# ======================================================================= # Created on: 2014-03-21 # Created by: OMY # Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Matra Datavision # Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS # # This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published # by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file # OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT # distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty. # # Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE # commercial license or contractual agreement. # ======================================================================= # This script contains auxiliary functions which can be used # in documentation generation process # ======================================================================= # ============================================== # Commonly used functions # ============================================== # Parses arguments line like "-arg1=val1 -arg2=val2 ..." to array args_names and map args_values proc OCCDoc_ParseArguments {arguments} { global args_names global args_values set args_names {} array set args_values {} foreach arg $arguments { if {[regexp {^(-)[a-z_]+$} $arg] == 1} { set name [string range $arg 1 [string length $arg]-1] lappend args_names $name set args_values($name) "NULL" continue } elseif {[regexp {^(-)[a-z_]+=.+$} $arg] == 1} { set equal_symbol_position [string first "=" $arg] set name [string range $arg 1 $equal_symbol_position-1] lappend args_names $name set value [string range $arg $equal_symbol_position+1 [string length $arguments]-1] # To parse a list of values for -m parameter if { [string first "," $value] != -1 } { set value [split $value ","]; } set args_values($name) $value } else { puts "Error in argument $arg." return 1 } } return 0 } # Returns script parent folder proc OCCDoc_GetDoxDir { {theProductsPath ""} } { if { $theProductsPath == "" } { return [file normalize [file dirname [info script]]/../dox] } else { return [file normalize $theProductsPath]/dox } } # Returns products root folder proc OCCDoc_GetProdRootDir {} { if {[info exists ::env(PRODROOT)]} { return [file normalize $::env(PRODROOT)] } } # Returns OCCT root dir proc OCCDoc_GetOCCTRootDir {} { set path [OCCDoc_GetDoxDir] return [file normalize $path/..] } # Returns root dir proc OCCDoc_GetRootDir { {theProductsPath ""} } { if { $theProductsPath == "" } { return [OCCDoc_GetOCCTRootDir] } else { return [file normalize $theProductsPath] } } # Returns OCCT include dir proc OCCDoc_GetIncDir { {theProductsPath ""} } { set path [OCCDoc_GetRootDir $theProductsPath] return "$path/inc" } # Returns OCCT source dir proc OCCDoc_GetSourceDir { {theProductsPath ""} } { set path [OCCDoc_GetRootDir $theProductsPath] return "$path/src" } # Returns name of the package from the current toolkit proc OCCDoc_GetNameFromPath { thePath } { set splitted_path [split $thePath "/" ] set package_name [lindex $splitted_path end] return $package_name } # Returns the relative path between two folders proc OCCDoc_GetRelPath {thePathFrom thePathTo} { if { [file isdirectory "$thePathFrom"] == 0 } { return "" } set aPathFrom [file normalize "$thePathFrom"] set aPathTo [file normalize "$thePathTo"] set aCutedPathFrom "${aPathFrom}/dummy" set aRelatedDeepPath "" while { "$aCutedPathFrom" != [file normalize "$aCutedPathFrom/.."] } { set aCutedPathFrom [file normalize "$aCutedPathFrom/.."] # does aPathTo contain aCutedPathFrom? regsub -all $aCutedPathFrom $aPathTo "" aPathFromAfterCut if { "$aPathFromAfterCut" != "$aPathTo" } { # if so if { "$aCutedPathFrom" == "$aPathFrom" } { # just go higher, for example, ./somefolder/someotherfolder set aPathTo ".