Integration of OCCT 6.5.0 from SVN
[occt.git] / src / RWStepAP214 / RWStepAP214_GeneralModule.cxx
1 //:k4 abv 30.11.98: TR9: warnings for BWV
2 //:n5 abv 15 Feb 99: S4132 complex type bounded_curve + surface_curve
3 //:j4 gka 16.03.99 S4134
4 #include <RWStepAP214_GeneralModule.ixx>
6 #include <Interface_Macros.hxx>
7 //#define DeclareAndCast(atype,result,start) \  NON car Name
8 // Handle(atype) result = *((Handle(atype)*) &start)
10 #include <Interface_GeneralLib.hxx>
11 #include <Interface_Category.hxx>
13 #include <Interface_EntityIterator.hxx>
15 #include <StepAP214.hxx>
17 #include <RWStepAP214.hxx>
19 #include <StepBasic_Address.hxx>
20 #include <StepShape_AdvancedBrepShapeRepresentation.hxx>
21 #include <StepShape_AdvancedFace.hxx>
22 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_AnnotationCurveOccurrence.hxx>
23 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_AnnotationFillArea.hxx>
24 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_AnnotationFillAreaOccurrence.hxx>
25 // Removed from CC1-Rev2 to CC1-Rev4, re-added CC2-Rev4 :
26 #include <StepVisual_AnnotationOccurrence.hxx>
27 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_AnnotationSubfigureOccurrence.hxx>
28 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_AnnotationSymbol.hxx>
29 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_AnnotationSymbolOccurrence.hxx>
30 // Removed from CC1-Rev2 to CC1-Rev4, re-added CC2-Rev4 :
31 #include <StepVisual_AnnotationText.hxx>
32 #include <StepVisual_AnnotationTextOccurrence.hxx>
34 #include <StepBasic_ApplicationContext.hxx>
35 #include <StepBasic_ApplicationContextElement.hxx>
36 #include <StepBasic_ApplicationProtocolDefinition.hxx>
37 #include <StepBasic_Approval.hxx>
38 #include <StepBasic_ApprovalPersonOrganization.hxx>
39 #include <StepBasic_ApprovalRelationship.hxx>
40 #include <StepBasic_ApprovalRole.hxx>
41 #include <StepBasic_ApprovalStatus.hxx>
42 #include <StepVisual_AreaInSet.hxx>
43 #include <StepAP214_AutoDesignActualDateAndTimeAssignment.hxx>
44 #include <StepAP214_AutoDesignActualDateAssignment.hxx>
45 #include <StepAP214_AutoDesignApprovalAssignment.hxx>
46 #include <StepAP214_AutoDesignDateAndPersonAssignment.hxx>
47 #include <StepAP214_AutoDesignGroupAssignment.hxx>
48 #include <StepAP214_AutoDesignNominalDateAndTimeAssignment.hxx>
49 #include <StepAP214_AutoDesignNominalDateAssignment.hxx>
50 #include <StepAP214_AutoDesignOrganizationAssignment.hxx>
51 #include <StepAP214_AutoDesignPersonAndOrganizationAssignment.hxx>
52 #include <StepAP214_AutoDesignPresentedItem.hxx>
53 #include <StepAP214_AutoDesignSecurityClassificationAssignment.hxx>
54 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepAP214_AutoDesignViewArea.hxx>
55 #include <StepGeom_Axis1Placement.hxx>
56 #include <StepGeom_Axis2Placement2d.hxx>
57 #include <StepGeom_Axis2Placement3d.hxx>
58 #include <StepGeom_BSplineCurve.hxx>
59 #include <StepGeom_BSplineCurveWithKnots.hxx>
60 #include <StepGeom_BSplineSurface.hxx>
61 #include <StepGeom_BSplineSurfaceWithKnots.hxx>
62 #include <StepVisual_BackgroundColour.hxx>
63 #include <StepGeom_BezierCurve.hxx>
64 #include <StepGeom_BezierSurface.hxx>
65 #include <StepShape_Block.hxx>
66 #include <StepShape_BooleanResult.hxx>
67 #include <StepGeom_BoundaryCurve.hxx>
68 #include <StepGeom_BoundedCurve.hxx>
69 #include <StepGeom_BoundedSurface.hxx>
70 #include <StepShape_BoxDomain.hxx>
71 #include <StepShape_BoxedHalfSpace.hxx>
72 #include <StepShape_BrepWithVoids.hxx>
73 #include <StepBasic_CalendarDate.hxx>
74 #include <StepVisual_CameraImage.hxx>
75 #include <StepVisual_CameraModel.hxx>
76 #include <StepVisual_CameraModelD2.hxx>
