# ======================================================================= # Created on: 2014-07-24 # Created by: SKI # Copyright (c) 2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS # # This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published # by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file # OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT # distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty. # # Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE # commercial license or contractual agreement. # ======================================================================= # This script defines Tcl command genproj generating project files for # different IDEs: # "vc7" "vc8" "vc9" "vc10" "vc11" "vc12" "vc14" "cbp" "xcd" # # Example: # genproj -path=D:/occt -target=vc10 # genproj -target=xcd -ios -static # ======================================================================= source [file join [file dirname [info script]] genconfdeps.tcl] set path "" set fBranch "" switch -exact -- "$tcl_platform(platform)" { "windows" {set targetStation "wnt"} "unix" {set targetStation "lin"} } switch -exact -- "$tcl_platform(os)" { "Darwin" {set targetStation "mac"} } proc _get_options { platform type branch } { global path set res "" if {[file exists "$path/adm/CMPLRS"]} { set fd [open "$path/adm/CMPLRS" rb] set opts [split [read $fd] "\n"] close $fd foreach line $opts { if {[regexp "^${platform} ${type} ${branch} (.+)$" $line dummy res]} { while {[regexp {\(([^\(\)]+) ([^\(\)]+) ([^\(\)]+)\)(.+)} $res dummy p t b oldres]} { set res "[_get_options $p $t $b] $oldres" } } } } return $res } proc _get_type { name } { global path if {[file exists "$path/adm/UDLIST"]} { set fd [open "$path/adm/UDLIST" rb] set UDLIST [split [read $fd] "\n"] close $fd foreach uitem $UDLIST { set line [split $uitem] if {[lindex $line 1] == "$name"} { return [lindex $line 0] } } } return "" } proc _get_used_files { pk {inc true} {src true} } { global path set type [_get_type $pk] set lret {} set pk_path "$path/src/$pk" set FILES_path "$path/src/$pk/FILES" set FILES {} if {[file exists $FILES_path]} { set fd [open $FILES_path rb] set FILES [split [read $fd] "\n"] close $fd } set FILES [lsearch -inline -all -not -exact $FILES ""] set index -1 foreach line $FILES { incr index if {$inc && ([regexp {([^:\s]*\.[hgl]xx)$} $line dummy name] || [regexp {([^:\s]*\.h)$} $line dummy name]) && [file exists $pk_path/$name]} { lappend lret "pubinclude $name $pk_path/$name" continue } if {[regexp {:} $line]} { regexp {[^:]*:+([^\s]*)} $line dummy line } regexp {([^\s]*)} $line dummy line if {$src && [file exists $pk_path/$line]} { lappend lret "source $line $pk_path/$line" } } return $lret } # Wrapper-function to generate VS project files proc genproj { args } { global path targetStation set aSupportedTargets { "vc7" "vc8" "vc9" "vc10" "vc11" "vc12" "vc14" "cbp" "xcd" } set anArgs $args # Setting default IDE. set anTarget "" switch -exact -- "$targetStation" { "wnt" {set anTarget "$::env(VCVER)"} "lin" {set anTarget "cbp"} "mac" {set anTarget "xcd"} } set isTargetDefault true if { [set anIndex [lsearch -nocase $anArgs -target=*]] != -1 } { regsub -nocase "\\-target=" [lindex $anArgs $anIndex] "" anTarget set anArgs [removeAllOccurrencesOf -target=* $anArgs] set isTargetDefault false } if { [set anIndex [lsearch -nocase $anArgs -path=*]] != -1} { regsub -nocase "\\-path=" [lindex $anArgs $anIndex] "" path set anArgs [removeAllOccurrencesOf -path=* $anArgs] puts "Starting work with \"$path\"" } if { [llength $anArgs] == 0 && $isTargetDefault == true } { puts "the default \'$anTarget\' target has been applied" } set isHelpRequire false if { [lsearch -nocase $anArgs -h] != -1} { set anArgs [removeAllOccurrencesOf -h $anArgs] set isHelpRequire true } if {$path == ""} { set isHelpRequire true } set aLibType "dynamic" if { [lsearch -nocase $anArgs "-static"] != -1} { set anArgs [removeAllOccurrencesOf "-static" $anArgs] set aLibType "static" puts "static build has been selected" } elseif { [lsearch -nocase $anArgs "-dynamic"] != -1} { set anArgs [removeAllOccurrencesOf "-dynamic" $anArgs] set aLibType "dynamic" puts "dynamic build has been selected" } set aPlatform "" if { [lsearch -nocase $anArgs "-ios"] != -1} { set anArgs [removeAllOccurrencesOf "-ios" $anArgs] set aPlatform "ios" } if { [lsearch -nocase $aSupportedTargets $anTarget] == -1} { puts "the \'$anTarget\' is wrong TARGET" set isHelpRequire true } if {[llength $anArgs] > 0} { set isHelpRequire true foreach anArg $anArgs { puts "genproj: unrecognized option \'$anArg\'" } } if { $isHelpRequire == true } { puts "usage: genproj \[ -target= \] \[ -path= \] PATH: path to the project TARGET: vc8 - Visual Studio 2005 vc9 - Visual Studio 2008 vc10 - Visual Studio 2010 vc11 - Visual Studio 2012 vc12 - Visual Studio 2013 vc14 - Visual Studio 2015 cbp - CodeBlocks xcd - XCode" return } if {!$isTargetDefault} { puts "the \'$anTarget\' target has been applied" } set anAdmPath "$path/adm" OS:MKPRC "$anAdmPath" "$anTarget" "$aLibType" "$aPlatform" genprojbat "$anAdmPath" "$anTarget" } proc genprojbat {thePath theIDE} { global path set anOsIncPath "$path/src/OS" set anOsRootPath "$path" set aTargetPlatform "lin" if { "$::tcl_platform(platform)" == "windows" } { set aTargetPlatform "wnt" } if {[regexp {(vc)[0-9]*$} $theIDE] == 1} { set aTargetPlatform wnt } elseif {"$theIDE" == "xcd"} { set aTargetPlatform mac } set aTargetPlatformExt sh if { "$aTargetPlatform" == "wnt" } { set aTargetPlatformExt bat } set aBox [file normalize "$thePath/.."] if {"$theIDE" != "cmake"} { set anEnvTmplFile [open "$path/adm/templates/env.${aTargetPlatformExt}" "r"] set anEnvTmpl [read $anEnvTmplFile] close $anEnvTmplFile set aCasRoot "" if { [file normalize "$anOsRootPath"] != "$aBox" } { set aCasRoot [relativePath "$aBox" "$anOsRootPath"] } set anOsIncPath [relativePath "$aBox" "$anOsRootPath"] regsub -all -- {__CASROOT__} $anEnvTmpl "$aCasRoot" anEnvTmpl set anEnvFile [open "$aBox/env.${aTargetPlatformExt}" "w"] puts $anEnvFile $anEnvTmpl close $anEnvFile file copy -force -- "$path/adm/templates/draw.${aTargetPlatformExt}" "$aBox/draw.${aTargetPlatformExt}" } if {[regexp {(vc)[0-9]*$} $theIDE] == 1} { file copy -force -- "$path/adm/templates/msvc.bat" "$aBox/msvc.bat" } else { switch -exact -- "$theIDE" { "cbp" { file copy -force -- "$path/adm/templates/codeblocks.sh" "$aBox/codeblocks.sh" } "xcd" { file copy -force -- "$path/adm/templates/xcode.sh" "$aBox/xcode.sh" } } } } ###### MSVC #############################################################33 proc removeAllOccurrencesOf { theObject theList } { set aSortIndices [lsort -decreasing [lsearch -all -nocase $theList $theObject]] foreach anIndex $aSortIndices { set theList [lreplace $theList $anIndex $anIndex] } return $theList } set aTKNullKey "TKNull" set THE_GUIDS_LIST($aTKNullKey) "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" # Entry function to generate project files and solutions for IDE proc OS:MKPRC { {theOutDir {}} {theIDE ""} {theLibType "dynamic"} {thePlatform ""} } { global path targetStation set aSupportedIDE { "vc7" "vc8" "vc9" "vc10" "vc11" "vc12" "vc14" "cbp" "xcd" } if { [lsearch $aSupportedIDE $theIDE] < 0 } { puts stderr "WOK does not support generation of project files for the selected IDE: $theIDE\nSupported IDEs: [join ${aSupportedIDE} " "]" return } set anOutRoot $theOutDir if { $anOutRoot == "" } { error "Error : \"theOutDir\" is not initialized" } # Create output directory set aWokStation "$targetStation" if { [lsearch -exact {vc7 vc8 vc9 vc10 vc11 vc12 vc14} $theIDE] != -1 } { set aWokStation "msvc" } set anOutDir "${anOutRoot}/${aWokStation}/${theIDE}" # read map of already generated GUIDs set aGuidsFilePath [file join $anOutDir "wok_${theIDE}_guids.txt"] if [file exists "$aGuidsFilePath"] { set aFileIn [open "$aGuidsFilePath" r] set aFileDataRaw [read $aFileIn] close $aFileIn set aFileData [split $aFileDataRaw "\n"] foreach aLine $aFileData { set aLineSplt [split $aLine "="] if { [llength $aLineSplt] == 2 } { set ::THE_GUIDS_LIST([lindex $aLineSplt 0]) [lindex $aLineSplt 1] } } } # make list of modules and platforms set aModules [OS:init] if { "$thePlatform" == "ios" } { set goaway [list Draw] set aModules [osutils:juststation $goaway $aModules] } # generate one solution for all projects if complete OS or VAS is processed set anAllSolution "OCCT" wokUtils:FILES:mkdir $anOutDir if { ![file exists $anOutDir] } { puts stderr "Error: Could not create output directory \"$anOutDir\"" return } # create the out dir if it does not exist if (![file isdirectory $path/inc]) { puts "$path/inc folder does not exists and will be created" wokUtils:FILES:mkdir $path/inc } # collect all required header files puts "Collecting required header files into $path/inc ..." osutils:collectinc $aModules $path/inc $targetStation # Generating project files for the selected IDE switch -exact -- "$theIDE" { "vc7" - "vc8" - "vc9" - "vc10" - "vc11" - "vc12" - "vc14" { OS:MKVC $anOutDir $aModules $anAllSolution $theIDE } "cbp" { OS:MKCBP $anOutDir $aModules $anAllSolution } "xcd" { set ::THE_GUIDS_LIST($::aTKNullKey) "000000000000000000000000" OS:MKXCD $anOutDir $aModules $anAllSolution $theLibType $thePlatform } } # Store generated GUIDs map set anOutFile [open "$aGuidsFilePath" "w"] fconfigure $anOutFile -translation lf foreach aKey [array names ::THE_GUIDS_LIST] { set aValue $::THE_GUIDS_LIST($aKey) puts $anOutFile "${aKey}=${aValue}" } close $anOutFile } # Function to generate Visual Studio solution and project files proc OS:MKVC { theOutDir {theModules {}} {theAllSolution ""} {theVcVer "vc8"} } { puts stderr "Generating VS project files for $theVcVer" # generate projects for toolkits and separate solution for each module foreach aModule $theModules { OS:vcsolution $theVcVer $aModule $aModule $theOutDir ::THE_GUIDS_LIST OS:vcproj $theVcVer $aModule $theOutDir ::THE_GUIDS_LIST } # generate single solution "OCCT" containing projects from all modules if { "$theAllSolution" != "" } { OS:vcsolution $theVcVer $theAllSolution $theModules $theOutDir ::THE_GUIDS_LIST } puts "The Visual Studio solution and project files are stored in the $theOutDir directory" } proc OS:init {{os {}}} { global path global env global tcl_platform set askplat $os if { "$os" == "" } { set os $tcl_platform(os) } ;# Load list of OCCT modules and their definitions source "$path/src/OS/Modules.tcl" set Modules {} foreach module [OS:Modules] { set f "$path/src/OS/${module}.tcl" if [file exists $f] { source $f lappend Modules $module } else { puts stderr "Definition file for module $module is not found in unit OS" } } # Load list of products and their definitions # set Products [woklocate -p VAS:source:Products.tcl] #if { "$Products" != "" } { #source "$Products" #foreach product [VAS:Products] { #set f [woklocate -p VAS:source:${product}.tcl] #if [file exists $f] { #source $f #} else { #puts stderr "Definition file for product $product is not found in unit VAS" #} #} #} return $Modules } # topological sort. returns a list { {a h} {b g} {c f} {c h} {d i} } => { d a b c i g f h } proc wokUtils:EASY:tsort { listofpairs } { foreach x $listofpairs { set e1 [lindex $x 0] set e2 [lindex $x 1] if ![info exists pcnt($e1)] { set pcnt($e1) 0 } if ![ info