${aPathTo}" } elseif { "$aCutedPathFrom" == "$aPathTo" } { # remove the last "/" set aRelatedDeepPath [string replace $aRelatedDeepPath end end ""] } regsub -all $aCutedPathFrom $aPathTo $aRelatedDeepPath aPathToAfterCut regsub -all "//" $aPathToAfterCut "/" aPathToAfterCut return $aPathToAfterCut } set aRelatedDeepPath "$aRelatedDeepPath../" } return $thePathTo } # Returns OCCT version string from file Standard_Version.hxx (if available) proc OCCDoc_DetectCasVersion {} { set occt_ver 6.7.0 set occt_ver_add "" set filename "[OCCDoc_GetSourceDir]/Standard/Standard_Version.hxx" if { [file exists $filename] } { set fh [open $filename "r"] set fh_loaded [read $fh] close $fh regexp {[^/]\s*#\s*define\s+OCC_VERSION_COMPLETE\s+\"([^\s]*)\"} $fh_loaded dummy occt_ver regexp {[^/]\s*#\s*define\s+OCC_VERSION_DEVELOPMENT\s+\"([^\s]*)\"} $fh_loaded dummy occt_ver_add if { "$occt_ver_add" != "" } { set occt_ver ${occt_ver}.$occt_ver_add } } return $occt_ver } # Checks if the necessary tools exist proc OCCDoc_DetectNecessarySoftware { DOXYGEN_PATH GRAPHVIZ_PATH INKSCAPE_PATH HHC_PATH PDFLATEX_PATH } { upvar 1 DOXYGEN_PATH doxy_path upvar 1 GRAPHVIZ_PATH graph_path upvar 1 INKSCAPE_PATH inkscape_path upvar 1 HHC_PATH hhc_path upvar 1 PDFLATEX_PATH latex_path set doxy_path "" set graph_path "" set inkscape_path "" set latex_path "" set hhc_path "" set is_win "no" if { "$::tcl_platform(platform)" == "windows" } { set is_win "yes" } if {"$is_win" == "yes"} { set exe ".exe" set com ".com" } else { set exe "" set com "" } set g_flag "no" set d_flag "no" set i_flag "no" set h_flag "no" set l_flag "no" puts "" set envPath $::env(PATH) if { $is_win == "yes" } { set searchPathsList [split $envPath ";"] } else { set searchPathsList [split $envPath ":"] } foreach path $searchPathsList { if { ($is_win == "no") && (($path == "/usr/bin") || ($path == "/usr/local/bin")) } { # Avoid searching in default bin location continue } if {$d_flag == "no"} { if { [file exists $path/doxygen$exe] } { catch { exec $path/doxygen -V } version_string set version [lindex [split $version_string "\n"] 0] puts "Info: $version " puts " found in $path." set doxy_path "$path/doxygen$exe" set d_flag "yes" } } if {$g_flag == "no"} { if { [file exists $path/dot$exe] } { catch { exec $path/dot -V } version puts "Info: $version " puts " found in $path." set graph_path "$path/dot$exe" set g_flag "yes" } } if {$i_flag == "no"} { if { [file exists $path/inkscape$com] } { catch { exec $path/inkscape -V } version puts "Info: $version " puts " found in $path." set inkscape_path "$path/inkscape$com" set i_flag "yes" } } if {$l_flag == "no"} { if { [file exists $path/pdflatex$exe] } { catch { exec $path/pdflatex -version } version set version [lindex [split $version "\n"] 0] puts "Info: $version " puts " found in $path." set latex_path "$path/pdflatex$exe" set l_flag "yes" } } if { ("$is_win" == "yes") && ($h_flag == "no") } { if { [file exists $path/hhc.exe] } { puts "Info: hhc " puts " found in $path." set hhc_path "hhc$exe" set h_flag "yes" } } if { ($d_flag == "yes") && ($i_flag == "yes") && ($g_flag == "yes") && ($l_flag == "yes") && (($is_win == "yes") && ($h_flag == "yes")) } { break } } # On Windows search for hhc.exe in the default location # if it has not been found yet if { ("$is_win" == "yes") && ($h_flag == "no") } { if { [info exists ::env(ProgramFiles\(x86\))] } { set h_flag "yes" set path "$::env(ProgramFiles\(x86\))\\HTML Help Workshop" set hhc_path "$path\\hhc.exe" puts "Info: hhc " puts " found in $path." } else { if { [info exists ::env(ProgramFiles)] } { set h_flag "yes" set path "$::env(ProgramFiles)\\HTML Help Workshop" set hhc_path "$path\\hhc.exe" puts "Info: hhc" puts " found in $path." } } } # On *nix-like platforms, # check the default binary locations if the tools had not been found yet if { $is_win == "no" && (($d_flag == "no") || ($i_flag == "no") || ($g_flag == "no") || ($l_flag == "no")) } { set default_path { "/usr/bin" "/usr/local/bin" } foreach path $default_path { if {$d_flag == "no"} { if { [file exists $path/doxygen$exe] } { catch { exec $path/doxygen -V } version_string set version [lindex [split $version_string "\n"] 0] puts "Info: $version " puts " found in $path." set doxy_path "$path/doxygen$exe" set d_flag "yes" } } if {$g_flag == "no"} { if { [file exists $path/dot$exe] } { catch { exec $path/dot -V } version puts "Info: $version " puts " found in $path." set graph_path "$path/dot$exe" set g_flag "yes" } } if {$i_flag == "no"} { if { [file exists $path/inkscape$exe] } { catch { exec $path/inkscape -V } version puts "Info: $version " puts " found in $path." set inkscape_path "$path/inkscape$exe" set i_flag "yes" } } if {$l_flag == "no"} { if { [file exists $path/pdflatex$exe] } { catch { exec $path/pdflatex -version } version set version [lindex [split $version "\n"] 0] puts "Info: $version " puts " found in $path." set latex_path "$path/pdflatex$exe" set l_flag "yes" } } } } # Check if tools have been found if { $d_flag == "no" } { puts "Warning: Could not find doxygen installed." return -1 } if { $g_flag == "no" } { puts "Warning: Could not find graphviz installed." } if { $i_flag == "no" } { puts "Warning: Could not find inkscape installed." } if { $l_flag == "no" } { puts "Warning: Could not find pdflatex installed." } if { ("$::tcl_platform(platform)" == "windows") && ($h_flag == "no") } { puts "Warning: Could not find hhc installed." } puts "" } # Convert SVG files to PDF format to allow including them to PDF # (requires InkScape to be in PATH) proc OCCDoc_ProcessSvg {latexDir verboseMode} { set anSvgList [glob -nocomplain $latexDir/*.svg] if { $anSvgList == {} } { return } catch { exec inkscape -V } anInkVer set isOldSyntax 0 if {[string match "Inkscape 0.*" $anInkVer]} { set isOldSyntax 1 } foreach file $anSvgList { if {$verboseMode == "YES"} { puts "Info: Converting file $file..." } set pdffile "[file rootname $file].pdf" if { $isOldSyntax == 1 } { if { [catch {exec inkscape -z -D --file=$file --export-pdf=$pdffile} res] } { #puts "Error: $res." return } } else { if { [catch {exec inkscape $file --export-area-drawing --export-type=pdf --export-filename=$pdffile} res] } { #puts "Error: $res." return } } } } # ============================================== # Reference Manual-specific functions # ============================================== # Finds dependencies between all modules proc OCCDoc_CreateModulesDependencyGraph {dir filename modules mpageprefix} { global module_dependency if {![catch {open $dir/$filename.dot "w"} file]} { puts $file "digraph $filename" puts $file "\{" foreach mod $modules { if { $mod == "" } { continue } puts $file "\t$mod \[ URL = \"[string tolower $mpageprefix$mod.html]\" \]" foreach mod_depend $module_dependency($mod) { puts $file "\t$mod_depend -> $mod \[ dir = \"back\", color = \"midnightblue\", style = \"solid\" \]" } } puts $file "\}" close $file return $filename } } # Finds dependencies between all toolkits in module proc OCCDoc_CreateModuleToolkitsDependencyGraph {dir filename modulename tpageprefix} { global toolkits_in_module global toolkit_dependency global toolkit_parent_module if {![catch {open $dir/$filename.dot "w"} file]} { puts $file "digraph $filename" puts $file "\{" foreach tk $toolkits_in_module($modulename) { puts $file "\t$tk \[ URL = \"[string tolower $tpageprefix$tk.html]\"\ ]" foreach tkd $toolkit_dependency($tk) { if { [info exists toolkit_parent_module($tkd)] } { if {$toolkit_parent_module($tkd) == $modulename} { puts $file "\t$tkd -> $tk \[ dir = \"back\", color = \"midnightblue\", style = \"solid\" \]" } } } } puts $file "\}" close $file return $filename } } # Finds dependencies between the current toolkit and other toolkits proc OCCDoc_CreateToolkitDependencyGraph {dir filename toolkitname tpageprefix} { global toolkit_dependency if {![catch {open $dir/$filename.dot "w"} file]} { puts $file "digraph $filename" puts $file "\{" puts $file "\t$toolkitname \[ URL = \"[string tolower $tpageprefix$toolkitname.html]\"\, shape = box ]" foreach tkd $toolkit_dependency($toolkitname) { puts $file "\t$tkd \[ URL = \"[string tolower $tpageprefix$tkd.html]\"\ , shape = box ]" puts $file "\t$toolkitname -> $tkd \[ color = \"midnightblue\", style = \"solid\" \]" } if {[llength $toolkit_dependency($toolkitname)] > 1} { puts $file "\taspect = 1" } puts $file "\}" close $file return $filename } } # Fills arrays of modules, toolkits, dependency of modules/toolkits etc proc OCCDoc_LoadData { {theProductsDir ""} } { global toolkits_in_module global toolkit_dependency global toolkit_parent_module global module_dependency if { $theProductsDir == ""} { set modules_files [glob -nocomplain -type f -directory "[OCCDoc_GetSourceDir $theProductsDir]/OS/" *.tcl] } else { set modules_files [glob -nocomplain -type f -directory "[OCCDoc_GetSourceDir $theProductsDir]/VAS/" *.tcl] } foreach module_file $modules_files { source $module_file } set modules [OCCDoc_GetModulesList $theProductsDir] foreach mod $modules { if { $mod == "" } { continue } # Get toolkits of current module set toolkits_in_module($mod) [$mod:toolkits] # Get all dependence of current toolkit foreach tk $toolkits_in_module($mod) { # set parent module of current toolkit set toolkit_parent_module($tk) $mod set exlibfile [open "[OCCDoc_GetSourceDir $theProductsDir]/$tk/EXTERNLIB" r] set exlibfile_data [read $exlibfile] set exlibfile_data [split $exlibfile_data "\n"] set toolkit_dependency($tk) {} foreach dtk $exlibfile_data { if { ([string first "TK" $dtk 0] == 0) || ([string first "P" $dtk 0] == 0) } { lappend toolkit_dependency($tk) $dtk } } close $exlibfile } } # Get modules dependency foreach mod $modules { set module_dependency($mod) {} foreach tk $toolkits_in_module($mod) { foreach tkd $toolkit_dependency($tk) { if { [info exists toolkit_parent_module($tkd)] } { if { $toolkit_parent_module($tkd) != $mod && [lsearch $module_dependency($mod) $toolkit_parent_module($tkd)] == -1} { lappend module_dependency($mod) $toolkit_parent_module($tkd) } } } } } } # Returns list of packages of the given toolkit proc OCCDoc_GetPackagesList { theToolKitPath } { set packages_list {} # Open file with list of packages of the given toolkit set fileid [open "$theToolKitPath/PACKAGES" "r"] while { [eof $fileid] == 0 } { set str [gets $fileid] if { $str != "" } { lappend packages_list $str } } close $fileid return $packages_list } # Returns list of modules from UDLIST proc OCCDoc_GetModulesList { {theProductsDir ""} } { if { $theProductsDir == "" } { source "[OCCDoc_GetSourceDir $theProductsDir]/OS/Modules.tcl" # load a command from this file set modules [OS:Modules] } else { source "[OCCDoc_GetSourceDir $theProductsDir]/VAS/Products.tcl" # load a command from this file set modules [VAS:Products] set modules [lsearch -not -all -inline $modules "VAS"] } return $modules } # Returns list of desired files in the specified location proc OCCDoc_GetHeadersList { theDesiredContent thePackageName {theProductsDir ""} } { # Get list of header files with path set files_list [split [glob -nocomplain -type f -directory "[OCCDoc_GetSourceDir $theProductsDir]/$thePackageName" "${thePackageName}.hxx" "${thePackageName}_*.hxx"]] # Get content according to desired type ('p' for path and 'f' for filenames only) if { $theDesiredContent == "p" } { return $files_list } elseif { $theDesiredContent == "f" } { # Cut paths from filenames foreach file $files_list { set elem_index [lsearch $files_list $file] lset files_list $elem_index [OCCDoc_GetNameFromPath [lindex $files_list $elem_index]] } return $files_list } } # Returns location of the toolkit proc OCCDoc_Locate { theToolKitName {theProductsDir ""} } { set tk_dir "[OCCDoc_GetSourceDir $theProductsDir]/[OCCDoc_GetNameFromPath $theToolKitName]" return $tk_dir } # Gets contents of the given html node (for Post-processing) proc OCCDoc_GetNodeContents {node props html} { set openTag "<$node$props>" set closingTag "" set start [string first $openTag $html] if {$start == -1} { return "" } set start [expr $start + [string length $openTag]] set end [string length $html] set html [string range $html $start $end] set start [string first $closingTag $html] set end [string length $html] if {$start == -1} { return "" } set start [expr $start - 1] return [string range $html 0 $start] } # Generates main page file describing module structure proc OCCDoc_MakeMainPage {outDir outFile modules {theProductsDir ""} } { global env set one_module [expr [llength $modules] == 1] set fd [open $outFile "w"] set module_prefix "module_" set toolkit_prefix "toolkit_" set package_prefix "package_" if { ! [file exists "$outDir/html"] } { file mkdir "$outDir/html" } OCCDoc_LoadData $theProductsDir # Main page: list of modules if { ! $one_module } { puts $fd "/**" puts $fd "\\mainpage Open CASCADE Technology" foreach mod $modules { puts $fd "\\li \\subpage [string tolower $module_prefix$mod]" } # insert modules relationship diagram puts $fd "\\dotfile [OCCDoc_CreateModulesDependencyGraph $outDir/html schema_all_modules $modules $module_prefix]" puts $fd "**/\n" } # One page per module: list of toolkits set toolkits {} foreach mod $modules { if { $mod == "" } { continue } puts $fd "/**" if { $one_module } { puts $fd "\\mainpage OCCT Module [$mod:name]" } else { puts $fd "\\page [string tolower module_$mod] Module [$mod:name]" } foreach tk [lsort [$mod:toolkits]] { lappend toolkits $tk puts $fd "\\li \\subpage [string tolower $toolkit_prefix$tk]" } puts $fd "\\dotfile [OCCDoc_CreateModuleToolkitsDependencyGraph $outDir/html schema_$mod $mod $toolkit_prefix]" puts $fd "**/\n" } # One page per toolkit: list of packages set packages {} foreach tk $toolkits { puts $fd "/**" puts $fd "\\page [string tolower toolkit_$tk] Toolkit $tk" foreach pk [lsort [OCCDoc_GetPackagesList [OCCDoc_Locate $tk $theProductsDir]]] { lappend packages $pk set u [OCCDoc_GetNameFromPath $pk] puts $fd "\\li \\subpage [string tolower $package_prefix$u]" } puts $fd "\\dotfile [OCCDoc_CreateToolkitDependencyGraph $outDir/html schema_$tk $tk $toolkit_prefix]" puts $fd "**/\n" } # One page per package: list of classes foreach pk $packages { set u [OCCDoc_GetNameFromPath $pk] puts $fd "/**" puts $fd "\\page [string tolower $package_prefix$u] Package $u" foreach hdr [lsort [OCCDoc_GetHeadersList "f" "$pk" "$theProductsDir"]] { if { ! [regexp {^Handle_} $hdr] && [regexp {(.*)[.]hxx} $hdr str obj] } { puts $fd "\\li \\subpage $obj" } } puts $fd "**/\n" } close $fd return $outFile } # Parses generated files to add a navigation path proc OCCDoc_PostProcessor {outDir} { puts "[clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y.%m.%d %H:%M}] Post-process is started ..." append outDir "/html" set files [glob -nocomplain -type f $outDir/package_*] if { $files != {} } { foreach f [lsort $files] { set packageFilePnt [open $f r] set packageFile [read $packageFilePnt] set navPath [OCCDoc_GetNodeContents "div" " id=\"nav-path\" class=\"navpath\"" $packageFile] set packageName [OCCDoc_GetNodeContents "div" " class=\"title\"" $packageFile] regsub -all {<[^<>]*>} $packageName "" packageName # add package link to nav path set first [expr 1 + [string last "/" $f]] set last [expr [string length $f] - 1] set packageFileName [string range $f $first $last] set end [string first "" $navPath] set end [expr $end - 1] set navPath [string range $navPath 0 $end] append navPath "
  • $packageName
  • \n " # get list of files to update set listContents [OCCDoc_GetNodeContents "div" " class=\"textblock\"" $packageFile] set listContents [OCCDoc_GetNodeContents "ul" "" $listContents] set lines [split $listContents "\n"] foreach line $lines { if {[regexp {href=\"([^\"]*)\"} $line tmpLine classFileName]} { # check if anchor is there set anchorPos [string first "#" $classFileName] if {$anchorPos != -1} { set classFileName [string range $classFileName 0 [expr $anchorPos - 1]] } # read class file set classFilePnt [open $outDir/$classFileName r+] set classFile [read $classFilePnt] # find position of content block set contentPos [string first "
    " $classFile] set navPart [string range $classFile 0 [expr $contentPos - 1]] # position where to insert nav path set posToInsert [string last "
    " $navPart] set prePart [string range $classFile 0 [expr $posToInsert - 1]] set postPart [string range $classFile $posToInsert [string length $classFile]] set newClassFile "" append newClassFile $prePart "
    " $navPath \n "
    " \n $postPart # write updated content seek $classFilePnt 0 puts $classFilePnt $newClassFile close $classFilePnt } } close $packageFilePnt } return 0 } else { puts "no files found" return 1 } } # ====================================== # User Guides-specific functions # ====================================== # Loads a list of docfiles from file FILES.txt proc OCCDoc_LoadFilesList {} { set INPUTDIR [OCCDoc_GetDoxDir [OCCDoc_GetProdRootDir]] global available_docfiles set available_docfiles {} # Read data from file if { [file exists "$INPUTDIR/FILES_HTML.txt"] == 1 } { set FILE [open "$INPUTDIR/FILES_HTML.txt" r] while {1} { set line [string trim [gets $FILE]] # trim possible comments starting with '#' set line [regsub {\#.