77 #include <StepVisual_CameraModelD3.hxx>
78 #include <StepVisual_CameraUsage.hxx>
79 #include <StepGeom_CartesianPoint.hxx>
80 #include <StepGeom_CartesianTransformationOperator.hxx>
81 #include <StepGeom_CartesianTransformationOperator3d.hxx>
82 #include <StepGeom_Circle.hxx>
83 #include <StepShape_ClosedShell.hxx>
84 #include <StepVisual_Colour.hxx>
85 #include <StepVisual_ColourRgb.hxx>
86 #include <StepVisual_ColourSpecification.hxx>
87 #include <StepGeom_CompositeCurve.hxx>
88 #include <StepGeom_CompositeCurveOnSurface.hxx>
89 #include <StepGeom_CompositeCurveSegment.hxx>
90 // Removed from CC1-Rev2 to CC1-Rev4, re-added CC2-Rev4 :
91 #include <StepVisual_CompositeText.hxx>
92 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_CompositeTextWithAssociatedCurves.hxx>
93 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_CompositeTextWithBlankingBox.hxx>
94 // Removed from CC1-Rev2 to CC1-Rev4, re-added CC2-Rev4 :
95 #include <StepVisual_CompositeTextWithExtent.hxx>
97 #include <StepGeom_Conic.hxx>
98 #include <StepGeom_ConicalSurface.hxx>
99 #include <StepShape_ConnectedFaceSet.hxx>
100 #include <StepVisual_ContextDependentInvisibility.hxx>
101 #include <StepVisual_ContextDependentOverRidingStyledItem.hxx>
102 #include <StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnit.hxx>
103 #include <StepBasic_CoordinatedUniversalTimeOffset.hxx>
104 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepShape_CsgRepresentation.hxx>
105 #include <StepShape_CsgShapeRepresentation.hxx>
106 #include <StepShape_CsgSolid.hxx>
107 #include <StepGeom_Curve.hxx>
108 #include <StepGeom_CurveBoundedSurface.hxx>
109 #include <StepGeom_CurveReplica.hxx>
110 #include <StepVisual_CurveStyle.hxx>
111 #include <StepVisual_CurveStyleFont.hxx>
112 #include <StepVisual_CurveStyleFontPattern.hxx>
113 #include <StepGeom_CylindricalSurface.hxx>
114 #include <StepBasic_Date.hxx>
115 #include <StepBasic_DateAndTime.hxx>
116 #include <StepBasic_DateRole.hxx>
117 #include <StepBasic_DateTimeRole.hxx>
118 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_DefinedSymbol.hxx>
119 #include <StepRepr_DefinitionalRepresentation.hxx>
120 #include <StepGeom_DegeneratePcurve.hxx>
121 #include <StepGeom_DegenerateToroidalSurface.hxx>
122 #include <StepRepr_DescriptiveRepresentationItem.hxx>
123 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_DimensionCurve.hxx>
124 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_DimensionCurveTerminator.hxx>
125 #include <StepBasic_DimensionalExponents.hxx>
126 #include <StepGeom_Direction.hxx>
127 // Removed from CC1-Rev2 to CC1-Rev4, re-added CC2-Rev4 :
128 #include <StepVisual_DraughtingAnnotationOccurrence.hxx>
129 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_DraughtingCallout.hxx>
130 #include <StepVisual_DraughtingPreDefinedColour.hxx>
131 #include <StepVisual_DraughtingPreDefinedCurveFont.hxx>
132 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_DraughtingSubfigureRepresentation.hxx>
133 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_DraughtingSymbolRepresentation.hxx>
134 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_DraughtingTextLiteralWithDelineation.hxx>
135 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_DrawingDefinition.hxx>
136 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_DrawingRevision.hxx>
137 #include <StepShape_Edge.hxx>
138 #include <StepShape_EdgeCurve.hxx>
139 #include <StepShape_EdgeLoop.hxx>
140 #include <StepGeom_ElementarySurface.hxx>
141 #include <StepGeom_Ellipse.hxx>
142 #include <StepGeom_EvaluatedDegeneratePcurve.hxx>
143 #include <StepBasic_ExternalSource.hxx>
144 #include <StepVisual_ExternallyDefinedCurveFont.hxx>