exists pcnt($e2)] { set pcnt($e2) 1 } else { incr pcnt($e2) } if ![info exists scnt($e1)] { set scnt($e1) 1 } else { incr scnt($e1) } set l {} if [info exists slist($e1)] { set l $slist($e1) } lappend l $e2 set slist($e1) $l } set nodecnt 0 set back 0 foreach node [array names pcnt] { incr nodecnt if { $pcnt($node) == 0 } { incr back set q($back) $node } if ![info exists scnt($node)] { set scnt($node) 0 } } set res {} for {set front 1} { $front <= $back } { incr front } { lappend res [set node $q($front)] for {set i 1} {$i <= $scnt($node) } { incr i } { set ll $slist($node) set j [expr {$i - 1}] set u [expr { $pcnt([lindex $ll $j]) - 1 }] if { [set pcnt([lindex $ll $j]) $u] == 0 } { incr back set q($back) [lindex $ll $j] } } } if { $back != $nodecnt } { puts stderr "input contains a cycle" return {} } else { return $res } } proc wokUtils:LIST:Purge { l } { set r {} foreach e $l { if ![info exist tab($e)] { lappend r $e set tab($e) {} } } return $r } # Read file pointed to by path # 1. sort = 1 tri # 2. trim = 1 plusieurs blancs => 1 seul blanc # 3. purge= not yet implemented. # 4. emptl= dont process blank lines proc wokUtils:FILES:FileToList { path {sort 0} {trim 0} {purge 0} {emptl 1} } { if ![ catch { set id [ open $path r ] } ] { set l {} while {[gets $id line] >= 0 } { if { $trim } { regsub -all {[ ]+} $line " " line } if { $emptl } { if { [string length ${line}] != 0 } { lappend l $line } } else { lappend l $line } } close $id if { $sort } { return [lsort $l] } else { return $l } } else { return {} } } # retorn the list of executables in module. proc OS:executable { module } { set lret {} foreach XXX [${module}:ressources] { if { "[lindex $XXX 1]" == "x" } { lappend lret [lindex $XXX 2] } } return $lret } # Topological sort of toolkits in tklm proc osutils:tk:sort { tklm } { set tkby2 {} foreach tkloc $tklm { set lprg [wokUtils:LIST:Purge [osutils:tk:close $tkloc]] foreach tkx $lprg { if { [lsearch $tklm $tkx] != -1 } { lappend tkby2 [list $tkx $tkloc] } else { lappend tkby2 [list $tkloc {}] } } } set lret {} foreach e [wokUtils:EASY:tsort $tkby2] { if { $e != {} } { lappend lret $e } } return $lret } # close dependencies of ltk. (full wok pathes of toolkits) # The CURRENT WOK LOCATION MUST contains ALL TOOLKITS required. # (locate not performed.) proc osutils:tk:close { ltk } { set result {} set recurse {} foreach dir $ltk { set ids [LibToLink $dir] set eated [osutils:tk:eatpk $ids] set result [concat $result $eated] set ids [LibToLink $dir] set result [concat $result $ids] foreach file $eated { set kds "$path/src/$file/EXTERNLIB" if { [osutils:tk:eatpk $kds] != {} } { lappend recurse $file } } } if { $recurse != {} } { set result [concat $result [osutils:tk:close $recurse]] } return $result } proc osutils:tk:eatpk { EXTERNLIB } { set l [wokUtils:FILES:FileToList $EXTERNLIB] set lret {} foreach str $l { if ![regexp -- {(CSF_[^ ]*)} $str csf] { lappend lret $str } } return $lret } # Define libraries to link using only EXTERNLIB file proc LibToLink {theTKit} { global path regexp {^.*:([^:]+)$} $theTKit dummy theTKit set type [_get_type $theTKit] if {$type != "t" && $type != "x"} { return } set aToolkits {} set anExtLibList [osutils:tk:eatpk "$path/src/$theTKit/EXTERNLIB"] foreach anExtLib $anExtLibList { set aFullPath [LocateRecur $anExtLib] if { "$aFullPath" != "" && [_get_type $anExtLib] == "t" } { lappend aToolkits $anExtLib } } return $aToolkits } # Search unit recursively proc LocateRecur {theName} { global path set theNamePath "$path/src/$theName" if {[file isdirectory $theNamePath]} { return $theNamePath } return "" } proc OS:genGUID { {theIDE "vc"} } { if { "$theIDE" == "vc" } { set p1 "[format %07X [expr { int(rand() * 268435456) }]][format %X [expr { int(rand() * 16) }]]" set p2 "[format %04X [expr { int(rand() * 6536) }]]" set p3 "[format %04X [expr { int(rand() * 6536) }]]" set p4 "[format %04X [expr { int(rand() * 6536) }]]" set p5 "[format %06X [expr { int(rand() * 16777216) }]][format %06X [expr { int(rand() * 16777216) }]]" return "{$p1-$p2-$p3-$p4-$p5}" } else { set p1 "[format %04X [expr { int(rand() * 6536) }]]" set p2 "[format %04X [expr { int(rand() * 6536) }]]" set p3 "[format %04X [expr { int(rand() * 6536) }]]" set p4 "[format %04X [expr { int(rand() * 6536) }]]" set p5 "[format %04X [expr { int(rand() * 6536) }]]" set p6 "[format %04X [expr { int(rand() * 6536) }]]" return "$p1$p2$p3$p4$p5$p6" } } # collect all include file that required for theModules in theOutDir proc osutils:collectinc {theModules theIncPath theTargetStation} { global path set aCasRoot [file normalize $path] set anIncPath [file normalize $theIncPath] if {![file isdirectory $aCasRoot]} { puts "OCCT directory is not defined correctly: $aCasRoot" return } set anUsedToolKits {} foreach aModule $theModules { foreach aToolKit [${aModule}:toolkits] { lappend anUsedToolKits $aToolKit foreach aDependency [LibToLink $aToolKit] { lappend anUsedToolKits $aDependency } } foreach anExecutable [OS:executable ${aModule}] { lappend anUsedToolKits $anExecutable foreach aDependency [LibToLink $anExecutable] { lappend anUsedToolKits $aDependency } } } lsort -unique $anUsedToolKits set anUnits {} foreach anUsedToolKit $anUsedToolKits { set anUnits [concat $anUnits [osutils:tk:units $anUsedToolKit]] } lsort -unique $anUnits if { [info exists ::env(SHORTCUT_HEADERS)] && $::env(SHORTCUT_HEADERS) == "true" } { # template preparation if { ![file exists $aCasRoot/adm/templates/header.in] } { puts "template file does not exist: $aCasRoot/adm/templates/header.in" return } set aHeaderTmpl [wokUtils:FILES:FileToString $aCasRoot/adm/templates/header.in] # relative anIncPath in connection with aCasRoot/src set aFromBuildIncToSrcPath [relativePath "$anIncPath" "$aCasRoot/src"] # create and copy short-cut header files foreach anUnit $anUnits { set aHFiles [glob -nocomplain -dir $aCasRoot/src/$anUnit "*.h"] foreach aHeaderFile [concat [glob -nocomplain -dir $aCasRoot/src/$anUnit "*.\[hgl\]xx"] $aHFiles] { set aHeaderFileName [file tail $aHeaderFile] regsub -all -- {@OCCT_HEADER_FILE@} $aHeaderTmpl "$aFromBuildIncToSrcPath/$anUnit/$aHeaderFileName" aShortCutHeaderFileContent if {[file exists "$theIncPath/$aHeaderFileName"] && [file readable "$theIncPath/$aHeaderFileName"]} { set fp [open "$theIncPath/$aHeaderFileName" r] set aHeaderContent [read $fp] close $fp # minus eof set aHeaderLenght [expr [string length $aHeaderContent] - 1] if {$aHeaderLenght == [string length $aShortCutHeaderFileContent]} { # remove eof from string set aHeaderContent [string range $aHeaderContent 0 [expr $aHeaderLenght - 1]] if {[string compare $aShortCutHeaderFileContent $aHeaderContent] == 0} { continue } } } set aShortCutHeaderFile [open "$theIncPath/$aHeaderFileName" "w"] fconfigure $aShortCutHeaderFile -translation lf puts $aShortCutHeaderFile $aShortCutHeaderFileContent close $aShortCutHeaderFile } } } else { set nbcopied 0 foreach anUnit $anUnits { set aHFiles [glob -nocomplain -dir $aCasRoot/src/$anUnit "*.h"] foreach aHeaderFile [concat [glob -nocomplain -dir $aCasRoot/src/$anUnit "*.\[hgl\]xx"] $aHFiles] { set aHeaderFileName [file tail $aHeaderFile] # copy file only if target does not exist or is older than original set torig [file mtime $aHeaderFile] if { ! [file isfile $anIncPath/$aHeaderFileName] } { set tcopy 0 } else { set tcopy [file mtime $anIncPath/$aHeaderFileName] } if { $tcopy < $torig } { incr nbcopied file copy -force $aHeaderFile $anIncPath/$aHeaderFileName } elseif { $tcopy != $torig } { puts "Warning: file $anIncPath/$aHeaderFileName is newer than $aHeaderFile, not changed!" } } } puts "Info: $nbcopied files updated" } } # Generate header for VS solution file proc osutils:vcsolution:header { vcversion } { if { "$vcversion" == "vc7" } { append var \ "Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 8.00\n" } elseif { "$vcversion" == "vc8" } { append var \ "Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 9.00\n" \ "# Visual Studio 2005\n" } elseif { "$vcversion" == "vc9" } { append var \ "Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00\n" \ "# Visual Studio 2008\n" } elseif { "$vcversion" == "vc10" } { append var \ "Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00\n" \ "# Visual Studio 2010\n" } elseif { "$vcversion" == "vc11" } { append var \ "Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00\n" \ "# Visual Studio 2012\n" } elseif { "$vcversion" == "vc12" } { append var \ "Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 13.00\n" \ "# Visual Studio 2013\n" } elseif { "$vcversion" == "vc14" } { append var \ "Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00\n" \ "# Visual Studio 14\n" } else { puts stderr "Error: Visual Studio version $vcversion is not supported by this function!" } return $var } # Returns extension (without dot) for project files of given version of VC proc osutils:vcproj:ext { vcversion } { if { "$vcversion" == "vc7" || "$vcversion" == "vc8" || "$vcversion" == "vc9" } { return "vcproj" } else { return "vcxproj" } } # Generate start of configuration section of VS solution file proc osutils:vcsolution:config:begin { vcversion } { if { "$vcversion" == "vc7" } { append var \ "Global\n" \ "\tGlobalSection(SolutionConfiguration) = preSolution\n" \ "\t\tDebug = Debug\n" \ "\t\tRelease = Release\n" \ "\tEndGlobalSection\n" \ "\tGlobalSection(ProjectConfiguration) = postSolution\n" } else { append var \ "Global\n" \ "\tGlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution\n" \ "\t\tDebug|Win32 = Debug|Win32\n" \ "\t\tRelease|Win32 = Release|Win32\n" \ "\t\tDebug|x64 = Debug|x64\n" \ "\t\tRelease|x64 = Release|x64\n" \ "\tEndGlobalSection\n" \ "\tGlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution\n" } return $var } # Generate part of configuration section of VS solution file describing one project proc osutils:vcsolution:config:project { vcversion guid } { if { "$vcversion" == "vc7" } { append var \ "\t\t$guid.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\n" \ "\t\t$guid.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\n" \ "\t\t$guid.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\n" \ "\t\t$guid.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32\n" } else { append var \ "\t\t$guid.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\n" \ "\t\t$guid.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\n" \ "\t\t$guid.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\n" \ "\t\t$guid.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\n" \ "\t\t$guid.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\n" \ "\t\t$guid.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\n" \ "\t\t$guid.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\n" \ "\t\t$guid.