "" loginfo "Upgrade options:" loginfo " -$ArgName(All) - do all upgrades (if neither of below options are given)" loginfo " -$ArgName(RTTI) - adapt code for changes in type system (RTTI) in OCCT 7.0" loginfo " -$ArgName(Handle) - adapt code for changes in OCCT Handle" loginfo " -$ArgName(TCollection) - replace forward declaration of TCollection classes by #include" loginfo " -$ArgName(CStyleCastHandle) - replace c-style casts of Handle by DownCast()" loginfo " -$ArgName(Rename) - apply renaming of classes" loginfo "" loginfo "Advanced options:" loginfo " -$ArgName(CompatibleMode) - preserve old RTTI macros for compatability with OCCT 6.x" loginfo " -$ArgName(CheckOnly) - do check only, no modifications will be made" loginfo " -$ArgName(WLog) - show gui log of upgrade process" loginfo " -$ArgName(Log)= - put the log into a file" return } proc ParseArgs {theArgValues theArgs {theRemoveFromArgs "false"}} { upvar $theArgValues anArgValues global ArgName global DataSectionName # help information set anArgValues(HelpInfo) [SeekArg $ArgName(HelpInfo) theArgs "false" $theRemoveFromArgs] # sources that will be upgraded set anArgValues(SourceCode) [SeekArg $ArgName(SourceCode) theArgs "" $theRemoveFromArgs] set anArgValues(IncExtension) [SeekArg $ArgName(IncExtension) theArgs "h,hpp,hxx,gxx,lxx" $theRemoveFromArgs] set anArgValues(SrcExtension) [SeekArg $ArgName(SrcExtension) theArgs "c,cpp,cxx" $theRemoveFromArgs] # inc folder set anArgValues(IncPath) [SeekArg $ArgName(IncPath) theArgs "$anArgValues(SourceCode)" $theRemoveFromArgs] set anArgValues(RTTI) [SeekArg $ArgName(RTTI) theArgs "false" $theRemoveFromArgs] set anArgValues(CStyleCastHandle) [SeekArg $ArgName(CStyleCastHandle) theArgs "false" $theRemoveFromArgs] set anArgValues(Handle) [SeekArg $ArgName(Handle) theArgs "false" $theRemoveFromArgs] set anArgValues(TCollection) [SeekArg $ArgName(TCollection) theArgs "false" $theRemoveFromArgs] set anArgValues(Rename) [SeekArg $ArgName(Rename) theArgs "false" $theRemoveFromArgs] set aHasAgentArgs [expr {$anArgValues(RTTI) || $anArgValues(CStyleCastHandle) || \ $anArgValues(Handle) || $anArgValues(TCollection)} || \ $anArgValues(Rename)] set anArgValues(All) [SeekArg $ArgName(All) theArgs [expr {!$aHasAgentArgs}] $theRemoveFromArgs] set anArgValues(Recurse) [SeekArg $ArgName(Recurse) theArgs "false" $theRemoveFromArgs] set anArgValues(CompatibleMode) [SeekArg $ArgName(CompatibleMode) theArgs "false" $theRemoveFromArgs] set anArgValues(CheckOnly) [SeekArg $ArgName(CheckOnly) theArgs "false" $theRemoveFromArgs] set anArgValues(WLog) [SeekArg $ArgName(WLog) theArgs "false" $theRemoveFromArgs] set anArgValues(Log) [SeekArg $ArgName(Log) theArgs "" $theRemoveFromArgs] return $theArgs } proc SeekArg {theSoughtArgName theArgs {theDefaultArgValue ""} {theRemoveFromArgs false}} { upvar ${theArgs} anArgs set aBooleanValue [string is boolean -strict $theDefaultArgValue] set anArgValues {} set anArgsIndex -1 foreach anArg $anArgs { incr anArgsIndex if {[regexp -- "-${theSoughtArgName}\=\(.\*\)" $anArg dummy anArgValue]} { set anArgValue [regsub -all {\\} $anArgValue {/}] if {$theRemoveFromArgs} { set anArgs [lreplace $anArgs $anArgsIndex $anArgsIndex] incr anArgsIndex -1 } if {"$anArgValue" != ""} { lappend anArgValues $anArgValue } else { logwarn "'-${theSoughtArgName}' is skipped because it has empty value" } } elseif [string match "-${theSoughtArgName}" $anArg] { if {$theRemoveFromArgs} { set anArgs [lreplace $anArgs $anArgsIndex $anArgsIndex] } # skip non-boolean empty argument; do not break the foreach loop if {$aBooleanValue} { lappend anArgValues "true" break } else { logwarn "'-${theSoughtArgName}' is skipped because it has empty value" } } } # return boolean value as string if {$aBooleanValue} { if {[llength $anArgValues] > 0} { return [lindex $anArgValues 0] } else { return $theDefaultArgValue } } if {[llength $anArgValues] == 0 && "$theDefaultArgValue" != ""} { lappend anArgValues $theDefaultArgValue } return $anArgValues } # section names in the data file set DataSectionName(TCollection) "tcollection" set DataSectionName(Rename) "rename" proc DataFileName {} { return [file join [file dirname [info script]] upgrade.dat] } proc IsDataFileExist {} { return [file exists [DataFileName]] } proc ReadFromDataFile {theSectionName} { if {![file exists [DataFileName]]} { return } set aFileContent [ReadFileToList [DataFileName] aFileRawContent aDataEOL] set aSectionValueList {} set anIsSection false set aSectionPattern {^ *\[ *([A-Za-z0-9_\.]*) *\]+} foreach aLine $aFileContent { if {[regexp -- $aSectionPattern $aLine dummy aSectionName]} { if {"$aSectionName" == "$theSectionName"} { set anIsSection true continue } elseif {$anIsSection == true} { set anIsSection false break } } if {$anIsSection == true} { set aTrimmedLine [string trimright $aLine] if {"$aTrimmedLine" != ""} { lappend aSectionValueList $aTrimmedLine } } } return $aSectionValueList } proc SaveToDataFile {theSectionName theSectionContent} { if {![file exists [DataFileName]]} { return } set aFileContent [ReadFileToList [DataFileName] aFileRawContent aDataEOL] set aLinesBefore {} set aLinesAfter {} set anIsSection false set anIsSectionBefore true set anIsSectionAfter false set aSectionPattern {^ *\[ *([A-Za-z0-9_\.]