145 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_ExternallyDefinedHatchStyle.hxx>
146 #include <StepBasic_ExternallyDefinedItem.hxx>
147 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_ExternallyDefinedSymbol.hxx>
148 // Removed from CC1-Rev2 to CC1-Rev4, re-added CC2-Rev4 :
149 #include <StepVisual_ExternallyDefinedTextFont.hxx>
150 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_ExternallyDefinedTileStyle.hxx>
151 #include <StepShape_ExtrudedAreaSolid.hxx>
152 #include <StepShape_Face.hxx>
153 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepShape_FaceBasedSurfaceModel.hxx>
154 #include <StepShape_FaceBound.hxx>
155 #include <StepShape_FaceOuterBound.hxx>
156 #include <StepShape_FaceSurface.hxx>
157 #include <StepShape_FacetedBrep.hxx>
158 #include <StepShape_FacetedBrepShapeRepresentation.hxx>
159 #include <StepVisual_FillAreaStyle.hxx>
160 #include <StepVisual_FillAreaStyleColour.hxx>
161 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_FillAreaStyleHatching.hxx>
162 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_FillAreaStyleTileSymbolWithStyle.hxx>
163 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_FillAreaStyleTiles.hxx>
164 #include <StepRepr_FunctionallyDefinedTransformation.hxx>
165 #include <StepShape_GeometricCurveSet.hxx>
166 #include <StepGeom_GeometricRepresentationContext.hxx>
167 #include <StepGeom_GeometricRepresentationItem.hxx>
168 #include <StepShape_GeometricSet.hxx>
169 #include <StepShape_GeometricallyBoundedSurfaceShapeRepresentation.hxx>
170 #include <StepShape_GeometricallyBoundedWireframeShapeRepresentation.hxx>
171 #include <StepRepr_GlobalUncertaintyAssignedContext.hxx>
172 #include <StepRepr_GlobalUnitAssignedContext.hxx>
173 #include <StepBasic_Group.hxx>
174 #include <StepBasic_GroupRelationship.hxx>
175 #include <StepShape_HalfSpaceSolid.hxx>
176 #include <StepGeom_Hyperbola.hxx>
177 #include <StepGeom_IntersectionCurve.hxx>
178 #include <StepVisual_Invisibility.hxx>
179 #include <StepBasic_LengthMeasureWithUnit.hxx>
180 #include <StepBasic_LengthUnit.hxx>
181 #include <StepGeom_Line.hxx>
182 #include <StepBasic_LocalTime.hxx>
183 #include <StepShape_Loop.hxx>
184 #include <StepShape_ManifoldSolidBrep.hxx>
185 #include <StepShape_ManifoldSurfaceShapeRepresentation.hxx>
186 #include <StepRepr_MappedItem.hxx>
187 #include <StepBasic_MeasureWithUnit.hxx>
188 #include <StepVisual_MechanicalDesignGeometricPresentationArea.hxx>
189 #include <StepVisual_MechanicalDesignGeometricPresentationRepresentation.hxx>
190 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_MechanicalDesignPresentationArea.hxx>
191 #include <StepBasic_NamedUnit.hxx>
192 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepShape_NonManifoldSurfaceShapeRepresentation.hxx>
193 #include <StepGeom_OffsetCurve3d.hxx>
194 #include <StepGeom_OffsetSurface.hxx>
195 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepAP214_OneDirectionRepeatFactor.hxx>
196 #include <StepShape_OpenShell.hxx>
197 #include <StepBasic_OrdinalDate.hxx>
198 #include <StepBasic_Organization.hxx>
199 #include <StepBasic_OrganizationRole.hxx>
200 #include <StepBasic_OrganizationalAddress.hxx>
201 #include <StepShape_OrientedClosedShell.hxx>
202 #include <StepShape_OrientedEdge.hxx>
203 #include <StepShape_OrientedFace.hxx>
204 #include <StepShape_OrientedOpenShell.hxx>
205 #include <StepShape_OrientedPath.hxx>
206 #include <StepGeom_OuterBoundaryCurve.hxx>
207 #include <StepVisual_OverRidingStyledItem.hxx>
208 #include <StepGeom_Parabola.hxx>
209 #include <StepRepr_ParametricRepresentationContext.hxx>
210 #include <StepShape_Path.hxx>