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\n" } return $var } # Generate start of configuration section of VS solution file proc osutils:vcsolution:config:end { vcversion } { if { "$vcversion" == "vc7" } { append var \ "\tEndGlobalSection\n" \ "\tGlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution\n" \ "\tEndGlobalSection\n" \ "\tGlobalSection(ExtensibilityAddIns) = postSolution\n" \ "\tEndGlobalSection\n" } else { append var \ "\tEndGlobalSection\n" \ "\tGlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution\n" \ "\t\tHideSolutionNode = FALSE\n" \ "\tEndGlobalSection\n" } return $var } # generate Visual Studio solution file # if module is empty, generates one solution for all known modules proc OS:vcsolution { theVcVer theSolName theModules theOutDir theGuidsMap } { global path upvar $theGuidsMap aGuidsMap # collect list of projects to be created set aProjects {} set aDependencies {} foreach aModule $theModules { # toolkits foreach aToolKit [osutils:tk:sort [${aModule}:toolkits]] { lappend aProjects $aToolKit lappend aProjectsInModule($aModule) $aToolKit lappend aDependencies [LibToLink $aToolKit] } # executables, assume one project per cxx file... foreach aUnit [OS:executable ${aModule}] { set aUnitLoc $aUnit set src_files [_get_used_files $aUnit false] set aSrcFiles {} foreach s $src_files { regexp {source ([^\s]+)} $s dummy name lappend aSrcFiles $name } foreach aSrcFile $aSrcFiles { set aFileExtension [file extension $aSrcFile] if { $aFileExtension == ".cxx" } { set aPrjName [file rootname $aSrcFile] lappend aProjects $aPrjName lappend aProjectsInModule($aModule) $aPrjName if {[file isdirectory $path/src/$aUnitLoc]} { lappend aDependencies [LibToLinkX $aUnitLoc [file rootname $aSrcFile]] } else { lappend aDependencies {} } } } } } # generate GUIDs for projects (unless already known) foreach aProject $aProjects { if { ! [info exists aGuidsMap($aProject)] } { set aGuidsMap($aProject) [OS:genGUID] } } # generate solution file # puts "Generating Visual Studio ($theVcVer) solution file for $theSolName ($aProjects)" append aFileBuff [osutils:vcsolution:header $theVcVer] # GUID identifying group projects in Visual Studio set VC_GROUP_GUID "{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}" # generate group projects -- one per module if { "$theVcVer" != "vc7" && [llength "$theModules"] > 1 } { foreach aModule $theModules { if { ! [info exists aGuidsMap(_$aModule)] } { set aGuidsMap(_$aModule) [OS:genGUID] } set aGuid $aGuidsMap(_$aModule) append aFileBuff "Project(\"${VC_GROUP_GUID}\") = \"$aModule\", \"$aModule\", \"$aGuid\"\nEndProject\n" } } # extension of project files set aProjExt [osutils:vcproj:ext $theVcVer] # GUID identifying C++ projects in Visual Studio set VC_CPP_GUID "{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}" # generate normal projects set aProjsNb [llength $aProjects] for {set aProjId 0} {$aProjId < $aProjsNb} {incr aProjId} { set aProj [lindex $aProjects $aProjId] set aGuid $aGuidsMap($aProj) append aFileBuff "Project(\"${VC_CPP_GUID}\") = \"$aProj\", \"$aProj.${aProjExt}\", \"$aGuid\"\n" # write projects dependencies information (vc7 to vc9) set aDepGuids "" foreach aDepLib [lindex $aDependencies $aProjId] { if { $aDepLib != $aProj && [lsearch $aProjects $aDepLib] != "-1" } { set depGUID $aGuidsMap($aDepLib) append aDepGuids "\t\t$depGUID = $depGUID\n" } } if { "$aDepGuids" != "" } { append aFileBuff "\tProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject\n" append aFileBuff "$aDepGuids" append aFileBuff "\tEndProjectSection\n" } append aFileBuff "EndProject\n" } # generate configuration section append aFileBuff [osutils:vcsolution:config:begin $theVcVer] foreach aProj $aProjects { append aFileBuff [osutils:vcsolution:config:project $theVcVer $aGuidsMap($aProj)] } append aFileBuff [osutils:vcsolution:config:end $theVcVer] # write information of grouping of projects by module if { "$theVcVer" != "vc7" && [llength "$theModules"] > 1 } { append aFileBuff " GlobalSection(NestedProjects) = preSolution\n" foreach aModule $theModules { if { ! [info exists aProjectsInModule($aModule)] } { continue } foreach aProject $aProjectsInModule($aModule) { append aFileBuff " $aGuidsMap($aProject) = $aGuidsMap(_$aModule)\n" } } append aFileBuff " EndGlobalSection\n" } # final word (footer) append aFileBuff "EndGlobal" # write solution set aFile [open [set fdsw [file join $theOutDir ${theSolName}.sln]] w] fconfigure $aFile -translation crlf puts $aFile $aFileBuff close $aFile return [file join $theOutDir ${theSolName}.sln] } # Generate Visual Studio projects for specified version proc OS:vcproj { theVcVer theModules theOutDir theGuidsMap } { upvar $theGuidsMap aGuidsMap set aProjectFiles {} foreach aModule $theModules { foreach aToolKit [${aModule}:toolkits] { lappend aProjectFiles [osutils:vcproj $theVcVer $theOutDir $aToolKit aGuidsMap] } foreach anExecutable [OS:executable ${aModule}] { lappend aProjectFiles [osutils:vcprojx $theVcVer $theOutDir $anExecutable aGuidsMap] } } return $aProjectFiles } # generate template name and load it for given version of Visual Studio and platform proc osutils:vcproj:readtemplate {theVcVer isexec} { set anExt $theVcVer if { "$theVcVer" != "vc7" && "$theVcVer" != "vc8" && "$theVcVer" != "vc9" } { set anExt vc10 } set what "$theVcVer" set aVerExt [string range $theVcVer 2 end] set aVerExt "v${aVerExt}0" set aCmpl32 "" set aCmpl64 "" if { $isexec } { set anExt "${anExt}x" set what "$what executable" } if { "$theVcVer" == "vc10" } { # SSE2 is enabled by default in vc11+, but not in vc10 for 32-bit target set aCmpl32 "\n StreamingSIMDExtensions2" } set aTmpl [osutils:readtemplate $anExt "MS VC++ project ($what)"] regsub -all -- {__VCVER__} $aTmpl $theVcVer aTmpl regsub -all -- {__VCVEREXT__} $aTmpl $aVerExt aTmpl regsub -all -- {__VCMPL32__} $aTmpl $aCmpl32 aTmpl regsub -all -- {__VCMPL64__} $aTmpl $aCmpl64 aTmpl return $aTmpl } proc osutils:readtemplate {ext what} { global env global path set loc "$path/adm/templates/template.$ext" return [wokUtils:FILES:FileToString $loc] } # Read a file in a string as is. proc wokUtils:FILES:FileToString { fin } { if { [catch { set in [ open $fin r ] } errin] == 0 } { set strin [read $in [file size $fin]] close $in return $strin } else { return {} } } # List extensions of compilable files in OCCT proc osutils:compilable { } { global targetStation set aWokStation "$targetStation" if { "$aWokStation" == "mac" } { return [list .c .cxx .cpp .mm] } return [list .c .cxx .cpp] } proc osutils:commonUsedTK { theToolKit } { global path set anUsedToolKits [list] set aDepToolkits [LibToLink $theToolKit] foreach tkx $aDepToolkits { if {[_get_type $tkx] == "t"} { lappend anUsedToolKits "${tkx}" } } return $anUsedToolKits } # Return the list of name *CSF_ in a EXTERNLIB description of a toolkit proc osutils:tk:csfInExternlib { EXTERNLIB } { set l [wokUtils:FILES:FileToList $EXTERNLIB] set lret {STLPort} foreach str $l { if [regexp -- {(CSF_[^ ]*)} $str csf] { lappend lret $csf } } return $lret } # @param theCsfLibsMap - libraries map # @param theCsfFrmsMap - frameworks map, OS X specific proc osutils:csfList { theOS theCsfLibsMap theCsfFrmsMap } { upvar $theCsfLibsMap aLibsMap upvar $theCsfFrmsMap aFrmsMap unset theCsfLibsMap unset theCsfFrmsMap if { "$theOS" == "wnt" } { # WinAPI libraries set aLibsMap(CSF_kernel32) "kernel32.lib" set aLibsMap(CSF_advapi32) "advapi32.lib" set aLibsMap(CSF_gdi32) "gdi32.lib" set aLibsMap(CSF_user32) "user32.lib" set aLibsMap(CSF_opengl32) "opengl32.lib" set aLibsMap(CSF_wsock32) "wsock32.lib" set aLibsMap(CSF_netapi32) "netapi32.lib" set aLibsMap(CSF_AviLibs) "ws2_32.lib vfw32.lib" set aLibsMap(CSF_OpenGlLibs) "opengl32.lib" set aLibsMap(CSF_QT) "QtCore4.lib QtGui4.lib" # VTK set aLibsMap(CSF_VTK) [osutils:vtkCsf "wnt"] } else { set aLibsMap(CSF_FREETYPE) "freetype" if { "$theOS" == "mac" } { set aLibsMap(CSF_objc) "objc" set aFrmsMap(CSF_Appkit) "Appkit" set aFrmsMap(CSF_IOKit) "IOKit" set aFrmsMap(CSF_OpenGlLibs) "OpenGL" set aFrmsMap(CSF_TclLibs) "Tcl" set aFrmsMap(CSF_TclTkLibs) "Tk" } else { if { "$theOS" == "qnx" } { # CSF_ThreadLibs - pthread API is part og libc on QNX set aLibsMap(CSF_OpenGlLibs) "EGL GLESv2" set aLibsMap(CSF_TclLibs) "tcl8.6" set aLibsMap(CSF_TclTkLibs) "tk8.6" } else { set aLibsMap(CSF_ThreadLibs) "pthread rt" set aLibsMap(CSF_OpenGlLibs) "GL" set aLibsMap(CSF_TclLibs) "tcl8.6" set aLibsMap(CSF_TclTkLibs) "X11 tk8.6" set aLibsMap(CSF_XwLibs) "X11 Xext Xmu Xi" set aLibsMap(CSF_MotifLibs) "X11" } } # optional 3rd-parties if { "$::HAVE_TBB" == "true" } { set aLibsMap(CSF_TBB) "tbb tbbmalloc" } if { "$::HAVE_FREEIMAGE" == "true" } { set aLibsMap(CSF_FreeImagePlus) "freeimage" } if { "$::HAVE_GL2PS" == "true" } { set aLibsMap(CSF_GL2PS) "gl2ps" } if { "$::HAVE_VTK" == "true" } { set aLibsMap(CSF_VTK) [osutils:vtkCsf "unix"] } } } # Returns string of library dependencies for generation of Visual Studio project or make lists. proc osutils:vtkCsf {{theOS ""}} { set aVtkVer "6.1" set aLibSuffix "" set aPathSplitter ":" if {"$theOS" == "wnt"} { set aPathSplitter ";" set aLibSuffix ".lib" } set anOptIncs [split $::env(CSF_OPT_INC) "$aPathSplitter"] foreach anIncItem $anOptIncs { if {[regexp -- "vtk-(.*)$" [file tail $anIncItem] dummy aFoundVtkVer]} { set aVtkVer $aFoundVtkVer } } set aLibArray [list vtkCommonCore vtkCommonDataModel vtkCommonExecutionModel vtkCommonMath vtkCommonTransforms vtkRenderingCore \ vtkRenderingOpenGL vtkFiltersGeneral vtkIOCore vtkIOImage vtkImagingCore vtkInteractionStyle] # Additional suffices for the libraries set anIdx 0 foreach anItem $aLibArray { lset aLibArray $anIdx $anItem-$aVtkVer$aLibSuffix incr anIdx } return [join $aLibArray " "] } # @param theLibsList - dependencies (libraries list) # @param theFrameworks - dependencies (frameworks list, OS X specific) proc osutils:usedOsLibs { theToolKit theOS theLibsList theFrameworks } { global path upvar $theLibsList aLibsList upvar $theFrameworks aFrameworks set aLibsList [list] set aFrameworks [list] osutils:csfList $theOS aLibsMap aFrmsMap foreach aCsfElem [osutils:tk:csfInExternlib "$path/src/${theToolKit}/EXTERNLIB"] { if [info exists aLibsMap($aCsfElem)] { foreach aLib [split "$aLibsMap($aCsfElem)"] { if { [lsearch $aLibsList $aLib] == "-1" } { lappend aLibsList $aLib } } } if [info exists aFrmsMap($aCsfElem)] { foreach aFrm [split "$aFrmsMap($aCsfElem)"] { if { [lsearch $aFrameworks $aFrm] == "-1" } { lappend aFrameworks $aFrm } } } } } # Returns liste of UD in a toolkit. tkloc is a full path wok. proc osutils:tk:units { tkloc } { global path set l {} set PACKAGES "$path/src/$tkloc/PACKAGES" foreach u [wokUtils:FILES:FileToList $PACKAGES] { if {[file isdirectory "$path/src/$u"]} { lappend l $u } } if { $l == {} } { ;#puts stderr "Warning. No devunit included in $tkloc" } return $l } proc osutils:justwnt { listloc } { # ImageUtility is required for support for old (<6.5.4) versions of OCCT set goaway [list Xdps Xw ImageUtility WOKUnix] return [osutils:juststation $goaway $listloc] } # remove from listloc OpenCascade units indesirables on NT proc osutils:juststation {goaway listloc} { global path set lret {} foreach u $listloc { if {([file isdirectory "$path/src/$u"] && [lsearch $goaway $u] == -1 ) || (![file isdirectory "$path/src/$u"] && [lsearch $goaway $u] == -1 ) } { lappend lret $u } } return $lret } # intersect3 - perform the intersecting of two lists, returning a list containing three lists. # The first list is everything in the first list that wasn't in the second, # the second list contains the intersection of the two lists, the third list contains everything # in the second list that wasn't in the first. proc osutils:intersect3 {list1 list2} { set la1(0) {} ; unset la1(0) set lai(0) {} ; unset lai(0) set la2(0) {} ; unset la2(0) foreach v $list1 { set la1($v) {} } foreach v $list2 { set la2($v) {} } foreach elem [concat $list1 $list2] { if {[info exists la1($elem)] && [info exists la2($elem)]} { unset la1($elem) unset la2($elem) set lai($elem) {} } } list [lsort [array names la1]] [lsort [array names lai]] [lsort [array names la2]] } # Prepare relative path proc relativePath {thePathFrom thePathTo} { if { [file isdirectory "$thePathFrom"] == 0 } { return "" } set aPathFrom [file normalize "$thePathFrom"] set aPathTo [file normalize "$thePathTo"] set aCutedPathFrom "${aPathFrom}/dummy" set aRelatedDeepPath "" while { "$aCutedPathFrom" != [file normalize "$aCutedPathFrom/.."] } { set aCutedPathFrom [file normalize "$aCutedPathFrom/.."] # does aPathTo contain aCutedPathFrom? regsub -all $aCutedPathFrom $aPathTo "" aPathFromAfterCut if { "$aPathFromAfterCut" != "$aPathTo" } { # if so if { "$aCutedPathFrom" == "$aPathFrom" } { # just go higher, for example, ./somefolder/someotherfolder set aPathTo ".