# ======================================================================= # Created on: 2014-03-21 # Created by: OMY # Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Matra Datavision # Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS # # This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published # by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file # OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT # distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty. # # Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE # commercial license or contractual agreement. # ======================================================================= # This script defines command gendoc compiling OCCT documents # from *.md files to HTML pages # ======================================================================= # load auxiliary tools source [file join [file dirname [info script]] occaux.tcl] # ====================================== # Common functions # ====================================== # Prints help message proc OCCDoc_PrintHelpMessage {} { puts "\nUsage: gendoc \[-h\] {-refman|-overview} \[-html|-pdf|-chm\] \[-m=|-ug=\] \[-v\] \[-s=\] \[-mathjax=\]" puts "" puts "Options are:" puts "" puts "choice of documentation to be generated:" puts " -overview : To generate Overview and User Guides" puts " (cannot be used with -refman)" puts " -refman : To generate class Reference Manual" puts " (cannot be used with -overview)" puts "" puts "choice of output format:" puts " -html : To generate HTML files" puts " (default, cannot be used with -pdf or -chm)" puts " -pdf : To generate PDF files" puts " (cannot be used with -refman, -html, or -chm)" puts " -chm : To generate CHM files" puts " (cannot be used with -html or -pdf)" puts "" puts "additional options:" puts " -m= : List of OCCT modules (separated with comma)," puts " for generation of Reference Manual" puts " -ug= : List of MarkDown documents (separated with comma)," puts " to use for generation of Overview / User Guides" puts " -mathjax= : To use local or alternative copy of MathJax" puts " -s= : Specifies the Search mode of HTML documents" puts " Can be: none | local | server | external" puts " -h : Prints this help message" puts " -v : Enables more verbose output" } # A command for User Documentation compilation proc gendoc {args} { # Parameters set DOC_TYPE "REFMAN" set GEN_MODE "HTML_ONLY" set DOCFILES {} set MODULES {} set DOCLABEL "" set VERB_MODE "NO" set SEARCH_MODE "none" set MATHJAX_LOCATION "http://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest" set mathjax_js_name "MathJax.js" set DOCTYPE_COMBO_FLAG 0 set GENMODE_COMBO_FLAG 0 set GENERATE_PRODUCTS_REFMAN "NO" global available_docfiles; # The full list of md files for HTML or CHM generation global available_pdf; # The full list of md files for PDF generation global tcl_platform global args_names global args_values global env # Load list of docfiles if { [OCCDoc_LoadFilesList] != 0 } { puts "Error: File FILES_HTML.txt or FILES_PDF.txt was not found on this computer.