*) *\]+} foreach aLine $aFileContent { if {$anIsSectionBefore} { lappend aLinesBefore $aLine } if {[regexp -- $aSectionPattern $aLine dummy aSectionName]} { if {"$aSectionName" == "$theSectionName"} { set anIsSectionBefore false set anIsSection true } elseif {$anIsSection == true} { set anIsSection false set anIsSectionAfter true } } if {$anIsSection == true} { continue } if {$anIsSectionAfter} { lappend aLinesAfter $aLine } } # write to file SaveListToFile [DataFileName] [list {*}$aLinesBefore {*}$theSectionContent {*}$aLinesAfter] $aDataEOL } # Main tool, accepts path to location of source tree to be upgraded. proc upgrade {args} { global ArgName global LogFilePath global DataSectionName set theArgs $args set anUnparsedArgs [ParseArgs anArgValues $theArgs "true"] if {"$anUnparsedArgs" != ""} { logerr "undefined arguments: $anUnparsedArgs" loginfo "use -$ArgName(HelpInfo) to show all the arguments" return } if {$anArgValues(HelpInfo) || [llength $anArgValues(SourceCode)] == 0} { HelpInformation return } if {"$anArgValues(Log)" != ""} { set LogFilePath $anArgValues(Log) # clean file before writing if {[file exists "$LogFilePath"]} { set fd [open "$LogFilePath" r+] chan truncate $fd 0 close $fd } } if {$anArgValues(WLog)} { _create_logger } # collect src directory structure (all subdirs) set anIncPaths {} foreach aSrcDir $anArgValues(SourceCode) { lappend anIncPaths $aSrcDir foreach aSubSrcDir [CollectDirStructure $aSrcDir] { lappend anIncPaths $aSubSrcDir } } foreach anIncDir $anArgValues(IncPath) { lappend anIncPaths $anIncDir foreach aSubIncDir [CollectDirStructure $anIncDir] { lappend anIncPaths $aSubIncDir } } set anIncPaths [lsort -unique -dictionary $anIncPaths] # end the collect set aRawNewNames [ReadFromDataFile $DataSectionName(Rename)] foreach aRawName $aRawNewNames { set aRawName [split $aRawName " "] if {[llength $aRawName] > 1} { # set aNewNames (old name) [new name] set aNewNames([lindex ${aRawName} 0]) [lindex ${aRawName} 1] } } set aDoRename true if {[llength [array names aNewNames]] == 0} { set aDoRename false logwarn "renaming skipped. there is no class names to rename" logwarn "see the content of [DataFileName] file, $DataSectionName(Rename) section" } set aProcNameWithArgs "[lindex [info level 0] 0]" foreach anArgName [array names anArgValues] { if [string is boolean -strict $anArgValues($anArgName)] { if [string is true "$anArgValues($anArgName)"] { set aProcNameWithArgs [format "$aProcNameWithArgs -%s" "$ArgName($anArgName)"] } } else { set aProcNameWithArgs [format "$aProcNameWithArgs -%s" "$ArgName($anArgName)=$anArgValues($anArgName)"] } } loginfo "$aProcNameWithArgs" # merge all processed extensions set anExtensions "$anArgValues(SrcExtension),$anArgValues(IncExtension)" set aSourceCodePaths $anArgValues(SourceCode) while {[llength $aSourceCodePaths]} { set aSourceCodePaths [lassign $aSourceCodePaths aProcessedPath] loginfo "Processing: $aProcessedPath" if {$anArgValues(All) || $anArgValues(RTTI)} { ConvertRtti $aProcessedPath \ $anIncPaths \ $anArgValues(CheckOnly) \ $anArgValues(CompatibleMode) \ $anArgValues(IncExtension) \ $anArgValues(SrcExtension) } if {$anArgValues(All) || $anArgValues(Handle)} { ConvertHandle $aProcessedPath $anIncPaths $anArgValues(CheckOnly) $anExtensions } if {$anArgValues(All) || $anArgValues(TCollection)} { ConvertTColFwd $aProcessedPath $anArgValues(IncExtension) } if {$anArgValues(All) || $anArgValues(CStyleCastHandle)} { ConvertCStyleHandleCast $aProcessedPath $anExtensions $anArgValues(CheckOnly) } if {$anArgValues(All) || $anArgValues(Rename)} { if {$aDoRename} { Rename $aProcessedPath $anExtensions aNewNames $anArgValues(CheckOnly) } } # Recurse processing if {$anArgValues(Recurse)} { lappend aSourceCodePaths {*}[glob -nocomplain -directory $aProcessedPath -type d *] } } } # search and rename the indeces (old names) of @theNewNames with their values (new ones) # processes files that have @theExtensions only in @thePath folder proc Rename {thePath theExtensions theNewNames theCheckMode} { upvar $theNewNames aNewNames set aNames [array names aNewNames] foreach aFile [glob -nocomplain -type f -directory $thePath *.{$theExtensions}] { # loginfo "$aFile processing" set aFileContent [ReadFileToRawText $aFile] set aHasChanges false foreach aName $aNames { set anIndexInRow 0 set aClassNameTmpl "\\m$aName\\M" while { [regexp -start $anIndexInRow -indices -lineanchor $aClassNameTmpl $aFileContent aFoundClassNameLoc] } { set anIndexInRow [lindex $aFoundClassNameLoc 1] if {$theCheckMode} { logwarn "Warning: $aFile contains $aName" break } else { set aHasChanges true ReplaceSubString aFileContent $aFoundClassNameLoc "$aNewNames($aName)" anIndexInRow incr anIndexInRow -1 } } } if {$aHasChanges} { SaveTextToFile $aFile $aFileContent } } } # @thePackagePath eather file or folder. If it is a folder, # all files with @theHeaderExtensions are processed. # "fwd.tcollection" section from upgrade.ini file is used to find out what # classes have been converted and, thus, what forward declarations can be replaced proc ConvertTColFwd {thePackagePath theHeaderExtensions} { global DataSectionName # Note: the content of theHeaderExtensions should have # further form (values separated by comma): "ext1,ext2,ext3" # this form will be used below in reg expression to collect all header files if {! [file exists $thePackagePath]} { logerr "Error: $thePackagePath does not exist" return } # read the list of already converted TCollection classes if [IsDataFileExist] { set aConvertedTColClasses [ReadFromDataFile $DataSectionName(TCollection)] } else { logerr "[DataFileName] file of upgrade process does not exist" return } # pattern that will be used set aForwardDeclPattern {^ *class *([A-Za-z0-9_/\.]