0022940: Selection performance: TopAbs_SHELL
[occt.git] / src / StdSelect / StdSelect_BRepSelectionTool.cxx
1 // Copyright: Matra-Datavision 1995
2 // File:      StdSelect_BRepSelectionTool.cxx
3 // Created:   Tue Mar 14 14:09:28 1995
4 // Author:    Robert COUBLANC
5 //            <rob>
7 #include <StdSelect_BRepSelectionTool.ixx>
8 #include <GeomAdaptor_Curve.hxx>
9 #include <BRepAdaptor_Curve.hxx>
10 #include <TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape.hxx>
11 #include <TopExp.hxx>
12 #include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
13 #include <BRepTools_WireExplorer.hxx>
14 #include <Select3D_SensitivePoint.hxx>
15 #include <StdSelect_BRepOwner.hxx>
16 #include <TopoDS.hxx>
17 #include <BRepAdaptor_Curve.hxx>
18 #include <BRepAdaptor_Surface.hxx>
19 #include <GeomAbs_SurfaceType.hxx>
20 #include <BRepBndLib.hxx>
21 #include <Bnd_Box.hxx>
22 #include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
23 #include <Geom_Circle.hxx>
24 #include <Select3D_SensitiveCircle.hxx>
25 #include <Select3D_SensitiveCurve.hxx>
26 #include <Select3D_SensitiveSegment.hxx>
27 #include <Select3D_SensitiveWire.hxx>
28 #include <Select3D_SensitiveFace.hxx>
29 #include <Select3D_SensitiveBox.hxx>
30 #include <Select3D_SensitiveTriangulation.hxx>
31 #include <Select3D_SensitiveTriangle.hxx>
32 #include <Select3D_SensitiveGroup.hxx>
34 #include <Select3D_ListIteratorOfListOfSensitive.hxx>
35 #include <Select3D_ListOfSensitiveTriangle.hxx>
36 #include <TColgp_HArray1OfPnt.hxx>
37 #include <TColgp_SequenceOfPnt.hxx>
38 #include <TColStd_Array1OfReal.hxx>
39 #include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
40 #include <BRepTools.hxx>
41 #include <Select3D_TypeOfSensitivity.hxx>
42 #include <Precision.hxx>
43 #include <gp_Circ.hxx>
44 #include <GCPnts_TangentialDeflection.hxx>
45 #include <TopoDS_Wire.hxx>
46 #include <Poly_Array1OfTriangle.hxx>
47 #include <Poly_Polygon3D.hxx>
48 #include <Poly_PolygonOnTriangulation.hxx>
49 #include <Poly_Triangulation.hxx>
50 #include <BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh.hxx>
51 #include <Standard_NullObject.hxx>
52 #include <Standard_ErrorHandler.hxx>
54 //==================================================
55 // Function: Load
56 // Purpose :
57 //==================================================
58 void StdSelect_BRepSelectionTool
59 ::Load (const Handle(SelectMgr_Selection)& theSelection,
60         const TopoDS_Shape& theShape,
61         const TopAbs_ShapeEnum theType,
62         const Standard_Real theDeflection,
63         const Standard_Real theDeviationAngle,
64         const Standard_Boolean isAutoTriangulation,
65         const Standard_Integer thePriority,
66         const Standard_Integer theNbPOnEdge,
67         const Standard_Real theMaxParam)
68 {
69   Standard_Integer aPriority = (thePriority == -1) ? GetStandardPriority (theShape, theType) : thePriority;
71   if( isAutoTriangulation && !BRepTools::Triangulation (theShape, Precision::Infinite()) )
72   {
73     BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh(theShape, theDeflection, Standard_False, theDeviationAngle);
74   }
76   Handle(StdSelect_BRepOwner) aBrepOwner;
77   switch (theType)
78   {
79     case TopAbs_VERTEX:
80     case TopAbs_EDGE:
81     case TopAbs_WIRE:
82     case TopAbs_FACE:
83     case TopAbs_SHELL:
84     case TopAbs_SOLID:
85     case TopAbs_COMPSOLID:
86     {
87       TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aSubShapes;
88       TopExp::MapShapes (theShape, theType, aSubShapes);
90       Standard_Boolean isComesFromDecomposition = !((aSubShapes.Extent() == 1) && (theShape == aSubShapes (1)));
91       for (Standard_Integer aShIndex = 1; aShIndex <= aSubShapes.Extent(); ++aShIndex)