211 #include <StepGeom_Pcurve.hxx>
212 #include <StepBasic_Person.hxx>
213 #include <StepBasic_PersonAndOrganization.hxx>
214 #include <StepBasic_PersonAndOrganizationRole.hxx>
215 #include <StepBasic_PersonalAddress.hxx>
216 #include <StepGeom_Placement.hxx>
217 #include <StepVisual_PlanarBox.hxx>
218 #include <StepVisual_PlanarExtent.hxx>
219 #include <StepGeom_Plane.hxx>
220 #include <StepBasic_PlaneAngleMeasureWithUnit.hxx>
221 #include <StepBasic_PlaneAngleUnit.hxx>
222 #include <StepGeom_Point.hxx>
223 #include <StepGeom_PointOnCurve.hxx>
224 #include <StepGeom_PointOnSurface.hxx>
225 #include <StepGeom_PointReplica.hxx>
226 #include <StepVisual_PointStyle.hxx>
227 #include <StepShape_PolyLoop.hxx>
228 #include <StepGeom_Polyline.hxx>
229 #include <StepVisual_PreDefinedColour.hxx>
230 #include <StepVisual_PreDefinedCurveFont.hxx>
231 #include <StepVisual_PreDefinedItem.hxx>
232 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_PreDefinedSymbol.hxx>
233 // Removed from CC1-Rev2 to CC1-Rev4, re-added CC2-Rev4 :
234 #include <StepVisual_PreDefinedTextFont.hxx>
236 #include <StepVisual_PresentationArea.hxx>
237 #include <StepVisual_PresentationLayerAssignment.hxx>
238 #include <StepVisual_PresentationRepresentation.hxx>
239 #include <StepVisual_PresentationSet.hxx>
240 #include <StepVisual_PresentationSize.hxx>
241 #include <StepVisual_PresentationStyleAssignment.hxx>
242 #include <StepVisual_PresentationStyleByContext.hxx>
243 #include <StepVisual_PresentationView.hxx>
244 #include <StepBasic_Product.hxx>
245 #include <StepBasic_ProductCategory.hxx>
246 #include <StepBasic_ProductContext.hxx>
247 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_ProductDataRepresentationView.hxx>
248 #include <StepBasic_ProductDefinition.hxx>
249 #include <StepBasic_ProductDefinitionContext.hxx>
250 #include <StepBasic_ProductDefinitionFormation.hxx>
251 #include <StepBasic_ProductDefinitionFormationWithSpecifiedSource.hxx>
252 #include <StepRepr_ProductDefinitionShape.hxx>
253 #include <StepBasic_ProductRelatedProductCategory.hxx>
254 #include <StepBasic_ProductType.hxx>
255 #include <StepRepr_PropertyDefinition.hxx>
256 #include <StepRepr_PropertyDefinitionRepresentation.hxx>
257 #include <StepGeom_QuasiUniformCurve.hxx>
258 #include <StepGeom_QuasiUniformSurface.hxx>
259 #include <StepBasic_RatioMeasureWithUnit.hxx>
260 #include <StepGeom_RationalBSplineCurve.hxx>
261 #include <StepGeom_RationalBSplineSurface.hxx>
262 #include <StepGeom_RectangularCompositeSurface.hxx>
263 #include <StepGeom_RectangularTrimmedSurface.hxx>
264 #include <StepAP214_RepItemGroup.hxx>
265 #include <StepGeom_ReparametrisedCompositeCurveSegment.hxx>
266 #include <StepRepr_Representation.hxx>
267 #include <StepRepr_RepresentationContext.hxx>
268 #include <StepRepr_RepresentationItem.hxx>
269 #include <StepRepr_RepresentationMap.hxx>
270 #include <StepRepr_RepresentationRelationship.hxx>
271 #include <StepShape_RevolvedAreaSolid.hxx>
272 #include <StepShape_RightAngularWedge.hxx>
273 #include <StepShape_RightCircularCone.hxx>
274 #include <StepShape_RightCircularCylinder.hxx>
275 #include <StepGeom_SeamCurve.hxx>
276 #include <StepBasic_SecurityClassification.hxx>
277 #include <StepBasic_SecurityClassificationLevel.hxx>
278 #include <StepRepr_ShapeAspect.hxx>
279 #include <StepRepr_ShapeAspectRelationship.hxx>
280 #include <StepRepr_ShapeAspectTransition.hxx>
281 #include <StepShape_ShapeDefinitionRepresentation.hxx>
282 #include <StepShape_ShapeRepresentation.hxx>
283 #include <StepShape_ShellBasedSurfaceModel.hxx>
284 #include <StepBasic_SiUnit.hxx>
285 #include <StepBasic_SolidAngleMeasureWithUnit.hxx>