+) *;} set aTargetPaths ${thePackagePath} while {[llength $aTargetPaths]} { set aTargetPaths [lassign $aTargetPaths aProcessedPath] # if aProcessedPath is a folder, collect all files with $theHeaderExtensions from it set aProcessedHeaders ${aProcessedPath} if {[file isdirectory $aProcessedPath]} { # get all header files set aProcessedHeaders [glob -nocomplain -type f -directory $aProcessedPath *.{$theHeaderExtensions}] } foreach aHeader $aProcessedHeaders { set aHeaderLineIndex -1 set aHeaderContentUpdated false # read the content of the header file set aHeaderContent [ReadFileToList $aHeader aHeaderRawContent aHeaderEOL] # remove _isMulti variable that used in _check_line set _isMulti false foreach aHeaderContentLine $aHeaderContent { incr aHeaderLineIndex # remove _cmnt variable that used in _check_line set _cmnt "" set aHeaderContentLine [_check_line $aHeaderContentLine] if {[regexp {^ *class *([A-Za-z0-9_/\.]+) *;} $aHeaderContentLine dummy aForwardDeclClass]} { if {[lsearch $aConvertedTColClasses $aForwardDeclClass] != -1} { set aHeaderContentUpdated true set aHeaderContentRow "\#include <$aForwardDeclClass.hxx>" set aHeaderContent [lreplace $aHeaderContent $aHeaderLineIndex $aHeaderLineIndex $aHeaderContentRow] } } } if {$aHeaderContentUpdated} { loginfo "$aHeader updated" SaveListToFile $aHeader $aHeaderContent $aHeaderEOL } } } } # try to find source file corresponding to the specified header and either # inject macro IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT in it, or check it already present, # and depending on this, return suffix to be used for corresponding macro # DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI... (either inline or out-of-line variant) proc DefineExplicitRtti {hxxfile class base theSourceExtensions} { # if current file is not a header (by extension), exit with "inline" variant # (there is no need to bother with out-of-line instantiations for local class) set ext [string range [file extension $hxxfile] 1 end] if { [lsearch -exact [split $theSourceExtensions ,] $ext] >=0 } { return "_INLINE" } # try to find source file with the same name but source-type extension # in the same folder set filename [file rootname $hxxfile] foreach ext [split $theSourceExtensions ,] { # puts "Checking ${filename}.$ext" if { ! [file readable ${filename}.$ext] } { continue } # check the file content set aFileContent [ReadFileToList ${filename}.$ext aFileRawContent aEOL] # try to find existing macro IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT and check that # it is consistent foreach line $aFileContent { if { [regexp "^\\s*IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT\\s*\\(\\s*$class\\s*,\\s*(\[A-Za-z0-9_\]+)\\s*\\)" $line res impl_base] } { # implementation is in place, just report warning if second argument # is different if { $base != $impl_base } { logwarn "Warning in ${filename}.$ext: second argument of macro" logwarn " IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT($class,$impl_base)" logwarn " is not the same as detected base class, $base" } return "EXT" } } # inject a new macro before the first non-empty, non-comment, and # non-preprocessor line set aNewFileContent {} set injected 0 set inc_found 0 foreach line $aFileContent { if { ! $injected } { # add macro before first non-empty line after #includes if { [regexp {^\s*$} $line] } { } elseif { [regexp {^\s*\#\s*include} $line] } { set inc_found 1 } elseif { $inc_found } { set injected 1 lappend aNewFileContent "IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT($class,$base)" if { ! [regexp "^IMPLEMENT_" $line] } { lappend aNewFileContent "" } } } lappend aNewFileContent $line } if { ! $injected } { lappend aNewFileContent "IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT($class,$base)" } SaveListToFile ${filename}.$ext $aNewFileContent $aEOL return "EXT" } logwarn "Warning in ${hxxfile}: cannot find corresponding source file," logwarn " will use inline version of DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI" return "_INLINE" } # Parse source files and: # # - add second argument to macro DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI specifying first base # class found in the class declaration; # - replace includes of Standard_DefineHandle.hxx by Standard_Type.hxx; # - add #includes for all classes used as argument to macro # STANDARD_TYPE(), except of already included ones # # If theCompatibleMode is false, in addition: # - removes macros IMPLEMENT_DOWNCAST() and IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_*(); proc ConvertRtti {theProcessedPath theIncPaths theCheckMode theCompatibleMode \ theHeaderExtensions theSourceExtensions} { # iterate by header and source files foreach aProcessedFile [glob -nocomplain -type f -directory $theProcessedPath *.{$theHeaderExtensions,$theSourceExtensions}] { set aProcessedFileName [file tail $aProcessedFile] set aProcessedFileContent [ReadFileToRawText $aProcessedFile] # find all declarations of classes with public base in this header file; # the result is stored in array inherits(class) set index 0 array unset inherits set pattern_class {^\s*class\s+([A-Za-z_0-9:]+)\s*:\s*public\s+([A-Za-z_0-9:]+)\s*([,]?)} while {[regexp -start $index -indices -lineanchor $pattern_class $aProcessedFileContent location class base comma]} { set index [lindex $location 1] set class [eval string range \$aProcessedFileContent $class] set base [eval string range \$aProcessedFileContent $base] if { [info exists inherits($class)] } { set inherits($class,multiple) "found multiple declarations of class $class" } else { if { [lindex $comma 0] <= [lindex $comma 1] } { set inherits($class,multiple) "class $class uses multiple inheritance" } set inherits($class) $base } } set change_flag 0 # find all instances of DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI with single or two arguments set index 0 set pattern_rtti {^(\s*DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI)([_A-Z]+)?