${aPathTo}" } elseif { "$aCutedPathFrom" == "$aPathTo" } { # remove the last "/" set aRelatedDeepPath [string replace $aRelatedDeepPath end end ""] } regsub -all $aCutedPathFrom $aPathTo $aRelatedDeepPath aPathToAfterCut regsub -all "//" $aPathToAfterCut "/" aPathToAfterCut return $aPathToAfterCut } set aRelatedDeepPath "$aRelatedDeepPath../" } return $thePathTo } proc wokUtils:EASY:bs1 { s } { regsub -all {/} $s {\\} r return $r } # Returs for a full path the liste of n last directory part # n = 1 => tail # n = 2 => dir/file.c # n = 3 => sdir/dir/file.c # etc.. proc wokUtils:FILES:wtail { f n } { set ll [expr [llength [set lif [file split $f]]] -$n] return [join [lrange $lif $ll end] /] } # Generate entry for one source file in Visual Studio 10 project file proc osutils:vcxproj:file { vcversion file params } { append text " \n" if { $params != "" } { append text " [string trim ${params}] %(AdditionalOptions)\n" } if { $params != "" } { append text " [string trim ${params}] %(AdditionalOptions)\n" } if { $params != "" } { append text " [string trim ${params}] %(AdditionalOptions)\n" } if { $params != "" } { append text " [string trim ${params}] %(AdditionalOptions)\n" } append text " \n" return $text } # Generate Visual Studio 2010 project filters file proc osutils:vcxproj:filters { dir proj theFilesMap } { upvar $theFilesMap aFilesMap # header append text "\n" append text "\n" # list of "filters" (units) append text " \n" append text " \n" append text " [OS:genGUID]\n" append text " \n" foreach unit $aFilesMap(units) { append text " \n" append text " [OS:genGUID]\n" append text " \n" } append text " \n" # list of files append text " \n" foreach unit $aFilesMap(units) { foreach file $aFilesMap($unit) { append text " \n" append text " Source files\\${unit}\n" append text " \n" } } append text " \n" # end append text "" # write file set fp [open [set fvcproj [file join $dir ${proj}.vcxproj.filters]] w] fconfigure $fp -translation crlf puts $fp $text close $fp return ${proj}.vcxproj.filters } # Generate Visual Studio 2011 project filters file proc osutils:vcx1proj:filters { dir proj theFilesMap } { upvar $theFilesMap aFilesMap # header append text "\n" append text "\n" # list of "filters" (units) append text " \n" append text " \n" append text " [OS:genGUID]\n" append text " \n" foreach unit $aFilesMap(units) { append text " \n" append text " [OS:genGUID]\n" append text " \n" } append text " \n" # list of files append text " \n" foreach unit $aFilesMap(units) { foreach file $aFilesMap($unit) { append text " \n" append text " Source files\\${unit}\n" append text " \n" } } append text " \n" append text " \n" append text " " append text " \n" # end append text "" # write file set fp [open [set fvcproj [file join $dir ${proj}.vcxproj.filters]] w] fconfigure $fp -translation crlf puts $fp $text close $fp return ${proj}.vcxproj.filters } # Generate RC file content for ToolKit from template proc osutils:readtemplate:rc {theOutDir theToolKit} { global path set aLoc "$path/adm/templates/template_dll.rc" set aBody [wokUtils:FILES:FileToString $aLoc] regsub -all -- {__TKNAM__} $aBody $theToolKit aBody set aFile [open "${theOutDir}/${theToolKit}.rc" "w"] fconfigure $aFile -translation lf puts $aFile $aBody close $aFile return "${theOutDir}/${theToolKit}.rc" } # Generate Visual Studio project file for ToolKit proc osutils:vcproj { theVcVer theOutDir theToolKit theGuidsMap {theProjTmpl {} } } { if { $theProjTmpl == {} } {set theProjTmpl [osutils:vcproj:readtemplate $theVcVer 0]} set l_compilable [osutils:compilable] regsub -all -- {__TKNAM__} $theProjTmpl $theToolKit theProjTmpl upvar $theGuidsMap aGuidsMap if { ! [info exists aGuidsMap($theToolKit)] } { set aGuidsMap($theToolKit) [OS:genGUID] } regsub -all -- {__PROJECT_GUID__} $theProjTmpl $aGuidsMap($theToolKit) theProjTmpl set aCommonUsedTK [list] foreach tkx [osutils:commonUsedTK $theToolKit] { lappend aCommonUsedTK "${tkx}.lib" } osutils:usedOsLibs $theToolKit "wnt" aLibs aFrameworks set aUsedToolKits [concat $aCommonUsedTK $aLibs] # correct names of referred third-party libraries that are named with suffix # depending on VC version regsub -all -- {vc[0-9]+} $aUsedToolKits $theVcVer aUsedToolKits # and put this list to project file #puts "$theToolKit requires $aUsedToolKits" if { "$theVcVer" != "vc7" && "$theVcVer" != "vc8" && "$theVcVer" != "vc9" } { set aUsedToolKits [join $aUsedToolKits {;}] } regsub -all -- {__TKDEP__} $theProjTmpl $aUsedToolKits theProjTmpl set anIncPaths "..\\..\\..\\inc" set aTKDefines "" set aFilesSection "" set aVcFilesX(units) "" set listloc [osutils:tk:units $theToolKit] set resultloc [osutils:justwnt $listloc] if [array exists written] { unset written } #puts "\t1 [wokparam -v %CMPLRS_CXX_Options [w_info -f]] father" #puts "\t2 [wokparam -v %CMPLRS_CXX_Options] branch" #puts "\t1 [wokparam -v %CMPLRS_C_Options [w_info -f]] father" #puts "\t2 [wokparam -v %CMPLRS_C_Options] branch" set fxloparamfcxx [lindex [osutils:intersect3 [_get_options wnt cmplrs_cxx f] [_get_options wnt cmplrs_cxx b]] 2] set fxloparamfc [lindex [osutils:intersect3 [_get_options wnt cmplrs_c f] [_get_options wnt cmplrs_c b]] 2] set fxloparam "" foreach fxlo $resultloc { set xlo $fxlo set aSrcFiles [osutils:tk:files $xlo osutils:compilable 0] set fxlo_cmplrs_options_cxx [_get_options wnt cmplrs_cxx $fxlo] if {$fxlo_cmplrs_options_cxx == ""} { set fxlo_cmplrs_options_cxx [_get_options wnt cmplrs_cxx b] } set fxlo_cmplrs_options_c [_get_options wnt cmplrs_c $fxlo] if {$fxlo_cmplrs_options_c == ""} { set fxlo_cmplrs_options_c [_get_options wnt cmplrs_c b] } set fxloparam "$fxloparam [lindex [osutils:intersect3 [_get_options wnt cmplrs_cxx b] $fxlo_cmplrs_options_cxx] 2]" set fxloparam "$fxloparam [lindex [osutils:intersect3 [_get_options wnt cmplrs_c b] $fxlo_cmplrs_options_c] 2]" #puts "\t3 [wokparam -v %CMPLRS_CXX_Options] branch CXX " #puts "\t4 [wokparam -v %CMPLRS_CXX_Options $fxlo] $fxlo CXX" #puts "\t5 [wokparam -v %CMPLRS_C_Options] branch C" #puts "\t6 [wokparam -v %CMPLRS_C_Options $fxlo] $fxlo C" set needparam "" foreach partopt $fxloparam { if {[string first "-I" $partopt] == "0"} { # this is an additional includes search path continue } set needparam "$needparam $partopt" } # Format of projects in vc10+ is different from vc7-9 if { "$theVcVer" != "vc7" && "$theVcVer" != "vc8" && "$theVcVer" != "vc9" } { foreach aSrcFile [lsort $aSrcFiles] { if { ![info exists written([file tail $aSrcFile])] } { set written([file tail $aSrcFile]) 1 append aFilesSection [osutils:vcxproj:file $theVcVer $aSrcFile $needparam] } else { puts "Warning : in vcproj more than one occurences for [file tail $aSrcFile]" } if { ! [info exists aVcFilesX($xlo)] } { lappend aVcFilesX(units) $xlo } lappend aVcFilesX($xlo) $aSrcFile } } else { append aFilesSection "\t\t\t\n" foreach aSrcFile [lsort $aSrcFiles] { if { ![info exists written([file tail $aSrcFile])] } { set written([file tail $aSrcFile]) 1 append aFilesSection [osutils:vcproj:file $theVcVer $aSrcFile $needparam] } else { puts "Warning : in vcproj more than one occurences for [file tail $aSrcFile]" } } append aFilesSection "\t\t\t\n" } # macros append aTKDefines ";__${xlo}_DLL" # common includes # append anIncPaths ";..\\..\\..\\src\\${xlo}" } regsub -all -- {__TKINC__} $theProjTmpl $anIncPaths theProjTmpl regsub -all -- {__TKDEFS__} $theProjTmpl $aTKDefines theProjTmpl regsub -all -- {__FILES__} $theProjTmpl $aFilesSection theProjTmpl # write file set aFile [open [set aVcFiles [file join $theOutDir ${theToolKit}.[osutils:vcproj:ext $theVcVer]]] w] fconfigure $aFile -translation crlf puts $aFile $theProjTmpl close $aFile # write filters file for vc10+ if { "$theVcVer" == "vc7" || "$theVcVer" == "vc8" || "$theVcVer" == "vc9" } { # nothing } elseif { "$theVcVer" == "vc10" } { lappend aVcFiles [osutils:vcxproj:filters $theOutDir $theToolKit aVcFilesX] } else { lappend aVcFiles [osutils:vcx1proj:filters $theOutDir $theToolKit aVcFilesX] } # write resource file lappend aVcFiles [osutils:readtemplate:rc $theOutDir $theToolKit] return $aVcFiles } # for a unit returns a map containing all its file in the current # workbench # local = 1 only local files proc osutils:tk:loadunit { loc map } { #puts $loc upvar $map TLOC catch { unset TLOC } set lfiles [_get_used_files $loc] foreach f $lfiles { #puts "\t$f" set t [lindex $f 0] set p [lindex $f 2] if [info exists TLOC($t)] { set l $TLOC($t) lappend l $p set TLOC($t) $l } else { set TLOC($t) $p } } return } # Returns the list of all compilable files name in a toolkit, or devunit of any type # Call unit filter on units name to accept or reject a unit # Tfiles lists for each unit the type of file that can be compiled. proc osutils:tk:files { tkloc {l_compilable {} } {justail 1} {unitfilter {}} } { global path set Tfiles(source,nocdlpack) {source pubinclude} set Tfiles(source,toolkit) {} set Tfiles(source,executable) {source pubinclude} set listloc [concat [osutils:tk:units $tkloc] $tkloc] #puts " listloc = $listloc" if { $l_compilable == {} } { set l_comp [list .c .cxx .cpp] } else { set l_comp [$l_compilable] } if { $unitfilter == {} } { set resultloc $listloc } else { set resultloc [$unitfilter $listloc] } set lret {} foreach loc $resultloc { set utyp [_get_type $loc] #puts "\"$utyp\" \"$loc\"" switch $utyp { "t" { set utyp "toolkit" } "n" { set utyp "nocdlpack" } "x" { set utyp "executable" } } if [array exists map] { unset map } osutils:tk:loadunit $loc map #puts " loc = $loc === > [array names map]" set LType $Tfiles(source,${utyp}) foreach typ [array names map] { if { [lsearch $LType $typ] == -1 } { unset map($typ) } } foreach type [array names map] { #puts $type foreach f $map($type) { #puts $f if { [lsearch $l_comp [file extension $f]] != -1 } { if { $justail == 1 } { if {$type == "source"} { if {[lsearch $lret "@top_srcdir@/src/$loc/[file tail $f]"] == -1} { lappend lret @top_srcdir@/src/$loc/[file tail $f] } } } else { lappend lret $f } } } } } return $lret } # Generate Visual Studio project file for executable proc osutils:vcprojx { theVcVer theOutDir theToolKit theGuidsMap {theProjTmpl {} } } { global path set aVcFiles {} foreach f [osutils:tk:files $theToolKit osutils:compilable 0] { if { $theProjTmpl == {} } { set aProjTmpl [osutils:vcproj:readtemplate $theVcVer 1] } else { set aProjTmpl $theProjTmpl } set aProjName [file rootname [file tail $f]] set l_compilable [osutils:compilable] regsub -all -- {__XQTNAM__} $aProjTmpl $aProjName aProjTmpl upvar $theGuidsMap aGuidsMap if { ! [info exists aGuidsMap($aProjName)] } { set aGuidsMap($aProjName) [OS:genGUID] } regsub -all -- {__PROJECT_GUID__} $aProjTmpl $aGuidsMap($aProjName) aProjTmpl set aCommonUsedTK [list] foreach tkx [osutils:commonUsedTK $theToolKit] { lappend aCommonUsedTK "${tkx}.lib" } osutils:usedOsLibs $theToolKit "wnt" aLibs aFrameworks set aUsedToolKits [concat $aCommonUsedTK $aLibs] # correct names of referred third-party libraries that are named with suffix # depending on VC version regsub -all -- {vc[0-9]+} $aUsedToolKits $theVcVer aUsedToolKits # puts "$aProjName requires $aUsedToolKits" if { "$theVcVer" != "vc7" && "$theVcVer" != "vc8" && "$theVcVer" != "vc9" } { set aUsedToolKits [join $aUsedToolKits {;}] } regsub -all -- {__TKDEP__} $aProjTmpl $aUsedToolKits aProjTmpl set aFilesSection "" set aVcFilesX(units) "" if { ![info exists written([file tail $f])] } { set written([file tail $f]) 1 if { "$theVcVer" != "vc7" && "$theVcVer" != "vc8" && "$theVcVer" != "vc9" } { append aFilesSection [osutils:vcxproj:file $theVcVer $f ""] if { ! [info exists aVcFilesX($theToolKit)] } { lappend aVcFilesX(units) $theToolKit } lappend aVcFilesX($theToolKit) $f } else { append aFilesSection "\t\t\t\n" append aFilesSection [osutils:vcproj:file $theVcVer $f ""] append aFilesSection "\t\t\t" } } else { puts "Warning : in vcproj there are than one occurences for [file tail $f]" } #puts "$aProjTmpl $aFilesSection" set aTKDefines ";__${theToolKit}_DLL" set anIncPaths "..