92       {
93         const TopoDS_Shape& aSubShape = aSubShapes (aShIndex);
94         aBrepOwner = new StdSelect_BRepOwner (aSubShape, aPriority, isComesFromDecomposition);
95         ComputeSensitive (aSubShape, aBrepOwner,
96                           theSelection,
97                           theDeflection,
98                           theDeviationAngle,
99                           theNbPOnEdge,
100                           theMaxParam,
101                           isAutoTriangulation);
102       }
103       break;
104     }
105     default:
106     {
107       aBrepOwner = new StdSelect_BRepOwner (theShape, aPriority);
108       ComputeSensitive (theShape, aBrepOwner,
109                         theSelection,
110                         theDeflection,
111                         theDeviationAngle,
112                         theNbPOnEdge,
113                         theMaxParam,
114                         isAutoTriangulation);
115     }
116   }
117 }
119 //==================================================
120 // Function: Load
121 // Purpose :
122 //==================================================
123 void StdSelect_BRepSelectionTool
124 ::Load (const Handle(SelectMgr_Selection)& theSelection,
125         const Handle(SelectMgr_SelectableObject)& theSelectableObj,
126         const TopoDS_Shape& theShape,
127         const TopAbs_ShapeEnum theType,
128         const Standard_Real theDeflection,
129         const Standard_Real theDeviationAngle,
130         const Standard_Boolean isAutoTriangulation,
131         const Standard_Integer thePriority,
132         const Standard_Integer theNbPOnEdge,
133         const Standard_Real theMaxParam)
134 {
135   Load (theSelection,
136         theShape,
137         theType,
138         theDeflection,
139         theDeviationAngle,
140         isAutoTriangulation,
141         thePriority,
142         theNbPOnEdge,
143         theMaxParam);
145   // loading of selectables...
146   for (theSelection->Init(); theSelection->More(); theSelection->Next())
147   {
148     Handle(SelectMgr_EntityOwner) anOwner
149       = Handle(SelectMgr_EntityOwner)::DownCast (theSelection->Sensitive()->OwnerId());
150     anOwner->Set (theSelectableObj);
151   }
152 }
154 //==================================================
155 // Function: ComputeSensitive
156 // Purpose :
157 //==================================================
158 void StdSelect_BRepSelectionTool
159 ::ComputeSensitive (const TopoDS_Shape& theShape,
160                     const Handle(StdSelect_BRepOwner)& theOwner,
161                     const Handle(SelectMgr_Selection)& theSelection,
162                     const Standard_Real theDeflection,
163                     const Standard_Real theDeviationAngle,
164                     const Standard_Integer theNbPOnEdge,
165                     const Standard_Real theMaxParam,
166                     const Standard_Boolean isAutoTriangulation)
167 {
168   switch (theShape.ShapeType())
169   {
170     case TopAbs_VERTEX:
171     {
172       theSelection->Add (new Select3D_SensitivePoint
173                          (theOwner, BRep_Tool::Pnt (TopoDS::Vertex (theShape))));
174       break;
175     }
176     case TopAbs_EDGE:
177     {
178       Handle(Select3D_SensitiveEntity) aSensitive;
179       GetEdgeSensitive (theShape, theOwner, theSelection,
180                         theDeflection, theDeviationAngle, theNbPOnEdge, theMaxParam,
181                         aSensitive);
182       if (!aSensitive.IsNull())
183       {
184         theSelection->Add (aSensitive);
185       }
186       break;
187     }
188     case TopAbs_WIRE:
189     {