\s*\(\s*([A-Za-z_0-9,\s]+)\s*\)} while { [regexp -start $index -indices -lineanchor $pattern_rtti \ $aProcessedFileContent location start suffix clist] } { set index [lindex $location 1] set start [eval string range \$aProcessedFileContent $start] set suffix [eval string range \$aProcessedFileContent $suffix] set clist [split [eval string range \$aProcessedFileContent $clist] ,] if { [llength $clist] == 1 } { set class [string trim [lindex $clist 0]] if { [info exists inherits($class)] } { if { ! $theCheckMode } { if { [info exists inherits($class,multiple)] } { logwarn "Warning in $aProcessedFileName: $inherits($class,multiple);" logwarn "macro DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI is changed assuming it inherits $inherits($class), please check!" } set change_flag 1 ReplaceSubString aProcessedFileContent $location \ "${start}EXT($class,$inherits($class))" index } } else { logwarn "Error in $aProcessedFile: Macro DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI used for class $class whose declaration is not found in this file, cannot fix" } } elseif { [llength $clist] == 2 } { set class [string trim [lindex $clist 0]] set base [string trim [lindex $clist 1]] if { ! [info exists inherits($class)] } { logwarn "Warning in $aProcessedFile: Macro DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI used for class $class whose declaration is not found in this file" } elseif { $base != $inherits($class) && ! [info exists inherits($class,multiple)] } { logwarn "Warning in $aProcessedFile: Second argument in macro DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI for class $class is $base while $class seems to inherit from $inherits($class)" } # convert intermediate version of macro DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI # with two arguments to either _INLINE or EXT variant if { ! $theCheckMode && "$suffix" == "" } { set change_flag 1 # try to inject macro IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT in the # corresponding source file (or check it already present), # and depending on this, use either inline or out-of-line variant set rtti_suffix [DefineExplicitRtti $aProcessedFile $class $base $theSourceExtensions] ReplaceSubString aProcessedFileContent $location \ "${start}${rtti_suffix}($class,$base)" index } } } # replace includes of Standard_DefineHandle.hxx by Standard_Type.hxx # set index 0 # set pattern_definehandle {\#\s*include\s*<\s*Standard_DefineHandle.hxx\s*>} # while { [regexp -start $index -indices -lineanchor $pattern_definehandle $aProcessedFileContent location] } { # set index [lindex $location 1] # if { ! $theCheckMode } { # set change_flag 1 # ReplaceSubString aProcessedFileContent $location "\#include " index # incr index -1 # } else { # logwarn "Warning: $aProcessedFile contains obsolete forward declarations of Handle classes" # break # } # } # remove macros IMPLEMENT_DOWNCAST() and IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_*(); if { ! $theCompatibleMode } { set index 0 set first_newline \n\n set pattern_implement {\\?\n\s*IMPLEMENT_(DOWNCAST|STANDARD_[A-Z_]+|HARRAY1|HARRAY2|HUBTREE|HEBTREE|HSEQUENCE)\s*\([A-Za-z0-9_ ,]*\)\s*;?} while { [regexp -start $index -indices -lineanchor $pattern_implement $aProcessedFileContent location macro] } { set index [lindex $location 1] # macro IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT is retained if { [eval string range \$aProcessedFileContent $macro] == "STANDARD_RTTIEXT" } { continue } if { ! $theCheckMode } { set change_flag 1 ReplaceSubString aProcessedFileContent $location $first_newline index # set first_newline "" incr index -1 } else { logwarn "Warning: $aProcessedFile contains deprecated macros IMPLEMENT_*" break } } } # find all uses of macro STANDARD_TYPE and method DownCast and ensure that # argument class is explicitly included set pattern_incbeg {\s*#\s*include\s*[\"<]\s*([A-Za-z0-9_/]*/)?} set pattern_incend {[.][a-zA-Z]+\s*[\">]} set index 0 set addtype {} set pattern_type1 {STANDARD_TYPE\s*\(\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*\)} while { [regexp -start $index -indices $pattern_type1 $aProcessedFileContent location name] } { set index [lindex $location 1] set name [eval string range \$aProcessedFileContent $name] if { ! [regexp -lineanchor "^${pattern_incbeg}${name}${pattern_incend}" $aProcessedFileContent] && [lsearch -exact $addtype $name] < 0 && [SearchForFile $theIncPaths $name.hxx]} { lappend addtype $name } } set pattern_type2 {Handle\s*\(\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*\)\s*::\s*DownCast} while { [regexp -start $index -indices $pattern_type2 $aProcessedFileContent location name] } { set index [lindex $location 1] set name [eval string range \$aProcessedFileContent $name] if { ! [regexp -lineanchor "^${pattern_incbeg}${name}${pattern_incend}" $aProcessedFileContent] && [lsearch -exact $addtype $name] < 0 && [SearchForFile $theIncPaths $name.hxx]} { lappend addtype $name } } if { [llength $addtype] > 0 } { if { ! $theCheckMode } { set addinc "" foreach type $addtype { if { "$aProcessedFileName" != "$type.hxx" } { append addinc "\n#include <$type.hxx>" } } if { [regexp -indices ".