\\..\\..\\inc" regsub -all -- {__TKINC__} $aProjTmpl $anIncPaths aProjTmpl regsub -all -- {__TKDEFS__} $aProjTmpl $aTKDefines aProjTmpl regsub -all -- {__FILES__} $aProjTmpl $aFilesSection aProjTmpl regsub -all -- {__CONF__} $aProjTmpl Application aProjTmpl regsub -all -- {__XQTEXT__} $aProjTmpl "exe" aProjTmpl set aFile [open [set aVcFilePath [file join $theOutDir ${aProjName}.[osutils:vcproj:ext $theVcVer]]] w] fconfigure $aFile -translation crlf puts $aFile $aProjTmpl close $aFile set aCommonSettingsFile "$aVcFilePath.user" lappend aVcFiles $aVcFilePath # write filters file for vc10 if { "$theVcVer" != "vc7" && "$theVcVer" != "vc8" && "$theVcVer" != "vc9" } { lappend aVcFiles [osutils:vcxproj:filters $theOutDir $aProjName aVcFilesX] } set aCommonSettingsFileTmpl "" if { "$theVcVer" == "vc7" || "$theVcVer" == "vc8" } { # nothing } elseif { "$theVcVer" == "vc9" } { set aCommonSettingsFileTmpl [wokUtils:FILES:FileToString "$path/adm/templates/vcproj.user.vc9x"] } else { set aCommonSettingsFileTmpl [wokUtils:FILES:FileToString "$path/adm/templates/vcxproj.user.vc10x"] } if { "$aCommonSettingsFileTmpl" != "" } { regsub -all -- {__VCVER__} $aCommonSettingsFileTmpl $theVcVer aCommonSettingsFileTmpl set aFile [open [set aVcFilePath "$aCommonSettingsFile"] w] fconfigure $aFile -translation crlf puts $aFile $aCommonSettingsFileTmpl close $aFile lappend aVcFiles "$aCommonSettingsFile" } } return $aVcFiles } # Generate entry for one source file in Visual Studio 7 - 9 project file proc osutils:vcproj:file { theVcVer theFile theOptions } { append aText "\t\t\t\t\n" if { $theOptions == "" } { append aText "\t\t\t\t\n" return $aText } append aText "\t\t\t\t\t\n" append aText "\t\t\t\t\t\t\n" append aText "\t\t\t\t\t\n" append aText "\t\t\t\t\t\n" append aText "\t\t\t\t\t\t\n" append aText "\t\t\t\t\t\n" if { "$theVcVer" == "vc7" } { append aText "\t\t\t\t\n" return $aText } append aText "\t\t\t\t\t\n" append aText "\t\t\t\t\t\t\n" append aText "\t\t\t\t\t\n" append aText "\t\t\t\t\t\n" append aText "\t\t\t\t\t\t\n" append aText "\t\t\t\t\t\n" append aText "\t\t\t\t\n" return $aText } proc wokUtils:FILES:mkdir { d } { global tcl_version regsub -all {\.[^.]*} $tcl_version "" major if { $major == 8 } { file mkdir $d } else { if ![file exists $d] { if { "[info command mkdir]" == "mkdir" } { mkdir -path $d } else { puts stderr "wokUtils:FILES:mkdir : Error unable to find a mkdir command." } } } if [file exists $d] { return $d } else { return {} } } # remove from listloc OpenCascade units indesirables on Unix proc osutils:justunix { listloc } { if { "$::tcl_platform(os)" == "Darwin" } { set goaway [list Xw WNT] } else { set goaway [list WNT] } return [osutils:juststation $goaway $listloc] } ####### CODEBLOCK ################################################################### # Function to generate Code Blocks workspace and project files proc OS:MKCBP { theOutDir {theModules {}} {theAllSolution ""} } { puts stderr "Generating project files for Code Blocks" # Generate projects for toolkits and separate workspace for each module foreach aModule $theModules { OS:cworkspace $aModule $aModule $theOutDir OS:cbp $aModule $theOutDir } # Generate single workspace "OCCT" containing projects from all modules if { "$theAllSolution" != "" } { OS:cworkspace $theAllSolution $theModules $theOutDir } puts "The Code Blocks workspace and project files are stored in the $theOutDir directory" } # Generate Code Blocks projects proc OS:cbp { theModules theOutDir } { set aProjectFiles {} foreach aModule $theModules { foreach aToolKit [${aModule}:toolkits] { lappend aProjectFiles [osutils:cbptk $theOutDir $aToolKit ] } foreach anExecutable [OS:executable ${aModule}] { lappend aProjectFiles [osutils:cbpx $theOutDir $anExecutable] } } return $aProjectFiles } # Generate Code::Blocks project file for ToolKit proc osutils:cbptk { theOutDir theToolKit } { set aUsedToolKits [list] set aFrameworks [list] set anIncPaths [list] set aTKDefines [list] set aTKSrcFiles [list] osutils:tkinfo "../../.." $theToolKit aUsedToolKits aFrameworks anIncPaths aTKDefines aTKSrcFiles return [osutils:cbp $theOutDir $theToolKit $aTKSrcFiles $aUsedToolKits $aFrameworks $anIncPaths $aTKDefines] } # Generates Code Blocks workspace. proc OS:cworkspace { theSolName theModules theOutDir } { global path set aWsFilePath "${theOutDir}/${theSolName}.workspace" set aFile [open $aWsFilePath "w"] set isActiveSet 0 puts $aFile "" puts $aFile "" puts $aFile "\t" # collect list of projects to be created foreach aModule $theModules { # toolkits foreach aToolKit [osutils:tk:sort [${aModule}:toolkits]] { set aDependencies [LibToLink $aToolKit] if { [llength $aDependencies] == 0 } { puts $aFile "\t\t" } else { puts $aFile "\t\t" foreach aDepTk $aDependencies { puts $aFile "\t\t\t" } puts $aFile "\t\t" } } # executables, assume one project per cxx file... foreach aUnit [OS:executable ${aModule}] { set aUnitLoc $aUnit set src_files [_get_used_files $aUnit false] set aSrcFiles {} foreach s $src_files { regexp {source ([^\s]+)} $s dummy name lappend aSrcFiles $name } foreach aSrcFile $aSrcFiles { set aFileExtension [file extension $aSrcFile] if { $aFileExtension == ".cxx" } { set aPrjName [file rootname $aSrcFile] set aDependencies [list] if {[file isdirectory $path/src/$aUnitLoc]} { set aDependencies [LibToLinkX $aUnitLoc [file rootname $aSrcFile]] } set anActiveState "" if { $isActiveSet == 0 } { set anActiveState " active=\"1\"" set isActiveSet 1 } if { [llength $aDependencies] == 0 } { puts $aFile "\t\t" } else { puts $aFile "\t\t" foreach aDepTk $aDependencies { puts $aFile "\t\t\t" } puts $aFile "\t\t" } } } } } puts $aFile "\t" puts $aFile "" close $aFile return $aWsFilePath } # Generate Code::Blocks project file for Executable proc osutils:cbpx { theOutDir theToolKit } { global path targetStation set aWokStation "$targetStation" set aWokArch "$::env(ARCH)" set aCbpFiles {} foreach aSrcFile [osutils:tk:files $theToolKit osutils:compilable 0] { # collect list of referred libraries to link with set aUsedToolKits [list] set aFrameworks [list] set anIncPaths [list] set aTKDefines [list] set aTKSrcFiles [list] set aProjName [file rootname [file tail $aSrcFile]] osutils:usedOsLibs $theToolKit "$aWokStation" aUsedToolKits aFrameworks set aDepToolkits [LibToLinkX $theToolKit $aProjName] foreach tkx $aDepToolkits { if {[_get_type $tkx] == "t"} { lappend aUsedToolKits "${tkx}" } if {[lsearch [glob -tails -directory "$path/src" -types d *] $tkx] == "-1"} { lappend aUsedToolKits "${tkx}" } } set WOKSteps_exec_link [_get_options lin WOKSteps_exec_link $theToolKit] if { [regexp {WOKStep_DLLink} $WOKSteps_exec_link] || [regexp {WOKStep_Libink} $WOKSteps_exec_link] } { set isExecutable "false" } else { set isExecutable "true" } if { ![info exists written([file tail $aSrcFile])] } { set written([file tail $aSrcFile]) 1 lappend aTKSrcFiles $aSrcFile } else { puts "Warning : in cbp there are more than one occurences for [file tail $aSrcFile]" } # macros for correct DLL exports if { "$aWokStation" == "wnt" } { lappend aTKDefines "__${theToolKit}_DLL" } # common include paths lappend anIncPaths "../../../inc" # extra macros if { "$aWokStation" == "wnt" } { lappend aTKDefines "_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" } else { lappend aTKDefines "OCC_CONVERT_SIGNALS" #lappend aTKDefines "_GNU_SOURCE=1" } lappend aCbpFiles [osutils:cbp $theOutDir $aProjName $aTKSrcFiles $aUsedToolKits $aFrameworks $anIncPaths $aTKDefines $isExecutable] } return $aCbpFiles } proc osutils:optinal_libs { } { return [list tbb.lib tbbmalloc.lib FreeImage.lib FreeImagePlus.lib gl2ps.lib] } # This function intended to generate Code::Blocks project file # @param theOutDir - output directory to place project file # @param theProjName - project name # @param theSrcFiles - list of source files # @param theLibsList - dependencies (libraries list) # @param theFrameworks - dependencies (frameworks list, Mac OS X specific) # @param theIncPaths - header search paths # @param theDefines - compiler macro definitions # @param theIsExe - flag to indicate executable / library target proc osutils:cbp { theOutDir theProjName theSrcFiles theLibsList theFrameworks theIncPaths theDefines {theIsExe "false"} } { global targetStation set aWokStation "$targetStation" set aWokArch "$::env(ARCH)" set aCbpFilePath "${theOutDir}/${theProjName}.cbp" set aFile [open $aCbpFilePath "w"] puts $aFile "" puts $aFile "" puts $aFile "\t" puts $aFile "\t" puts $aFile "\t\t" puts $aFile "" close $aFile return $aCbpFilePath } # Auxiliary function to achieve complete information to build Toolkit # @param theRelativePath - relative path to CASROOT # @param theToolKit - Toolkit name # @param theUsedLib - dependencies (libraries list) # @param theFrameworks - dependencies (frameworks list, Mac OS X specific) # @param theIncPaths - header search paths # @param theTKDefines - compiler macro definitions # @param theTKSrcFiles - list of source files proc osutils:tkinfo { theRelativePath theToolKit theUsedLib theFrameworks theIncPaths theTKDefines theTKSrcFiles } { global path targetStation set aWokStation "$targetStation" # collect list of referred libraries to link with upvar $theUsedLib aUsedLibs upvar $theFrameworks aFrameworks upvar $theIncPaths anIncPaths upvar $theTKDefines aTKDefines upvar $theTKSrcFiles aTKSrcFiles osutils:usedOsLibs $theToolKit "$aWokStation" aUsedLibs aFrameworks set aDepToolkits [wokUtils:LIST:Purge [osutils:tk:close $theToolKit]] foreach tkx $aDepToolkits { lappend aUsedLibs "${tkx}" } lappend anIncPaths "$theRelativePath/inc" set listloc [osutils:tk:units $theToolKit] if { [llength $listloc] == 0 } { set listloc $theToolKit } if { "$aWokStation" == "wnt" } { set resultloc [osutils:justwnt $listloc] } else { set resultloc [osutils:justunix $listloc] } if [array exists written] { unset written } foreach fxlo $resultloc { set xlo $fxlo set aSrcFiles [osutils:tk:files $xlo osutils:compilable 0] foreach aSrcFile [lsort $aSrcFiles] { if { ![info exists written([file tail $aSrcFile])] } { set written([file tail $aSrcFile]) 1 lappend aTKSrcFiles "${theRelativePath}/[wokUtils:FILES:wtail $aSrcFile 3]" } else { puts "Warning : more than one occurences for [file tail $aSrcFile]" } } # macros for correct DLL exports if { "$aWokStation" == "wnt" } { lappend aTKDefines "__${xlo}_DLL" } # common include paths # lappend anIncPaths "${theRelativePath}/src/${xlo}" } # extra macros if { "$aWokStation" == "wnt" } { lappend aTKDefines "_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" } else { lappend aTKDefines "OCC_CONVERT_SIGNALS" #lappend aTKDefines "_GNU_SOURCE=1" } } # Define libraries to link using only EXTERNLIB file proc LibToLinkX {thePackage theDummyName} { set aToolKits [LibToLink $thePackage] return $aToolKits } # Function to generate Xcode workspace and project files proc OS:MKXCD { theOutDir {theModules {}} {theAllSolution ""} {theLibType "dynamic"} {thePlatform ""} } { puts stderr "Generating project files for Xcode" # Generate projects for toolkits and separate workspace for each module foreach aModule $theModules { OS:xcworkspace $aModule $aModule $theOutDir OS:xcodeproj $aModule $theOutDir ::THE_GUIDS_LIST $theLibType $thePlatform } # Generate single workspace "OCCT" containing projects from all modules if { "$theAllSolution" != "" } { OS:xcworkspace $theAllSolution $theModules $theOutDir } } # Generates toolkits sections for Xcode workspace file. proc OS:xcworkspace:toolkits { theModule } { set aBuff "" # Adding toolkits for module in workspace. foreach aToolKit [osutils:tk:sort [${theModule}:toolkits]] { append aBuff " \n" append aBuff " \n" } # Adding executables for module, assume one project per cxx file... foreach aUnit [OS:executable ${theModule}] { set aUnitLoc $aUnit set src_files [_get_used_files $aUnit false] set aSrcFiles {} foreach s $src_files { regexp {source ([^\s]+)} $s dummy name lappend aSrcFiles $name } foreach aSrcFile $aSrcFiles { set aFileExtension [file extension $aSrcFile] if { $aFileExtension == ".cxx" } { set aPrjName [file rootname $aSrcFile] append aBuff " \n" append aBuff " \n" } } } # Removing unnecessary newline character from the end. set aBuff [string replace $aBuff end end] return $aBuff } # Generates workspace files for Xcode. proc OS:xcworkspace { theWorkspaceName theModules theOutDir } { # Creating workspace directory for Xcode. set aWorkspaceDir "${theOutDir}/${theWorkspaceName}.xcworkspace" wokUtils:FILES:mkdir $aWorkspaceDir if { ! [file exists $aWorkspaceDir] } { puts stderr "Error: Could not create workspace directory \"$aWorkspaceDir\"" return } # Creating workspace file. set aWsFilePath "${aWorkspaceDir}/contents.xcworkspacedata" set aFile [open $aWsFilePath "w"] # Adding header and section for main Group. puts $aFile "" puts $aFile "" puts $aFile " " # Adding modules. if { [llength "$theModules"] > 1 } { foreach aModule $theModules { puts $aFile " " puts $aFile [OS:xcworkspace:toolkits $aModule] puts $aFile " " } } else { puts $aFile [OS:xcworkspace:toolkits $theModules] } # Adding footer. puts $aFile " " puts $aFile "" close $aFile } # Generates Xcode project files. proc OS:xcodeproj { theModules theOutDir theGuidsMap theLibType thePlatform} { upvar $theGuidsMap aGuidsMap set isStatic 0 if { "$theLibType" == "static" } { set isStatic 1 } elseif { "$thePlatform" == "ios" } { set isStatic 1 } set aProjectFiles {} foreach aModule $theModules { foreach aToolKit [${aModule}:toolkits] { lappend aProjectFiles [osutils:xcdtk $theOutDir $aToolKit aGuidsMap $isStatic $thePlatform "dylib"] } foreach anExecutable [OS:executable ${aModule}] { lappend aProjectFiles [osutils:xcdtk $theOutDir $anExecutable aGuidsMap $isStatic $thePlatform "executable"] } } return $aProjectFiles } # Generates dependencies section for Xcode project files. proc osutils:xcdtk:deps {theToolKit theTargetType theGuidsMap theFileRefSection theDepsGuids theDepsRefGuids theIsStatic} { global path upvar $theGuidsMap aGuidsMap upvar $theFileRefSection aFileRefSection upvar $theDepsGuids aDepsGuids upvar $theDepsRefGuids aDepsRefGuids set aBuildFileSection "" set aUsedToolKits [wokUtils:LIST:Purge [osutils:tk:close $theToolKit]] set aDepToolkits [lappend [wokUtils:LIST:Purge [osutils:tk:close $theToolKit]] $theToolKit] if { "$theTargetType" == "executable" } { set aFile [osutils:tk:files $theToolKit osutils:compilable 0] set aProjName [file rootname [file tail $aFile]] set aDepToolkits [LibToLinkX $theToolKit $aProjName] } set aLibExt "dylib" if { $theIsStatic == 1 } { set aLibExt "a" if { "$theTargetType" != "executable" } { return $aBuildFileSection } } osutils:usedOsLibs $theToolKit "mac" aLibs aFrameworks set aUsedToolKits [concat $aUsedToolKits $aLibs] set aUsedToolKits [concat $aUsedToolKits $aFrameworks] foreach tkx $aUsedToolKits { set aDepLib "${tkx}_Dep" set aDepLibRef "${tkx}_DepRef" if { ! [info exists aGuidsMap($aDepLib)] } { set aGuidsMap($aDepLib) [OS:genGUID "xcd"] } if { ! [info exists aGuidsMap($aDepLibRef)] } { set aGuidsMap($aDepLibRef) [OS:genGUID "xcd"] } append aBuildFileSection "\t\t$aGuidsMap($aDepLib) = \{isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = $aGuidsMap($aDepLibRef) ; \};\n" if {[lsearch -nocase $aFrameworks $tkx] == -1} { append aFileRefSection "\t\t$aGuidsMap($aDepLibRef) = \{isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file; name = lib${tkx}.${aLibExt}; path = lib${tkx}.${aLibExt}; sourceTree = \"\"; \};\n" } else { append aFileRefSection "\t\t$aGuidsMap($aDepLibRef) = \{isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = ${tkx}.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/${tkx}.framework; sourceTree = \"\"; \};\n" } append aDepsGuids "\t\t\t\t$aGuidsMap($aDepLib) ,\n" append aDepsRefGuids "\t\t\t\t$aGuidsMap($aDepLibRef) ,\n" } return $aBuildFileSection } # Generates PBXBuildFile and PBXGroup sections for project file. proc osutils:xcdtk:sources {theToolKit theTargetType theSrcFileRefSection theGroupSection thePackageGuids theSrcFileGuids theGuidsMap theIncPaths} { upvar $theSrcFileRefSection aSrcFileRefSection upvar $theGroupSection aGroupSection upvar $thePackageGuids aPackagesGuids upvar $theSrcFileGuids aSrcFileGuids upvar $theGuidsMap aGuidsMap upvar $theIncPaths anIncPaths set listloc [osutils:tk:units $theToolKit] set resultloc [osutils:justunix $listloc] set aBuildFileSection "" set aPackages [lsort -nocase $resultloc] if { "$theTargetType" == "executable" } { set aPackages [list "$theToolKit"] } # Generating PBXBuildFile, PBXGroup sections and groups for each package. foreach fxlo $aPackages { set xlo $fxlo set aPackage "${xlo}_Package" set aSrcFileRefGuids "" if { ! [info exists aGuidsMap($aPackage)] } { set aGuidsMap($aPackage) [OS:genGUID "xcd"] } set aSrcFiles [osutils:tk:files $xlo osutils:compilable 0] foreach aSrcFile [lsort $aSrcFiles] { set aFileExt "sourcecode.cpp.cpp" if { [file extension $aSrcFile] == ".c" } { set aFileExt "sourcecode.c.c" } elseif { [file extension $aSrcFile] == ".mm" } { set aFileExt "sourcecode.cpp.objcpp" } if { ! [info exists aGuidsMap($aSrcFile)] } { set aGuidsMap($aSrcFile) [OS:genGUID "xcd"] } set aSrcFileRef "${aSrcFile}_Ref" if { ! [info exists aGuidsMap($aSrcFileRef)] } { set aGuidsMap($aSrcFileRef) [OS:genGUID "xcd"] } if { ! [info exists written([file tail $aSrcFile])] } { set written([file tail $aSrcFile]) 1 append aBuildFileSection "\t\t$aGuidsMap($aSrcFile) = \{isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = $aGuidsMap($aSrcFileRef) ;\};\n" append aSrcFileRefSection "\t\t$aGuidsMap($aSrcFileRef) = \{isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = ${aFileExt}; name = [wokUtils:FILES:wtail $aSrcFile 1]; path = ../../../[wokUtils:FILES:wtail $aSrcFile 3]; sourceTree = \"\"; \};\n" append aSrcFileGuids "\t\t\t\t$aGuidsMap($aSrcFile) ,\n" append aSrcFileRefGuids "\t\t\t\t$aGuidsMap($aSrcFileRef) ,\n" } else { puts "Warning : more than one occurences for [file tail $aSrcFile]" } } append aGroupSection "\t\t$aGuidsMap($aPackage) = \{\n" append aGroupSection "\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n" append aGroupSection "\t\t\tchildren = (\n" append aGroupSection $aSrcFileRefGuids append aGroupSection "\t\t\t);\n" append aGroupSection "\t\t\tname = $xlo;\n" append aGroupSection "\t\t\tsourceTree = \"\";\n" append aGroupSection "\t\t\};\n" # Storing packages IDs for adding them later as a child of toolkit append aPackagesGuids "\t\t\t\t$aGuidsMap($aPackage) ,\n" } # Removing unnecessary newline character from the end. set aPackagesGuids [string replace $aPackagesGuids end end] return $aBuildFileSection } # Creates folders structure and all necessary files for Xcode project. proc osutils:xcdtk { theOutDir theToolKit theGuidsMap theIsStatic thePlatform {theTargetType "dylib"} } { set aPBXBuildPhase "Headers" set aRunOnlyForDeployment "0" set aProductType "library.dynamic" set anExecExtension "\t\t\t\tEXECUTABLE_EXTENSION = dylib;" set anExecPrefix "\t\t\t\tEXECUTABLE_PREFIX = lib;" set aWrapperExtension "\t\t\t\tWRAPPER_EXTENSION = dylib;" set aTKDefines [list "OCC_CONVERT_SIGNALS"] if { "$theTargetType" == "executable" } { set aPBXBuildPhase "CopyFiles" set aRunOnlyForDeployment "1" set aProductType "tool" set anExecExtension "" set anExecPrefix "" set aWrapperExtension "" } elseif { $theIsStatic == 1 } { set aProductType "library.static" set anExecExtension "\t\t\t\tEXECUTABLE_EXTENSION = a;" set aWrapperExtension "\t\t\t\tWRAPPER_EXTENSION = a;" } set aUsername [exec whoami] # Creation of folders for Xcode projectP. set aToolkitDir "${theOutDir}/${theToolKit}.xcodeproj" wokUtils:FILES:mkdir $aToolkitDir if { ! [file exists $aToolkitDir] } { puts stderr "Error: Could not create project directory \"$aToolkitDir\"" return } set aUserDataDir "${aToolkitDir}/xcuserdata" wokUtils:FILES:mkdir $aUserDataDir if { ! [file exists $aUserDataDir] } { puts stderr "Error: Could not create xcuserdata directorty in \"$aToolkitDir\"" return } set aUserDataDir "${aUserDataDir}/${aUsername}.xcuserdatad" wokUtils:FILES:mkdir $aUserDataDir if { ! [file exists $aUserDataDir] } { puts stderr "Error: Could not create ${aUsername}.xcuserdatad directorty in \"$aToolkitDir\"/xcuserdata" return } set aSchemesDir "${aUserDataDir}/xcschemes" wokUtils:FILES:mkdir $aSchemesDir if { ! [file exists $aSchemesDir] } { puts stderr "Error: Could not create xcschemes directorty in \"$aUserDataDir\"" return } # End of folders creation. # Generating GUID for tookit. upvar $theGuidsMap aGuidsMap if { ! [info exists aGuidsMap($theToolKit)] } { set aGuidsMap($theToolKit) [OS:genGUID "xcd"] } # Creating xcscheme file for toolkit from template. set aXcschemeTmpl [osutils:readtemplate "xcscheme" "xcd"] regsub -all -- {__TOOLKIT_NAME__} $aXcschemeTmpl $theToolKit aXcschemeTmpl regsub -all -- {__TOOLKIT_GUID__} $aXcschemeTmpl $aGuidsMap($theToolKit) aXcschemeTmpl set aXcschemeFile [open "$aSchemesDir/${theToolKit}.xcscheme" "w"] puts $aXcschemeFile $aXcschemeTmpl close $aXcschemeFile # Creating xcschememanagement.plist file for toolkit from template. set aPlistTmpl [osutils:readtemplate "plist" "xcd"] regsub -all -- {__TOOLKIT_NAME__} $aPlistTmpl $theToolKit aPlistTmpl regsub -all -- {__TOOLKIT_GUID__} $aPlistTmpl $aGuidsMap($theToolKit) aPlistTmpl set aPlistFile [open "$aSchemesDir/xcschememanagement.plist" "w"] puts $aPlistFile $aPlistTmpl close $aPlistFile # Creating project.pbxproj file for toolkit. set aPbxprojFile [open "$aToolkitDir/project.pbxproj" "w"] puts $aPbxprojFile "// !