\nAborting..." return -1 } # Parse CL arguments if {[OCCDoc_ParseArguments $args] == 1} { return -1 } # Print help message if no arguments provided if {[llength $args_names] == 0} { OCCDoc_PrintHelpMessage return 0 } foreach arg_n $args_names { if {$arg_n == "h"} { OCCDoc_PrintHelpMessage return 0 } elseif {$arg_n == "html"} { if { ([ lsearch $args_names "refman" ] == -1) && ([ lsearch $args_names "overview" ] == -1) } { puts "Warning: Please specify -refman or -overview argument." return -1 } if { [ lsearch $args_names "refman" ] != -1 } { continue } if { $GENMODE_COMBO_FLAG != 1 } { set GEN_MODE "HTML_ONLY" set GENMODE_COMBO_FLAG 1 } else { puts "Error: Options -html, -pdf and -chm can not be combined." return -1 } } elseif {$arg_n == "chm"} { if { ([ lsearch $args_names "refman" ] == -1) && ([ lsearch $args_names "overview" ] == -1) } { puts "Warning: Please specify -refman or -overview argument." return -1 } if { [ lsearch $args_names "refman" ] != -1 } { continue } if { $GENMODE_COMBO_FLAG != 1 } { set GEN_MODE "CHM_ONLY" set GENMODE_COMBO_FLAG 1 } else { puts "Error: Options -html, -pdf and -chm cannot be combined." return -1 } } elseif {$arg_n == "pdf"} { if { ([ lsearch $args_names "refman" ] == -1) && ([ lsearch $args_names "overview" ] == -1) } { puts "Warning: Please specify -refman or -overview argument." return -1 } if { [ lsearch $args_names "refman" ] != -1 } { continue } if { $GENMODE_COMBO_FLAG != 1 } { set GEN_MODE "PDF_ONLY" set GENMODE_COMBO_FLAG 1 } else { puts "Error: Options -html, -pdf and -chm cannot be combined." return -1 } } elseif {$arg_n == "overview"} { if { $DOCTYPE_COMBO_FLAG != 1 } { set DOC_TYPE "OVERVIEW" set DOCTYPE_COMBO_FLAG 1 } else { puts "Error: Options -refman and -overview cannot be combined." return -1 } # Print ignored options if { [ lsearch $args_names "m" ] != -1 } { puts "\nInfo: The following options will be ignored: \n" puts " * -m" } puts "" } elseif {$arg_n == "refman"} { if { $DOCTYPE_COMBO_FLAG != 1 } { set DOC_TYPE "REFMAN" set DOCTYPE_COMBO_FLAG 1 if { [info exists env(PRODROOT)] && [file exists $::env(PRODROOT)/src/VAS/Products.tcl] } { set GENERATE_PRODUCTS_REFMAN "YES" } } else { puts "Error: Options -refman and -overview cannot be combined." return -1 } # Print ignored options if { ([ lsearch $args_names "pdf" ] != -1) || ([ lsearch $args_names "chm" ] != -1) || ([ lsearch $args_names "ug" ] != -1) } { puts "\nInfo: The following options will be ignored: \n" if { [ lsearch $args_names "pdf" ] != -1 } { puts " * -pdf" } if { [ lsearch $args_names "chm" ] != -1 } { puts " * -chm" } if { [ lsearch $args_names "ug" ] != -1 } { puts " * -ug" } puts "" } } elseif {$arg_n == "v"} { set VERB_MODE "YES" } elseif {$arg_n == "ug"} { if { ([ lsearch $args_names "refman" ] != -1) } { continue } if {$args_values(ug) != "NULL"} { set DOCFILES $args_values(ug) } else { puts "Error in argument ug." return -1 } # Check if all chosen docfiles are correct foreach docfile $DOCFILES { if { [ lsearch $args_names "pdf" ] == -1 } { # Check to generate HTMLs if { [lsearch $available_docfiles $docfile] == -1 } { puts "Error: File \"$docfile\" is not presented in the list of available docfiles." puts " Please specify the correct docfile name." return -1 } } else { # Check to generate PDFs if { [lsearch $available_pdf $docfile] == -1 } { puts "Error: File \"$docfile\" is not presented in the list of generic PDFs." puts " Please specify the correct pdf name." return -1 } } } } elseif {$arg_n == "m"} { if { [ lsearch $args_names "overview" ] != -1 } { continue } if {$args_values(m) != "NULL"} { set MODULES $args_values(m) } else { puts "Error in argument m." return -1 } } elseif {$arg_n == "s"} { if { [ lsearch $args_names "pdf" ] != -1 } { continue } if {$args_values(s) != "NULL"} { set SEARCH_MODE $args_values(s) } else { puts "Error in argument s." return -1 } } elseif {$arg_n == "mathjax"} { if { [ lsearch $args_names "pdf" ] != -1 } { set possible_mathjax_loc $args_values(mathjax) if {[file exist [file join $possible_mathjax_loc $mathjax_js_name]]} { set MATHJAX_LOCATION $args_values(mathjax) puts "$MATHJAX_LOCATION" } else { puts "Warning: $mathjax_js_name is not found in $possible_mathjax_loc." puts " MathJax will be used from $MATHJAX_LOCATION" } } else { puts "Warning: MathJax is not used with pdf and will be ignored." } } else { puts "\nWrong argument: $arg_n" OCCDoc_PrintHelpMessage return -1 } } # Check the existence of the necessary tools set DOXYGEN_PATH "" set GRAPHVIZ_PATH "" set INKSCAPE_PATH "" set PDFLATEX_PATH "" set HHC_PATH "" OCCDoc_DetectNecessarySoftware $DOXYGEN_PATH $GRAPHVIZ_PATH $INKSCAPE_PATH $HHC_PATH $PDFLATEX_PATH if {$DOXYGEN_PATH == ""} { puts " Aborting..." return -1 } if {"$::tcl_platform(platform)" == "windows"} { if { ($GEN_MODE == "CHM_ONLY") && ($HHC_PATH == "") } { puts " Aborting..." return -1 } } if { ($PDFLATEX_PATH == "") && ($GEN_MODE == "PDF_ONLY") } { puts " Aborting..." return -1 } # If we do not specify list for docfiles with -m argument, # we assume that we have to generate all docfiles if { [llength $DOCFILES] == 0 } { if { $GEN_MODE != "PDF_ONLY" } { set DOCFILES $available_docfiles } else { set DOCFILES $available_pdf } } puts "" # Clean logfiles set DOXYLOG [OCCDoc_GetRootDir]/doc/doxygen_warnings_and_errors.log set PDFLOG [OCCDoc_GetRootDir]/doc/pdflatex_warnings_and_errors.log file delete -force $PDFLOG file delete -force $DOXYLOG # Start main activities if { $GEN_MODE != "PDF_ONLY" } { OCCDoc_Main $DOC_TYPE $DOCFILES $MODULES $GEN_MODE $VERB_MODE $SEARCH_MODE $MATHJAX_LOCATION $GENERATE_PRODUCTS_REFMAN $DOXYGEN_PATH $GRAPHVIZ_PATH $INKSCAPE_PATH $HHC_PATH } else { puts "Generating OCCT User Guides in PDF format...\n" foreach pdf $DOCFILES { puts "Info: Processing file $pdf\n" # Some values are hardcoded because they are related only to PDF generation OCCDoc_Main "OVERVIEW" [list $pdf] {} "PDF_ONLY" $VERB_MODE "none" $MATHJAX_LOCATION "NO" $DOXYGEN_PATH $GRAPHVIZ_PATH $INKSCAPE_PATH $HHC_PATH } puts "[clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M}] Generation completed." puts "\nPDF files are generated in \n[file normalize [OCCDoc_GetRootDir]/doc/pdf]" } } # Main procedure for documents compilation proc OCCDoc_Main {docType {docfiles {}} {modules {}} generatorMode verboseMode searchMode mathjaxLocation generateProductsRefman DOXYGEN_PATH GRAPHVIZ_PATH INKSCAPE_PATH HHC_PATH} { global available_docfiles global available_pdf set PRODPATH "" if { [string compare -nocase $generateProductsRefman "YES"] == 0 } { set PRODPATH "$::env(PRODROOT)" } set ROOTDIR [OCCDoc_GetRootDir $PRODPATH] set INDIR [OCCDoc_GetDoxDir] set OUTDIR $ROOTDIR/doc set PDFDIR $OUTDIR/pdf set UGDIR $PDFDIR/user_guides set DGDIR $PDFDIR/dev_guides set TAGFILEDIR $OUTDIR/refman set HTMLDIR $OUTDIR/overview/html set LATEXDIR $OUTDIR/overview/latex set DOXYFILE $OUTDIR/OCCT.cfg # Create or cleanup the output folders if { [string compare -nocase $generateProductsRefman "YES"] != 0 } { if { ![file exists $OUTDIR] } { file mkdir $OUTDIR } if { ![file exists $HTMLDIR] } { file mkdir $HTMLDIR } if { ![file exists $PDFDIR] } { file mkdir $PDFDIR } if { ![file exists $UGDIR] } { file mkdir $UGDIR } if { ![file exists $DGDIR] } { file mkdir $DGDIR } if { [file exists $LATEXDIR] } { file delete -force $LATEXDIR } file mkdir $LATEXDIR } if { $docType == "REFMAN" } { if { ![file exists $TAGFILEDIR] } { file mkdir $TAGFILEDIR } } # is MathJax HLink? set mathjax_relative_location $mathjaxLocation if { [file isdirectory "$mathjaxLocation"] } { if { $generatorMode == "HTML_ONLY" } { # related path set mathjax_relative_location [OCCDoc_GetRelPath $HTMLDIR $mathjaxLocation] } elseif { $generatorMode == "CHM_ONLY" } { # absolute path set mathjax_relative_location [file normalize $mathjaxLocation] } } if { $generateProductsRefman == "YES" } { set DOCDIR "$OUTDIR/refman" puts "\nGenerating OCC Products Reference Manual\n" } else { if { $docType == "REFMAN"} { set DOCDIR "$OUTDIR/refman" puts "\nGenerating Open CASCADE Reference Manual\n" } elseif { $docType == "OVERVIEW" } { set DOCDIR "$OUTDIR/overview" set FORMAT "" if { ($generatorMode == "HTML_ONLY") || ($generatorMode == "CHM_ONLY") } { if { $generatorMode == "HTML_ONLY" } { set FORMAT " in HTML format..." } elseif { $generatorMode == "CHM_ONLY" } { set FORMAT " in CHM format..." } puts "Generating OCCT User Guides$FORMAT\n" } } else { puts "Error: Invalid documentation type: $docType. Can not process." return -1 } } # Generate Doxyfile puts "[clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M}] Generating Doxyfile..." if { [OCCDoc_MakeDoxyfile $docType $DOCDIR $TAGFILEDIR $DOXYFILE $generatorMode $docfiles $modules $verboseMode $searchMode $HHC_PATH $mathjax_relative_location $GRAPHVIZ_PATH $PRODPATH] == -1 } { return -1 } # Run doxygen tool set starttimestamp [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M}] if { ($generatorMode == "HTML_ONLY") || ($docType == "REFMAN") } { puts "$starttimestamp Generating HTML files..." # Copy index file to provide fast access to HTML documentation file copy -force $INDIR/resources/index.html $DOCDIR/index.html } elseif { $generatorMode == "CHM_ONLY" } { puts "$starttimestamp Generating CHM file..." } elseif { $generatorMode == "PDF_ONLY" } { puts "$starttimestamp Generating PDF file..." } set DOXYLOG $OUTDIR/doxygen_warnings_and_errors.log set RESULT [catch {exec $DOXYGEN_PATH $DOXYFILE >> $OUTDIR/doxygen_out.log} DOX_ERROR] if {$RESULT != 0} { set NbErrors [regexp -all -line {^\s*[^\s]+} $DOX_ERROR] if {$NbErrors > 0} { puts "\nWarning: Doxygen reported $NbErrors messages." puts "See log in $DOXYLOG\n" set DOX_ERROR_FILE [open $DOXYLOG "a"] if {$generatorMode == "PDF_ONLY"} { puts $DOX_ERROR_FILE "\n====================================================" puts $DOX_ERROR_FILE "Logfile for $docfiles" puts $DOX_ERROR_FILE "====================================================\n" } puts $DOX_ERROR_FILE $DOX_ERROR close $DOX_ERROR_FILE } } # Close the Doxygen application after 300 # Start Post Processing set curtime [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M}] if { $docType == "REFMAN" } { # Post Process generated HTML pages and draw dependency graphs if {[OCCDoc_PostProcessor $DOCDIR] == 0} { puts "$curtime Generation completed." puts "\nInfo: doxygen log file is located in:" puts "$OUTDIR/doxygen_out.log." puts "\nReference Manual is generated in \n$DOCDIR" } } elseif { $docType == "OVERVIEW" } { # Start PDF generation routine if { $generatorMode == "PDF_ONLY" } { set OS $::tcl_platform(platform) if { $OS == "unix" } { set PREFIX ".sh" } elseif { $OS == "windows" } { set PREFIX ".bat" } # Prepare a list of TeX files, generated by Doxygen cd $LATEXDIR set TEXFILES [glob $LATEXDIR -type f -directory $LATEXDIR -tails "*.tex" ] foreach path $TEXFILES { if { [string compare -nocase $path $LATEXDIR] == 0 } { set DEL_IDX [lsearch $TEXFILES $path] if { $DEL_IDX != -1 } { set TEXFILES [lreplace $TEXFILES $DEL_IDX $DEL_IDX] } } } set TEXFILES [string map [list refman.tex ""] $TEXFILES] if {$verboseMode == "YES"} { puts "Info: Preprocessing generated TeX files..." } OCCDoc_ProcessTex $TEXFILES $LATEXDIR $verboseMode if {$verboseMode == "YES"} { puts "Info: Converting SVG images to PNG format..." } if { $INKSCAPE_PATH != "" } { OCCDoc_ProcessSvg $LATEXDIR $verboseMode } else { puts "Warning: SVG images will be lost in PDF documents." } if {$verboseMode == "YES"} { puts "Info: Generating PDF file from TeX files..." } foreach TEX $TEXFILES { # Rewrite existing REFMAN.tex file... set TEX [lindex [split $TEX "."] 0] if {$verboseMode == "YES"} { puts "Info: Generating PDF file from $TEX..." } OCCDoc_MakeRefmanTex $TEX $LATEXDIR $verboseMode $available_pdf if {"$::tcl_platform(platform)" == "windows"} { set is_win "yes" } else { set is_win "no" } if {$verboseMode == "YES"} { # ...and use it to generate PDF from TeX... if {$is_win == "yes"} { puts "Info: Executing $LATEXDIR/make.bat..." } else { puts "Info: Executing $LATEXDIR/Makefile..." } } set PDFLOG $OUTDIR/pdflatex_warnings_and_errors.log if {"$is_win" == "yes"} { set RESULT [catch {eval exec [auto_execok $LATEXDIR/make.bat] >> "$OUTDIR/pdflatex_out.log"} LaTeX_ERROR] } else { set RESULT [catch {eval exec "make -f $LATEXDIR/Makefile" >> "$OUTDIR/pdflatex_out.log"} LaTeX_ERROR] # Small workaround for *nix stations set prev_loc [pwd] cd $LATEXDIR set RESULT [catch {eval exec "pdflatex refman.tex" >> "$OUTDIR/pdflatex_out.log"} LaTeX_ERROR] cd $prev_loc } if {$RESULT != 0} { set NbErrors [regexp -all -line {^\s*[^\s]+} $LaTeX_ERROR] if {$NbErrors > 0} { puts "\nWarning: PDFLaTeX reported $NbErrors messages.\nSee log in $PDFLOG\n" set LaTeX_ERROR_FILE [open $PDFLOG "a"] puts $LaTeX_ERROR_FILE "\n====================================================" puts $LaTeX_ERROR_FILE "Logfile of file $TEX:" puts $LaTeX_ERROR_FILE "====================================================\n" puts $LaTeX_ERROR_FILE $LaTeX_ERROR close $LaTeX_ERROR_FILE } } # ...and place it to the specific folder if {![file exists "$LATEXDIR/refman.pdf"]} { puts "Fatal: PDFLaTeX failed to create output file, stopping!" return -1 } set destFolder $PDFDIR set parsed_string [split $TEX "_"] if { [lsearch $parsed_string "tutorial"] != -1 } { set TEX [string map [list occt__ occt_] $TEX] set destFolder $PDFDIR } elseif { [lsearch $parsed_string "user"] != -1 } { set TEX [string map [list user_guides__ ""] $TEX] set destFolder $UGDIR } elseif { [lsearch $parsed_string "dev"] != -1 } { set TEX [string map [list dev_guides__ ""] $TEX] set destFolder $DGDIR } file rename -force $LATEXDIR/refman.pdf "$destFolder/$TEX.pdf" } } elseif { $generatorMode == "CHM_ONLY" } { file rename $OUTDIR/overview.chm $OUTDIR/occt_overview.chm } cd $INDIR if { $generatorMode == "HTML_ONLY" } { puts "\nHTML