*\n${pattern_incbeg}\[A-Za-z0-9_/\]+${pattern_incend}" $aProcessedFileContent location] } { set change_flag 1 ReplaceSubString aProcessedFileContent $location "[eval string range \$aProcessedFileContent $location]$addinc" index } else { logerr "Error: $aProcessedFile: Cannot find #include statement to add more includes..." } } else { logwarn "Warning: $aProcessedFile: The following class names are used as arguments of STANDARD_TYPE" logwarn " macro, but not included directly: $addtype" break } } # apply changes to the header file if { $change_flag } { SaveTextToFile $aProcessedFile $aProcessedFileContent } } } # replace all forward declarations of "class Handle(...)" with fwd of "class ..." proc ConvertHandle {theTargetPath theIncPaths theCheckMode theExtensions} { # iterate by header files foreach aHeader [glob -nocomplain -type f -directory $theTargetPath *.{$theExtensions}] { set aCurrentHeaderName [file tail $aHeader] # skip gxx files, as names Handle_xxx used there are in most cases # placeholders of the argument types substituted by #define if {[file extension $aHeader] == ".gxx"} { continue } # read the content of the header if { [catch {set fd [open $aHeader rb]}] } { logerr "Error: cannot open $aHeader" continue } close $fd set aHeaderContent [ReadFileToList $aHeader aHeaderRawContent aHeaderEOL] set anUpdateHeader false # if file contains "slots:" or "signals:", assume it defines some QObject # class(es). # In this case, type names "Handle_T" will not be replaced by Handle(T) to # prevent failure of compilation of MOC code if such types are used in # slots or signals (MOC does not expand macros). # Forward declaration of a Handle will be then replaced by #include of # corresponding class header (if such header is found), assuming that name # typedefed Handle_T is defined in corresponding header (as typedef). set isQObject [expr [regexp "Q_OBJECT" $aHeaderContent] && [regexp "(slots|signals)\s*:" $aHeaderContent]] # replace all IDs with prefix Handle_ by use of Handle() macro if { ! $isQObject } { set anUpdatedHeaderContent {} set pattern_handle {\mHandle_([A-Za-z0-9_]+)} foreach line $aHeaderContent { # do not touch typedefs, #include, and #if... statements if { [regexp {^\s*typedef} $line] || [regexp {^\s*\#\s*include} $line] || [regexp {^\s*\#\s*if} $line] } { lappend anUpdatedHeaderContent $line continue } # in other preprocessor statements, skip first expression to avoid # replacements in #define Handle_... and similar cases set index 0 if { [regexp -indices {\s*#\s*[A-Za-z]+\s+[^\s]+} $line location] } { set index [expr 1 + [lindex $location 1]] } # replace Handle_T by Handle(T) while { [regexp -start $index -indices $pattern_handle $line location class] } { set index [lindex $location 1] set class [eval string range \$line $class] # puts "Found: [eval string range \$line $location]" if { ! $theCheckMode } { set anUpdateHeader true ReplaceSubString line $location "Handle($class)" index } else { logwarn "Warning: $aHeader refers to IDs starting with \"Handle_\" which are likely" logwarn " instances of OCCT Handle classes (e.g. \"$class\"); these are to be " logwarn " replaced by template opencascade::handle<> or legacy macro Handle()" set index -1 ;# to break outer cycle break } } lappend anUpdatedHeaderContent $line if { $index < 0 } { set anUpdatedHeaderContent $aHeaderContent break } } set aHeaderContent $anUpdatedHeaderContent } # replace NS::Handle(A) by Handle(NS::A) set anUpdatedHeaderContent {} set pattern_nshandle {([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*::\s*Handle\s*\(\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*\)} foreach line $aHeaderContent { set index 0 while { [regexp -start $index -indices -lineanchor $pattern_nshandle $line location scope class]} { set index [lindex $location 1] set scope [eval string range \$line $scope] set class [eval string range \$line $class] if { ! $theCheckMode } { set anUpdateHeader true ReplaceSubString line $location "Handle(${scope}::${class})" index } else { logwarn "Warning in $aHeader: usage of Handle macro inside scope is incorrect: [eval string range \$line $location]" set index -1 ;# to break outer cycle break } } lappend anUpdatedHeaderContent $line if { $index < 0 } { set anUpdatedHeaderContent $aHeaderContent break } } set aHeaderContent $anUpdatedHeaderContent # remove all forward declarations of Handle classes set anUpdatedHeaderContent {} set aFwdHandlePattern {^\s*class\s+Handle[_\(]([A-Za-z0-9_]+)[\)]?\s*\;\s*$} foreach aHeaderContentLine $aHeaderContent { if {[regexp $aFwdHandlePattern $aHeaderContentLine dummy aForwardDeclHandledClass]} { if {$theCheckMode} { loginfo "Info: $aHeader contains statement involving forward decl of Handle_$aForwardDeclHandledClass" } else { # replace by forward declaration of a class or its include unless # it is already declared or included if { ! [regexp "\#\\s*include\\s*\[\<\"\]\\s*(\[A-Za-z0-9_/\]*/)?$aForwardDeclHandledClass\[.\]hxx\\s*\[\>\"\]" $aHeaderContent] } { if { $isQObject && "$aCurrentHeaderName" != "${aForwardDeclHandledClass}.hxx" } { lappend anUpdatedHeaderContent "#include <${aForwardDeclHandledClass}.hxx>" if { ! [SearchForFile $theIncPaths ${aForwardDeclHandledClass}.hxx] } { loginfo "Warning: include ${aForwardDeclHandledClass}.hxx added in $aHeader, assuming it exists and defines Handle_$aForwardDeclHandledClass" } } elseif { ! [regexp "^\s*class\s+$aForwardDeclHandledClass\s*;" $aHeaderContent] } { lappend anUpdatedHeaderContent "class $aForwardDeclHandledClass;" } } set anUpdateHeader true continue } } lappend anUpdatedHeaderContent $aHeaderContentLine } set aHeaderContent $anUpdatedHeaderContent # remove all typedefs using Handle() macro to generate typedefed name set anUpdatedHeaderContent {} set aTypedefHandlePattern {^\s*typedef\s+[_A-Za-z\<\>, \s]+\s+Handle\([A-Za-z0-9_]+\)\s*\;\s*$} foreach aHeaderContentLine $aHeaderContent { if {[regexp $aTypedefHandlePattern $aHeaderContentLine aFoundPattern]} { if {$theCheckMode} { loginfo "Info: $aHeader contains typedef using Handle macro to generate name: $aFoundPattern" } else { set anUpdateHeader true continue } } lappend anUpdatedHeaderContent $aHeaderContentLine } set aHeaderContent $anUpdatedHeaderContent # remove all #include statements for files starting with "Handle_" set anUpdatedHeaderContent {} set anIncHandlePattern {^\s*\#\s*include\s+[\<\"]\s*(Handle[\(_][A-Za-z0-9_.]