\$*UTF8*\$!" puts $aPbxprojFile "\{" puts $aPbxprojFile "\tarchiveVersion = 1;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\tclasses = \{" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\};" puts $aPbxprojFile "\tobjectVersion = 46;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\tobjects = \{\n" # Begin PBXBuildFile section set aPackagesGuids "" set aGroupSection "" set aSrcFileRefSection "" set aSrcFileGuids "" set aDepsFileRefSection "" set aDepsGuids "" set aDepsRefGuids "" set anIncPaths [list "../../../inc"] set anLibPaths "" if { [info exists ::env(CSF_OPT_INC)] } { set anIncCfg [split "$::env(CSF_OPT_INC)" ":"] foreach anIncCfgPath $anIncCfg { lappend anIncPaths $anIncCfgPath } } if { [info exists ::env(CSF_OPT_LIB64)] } { set anLibCfg [split "$::env(CSF_OPT_LIB64)" ":"] foreach anLibCfgPath $anLibCfg { lappend anLibPaths $anLibCfgPath } } puts $aPbxprojFile [osutils:xcdtk:sources $theToolKit $theTargetType aSrcFileRefSection aGroupSection aPackagesGuids aSrcFileGuids aGuidsMap anIncPaths] puts $aPbxprojFile [osutils:xcdtk:deps $theToolKit $theTargetType aGuidsMap aDepsFileRefSection aDepsGuids aDepsRefGuids $theIsStatic] # End PBXBuildFile section # Begin PBXFileReference section set aToolkitLib "lib${theToolKit}.dylib" set aPath "$aToolkitLib" if { "$theTargetType" == "executable" } { set aPath "$theToolKit" } elseif { $theIsStatic == 1 } { set aToolkitLib "lib${theToolKit}.a" } if { ! [info exists aGuidsMap($aToolkitLib)] } { set aGuidsMap($aToolkitLib) [OS:genGUID "xcd"] } puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t$aGuidsMap($aToolkitLib) = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = \"compiled.mach-o.${theTargetType}\"; includeInIndex = 0; path = $aPath; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };\n" puts $aPbxprojFile $aSrcFileRefSection puts $aPbxprojFile $aDepsFileRefSection # End PBXFileReference section # Begin PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section set aTkFrameworks "${theToolKit}_Frameworks" if { ! [info exists aGuidsMap($aTkFrameworks)] } { set aGuidsMap($aTkFrameworks) [OS:genGUID "xcd"] } puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t$aGuidsMap($aTkFrameworks) = \{" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tisa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tbuildActionMask = 2147483647;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tfiles = (" puts $aPbxprojFile $aDepsGuids puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\trunOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\};\n" # End PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section # Begin PBXGroup section set aTkPBXGroup "${theToolKit}_PBXGroup" if { ! [info exists aGuidsMap($aTkPBXGroup)] } { set aGuidsMap($aTkPBXGroup) [OS:genGUID "xcd"] } set aTkSrcGroup "${theToolKit}_SrcGroup" if { ! [info exists aGuidsMap($aTkSrcGroup)] } { set aGuidsMap($aTkSrcGroup) [OS:genGUID "xcd"] } puts $aPbxprojFile $aGroupSection puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t$aGuidsMap($aTkPBXGroup) = \{" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tchildren = (" puts $aPbxprojFile $aDepsRefGuids puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t$aGuidsMap($aTkSrcGroup) ," puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t$aGuidsMap($aToolkitLib) ," puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tsourceTree = \"\";" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\};" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t$aGuidsMap($aTkSrcGroup) = \{" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tchildren = (" puts $aPbxprojFile $aPackagesGuids puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tname = \"Source files\";" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tsourceTree = \"\";" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\};\n" # End PBXGroup section # Begin PBXHeadersBuildPhase section set aTkHeaders "${theToolKit}_Headers" if { ! [info exists aGuidsMap($aTkHeaders)] } { set aGuidsMap($aTkHeaders) [OS:genGUID "xcd"] } puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t$aGuidsMap($aTkHeaders) = \{" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tisa = PBX${aPBXBuildPhase}BuildPhase;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tbuildActionMask = 2147483647;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tfiles = (" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\trunOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = ${aRunOnlyForDeployment};" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\};\n" # End PBXHeadersBuildPhase section # Begin PBXNativeTarget section set aTkBuildCfgListNativeTarget "${theToolKit}_BuildCfgListNativeTarget" if { ! [info exists aGuidsMap($aTkBuildCfgListNativeTarget)] } { set aGuidsMap($aTkBuildCfgListNativeTarget) [OS:genGUID "xcd"] } set aTkSources "${theToolKit}_Sources" if { ! [info exists aGuidsMap($aTkSources)] } { set aGuidsMap($aTkSources) [OS:genGUID "xcd"] } puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t$aGuidsMap($theToolKit) = \{" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tisa = PBXNativeTarget;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tbuildConfigurationList = $aGuidsMap($aTkBuildCfgListNativeTarget) ;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tbuildPhases = (" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t$aGuidsMap($aTkSources) ," puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t$aGuidsMap($aTkFrameworks) ," puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t$aGuidsMap($aTkHeaders) ," puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tbuildRules = (" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tdependencies = (" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tname = $theToolKit;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tproductName = $theToolKit;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tproductReference = $aGuidsMap($aToolkitLib) ;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tproductType = \"com.apple.product-type.${aProductType}\";" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\};\n" # End PBXNativeTarget section # Begin PBXProject section set aTkProjectObj "${theToolKit}_ProjectObj" if { ! [info exists aGuidsMap($aTkProjectObj)] } { set aGuidsMap($aTkProjectObj) [OS:genGUID "xcd"] } set aTkBuildCfgListProj "${theToolKit}_BuildCfgListProj" if { ! [info exists aGuidsMap($aTkBuildCfgListProj)] } { set aGuidsMap($aTkBuildCfgListProj) [OS:genGUID "xcd"] } puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t$aGuidsMap($aTkProjectObj) = \{" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tisa = PBXProject;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tattributes = \{" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tLastUpgradeCheck = 0430;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\};" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tbuildConfigurationList = $aGuidsMap($aTkBuildCfgListProj) ;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tcompatibilityVersion = \"Xcode 3.2\";" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tdevelopmentRegion = English;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\thasScannedForEncodings = 0;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tknownRegions = (" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\ten," puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tmainGroup = $aGuidsMap($aTkPBXGroup);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tproductRefGroup = $aGuidsMap($aTkPBXGroup);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tprojectDirPath = \"\";" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tprojectRoot = \"\";" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\ttargets = (" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t$aGuidsMap($theToolKit) ," puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\};\n" # End PBXProject section # Begin PBXSourcesBuildPhase section puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t$aGuidsMap($aTkSources) = \{" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tisa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tbuildActionMask = 2147483647;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tfiles = (" puts $aPbxprojFile $aSrcFileGuids puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\trunOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\};\n" # End PBXSourcesBuildPhase section # Begin XCBuildConfiguration section set aTkDebugProject "${theToolKit}_DebugProject" if { ! [info exists aGuidsMap($aTkDebugProject)] } { set aGuidsMap($aTkDebugProject) [OS:genGUID "xcd"] } set aTkReleaseProject "${theToolKit}_ReleaseProject" if { ! [info exists aGuidsMap($aTkReleaseProject)] } { set aGuidsMap($aTkReleaseProject) [OS:genGUID "xcd"] } set aTkDebugNativeTarget "${theToolKit}_DebugNativeTarget" if { ! [info exists aGuidsMap($aTkDebugNativeTarget)] } { set aGuidsMap($aTkDebugNativeTarget) [OS:genGUID "xcd"] } set aTkReleaseNativeTarget "${theToolKit}_ReleaseNativeTarget" if { ! [info exists aGuidsMap($aTkReleaseNativeTarget)] } { set aGuidsMap($aTkReleaseNativeTarget) [OS:genGUID "xcd"] } # Debug target puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t$aGuidsMap($aTkDebugProject) = \{" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tisa = XCBuildConfiguration;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tbuildSettings = \{" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tDEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = dwarf;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS = NO;" if { "$thePlatform" == "ios" } { puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t\"ARCHS\[sdk=iphoneos\*\]\" = \"\$(ARCHS_STANDARD)\";"; puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t\"ARCHS\[sdk=iphonesimulator\*\]\" = \"x86_64\";"; puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tCLANG_CXX_LIBRARY = \"libc++\";" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tCLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tCLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_ARC = YES;" } puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tARCHS = \"\$(ARCHS_STANDARD_64_BIT)\";" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tCLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = \"gnu++0x\";" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tCOPY_PHASE_STRIP = NO;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tGCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = gnu99;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tGCC_DYNAMIC_NO_PIC = NO;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tGCC_ENABLE_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS = YES;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tGCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = 0;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tGCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = (" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t\t\"DEBUG=1\"," puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t\t\"\$\(inherited\)\"," puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tGCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN = NO;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tGCC_VERSION = com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_64_TO_32_BIT_CONVERSION = YES;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE = YES;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_UNINITIALIZED_AUTOS = YES;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE = YES;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tOTHER_LDFLAGS = \"\$(CSF_OPT_LNK64D)\"; " if { "$thePlatform" == "ios" } { puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH = NO;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tSDKROOT = iphoneos;" } else { puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH = YES;" } puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\};" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tname = Debug;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\};" # Release target puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t$aGuidsMap($aTkReleaseProject) = \{" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tisa = XCBuildConfiguration;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tbuildSettings = \{" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tDEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = \"dwarf-with-dsym\";" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS = NO;" if { "$thePlatform" == "ios" } { puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t\"ARCHS\[sdk=iphoneos\*\]\" = \"\$(ARCHS_STANDARD)\";"; puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t\"ARCHS\[sdk=iphonesimulator\*\]\" = \"x86_64\";"; puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tCLANG_CXX_LIBRARY = \"libc++\";" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tCLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tCLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_ARC = YES;" } puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tARCHS = \"\$(ARCHS_STANDARD_64_BIT)\";" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tCLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = \"gnu++0x\";" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tCOPY_PHASE_STRIP = YES;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tGCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = gnu99;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tGCC_ENABLE_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS = YES;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tDEAD_CODE_STRIPPING = NO;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tGCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = 2;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tGCC_VERSION = com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_64_TO_32_BIT_CONVERSION = YES;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE = YES;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_UNINITIALIZED_AUTOS = YES;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE = YES;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tOTHER_LDFLAGS = \"\$(CSF_OPT_LNK64)\";" if { "$thePlatform" == "ios" } { puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tIPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 7.0;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tSDKROOT = iphoneos;" } puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\};" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tname = Release;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\};" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t$aGuidsMap($aTkDebugNativeTarget) = \{" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tisa = XCBuildConfiguration;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tbuildSettings = \{" puts $aPbxprojFile "${anExecExtension}" puts $aPbxprojFile "${anExecPrefix}" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tGCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = (" foreach aMacro $aTKDefines { puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t\t${aMacro} ," } puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tHEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = (" foreach anIncPath $anIncPaths { puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t\t${anIncPath}," } puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t\t\"\$(CSF_OPT_INC)\"," puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tLIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS = (" foreach anLibPath $anLibPaths { puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t\t${anLibPath}," } puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tOTHER_CFLAGS = (" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t\t\"\$(CSF_OPT_CMPL)\"," puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tOTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS = (" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t\t\"\$(OTHER_CFLAGS)\"," puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_NAME = \"\$(TARGET_NAME)\";" set anUserHeaderSearchPath "\t\t\t\tUSER_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = \"" foreach anIncPath $anIncPaths { append anUserHeaderSearchPath " ${anIncPath}" } append anUserHeaderSearchPath "\";" puts $aPbxprojFile $anUserHeaderSearchPath puts $aPbxprojFile "${aWrapperExtension}" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\};" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tname = Debug;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\};" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t$aGuidsMap($aTkReleaseNativeTarget) = \{" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tisa = XCBuildConfiguration;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tbuildSettings = \{" puts $aPbxprojFile "${anExecExtension}" puts $aPbxprojFile "${anExecPrefix}" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tGCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = (" foreach aMacro $aTKDefines { puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t\t${aMacro} ," } puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tHEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = (" foreach anIncPath $anIncPaths { puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t\t${anIncPath}," } puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t\t\"\$(CSF_OPT_INC)\"," puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tLIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS = (" foreach anLibPath $anLibPaths { puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t\t${anLibPath}," } puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tOTHER_CFLAGS = (" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t\t\"\$(CSF_OPT_CMPL)\"," puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tOTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS = (" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t\t\"\$(OTHER_CFLAGS)\"," puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_NAME = \"\$(TARGET_NAME)\";" puts $aPbxprojFile $anUserHeaderSearchPath puts $aPbxprojFile "${aWrapperExtension}" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\};" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tname = Release;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\};\n" # End XCBuildConfiguration section # Begin XCConfigurationList section puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t$aGuidsMap($aTkBuildCfgListProj) = \{" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tisa = XCConfigurationList;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\tbuildConfigurations = (" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t$aGuidsMap($aTkDebugProject) ," puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t$aGuidsMap($aTkReleaseProject) ," puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tdefaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tdefaultConfigurationName = Release;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\};" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t$aGuidsMap($aTkBuildCfgListNativeTarget) = \{" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tisa = XCConfigurationList;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tbuildConfigurations = (" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t$aGuidsMap($aTkDebugNativeTarget) ," puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t\t$aGuidsMap($aTkReleaseNativeTarget) ," puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\t);" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tdefaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\tdefaultConfigurationName = Release;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\t\};\n" # End XCConfigurationList section puts $aPbxprojFile "\t\};" puts $aPbxprojFile "\trootObject = $aGuidsMap($aTkProjectObj) ;" puts $aPbxprojFile "\}" close $aPbxprojFile } proc osutils:xcdx { theOutDir theExecutable theGuidsMap } { set aUsername [exec whoami] # Creating folders for Xcode project file. set anExecutableDir "${theOutDir}/${theExecutable}.xcodeproj" wokUtils:FILES:mkdir $anExecutableDir if { ! [file exists $anExecutableDir] } { puts stderr "Error: Could not create project directory \"$anExecutableDir\"" return } set aUserDataDir "${anExecutableDir}/xcuserdata" wokUtils:FILES:mkdir $aUserDataDir if { ! [file exists $aUserDataDir] } { puts stderr "Error: Could not create xcuserdata directorty in \"$anExecutableDir\"" return } set aUserDataDir "${aUserDataDir}/${aUsername}.xcuserdatad" wokUtils:FILES:mkdir $aUserDataDir if { ! [file exists $aUserDataDir] } { puts stderr "Error: Could not create ${aUsername}.xcuserdatad directorty in \"$anExecutableDir\"/xcuserdata" return } set aSchemesDir "${aUserDataDir}/xcschemes" wokUtils:FILES:mkdir $aSchemesDir if { ! [file exists $aSchemesDir] } { puts stderr "Error: Could not create xcschemes directorty in \"$aUserDataDir\"" return } # End folders creation. # Generating GUID for tookit. upvar $theGuidsMap aGuidsMap if { ! [info exists aGuidsMap($theExecutable)] } { set aGuidsMap($theExecutable) [OS:genGUID "xcd"] } # Creating xcscheme file for toolkit from template. set aXcschemeTmpl [osutils:readtemplate "xcscheme" "xcode"] regsub -all -- {__TOOLKIT_NAME__} $aXcschemeTmpl $theExecutable aXcschemeTmpl regsub -all -- {__TOOLKIT_GUID__} $aXcschemeTmpl $aGuidsMap($theExecutable) aXcschemeTmpl set aXcschemeFile [open "$aSchemesDir/${theExecutable}.xcscheme" "w"] puts $aXcschemeFile $aXcschemeTmpl close $aXcschemeFile # Creating xcschememanagement.plist file for toolkit from template. set aPlistTmpl [osutils:readtemplate "plist" "xcode"] regsub -all -- {__TOOLKIT_NAME__} $aPlistTmpl $theExecutable aPlistTmpl regsub -all -- {__TOOLKIT_GUID__} $aPlistTmpl $aGuidsMap($theExecutable) aPlistTmpl set aPlistFile [open "$aSchemesDir/xcschememanagement.plist" "w"] puts $aPlistFile $aPlistTmpl close $aPlistFile }