documentation is generated in \n$DOCDIR" } if { $generatorMode == "CHM_ONLY" } { puts "\nGenerated CHM documentation is in \n$OUTDIR/overview.chm" } puts "" } # Remove temporary Doxygen files set deleteList [glob -nocomplain -type f "*.tmp"] foreach file $deleteList { file delete $file } return 0 } # Generates Doxygen configuration file for Overview documentation proc OCCDoc_MakeDoxyfile {docType outDir tagFileDir {doxyFileName} {generatorMode ""} {DocFilesList {}} {ModulesList {}} verboseMode searchMode hhcPath mathjaxLocation graphvizPath productsPath} { set inputDir [OCCDoc_GetDoxDir] set TEMPLATES_DIR $inputDir/resources set occt_version [OCCDoc_DetectCasVersion] # Delete existent doxyfile file delete $doxyFileName # Copy specific template to the target folder if { $docType == "REFMAN" } { file copy "$TEMPLATES_DIR/occt_rm.doxyfile" $doxyFileName } elseif { $docType == "OVERVIEW" } { if { $generatorMode == "HTML_ONLY" || $generatorMode == "CHM_ONLY" } { file copy "$TEMPLATES_DIR/occt_ug_html.doxyfile" $doxyFileName } elseif { $generatorMode == "PDF_ONLY"} { file copy "$TEMPLATES_DIR/occt_ug_pdf.doxyfile" $doxyFileName } else { puts "Error: Unknown generation mode" return -1 } } else { puts "Error: Cannot generate unknown document type" return -1 } set doxyFile [open $doxyFileName "a"] # Write specific options if { $docType == "REFMAN" } { # Load lists of modules scripts if { $productsPath == "" } { set modules_scripts [glob -nocomplain -type f -directory "[OCCDoc_GetSourceDir $productsPath]/OS/" *.tcl] } else { set modules_scripts [glob -nocomplain -type f -directory "[OCCDoc_GetSourceDir $productsPath]/VAS/" *.tcl] } if { [llength $modules_scripts] != 0} { foreach module_file $modules_scripts { source $module_file } } set ALL_MODULES [OCCDoc_GetModulesList $productsPath] if { [llength $ModulesList] == 0 } { # by default take all modules set modules $ALL_MODULES } else { set modules $ModulesList } # Detect invalid names of modules foreach module $modules { if { $module == "" } { continue } if {[lsearch $ALL_MODULES $module] == -1 } { puts "Error: No module $module is known. Aborting..." return -1 } } # Set context set one_module [expr [llength $modules] == 1] if { $one_module } { set title "OCCT [$modules:name]" set name $modules } else { set title "Open CASCADE Technology" set name OCCT } # Get list of header files in the specified modules set filelist {} foreach module $modules { if { $module == "" } { continue } foreach tk [$module:toolkits] { foreach pk [split [OCCDoc_GetPackagesList [OCCDoc_Locate $tk $productsPath]]] { if { [llength $pk] != "{}" } { lappend filelist [OCCDoc_GetHeadersList "p" "$pk" "$productsPath"] } } } } # Filter out files Handle_*.hxx and *.lxx set hdrlist {} foreach fileset $filelist { set hdrset {} foreach hdr $fileset { if { ! [regexp {Handle_.*[.]hxx} $hdr] && ! [regexp {.*[.]lxx} $hdr] } { lappend hdrset $hdr } } lappend hdrlist $hdrset } set filelist $hdrlist set doxyFile [open $doxyFileName "a"] puts $doxyFile "PROJECT_NAME = \"$title\"" puts $doxyFile "PROJECT_NUMBER = $occt_version" puts $doxyFile "OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = $outDir/." puts $doxyFile "GENERATE_TAGFILE = $outDir/${name}.tag" if { [string tolower $searchMode] == "none" } { puts $doxyFile "SEARCHENGINE = NO" puts $doxyFile "SERVER_BASED_SEARCH = NO" puts $doxyFile "EXTERNAL_SEARCH = NO" } else { puts $doxyFile "SEARCHENGINE = YES" if { [string tolower $searchMode] == "local" } { puts $doxyFile "SERVER_BASED_SEARCH = NO" puts $doxyFile "EXTERNAL_SEARCH = NO" } elseif { [string tolower $searchMode] == "server" } { puts $doxyFile "SERVER_BASED_SEARCH = YES" puts $doxyFile "EXTERNAL_SEARCH = NO" } elseif { [string tolower $searchMode] == "external" } { puts $doxyFile "SERVER_BASED_SEARCH = YES" puts $doxyFile "EXTERNAL_SEARCH = YES" } else { puts "Error: Wrong search engine type: $searchMode." close $doxyFile return -1 } } puts $doxyFile "DOTFILE_DIRS = $outDir/html" puts $doxyFile "DOT_PATH = $graphvizPath" puts $doxyFile "INCLUDE_PATH = [OCCDoc_GetSourceDir $productsPath]" # list of files to generate set mainpage [OCCDoc_MakeMainPage $outDir $outDir/$name.dox $modules $productsPath] puts $doxyFile "" puts $doxyFile "INPUT = $mainpage \\" foreach header $filelist { puts $doxyFile " $header \\" } puts $doxyFile "MATHJAX_FORMAT = HTML-CSS" puts $doxyFile "MATHJAX_RELPATH = ${mathjaxLocation}" puts $doxyFile "" } elseif { $docType == "OVERVIEW" } { # Add common options for generation of Overview and User Guides puts $doxyFile "PROJECT_NUMBER = $occt_version" puts $doxyFile "OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = $outDir/." puts $doxyFile "PROJECT_LOGO = $inputDir/resources/occ_logo.png" set PARAM_INPUT "INPUT =" set PARAM_IMAGEPATH "IMAGE_PATH = $inputDir/resources/ " foreach docFile $DocFilesList { set NEW_IMG_PATH "$inputDir/$docFile" if { [string compare $NEW_IMG_PATH [OCCDoc_GetRootDir $productsPath]] != 0 } { set img_string [file dirname $NEW_IMG_PATH]/images if { [file exists $img_string] } { append PARAM_IMAGEPATH " $img_string" } } append PARAM_INPUT " " $inputDir/$docFile } puts $doxyFile $PARAM_INPUT puts $doxyFile $PARAM_IMAGEPATH # Add document type-specific options if { $generatorMode == "HTML_ONLY"} { # generate tree view puts $doxyFile "GENERATE_TREEVIEW = YES" # Set a reference to a TAGFILE if { $tagFileDir != "" } { if {[file exists $tagFileDir/OCCT.tag] == 1} { #set tagPath [OCCDoc_GetRelPath $tagFileDir $outDir/html] set tagPath $tagFileDir puts $doxyFile "TAGFILES = $tagFileDir/OCCT.tag=../../refman/html" } } # HTML Search engine options if { [string tolower $searchMode] == "none" } { puts $doxyFile "SEARCHENGINE = NO" puts $doxyFile "SERVER_BASED_SEARCH = NO" puts $doxyFile "EXTERNAL_SEARCH = NO" } else { puts $doxyFile "SEARCHENGINE = YES" if { [string tolower $searchMode] == "local" } { puts $doxyFile "SERVER_BASED_SEARCH = NO" puts $doxyFile "EXTERNAL_SEARCH = NO" } elseif { [string tolower $searchMode] == "server" } { puts $doxyFile "SERVER_BASED_SEARCH = YES" puts $doxyFile "EXTERNAL_SEARCH = NO" } elseif { [string tolower $searchMode] == "external" } { puts $doxyFile "SERVER_BASED_SEARCH = YES" puts $doxyFile "EXTERNAL_SEARCH = YES" } else { puts "Error: Wrong search engine type: $searchMode." close $doxyFile return -1 } } } elseif { $generatorMode == "CHM_ONLY"} { # specific options for CHM file generation puts $doxyFile "GENERATE_TREEVIEW = NO" puts $doxyFile "SEARCHENGINE = NO" puts $doxyFile "GENERATE_HTMLHELP = YES" puts $doxyFile "CHM_FILE = ../../overview.chm" puts $doxyFile "HHC_LOCATION = \"$hhcPath\"" puts $doxyFile "DISABLE_INDEX = YES" } # Formula options puts $doxyFile "MATHJAX_RELPATH = ${mathjaxLocation}" } close $doxyFile return 0 }