+[\)]?)\s*[\>\"]\s*$} foreach aHeaderContentLine $aHeaderContent { if {[regexp $anIncHandlePattern $aHeaderContentLine aFoundPattern anHxxName] && ! [SearchForFile $theIncPaths $anHxxName]} { if {$theCheckMode} { loginfo "Info: $aHeader includes missing header: $anHxxName" } else { set anUpdateHeader true continue } } lappend anUpdatedHeaderContent $aHeaderContentLine } # save result if {$anUpdateHeader} { SaveListToFile $aHeader $anUpdatedHeaderContent $aHeaderEOL } } } # Replaces C-style casts of Handle object to Handle to derived type # by call to DownCast() method proc ConvertCStyleHandleCast {pkpath theExtensions theCheckMode} { # iterate by header files foreach afile [glob -nocomplain -type f -directory $pkpath *.\{$theExtensions\}] { set hxx [ReadFileToRawText $afile] set change_flag 0 # replace ((Handle(A)&)b) by Handle(A)::DownCast(b) set index 0 set pattern_refcast1 {\(\(\s*Handle\s*\(\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*\)\s*[&]\s*\)\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\)} while { [regexp -start $index -indices -lineanchor $pattern_refcast1 $hxx location class var]} { set index [lindex $location 1] set class [eval string range \$hxx $class] set var [eval string range \$hxx $var] if { ! $theCheckMode } { set change_flag 1 ReplaceSubString hxx $location "Handle($class)::DownCast ($var)" index } else { logwarn "Warning in $afile: C-style cast: [eval string range \$hxx $location]" } } # replace (Handle(A)&)b, by Handle(A)::DownCast(b), # replace (Handle(A)&)b; by Handle(A)::DownCast(b); # replace (Handle(A)&)b) by Handle(A)::DownCast(b)) set index 0 set pattern_refcast2 {\(\s*Handle\s*\(\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*\)\s*[&]\s*\)\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)(\s*[,;\)])} while { [regexp -start $index -indices -lineanchor $pattern_refcast2 $hxx location class var end]} { set index [lindex $location 1] set class [eval string range \$hxx $class] set var [eval string range \$hxx $var] set end [eval string range \$hxx $end] if { ! $theCheckMode } { set change_flag 1 ReplaceSubString hxx $location "Handle($class)::DownCast ($var)$end" index } else { logwarn "Warning in $afile: C-style cast: [eval string range \$hxx $location]" } } # replace (*((Handle(A)*)&b)) by Handle(A)::DownCast(b) set index 0 set pattern_ptrcast1 {([^A-Za-z0-9_]\s*)\(\s*[*]\s*\(\(Handle\s*\(\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*\)\s*[*]\s*\)\s*[&]\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*\)\s*\)} while { [regexp -start $index -indices -lineanchor $pattern_ptrcast1 $hxx location start class var] } { set index [lindex $location 1] set start [eval string range \$hxx $start] set class [eval string range \$hxx $class] set var [eval string range \$hxx $var] if { ! $theCheckMode } { set change_flag 1 ReplaceSubString hxx $location "${start}Handle($class)::DownCast ($var)" index } else { logwarn "Warning in $afile: C-style cast: [eval string range \$hxx $location]" } } # replace *((Handle(A)*)&b) by Handle(A)::DownCast(b) set index 0 set pattern_ptrcast2 {[*]\s*\(\(Handle\s*\(\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*\)\s*[*]\s*\)\s*[&]\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*\)} while { [regexp -start $index -indices -lineanchor $pattern_ptrcast2 $hxx location class var] } { set index [lindex $location 1] set class [eval string range \$hxx $class] set var [eval string range \$hxx $var] if { ! $theCheckMode } { set change_flag 1 ReplaceSubString hxx $location "Handle($class)::DownCast ($var)" index } else { logwarn "Warning in $afile: C-style cast: [eval string range \$hxx $location]" } } # replace (*(Handle(A)*)&b) by Handle(A)::DownCast(b) set index 0 set pattern_ptrcast3 {([^A-Za-z0-9_]\s*)\(\s*[*]\s*\(Handle\s*\(\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*\)\s*[*]\s*\)\s*[&]\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*\)} while { [regexp -start $index -indices -lineanchor $pattern_ptrcast3 $hxx location start class var] } { set index [lindex $location 1] set start [eval string range \$hxx $start] set class [eval string range \$hxx $class] set var [eval string range \$hxx $var] if { ! $theCheckMode } { set change_flag 1 ReplaceSubString hxx $location "${start}Handle($class)::DownCast ($var)" index } else { logwarn "Warning in $afile: C-style cast: [eval string range \$hxx $location]" } } # replace *(Handle(A)*)&b, by Handle(A)::DownCast(b), # replace *(Handle(A)*)&b; by Handle(A)::DownCast(b); # replace *(Handle(A)*)&b) by Handle(A)::DownCast(b)) set index 0 set pattern_ptrcast4 {[*]\s*\(Handle\s*\(\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*\)\s*[*]\s*\)\s*[&]\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)(\s*[,;\)])} while { [regexp -start $index -indices -lineanchor $pattern_ptrcast4 $hxx location class var end] } { set index [lindex $location 1] set class [eval string