#!/bin/bash if [ "$1" == "" ]; then echo Launch selected sample as follows: echo sample.sh SampleName d echo or to use last sample build configuration: echo sample.sh SampleName echo available samples: echo FuncDemo echo IESample echo Tutorial fi aCurrentPath="$PWD" aScriptPath=${BASH_SOURCE%/*}; if [ -d "${aScriptPath}" ]; then cd "$aScriptPath"; fi; aScriptPath="$PWD"; source "${aScriptPath}/env.sh" "$2" if test "${QTDIR}" == ""; then if [ -d "$QTDIR%\qml" ]; then export QML2_IMPORT_PATH="$QTDIR\qml"; fi fi export "EXE_PATH=$CSF_OCCTBinPath/$1" if [ ! -f "$EXE_PATH" ]; then echo "Executable \"$EXE_PATH\" not found." echo "Probably you didn't compile the application." exit 1 fi cd ${aCurrentPath} "$EXE_PATH"