190       BRepTools_WireExplorer aWireExp (TopoDS::Wire (theShape));
191       Handle (Select3D_SensitiveEntity) aSensitive;
192       Handle (Select3D_SensitiveWire) aWireSensitive = new Select3D_SensitiveWire (theOwner);
193       theSelection->Add (aWireSensitive);
194       while (aWireExp.More())
195       {
196         GetEdgeSensitive (aWireExp.Current(), theOwner, theSelection,
197                           theDeflection, theDeviationAngle, theNbPOnEdge, theMaxParam,
198                           aSensitive);
199         if (!aSensitive.IsNull())
200         {
201           aWireSensitive->Add (aSensitive);
202         }
203         aWireExp.Next();
204       }
205       break;
206     }
207     case TopAbs_FACE:
208     {
209       const TopoDS_Face& aFace = TopoDS::Face (theShape);
210       Select3D_ListOfSensitive aSensitiveList;
211       GetSensitiveForFace (aFace, theOwner,
212                            aSensitiveList,
213                            isAutoTriangulation, theNbPOnEdge, theMaxParam);
214       for (Select3D_ListIteratorOfListOfSensitive aSensIter (aSensitiveList);
215            aSensIter.More(); aSensIter.Next())
216       {
217         theSelection->Add (aSensIter.Value());
218       }
219       break;
220     }
221     case TopAbs_SHELL:
222     case TopAbs_SOLID:
223     case TopAbs_COMPSOLID:
224     {
225       TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aSubfacesMap;
226       TopExp::MapShapes (theShape, TopAbs_FACE, aSubfacesMap);
227       for (Standard_Integer aShIndex = 1; aShIndex <= aSubfacesMap.Extent(); ++aShIndex)
228       {
229         ComputeSensitive (aSubfacesMap (aShIndex), theOwner,
230                           theSelection,
231                           theDeflection, theDeviationAngle, theNbPOnEdge, theMaxParam, isAutoTriangulation);
232       }
233       break;
234     }
235     case TopAbs_COMPOUND:
236     default:
237     {
238       TopExp_Explorer anExp;
239       // sub-vertices
240       for (anExp.Init (theShape, TopAbs_VERTEX, TopAbs_EDGE); anExp.More(); anExp.Next())
241       {
242         ComputeSensitive (anExp.Current(), theOwner,
243                           theSelection,
244                           theDeflection, theDeviationAngle, theNbPOnEdge, theMaxParam, isAutoTriangulation);
245       }
246       // sub-edges
247       for (anExp.Init (theShape, TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE); anExp.More(); anExp.Next())
248       {
249         ComputeSensitive (anExp.Current(), theOwner,
250                           theSelection,
251                           theDeflection, theDeviationAngle, theNbPOnEdge, theMaxParam, isAutoTriangulation);
252       }
253       // sub-wires
254       for (anExp.Init (theShape, TopAbs_WIRE, TopAbs_FACE); anExp.More(); anExp.Next())
255       {
256         ComputeSensitive (anExp.Current(), theOwner,
257                           theSelection,
258                           theDeflection, theDeviationAngle, theNbPOnEdge, theMaxParam, isAutoTriangulation);
259       }
261       // sub-faces
262       TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aSubfacesMap;
263       TopExp::MapShapes (theShape, TopAbs_FACE, aSubfacesMap);
264       for (Standard_Integer aShIndex = 1; aShIndex <= aSubfacesMap.Extent(); ++aShIndex)
265       {
266         ComputeSensitive (aSubfacesMap (aShIndex), theOwner,
267                           theSelection,
268                           theDeflection, theDeviationAngle, theNbPOnEdge, theMaxParam, isAutoTriangulation);
269       }
270     }
271   }
272 }
274 //==================================================
275 // Function: GetPointsFromPolygon
276 // Purpose :