286 #include <StepShape_SolidModel.hxx>
287 #include <StepShape_SolidReplica.hxx>
288 #include <StepShape_Sphere.hxx>
289 #include <StepGeom_SphericalSurface.hxx>
290 #include <StepVisual_StyledItem.hxx>
291 #include <StepGeom_Surface.hxx>
292 #include <StepGeom_SurfaceCurve.hxx>
293 #include <StepGeom_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion.hxx>
294 #include <StepGeom_SurfaceOfRevolution.hxx>
295 #include <StepGeom_SurfaceCurveAndBoundedCurve.hxx>
296 #include <StepGeom_SurfacePatch.hxx>
297 #include <StepGeom_SurfaceReplica.hxx>
298 #include <StepVisual_SurfaceSideStyle.hxx>
299 #include <StepVisual_SurfaceStyleBoundary.hxx>
300 #include <StepVisual_SurfaceStyleControlGrid.hxx>
301 #include <StepVisual_SurfaceStyleFillArea.hxx>
302 #include <StepVisual_SurfaceStyleParameterLine.hxx>
303 #include <StepVisual_SurfaceStyleSegmentationCurve.hxx>
304 #include <StepVisual_SurfaceStyleSilhouette.hxx>
305 #include <StepVisual_SurfaceStyleUsage.hxx>
306 #include <StepShape_SweptAreaSolid.hxx>
307 #include <StepGeom_SweptSurface.hxx>
308 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_SymbolColour.hxx>
309 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_SymbolRepresentation.hxx>
310 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_SymbolRepresentationMap.hxx>
311 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_SymbolStyle.hxx>
312 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_SymbolTarget.hxx>
313 #include <StepVisual_Template.hxx>
314 #include <StepVisual_TemplateInstance.hxx>
315 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_TerminatorSymbol.hxx>
316 // Removed from CC1-Rev2 to CC1-Rev4, re-added CC2-Rev4 :
317 #include <StepVisual_TextLiteral.hxx>
318 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_TextLiteralWithAssociatedCurves.hxx>
319 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_TextLiteralWithBlankingBox.hxx>
320 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_TextLiteralWithDelineation.hxx>
321 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_TextLiteralWithExtent.hxx>
322 // Removed from CC1-Rev2 to CC1-Rev4, re-added CC2-Rev4 :
323 #include <StepVisual_TextStyle.hxx>
324 #include <StepVisual_TextStyleForDefinedFont.hxx>
325 #include <StepVisual_TextStyleWithBoxCharacteristics.hxx>
326 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepVisual_TextStyleWithMirror.hxx>
327 #include <StepShape_TopologicalRepresentationItem.hxx>
328 #include <StepGeom_ToroidalSurface.hxx>
329 #include <StepShape_Torus.hxx>
330 #include <StepShape_TransitionalShapeRepresentation.hxx>
331 #include <StepGeom_TrimmedCurve.hxx>
332 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <StepAP214_TwoDirectionRepeatFactor.hxx>
333 #include <StepBasic_UncertaintyMeasureWithUnit.hxx>
334 #include <StepGeom_UniformCurve.hxx>
335 #include <StepGeom_UniformSurface.hxx>
336 #include <StepGeom_Vector.hxx>
337 #include <StepShape_Vertex.hxx>
338 #include <StepShape_VertexLoop.hxx>
339 #include <StepShape_VertexPoint.hxx>
340 #include <StepVisual_ViewVolume.hxx>
341 #include <StepBasic_WeekOfYearAndDayDate.hxx>
342 #include <StepGeom_UniformCurveAndRationalBSplineCurve.hxx>
343 #include <StepGeom_BSplineCurveWithKnotsAndRationalBSplineCurve.hxx>
344 #include <StepGeom_QuasiUniformCurveAndRationalBSplineCurve.hxx>
345 #include <StepGeom_BezierCurveAndRationalBSplineCurve.hxx>
346 #include <StepGeom_BSplineSurfaceWithKnotsAndRationalBSplineSurface.hxx>
347 #include <StepGeom_UniformSurfaceAndRationalBSplineSurface.hxx>
348 #include <StepGeom_QuasiUniformSurfaceAndRationalBSplineSurface.hxx>
349 #include <StepGeom_BezierSurfaceAndRationalBSplineSurface.hxx>