range \$hxx $class] set var [eval string range \$hxx $var] set end [eval string range \$hxx $end] if { ! $theCheckMode } { set change_flag 1 ReplaceSubString hxx $location "Handle($class)::DownCast ($var)$end" index } else { logwarn "Warning in $afile: C-style cast: [eval string range \$hxx $location]" } } # just warn if some casts to & are still there set index 0 set pattern_refcast0 {\(\s*Handle\s*\(\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*\)\s*[&]\s*\)\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)} while { [regexp -start $index -indices -lineanchor $pattern_refcast0 $hxx location class var] } { set index [lindex $location 1] set var [eval string range \$hxx $var] if { "$var" != "const" && "$var" != "Standard_OVERRIDE" } { logwarn "Warning in $afile: C-style cast: [eval string range \$hxx $location]" } } # replace const Handle(A)& a = Handle(B)::DownCast (b); by # Handle(A) a ( Handle(B)::DownCast (b) ); set index 0 set pattern_refvar {\mconst\s+Handle\s*\(\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*\)\s*[&]\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*=\s*(Handle\s*\(\s*[A-Za-z0-9_]+\s*\)\s*::\s*DownCast\s*\([^;]+);} while { [regexp -start $index -indices -lineanchor $pattern_refvar $hxx location class var hexpr] } { set index [lindex $location 1] set class [eval string range \$hxx $class] set var [eval string range \$hxx $var] set hexpr [eval string range \$hxx $hexpr] if { ! $theCheckMode } { set change_flag 1 ReplaceSubString hxx $location "Handle($class) $var ($hexpr);" index } else { logwarn "Warning in $afile: C-style cast: [eval string range \$hxx $location]" } } # apply changes to the header file if { $change_flag } { SaveTextToFile $afile $hxx } } } # Remove unnecessary forward declaration of a class if found immediately before # its use in DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE proc RemoveFwdClassForDefineStandardHandle {pkpath theCheckMode} { # iterate by header files foreach afile [glob -nocomplain -type f -directory $pkpath *.?xx] { # load a file if { [catch {set fd [open $afile rb]}] } { logerr "Error: cannot open $afile" continue } set hxx [read $fd] close $fd set change_flag 0 # replace set index 0 set pattern_fwddef {class\s+([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*;\s*DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE\s*\(\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*,\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*\)[ \t]*} while { [regexp -start $index -indices -lineanchor $pattern_fwddef $aProcessedFileContent location fwdclass class1 class2] } { set index [lindex $location 1] set fwdclass [eval string range \$aProcessedFileContent $fwdclass] set class1 [eval string range \$aProcessedFileContent $class1] set class2 [eval string range \$aProcessedFileContent $class2] if { $fwdclass != $class1 } { continue } if { ! $theCheckMode } { set change_flag 1 ReplaceSubString aProcessedFileContent $location "DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE($class1, $class2)" index incr index -1 } else { logwarn "Warning: $aProcessedFile contains unnecessary forward declarations of class $fwdclass" break } } # apply changes to the header file if { $change_flag } { SaveTextToFile $afile $hxx } } } # auxiliary: modifies variable text_var replacing part defined by two indices # given in location by string str, and updates index_var variable to point to # the end of the replaced string. Variable flag_var is set to 1. proc ReplaceSubString {theSource theLocation theSubstitute theEndIndex} { upvar $theSource aSource upvar $theEndIndex anEndIndex set aStartIndex [lindex $theLocation 0] set anEndIndex [lindex $theLocation 1] set aSource [string replace "$aSource" $aStartIndex $anEndIndex "$theSubstitute"] set anEndIndex [expr $aStartIndex + [string length $theSubstitute]] } # Save theFileContent some text to theFilePath file proc SaveTextToFile {theFilePath theFileContent} { if { [catch {set aFile [open ${theFilePath} w];} aReason] } { logerr "Error: cannot open file \"${theFilePath}\" for writing: $aReason" return } fconfigure $aFile -translation binary puts -nonewline $aFile "$theFileContent" close $aFile loginfo "File $theFilePath modified" } # read content from theFilePath to list, theFileContent is a raw content of the file proc ReadFileToList {theFilePath theFileContent theFileEOL} { upvar $theFileContent aFileContent upvar $theFileEOL aFileEOL if {"$theFilePath" == "" || ![file exists $theFilePath]} { return } if { [catch {set aFile [open ${theFilePath} r]} aReason] } { logerr "Error: cannot open file \"${theFilePath}\" for reading: $aReason" return } fconfigure $aFile -translation binary set aFileContent [read $aFile] close $aFile set aFileEOL "\r" if [regexp "\r\n" $aFileContent] { set aFileEOL "\r\n" } elseif [regexp "\n" $aFileContent] { set aFileEOL "\n" } # convert to unix eol if {"$aFileEOL" != "\n"} { regsub -all {$aFileEOL} $aFileContent "\n" aFileContent } set aList [split $aFileContent "\n"] # set aList {} # foreach aLine [split $aFileContent "\n"] { # lappend aList [string trimright $aLine] # } return $aList } # read content from theFilePath to raw text (with unix eol) proc ReadFileToRawText {theFilePath} { if {"$theFilePath" == "" || ![file exists $theFilePath]} { return } if { [catch {set aFile [open ${theFilePath} r]} aReason] } { logerr "Error: cannot open file \"${theFilePath}\" for reading: $aReason" return } fconfigure $aFile -translation binary set aFileContent [read $aFile] close $aFile set aFileEOL "\r" if [regexp "\r\n" $aFileContent] { set