*} $line {}] if {$line != ""} { lappend available_docfiles $line } if {[eof $FILE]} { close $FILE break } } } else { return -1 } global available_pdf set available_pdf {} # Read data from file if { [file exists "$INPUTDIR/FILES_PDF.txt"] } { set FILE [open "$INPUTDIR/FILES_PDF.txt" r] while {1} { set line [string trim [gets $FILE]] # Trim possible comments starting with '#' set line [regsub {\#.*} $line {}] if {$line != ""} { lappend available_pdf $line } if {[eof $FILE]} { close $FILE break } } } else { return -1 } return 0 } # Writes new TeX file for conversion from tex to pdf for a specific doc proc OCCDoc_MakeRefmanTex {fileName latexDir verboseMode latexFilesList} { if { $verboseMode == "YES" } { puts "Info: Making refman.tex file for $fileName..." } set DOCNAME "$latexDir/refman.tex" if {[file exists $DOCNAME] == 1} { file delete -force $DOCNAME } # Copy template file to latex folder if { "[OCCDoc_GetProdRootDir]" != "" } { file copy "[OCCDoc_GetDoxDir [OCCDoc_GetProdRootDir]]/resources/prod_pdf_template.tex" $DOCNAME } else { file copy "[OCCDoc_GetDoxDir]/resources/occt_pdf_template.tex" $DOCNAME } # Get templatized data set texfile [open $DOCNAME "r"] set texfile_loaded [read $texfile] close $texfile # Replace dummy values set year [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y}] set month [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%B}] set texfile [open $DOCNAME "w"] set casVersion [OCCDoc_DetectCasVersion] # Get name of the document set docLabel "" foreach aFileName $latexFilesList { # Find the file in FILES_PDF.txt set parsedFileName [file rootname [lindex [split $aFileName "/" ] end]] if { [regexp "${parsedFileName}$" $fileName] } { set filepath "[OCCDoc_GetDoxDir [OCCDoc_GetProdRootDir]]/$aFileName" if { [file exists $filepath] } { set MDFile [open $filepath "r"] set label [split [gets $MDFile] "\{"] set docLabel [lindex $label 0] close $MDFile break } } } set occtlogo_path "[OCCDoc_GetDoxDir]/resources/occt_logo.png" set occlogo_path "[OCCDoc_GetDoxDir]/resources/occ_logo.png" set copyright_path "[OCCDoc_GetDoxDir [OCCDoc_GetProdRootDir]]/resources/prod_pdf_template.tex" set texfile_loaded [string map [list DEFDOCLABEL "$docLabel" DEFCASVERSION "$casVersion" DEFFILENAME "$fileName" DEFYEAR "$year" DEFMONTH "$month" DEFCOPYRIGHT "$copyright_path" DEFLOGO "$occtlogo_path" DEFOCCLOGO "$occlogo_path" DEFTITLE ""] $texfile_loaded] # Get data puts $texfile $texfile_loaded close $texfile } # Postprocesses generated TeX files proc OCCDoc_ProcessTex {{texFiles {}} {latexDir} verboseMode} { foreach TEX $texFiles { if {$verboseMode == "YES"} { puts "Info: Preprocessing file $TEX..." } if {![file exists $TEX]} { puts "Error: file $TEX does not exist." return -1 } set IN_F [open "$TEX" "r"] set TMPFILENAME "$latexDir/temp.tex" set OUT_F [open $TMPFILENAME w] while {1} { set line [gets $IN_F] if { [string first "\\includegraphics" $line] != -1 } { # replace svg extension by pdf set line [regsub {[.]svg} $line ".pdf"] # Center images in TeX files set line "\\begin{center}\n $line\n\\end{center}" } elseif { [string first "\\subsection" $line] != -1 } { # Replace \subsection with \section tag regsub -all "\\\\subsection" $line "\\\\section" line } elseif { [string first "\\subsubsection" $line] != -1 } { # Replace \subsubsection with \subsection tag regsub -all "\\\\subsubsection" $line "\\\\subsection" line } elseif { [string first "\\paragraph" $line] != -1 } { # Replace \paragraph with \subsubsection tag regsub -all "\\\\paragraph" $line "\\\\subsubsection" line } puts $OUT_F $line if {[eof $IN_F]} { close $IN_F close $OUT_F break } } file delete -force $TEX file rename $TMPFILENAME $TEX } }