350 #include <StepBasic_SiUnitAndLengthUnit.hxx>
351 #include <StepBasic_SiUnitAndPlaneAngleUnit.hxx>
352 #include <StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnitAndLengthUnit.hxx>
353 #include <StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnitAndPlaneAngleUnit.hxx>
354 #include <StepGeom_GeometricRepresentationContextAndGlobalUnitAssignedContext.hxx>
355 #include <StepShape_LoopAndPath.hxx>
357 // Added by FMA
358 #include <StepGeom_GeomRepContextAndGlobUnitAssCtxAndGlobUncertaintyAssCtx.hxx>
359 #include <StepGeom_GeometricRepresentationContextAndParametricRepresentationContext.hxx>
360 #include <StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnitAndSolidAngleUnit.hxx>
361 #include <StepBasic_SiUnitAndSolidAngleUnit.hxx>
362 #include <StepBasic_SolidAngleUnit.hxx>
363 #include <StepShape_FacetedBrepAndBrepWithVoids.hxx>
364 #include <StepBasic_MechanicalContext.hxx>
365 // Added by CKY  for Rev4
366 #include <StepBasic_DesignContext.hxx>
368 // full Rev4
369 #include <StepBasic_TimeMeasureWithUnit.hxx>
370 #include <StepBasic_RatioUnit.hxx>
371 #include <StepBasic_TimeUnit.hxx>
372 #include <StepBasic_SiUnitAndRatioUnit.hxx>
373 #include <StepBasic_SiUnitAndTimeUnit.hxx>
374 #include <StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnitAndRatioUnit.hxx>
375 #include <StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnitAndTimeUnit.hxx>
376 #include <StepBasic_ApprovalDateTime.hxx>
377 #include <StepVisual_CameraImage2dWithScale.hxx>
378 #include <StepVisual_CameraImage3dWithScale.hxx>
379 #include <StepGeom_CartesianTransformationOperator2d.hxx>
380 #include <StepBasic_DerivedUnit.hxx>
381 #include <StepBasic_DerivedUnitElement.hxx>
382 #include <StepRepr_ItemDefinedTransformation.hxx>
383 #include <StepVisual_PresentedItemRepresentation.hxx>
384 #include <StepVisual_PresentationLayerUsage.hxx>
386 //  Added by CKY (JUL-1998) for AP214 CC1 -> CC2
388 #include <StepAP214_AutoDesignDocumentReference.hxx>
389 #include <StepBasic_Document.hxx>
390 #include <StepBasic_DigitalDocument.hxx>
391 #include <StepBasic_DocumentRelationship.hxx>
392 #include <StepBasic_DocumentType.hxx>
393 #include <StepBasic_DocumentUsageConstraint.hxx>
394 #include <StepBasic_Effectivity.hxx>
395 #include <StepBasic_ProductDefinitionEffectivity.hxx>
396 #include <StepBasic_ProductDefinitionRelationship.hxx>
398 #include <StepBasic_ProductDefinitionWithAssociatedDocuments.hxx>
399 #include <StepBasic_PhysicallyModeledProductDefinition.hxx>
402 #include <StepRepr_ProductDefinitionUsage.hxx>
403 #include <StepRepr_MakeFromUsageOption.hxx>
404 #include <StepRepr_AssemblyComponentUsage.hxx>
405 #include <StepRepr_NextAssemblyUsageOccurrence.hxx>
406 #include <StepRepr_PromissoryUsageOccurrence.hxx>
407 #include <StepRepr_QuantifiedAssemblyComponentUsage.hxx>
408 #include <StepRepr_SpecifiedHigherUsageOccurrence.hxx>
409 #include <StepRepr_AssemblyComponentUsageSubstitute.hxx>
410 #include <StepRepr_SuppliedPartRelationship.hxx>
411 #include <StepRepr_ExternallyDefinedRepresentation.hxx>
412 #include <StepRepr_ShapeRepresentationRelationship.hxx>
413 #include <StepRepr_RepresentationRelationshipWithTransformation.hxx>
414 #include <StepRepr_ShapeRepresentationRelationshipWithTransformation.hxx>
415 #include <StepRepr_MaterialDesignation.hxx>
417 #include <StepShape_ContextDependentShapeRepresentation.hxx>
420 #include <RWStepBasic_RWAddress.hxx>
421 #include <RWStepShape_RWAdvancedBrepShapeRepresentation.hxx>
422 #include <RWStepShape_RWAdvancedFace.hxx>
423 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWAnnotationCurveOccurrence.hxx>
424 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWAnnotationFillArea.hxx>
425 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWAnnotationFillAreaOccurrence.hxx>
426 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWAnnotationOccurrence.hxx>
427 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWAnnotationSubfigureOccurrence.hxx>
428 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWAnnotationSymbol.hxx>
429 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWAnnotationSymbolOccurrence.hxx>
430 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWAnnotationText.hxx>
431 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWAnnotationTextOccurrence.hxx>
432 #include <RWStepBasic_RWApplicationContext.hxx>
433 #include <RWStepBasic_RWApplicationContextElement.hxx>
434 #include <RWStepBasic_RWApplicationProtocolDefinition.hxx>
435 #include <RWStepBasic_RWApproval.hxx>
436 #include <RWStepBasic_RWApprovalPersonOrganization.hxx>
437 #include <RWStepBasic_RWApprovalRelationship.hxx>
438 #include <RWStepBasic_RWApprovalRole.hxx>
439 #include <RWStepBasic_RWApprovalStatus.hxx>
440 #include <RWStepVisual_RWAreaInSet.hxx>
441 #include <RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignActualDateAndTimeAssignment.hxx>
442 #include <RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignActualDateAssignment.hxx>
443 #include <RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignApprovalAssignment.hxx>
444 #include <RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignDateAndPersonAssignment.hxx>
445 #include <RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignGroupAssignment.hxx>
446 #include <RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignNominalDateAndTimeAssignment.hxx>
447 #include <RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignNominalDateAssignment.hxx>
448 #include <RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignOrganizationAssignment.hxx>
449 #include <RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignPersonAndOrganizationAssignment.hxx>
450 #include <RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignPresentedItem.hxx>
451 #include <RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignSecurityClassificationAssignment.hxx>
452 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignViewArea.hxx>
453 #include <RWStepGeom_RWAxis1Placement.hxx>
454 #include <RWStepGeom_RWAxis2Placement2d.hxx>
455 #include <RWStepGeom_RWAxis2Placement3d.hxx>
456 #include <RWStepGeom_RWBSplineCurve.hxx>
457 #include <RWStepGeom_RWBSplineCurveWithKnots.hxx>
458 #include <RWStepGeom_RWBSplineSurface.hxx>
459 #include <RWStepGeom_RWBSplineSurfaceWithKnots.hxx>
460 #include <RWStepVisual_RWBackgroundColour.hxx>
461 #include <RWStepGeom_RWBezierCurve.hxx>
462 #include <RWStepGeom_RWBezierSurface.hxx>
463 #include <RWStepShape_RWBlock.hxx>
464 #include <RWStepShape_RWBooleanResult.hxx>
465 #include <RWStepGeom_RWBoundaryCurve.hxx>
466 #include <RWStepGeom_RWBoundedCurve.hxx>
467 #include <RWStepGeom_RWBoundedSurface.hxx>
468 #include <RWStepShape_RWBoxDomain.hxx>
469 #include <RWStepShape_RWBoxedHalfSpace.hxx>
470 #include <RWStepShape_RWBrepWithVoids.hxx>
471 #include <RWStepBasic_RWCalendarDate.hxx>
472 #include <RWStepVisual_RWCameraImage.hxx>
473 #include <RWStepVisual_RWCameraModel.hxx>
474 #include <RWStepVisual_RWCameraModelD2.hxx>
475 #include <RWStepVisual_RWCameraModelD3.hxx>
476 #include <RWStepVisual_RWCameraUsage.hxx>
477 #include <RWStepGeom_RWCartesianPoint.hxx>
478 #include <RWStepGeom_RWCartesianTransformationOperator.hxx>
479 #include <RWStepGeom_RWCartesianTransformationOperator3d.hxx>
480 #include <RWStepGeom_RWCircle.hxx>