aFileEOL "\r\n" } elseif [regexp "\n" $aFileContent] { set aFileEOL "\n" } # convert to unix eol if {"$aFileEOL" != "\n"} { regsub -all {$aFileEOL} $aFileContent "\n" aFileContent } return $aFileContent } # auxiliary: saves content of "theData" list to "theFilePath" proc SaveListToFile {theFilePath theData {theEOL "auto"}} { set anUsedEol $theEOL if {"$anUsedEol" == ""} { set anUsedEol "auto" } # if the file exists and "eol choice" is "auto", detect the file eol if {$anUsedEol == "auto" && [file exists $theFilePath]} { if { [catch {set aFile [open ${theFilePath} r]} aReason] } { logerr "Error: cannot open file \"${theFilePath}\" for reading: $aReason" } else { fconfigure $aFile -translation binary set aFileContent [read $aFile] close $aFile set anUsedEol "\r" if [regexp "\r\n" $aFileContent] { set anUsedEol "\r\n" } elseif [regexp "\n" $aFileContent] { set anUsedEol "\n" } } } # write if { [catch {set aFile [open ${theFilePath} w];} aReason] } { logerr "Error: cannot open file \"${theFilePath}\" for writing: $aReason" return } fconfigure $aFile -translation binary puts -nonewline $aFile [join $theData $anUsedEol] close $aFile loginfo "File $theFilePath modified" } # collect all subdirs of theBaseDir proc CollectDirStructure {theBaseDir} { set aDirs [glob -nocomplain -directory $theBaseDir -type d *] set aSubDirs {} foreach aDir $aDirs { foreach aSubDir [CollectDirStructure $aDir] { lappend aSubDirs $aSubDir } } foreach aSubDir $aSubDirs { lappend aDirs $aSubDir } return $aDirs } # check existence of theFileName file in several folders (theIncPaths) proc SearchForFile {theIncPaths theFileName} { foreach aPath $theIncPaths { if {[file exists "${aPath}/${theFileName}"]} { return true } } return false } # auxiliary: parse the string to comment and not comment parts # variable "_cmnt" should be created before using the operation, it will save comment part of line # variable "_isMulti" should be created before the loop, equal to "false" if first line in the loop is not multi-comment line proc _check_line { line } { upvar _isMulti _isMulti upvar _cmnt _cmnt set string_length [string length $line] set c_b $string_length set mc_b $string_length set mc_e $string_length regexp -indices {//} $line c_b regexp -indices {/\*} $line mc_b regexp -indices {\*/} $line mc_e if {!${_isMulti}} { if {[lindex $c_b 0] < [lindex $mc_b 0] && [lindex $c_b 0] < [lindex $mc_e 0]} { set notComment_c [string range $line 0 [expr [lindex $c_b 0]-1]] set Comment_c [string range $line [lindex $c_b 0] end] set _cmnt $_cmnt$Comment_c return $notComment_c } elseif {[lindex $mc_b 0] < [lindex $c_b 0] && [lindex $mc_b 0] < [lindex $mc_e 0]} { set _isMulti true set _cmnt "${_cmnt}/*" set notComment_mc [string range $line 0 [expr [lindex $mc_b 0]-1]] set Comment_mc [string range $line [expr [lindex $mc_b 1]+1] end] return [_check_line "${notComment_mc}[_check_line ${Comment_mc}]"] } elseif {[lindex $mc_e 0] < [lindex $c_b 0] && [lindex $mc_e 0] < [lindex $mc_b 0]} { set notComment_mc [string range $line [expr [lindex $mc_e 1]+1] end] set Comment_mc [string range $line 0 [expr [lindex $mc_e 0]-1]] set _cmnt "${_cmnt}${Comment_mc}*/" set chk [_check_line ${notComment_mc}] set _isMulti true return $chk } } else { if {[lindex $mc_e 0] < [lindex $mc_b 0]} { set _isMulti false set Comment_mc [string range $line 0 [lindex $mc_e 1]] set notComment_mc [string range $line [expr [lindex $mc_e 1]+1] end] set _cmnt $_cmnt$Comment_mc return [_check_line $notComment_mc] } elseif {[lindex $mc_b 0] < [lindex $mc_e 0] } { set notComment_mc [string range $line 0 [expr [lindex $mc_b 0]-1]] set Comment_mc [string range $line [expr [lindex $mc_b 1]+1] end] set _cmnt "${_cmnt}/*" set chk [_check_line "${notComment_mc}[_check_line ${Comment_mc}]"] set _isMulti false return $chk } else { set _cmnt $_cmnt$line return "" } } return $line } # Create Tk-based logger which allows convenient consulting the upgrade process. proc _create_logger {} { if { [catch {winfo exists .h}] } { logerr "Error: Tk commands are not available, cannot create UI!" return } if { ![winfo exists .h ] } { toplevel .h wm title .h "Conversion log" wm geometry .h +320+200 wm resizable .h 0 0 text .h.t -yscrollcommand {.h.sbar set} scrollbar .h.sbar -orient vertical -command {.h.t yview} pack .h.sbar -side right -fill y pack .h.t } } set LogFilePath "" # Puts the passed string into Tk-based logger highlighting it with the # given color for better view. If no logger exists (-wlog option was not # activated), the standard output is used. proc _logcommon {theLogMessage {theMessageColor ""}} { global LogFilePath if {"$LogFilePath" != ""} { if { ! [catch {set aLogFile [open ${LogFilePath} a];} aReason] } { set t [clock milliseconds] set aTimeAndMessage [format "\[%s\] %s" \ [clock format [expr {$t / 1000}] -format %T] \ $theLogMessage \ ] puts $aLogFile $aTimeAndMessage close $aLogFile } else { logerr "Error: cannot open $LogFilePath log file due to $aReason" } } if { ! [catch {winfo exists .h} res] && $res } { .h.t insert end "$theLogMessage\n" if {$theLogMessage != ""} { # We use the current number of lines to generate unique tag in the text set aLineNb [lindex [split [.h.t index "end - 1 line"] "."] 0] .h.t tag add my_tag_$aLineNb end-2l end-1l .h.t tag configure my_tag_$aLineNb -background $theMessageColor } update } else { puts $theLogMessage } } # Puts information message to logger. proc loginfo {a} { _logcommon $a } # Puts warning message to logger. proc logwarn {a} { _logcommon $a "pink" } # Puts error message to logger. proc logerr {a} { _logcommon $a "red" }