277 //==================================================
278 static Handle(TColgp_HArray1OfPnt) GetPointsFromPolygon (const TopoDS_Edge& theEdge,
279                                                          const Standard_Real theDeflection)
280 {
281   Handle(TColgp_HArray1OfPnt) aResultPoints;
283   Standard_Real fi, la;
284   Handle(Geom_Curve) CC3d = BRep_Tool::Curve (theEdge, fi, la);
286   TopLoc_Location aLocation;
287   Handle(Poly_Polygon3D) aPolygon = BRep_Tool::Polygon3D (theEdge, aLocation);
288   if (!aPolygon.IsNull())
289   {
290     Standard_Boolean isOK = aPolygon->Deflection() <= theDeflection;
291     isOK = isOK || (CC3d.IsNull());
292     if (isOK)
293     {
294       const TColgp_Array1OfPnt& aNodes = aPolygon->Nodes();
295       aResultPoints = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt (1, aNodes.Length());
296       if (aLocation.IsIdentity())
297       {
298         for (Standard_Integer aNodeId (aNodes.Lower()), aPntId (1); aNodeId <= aNodes.Upper(); ++aNodeId, ++aPntId)
299         {
300           aResultPoints->SetValue (aPntId, aNodes.Value (aNodeId));
301         }
302       }
303       else
304       {
305         for (Standard_Integer aNodeId (aNodes.Lower()), aPntId (1); aNodeId <= aNodes.Upper(); ++aNodeId, ++aPntId)
306         {
307           aResultPoints->SetValue (aPntId, aNodes.Value (aNodeId).Transformed (aLocation));
308         }
309       }
310       return aResultPoints;
311     }
312   }
314   Handle(Poly_Triangulation) aTriangulation;
315   Handle(Poly_PolygonOnTriangulation) anHIndices;
316   BRep_Tool::PolygonOnTriangulation (theEdge, anHIndices, aTriangulation, aLocation);
317   if (!anHIndices.IsNull())
318   {
319     Standard_Boolean isOK = anHIndices->Deflection() <= theDeflection;
320     isOK = isOK || (CC3d.IsNull());
321     if (isOK)
322     {
323       const TColStd_Array1OfInteger& anIndices = anHIndices->Nodes();
324       const TColgp_Array1OfPnt& aNodes = aTriangulation->Nodes();
326       aResultPoints = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt (1, anIndices.Length());
328       if (aLocation.IsIdentity())
329       {
330         for (Standard_Integer anIndex (anIndices.Lower()), aPntId (1); anIndex <= anIndices.Upper(); ++anIndex, ++aPntId)
331         {
332           aResultPoints->SetValue (aPntId, aNodes (anIndices (anIndex)));
333         }
334       }
335       else
336       {
337         for (Standard_Integer anIndex (anIndices.Lower()), aPntId (1); anIndex <= anIndices.Upper(); ++anIndex, ++aPntId)
338         {
339           aResultPoints->SetValue (aPntId, aNodes (anIndices (anIndex)).Transformed (aLocation));
340         }
341       }
342       return aResultPoints;
343     }
344   }
345   return aResultPoints;
346 }
348 //==================================================
349 // Function: FindLimits
350 // Purpose :
351 //==================================================
352 static Standard_Boolean FindLimits (const Adaptor3d_Curve& theCurve,
353                                     const Standard_Real    theLimit,
354                                           Standard_Real&   theFirst,
355                                           Standard_Real&   theLast)
356 {
357   theFirst = theCurve.FirstParameter();
358   theLast  = theCurve.LastParameter();
359   Standard_Boolean isFirstInf = Precision::IsNegativeInfinite (theFirst);
360   Standard_Boolean isLastInf  = Precision::IsPositiveInfinite (theLast);
361   if (isFirstInf || isLastInf)
362   {
363     gp_Pnt aPnt1, aPnt2;
364     Standard_Real aDelta = 1.0;
365     Standard_Integer anIterCount = 0;
366     if (isFirstInf && isLastInf)
367     {
368       do {
369         if (anIterCount++ >= 100000) return Standard_False;
370         aDelta *= 2.0;
371         theFirst = - aDelta;
372         theLast  =   aDelta;
373         theCurve.D0 (theFirst, aPnt1);
374         theCurve.D0 (theLast,  aPnt2);
375       } while (aPnt1.Distance (aPnt2) < theLimit);
376     }
377     else if (isFirstInf)
378     {
379       theCurve.D0 (theLast, aPnt2);
380       do {
381         if (anIterCount++ >= 100000) return Standard_False;
382         aDelta *= 2.0;
383         theFirst = theLast - aDelta;
384         theCurve.D0 (theFirst, aPnt1);
385       } while (aPnt1.Distance (aPnt2) < theLimit);
386     }
387     else if (isLastInf)
388     {
389       theCurve.D0 (theFirst, aPnt1);
390       do {
391         if (anIterCount++ >= 100000) return Standard_False;
392         aDelta *= 2.0;
393         theLast = theFirst + aDelta;
394         theCurve.D0 (theLast, aPnt2);
395       } while (aPnt1.Distance (aPnt2) < theLimit);
396     }
397   }
398   return Standard_True;
399 }
401 //=====================================================
402 // Function : GetEdgeSensitive
403 // Purpose  : create a sensitive edge to add it
404 //            in computeselection to "aselection" (case of selection of an edge)
405 //            or to "aSensitiveWire" (case of selection of a wire; in this case,
406 //            the sensitive wire is added to "aselection" )
407 //            odl - for selection by rectangle -
408 //=====================================================
409 void StdSelect_BRepSelectionTool
410 ::GetEdgeSensitive (const TopoDS_Shape& theShape,
411                     const Handle(StdSelect_BRepOwner)& theOwner,
412                     const Handle(SelectMgr_Selection)& theSelection,
413                     const Standard_Real theDeflection,
414                     const Standard_Real theDeviationAngle,
415                     const Standard_Integer theNbPOnEdge,
416                     const Standard_Real theMaxParam,
417                     Handle(Select3D_SensitiveEntity)& theSensitive)
418 {
419   const TopoDS_Edge& anEdge = TopoDS::Edge (theShape);
420   BRepAdaptor_Curve cu3d;
421   try {
423     cu3d.Initialize (anEdge);
424   } catch (Standard_NullObject) {
425     return;
426   }
428   // try to get points from existing polygons
429   Handle(TColgp_HArray1OfPnt) aPoints = GetPointsFromPolygon (anEdge, theDeflection);
430   if (!aPoints.IsNull() && aPoints->Length() > 0)
431   {
432     theSensitive = new Select3D_SensitiveCurve (theOwner, aPoints);
433     return;
434   }
436   Standard_Real aParamFirst = cu3d.FirstParameter();
437   Standard_Real aParamLast  = cu3d.LastParameter();
438   switch (cu3d.GetType())
439   {
440     case GeomAbs_Line:
441     {
442       BRep_Tool::Range (anEdge, aParamFirst, aParamLast);
443       theSensitive = new Select3D_SensitiveSegment (theOwner,
444                                                     cu3d.Value (aParamFirst),
445                                                     cu3d.Value (aParamLast));
446       break;
447     }
448     case GeomAbs_Circle:
449     {
450       Handle (Geom_Circle) aCircle = new Geom_Circle (cu3d.Circle());
451       if (aCircle->Radius() <= Precision::Confusion())
452       {
453         theSelection->Add (new Select3D_SensitivePoint (theOwner, aCircle->Location()));
454       }
455       else
456       {
457         theSensitive = new Select3D_SensitiveCircle (theOwner, aCircle,
458                                                      aParamFirst, aParamLast, Standard_False, 16);
459       }
460       break;
461     }
462     default:
463     {
464       // reproduce drawing behaviour
465       // TODO: remove copy-paste from StdPrs_Curve and some others...
466       if (FindLimits (cu3d, theMaxParam, aParamFirst, aParamLast))
467       {
468         Standard_Integer aNbIntervals = cu3d.NbIntervals (GeomAbs_C1);
469         TColStd_Array1OfReal anIntervals (1, aNbIntervals + 1);
470         cu3d.Intervals (anIntervals, GeomAbs_C1);
471         Standard_Real aV1, aV2;
472         Standard_Integer aNumberOfPoints;
473         TColgp_SequenceOfPnt aPointsSeq;
474         for (Standard_Integer anIntervalId = 1; anIntervalId <= aNbIntervals; ++anIntervalId)
475         {
476           aV1 = anIntervals (anIntervalId);
477           aV2 = anIntervals (anIntervalId + 1);
478           if (aV2 > aParamFirst && aV1 < aParamLast)
479           {
480             aV1 = Max (aV1, aParamFirst);
481             aV2 = Min (aV2, aParamLast);
483             GCPnts_TangentialDeflection anAlgo (cu3d, aV1, aV2, theDeviationAngle, theDeflection);
484             aNumberOfPoints = anAlgo.NbPoints();
486             for (Standard_Integer aPntId = 1; aPntId < aNumberOfPoints; ++aPntId)
487             {
488               aPointsSeq.Append (anAlgo.Value (aPntId));
489             }
490             if (aNumberOfPoints > 0 && anIntervalId == aNbIntervals)
491             {
492               aPointsSeq.Append (anAlgo.Value (aNumberOfPoints));
493             }
494           }
495         }
497         aPoints = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt (1, aPointsSeq.Length());
498         for (Standard_Integer aPntId = 1; aPntId <= aPointsSeq.Length(); ++aPntId)
499         {
500           aPoints->SetValue (aPntId, aPointsSeq.Value (aPntId));
501         }
502         theSensitive = new Select3D_SensitiveCurve (theOwner, aPoints);
503         break;
504       }
506       // simple subdivisions
507       Standard_Integer nbintervals = 1;
508       if (cu3d.GetType() == GeomAbs_BSplineCurve)
509       {
510         nbintervals = cu3d.NbKnots() - 1;
511         nbintervals = Max (1, nbintervals / 3);
512       }
514       Standard_Real aParam;
515       Standard_Integer aPntNb = Max (2, theNbPOnEdge * nbintervals);
516       Standard_Real aParamDelta = (aParamLast - aParamFirst) / (aPntNb - 1);
517       Handle(TColgp_HArray1OfPnt) aPointArray = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt (1, aPntNb);
518       for (Standard_Integer aPntId = 1; aPntId <= aPntNb; ++aPntId)
519       {
520         aParam = aParamFirst + aParamDelta * (aPntId - 1);
521         aPointArray->SetValue (aPntId, cu3d.Value (aParam));
522       }
523       theSensitive = new Select3D_SensitiveCurve (theOwner, aPointArray);
524     }
525     break;
526   }
527 }
529 //=====================================================
530 // Function : GetStandardPriority
531 // Purpose  :
532 //=====================================================
533 Standard_Integer StdSelect_BRepSelectionTool::GetStandardPriority (const TopoDS_Shape& theShape,
534                                                                    const TopAbs_ShapeEnum theType)
535 {
536   switch (theType)
537   {
538     case TopAbs_VERTEX: return 8;
539     case TopAbs_EDGE:   return 7;
540     case TopAbs_WIRE:   return 6;
541     case TopAbs_FACE:   return 5;
542     case TopAbs_SHAPE:
543     default:
544       switch (theShape.ShapeType())
545       {
546         case TopAbs_VERTEX:    return 9;
547         case TopAbs_EDGE:      return 8;
548         case TopAbs_WIRE:      return 7;
549         case TopAbs_FACE:      return 6;
550         case TopAbs_SHELL:     return 5;
551         case TopAbs_COMPOUND:
552         case TopAbs_COMPSOLID:
553         case TopAbs_SOLID:
554         case TopAbs_SHAPE:
555         default:
556           return 4;
557       }
558   }
559 }
561 //=======================================================================
562 //function : GetSensitiveEntityForFace
563 //purpose  :
564 //=======================================================================
565 Standard_Boolean StdSelect_BRepSelectionTool
566 ::GetSensitiveForFace (const TopoDS_Face& theFace,
567                        const Handle(StdSelect_BRepOwner)& theOwner,
568                        Select3D_ListOfSensitive& theSensitiveList,
569                        const Standard_Boolean theAutoTriangulation,
570                        const Standard_Integer NbPOnEdge,
571                        const Standard_Real    theMaxParam,
572                        const Standard_Boolean theInteriorFlag)
573 {
574   // check if there is triangulation of the face...
575   TopLoc_Location aLoc;
576   Handle(Poly_Triangulation) aTriangulation = BRep_Tool::Triangulation (theFace, aLoc);
578   if (!aTriangulation.IsNull())
579   {
580     Handle(Select3D_SensitiveTriangulation) STG = new Select3D_SensitiveTriangulation (theOwner, aTriangulation, aLoc, theInteriorFlag);
581     theSensitiveList.Append (STG);
582     return Standard_True;
583   }
585   // for faces with triangulation bugs or without autotriangulation ....
586   // very ugly and should not even exist ...
587   BRepAdaptor_Surface BS;
588   BS.Initialize (theFace);
590   Standard_Real FirstU = BS.FirstUParameter() <= -Precision::Infinite() ? -theMaxParam : BS.FirstUParameter();
591   Standard_Real LastU  = BS.LastUParameter()  >=  Precision::Infinite() ?  theMaxParam : BS.LastUParameter();
592   Standard_Real FirstV = BS.FirstVParameter() <= -Precision::Infinite() ? -theMaxParam : BS.FirstVParameter();
593   Standard_Real LastV  = BS.LastVParameter()  >=  Precision::Infinite() ?  theMaxParam : BS.LastVParameter();
595   if (BS.GetType() == GeomAbs_Plane)
596   {
597     gp_Pnt pcur;
598     Handle(TColgp_HArray1OfPnt) P = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt (1, 5);
599     BS.D0 (FirstU, FirstV, pcur);
600     P->SetValue (1, pcur);
601     BS.D0 (LastU, FirstV, pcur);
602     P->SetValue (2, pcur);
603     BS.D0 (LastU, LastV, pcur);
604     P->SetValue (3, pcur);
605     BS.D0 (FirstU, LastV, pcur);
606     P->SetValue (4, pcur);
607     P->SetValue (5, P->Value (1));
608     // if the plane is "infinite", it is sensitive only on the border limited by MaxParam
609     if (FirstU == -theMaxParam && LastU == theMaxParam && FirstV == -theMaxParam && LastV == theMaxParam)
610     {
611       theSensitiveList.Append (new Select3D_SensitiveFace (theOwner, P, Select3D_TOS_BOUNDARY));
612     }
613     else
614     {
615       Select3D_TypeOfSensitivity TS = theInteriorFlag ? Select3D_TOS_INTERIOR : Select3D_TOS_BOUNDARY;
616       theSensitiveList.Append (new Select3D_SensitiveFace (theOwner, P, TS));
617     }
618     return Standard_True;
619   }
621   // This is construction of a sevsitive polygon from the exterior contour of the face...
622   // It is not good at all, but...
623   TopoDS_Wire aWire;
624   TopExp_Explorer anExpWiresInFace (theFace, TopAbs_WIRE);
625   if (anExpWiresInFace.More())
626   {
627     // believing that this is the first... to be seen
628     aWire = TopoDS::Wire (anExpWiresInFace.Current());
629   }
630   if (aWire.IsNull())
631   {
632     return Standard_False;
633   }
635   TColgp_SequenceOfPnt WirePoints;
636   Standard_Boolean FirstExp = Standard_True;
637   Standard_Real wf, wl;
638   BRepAdaptor_Curve cu3d;
639   for (BRepTools_WireExplorer aWireExplorer (aWire);
640        aWireExplorer.More(); aWireExplorer.Next())
641   {
642     cu3d.Initialize (aWireExplorer.Current());
643     BRep_Tool::Range (aWireExplorer.Current(), wf, wl);
644     if (Abs (wf - wl) <= Precision::Confusion())
645     {
646     #ifdef DEB
647       cout<<" StdSelect_BRepSelectionTool : Curve where ufirst = ulast ...."<<endl;
648     #endif
649     }
650     else
651     {
652       if (FirstExp)
653       {
654         if (aWireExplorer.Orientation() == TopAbs_FORWARD)
655         {
656           WirePoints.Append (cu3d.Value (wf));
657         }
658         else
659         {
660           WirePoints.Append (cu3d.Value (wl));
661         }
662         FirstExp = Standard_False;
663       }
665       switch (cu3d.GetType())
666       {
667         case GeomAbs_Line:
668         {
669           WirePoints.Append (cu3d.Value ((aWireExplorer.Orientation() == TopAbs_FORWARD) ? wl : wf));
670           break;
671         }
672         case GeomAbs_Circle:
673         {
674           if (2 * M_PI - Abs (wl - wf) <= Precision::Confusion())
675           {
676             if (BS.GetType() == GeomAbs_Cylinder ||
677                 BS.GetType() == GeomAbs_Torus ||
678                 BS.GetType() == GeomAbs_Cone  ||
679                 BS.GetType() == GeomAbs_BSplineSurface) // beuurkk pour l'instant...
680             {
681               Standard_Real ff = wf ,ll = wl;
682               Standard_Real dw =(Max (wf, wl) - Min (wf, wl)) / (Standard_Real )Max (2, NbPOnEdge - 1);
683               if (aWireExplorer.Orientation() == TopAbs_FORWARD)
684               {
685                 for (Standard_Real wc = wf + dw; wc <= wl; wc += dw)
686                 {
687                   WirePoints.Append (cu3d.Value (wc));
688                 }
689               }
690               else if (aWireExplorer.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED)
691               {
692                 for (Standard_Real wc = ll - dw; wc >= ff; wc -= dw)
693                 {
694                   WirePoints.Append (cu3d.Value (wc));
695                 }
696               }
697             }
698             else
699             {
700               if (cu3d.Circle().Radius() <= Precision::Confusion())
701               {
702                 theSensitiveList.Append (new Select3D_SensitivePoint (theOwner, cu3d.Circle().Location()));
703               }
704               else
705               {
706                 theSensitiveList.Append (new Select3D_SensitiveCircle (theOwner, new Geom_Circle (cu3d.Circle()), theInteriorFlag, 16));
707               }
708             }
709           }
710           else
711           {
712             Standard_Real ff = wf, ll = wl;
713             Standard_Real dw = (Max (wf, wl) - Min (wf, wl)) / (Standard_Real )Max (2, NbPOnEdge - 1);
714             if (aWireExplorer.Orientation() == TopAbs_FORWARD)
715             {
716               for (Standard_Real wc = wf + dw; wc <= wl; wc += dw)
717               {
718                 WirePoints.Append (cu3d.Value (wc));
719               }
720             }
721             else if (aWireExplorer.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED)
722             {
723               for (Standard_Real wc = ll - dw; wc >= ff; wc -= dw)
724               {
725                 WirePoints.Append (cu3d.Value (wc));
726               }
727             }
728           }
729           break;
730         }
731         default:
732         {
733           Standard_Real ff = wf, ll = wl;
734           Standard_Real dw = (Max (wf, wl) - Min (wf, wl)) / (Standard_Real )Max (2, NbPOnEdge - 1);
735           if (aWireExplorer.Orientation()==TopAbs_FORWARD)
736           {
737             for (Standard_Real wc = wf + dw; wc <= wl; wc += dw)
738             {
739               WirePoints.Append (cu3d.Value (wc));
740             }
741           }
742           else if (aWireExplorer.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED)
743           {
744             for (Standard_Real wc = ll - dw; wc >= ff; wc -= dw)
745             {
746               WirePoints.Append (cu3d.Value (wc));
747             }
748           }
749         }
750       }
751     }
752   }
753   Standard_Integer ArrayPosition = WirePoints.Length();
755   Handle(TColgp_HArray1OfPnt) facepoints = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt (1, ArrayPosition);
756   for (Standard_Integer I = 1; I <= ArrayPosition; ++I)
757   {
758     facepoints->SetValue (I, WirePoints.Value(I));
759   }
761   if ((facepoints->Array1()).Length() > 1)
762   { //1 if only one circular edge
763     Select3D_TypeOfSensitivity TS = theInteriorFlag ? Select3D_TOS_INTERIOR : Select3D_TOS_BOUNDARY;
764     theSensitiveList.Append (new Select3D_SensitiveFace (theOwner, facepoints, TS));
765   }
766   return Standard_True;
767 }