481 #include <RWStepShape_RWClosedShell.hxx>
482 #include <RWStepVisual_RWColour.hxx>
483 #include <RWStepVisual_RWColourRgb.hxx>
484 #include <RWStepVisual_RWColourSpecification.hxx>
485 #include <RWStepGeom_RWCompositeCurve.hxx>
486 #include <RWStepGeom_RWCompositeCurveOnSurface.hxx>
487 #include <RWStepGeom_RWCompositeCurveSegment.hxx>
488 // Removed from CC1-Rev2 to CC1-Rev4, re-added CC2-Rev4 :
489 #include <RWStepVisual_RWCompositeText.hxx>
490 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWCompositeTextWithAssociatedCurves.hxx>
491 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWCompositeTextWithBlankingBox.hxx>
492 // Removed from CC1-Rev2 to CC1-Rev4, re-added CC2-Rev4 :
493 #include <RWStepVisual_RWCompositeTextWithExtent.hxx>
495 #include <RWStepGeom_RWConic.hxx>
496 #include <RWStepGeom_RWConicalSurface.hxx>
497 #include <RWStepShape_RWConnectedFaceSet.hxx>
498 #include <RWStepVisual_RWContextDependentInvisibility.hxx>
499 #include <RWStepVisual_RWContextDependentOverRidingStyledItem.hxx>
500 #include <RWStepBasic_RWConversionBasedUnit.hxx>
501 #include <RWStepBasic_RWCoordinatedUniversalTimeOffset.hxx>
502 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepShape_RWCsgRepresentation.hxx>
503 #include <RWStepShape_RWCsgShapeRepresentation.hxx>
504 #include <RWStepShape_RWCsgSolid.hxx>
505 #include <RWStepGeom_RWCurve.hxx>
506 #include <RWStepGeom_RWCurveBoundedSurface.hxx>
507 #include <RWStepGeom_RWCurveReplica.hxx>
508 #include <RWStepVisual_RWCurveStyle.hxx>
509 #include <RWStepVisual_RWCurveStyleFont.hxx>
510 #include <RWStepVisual_RWCurveStyleFontPattern.hxx>
511 #include <RWStepGeom_RWCylindricalSurface.hxx>
512 #include <RWStepBasic_RWDate.hxx>
513 #include <RWStepBasic_RWDateAndTime.hxx>
514 #include <RWStepBasic_RWDateRole.hxx>
515 #include <RWStepBasic_RWDateTimeRole.hxx>
516 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWDefinedSymbol.hxx>
517 #include <RWStepRepr_RWDefinitionalRepresentation.hxx>
518 #include <RWStepGeom_RWDegeneratePcurve.hxx>
519 #include <RWStepGeom_RWDegenerateToroidalSurface.hxx>
520 #include <RWStepRepr_RWDescriptiveRepresentationItem.hxx>
521 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWDimensionCurve.hxx>
522 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWDimensionCurveTerminator.hxx>
523 #include <RWStepBasic_RWDimensionalExponents.hxx>
524 #include <RWStepGeom_RWDirection.hxx>
525 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWDraughtingAnnotationOccurrence.hxx>
526 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWDraughtingCallout.hxx>
527 #include <RWStepVisual_RWDraughtingPreDefinedColour.hxx>
528 #include <RWStepVisual_RWDraughtingPreDefinedCurveFont.hxx>
529 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWDraughtingSubfigureRepresentation.hxx>
530 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWDraughtingSymbolRepresentation.hxx>
531 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWDraughtingTextLiteralWithDelineation.hxx>
532 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWDrawingDefinition.hxx>
533 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWDrawingRevision.hxx>
534 #include <RWStepShape_RWEdge.hxx>
535 #include <RWStepShape_RWEdgeCurve.hxx>
536 #include <RWStepShape_RWEdgeLoop.hxx>
537 #include <RWStepGeom_RWElementarySurface.hxx>
538 #include <RWStepGeom_RWEllipse.hxx>
539 #include <RWStepGeom_RWEvaluatedDegeneratePcurve.hxx>
540 #include <RWStepBasic_RWExternalSource.hxx>
541 #include <RWStepVisual_RWExternallyDefinedCurveFont.hxx>
542 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWExternallyDefinedHatchStyle.hxx>
543 #include <RWStepBasic_RWExternallyDefinedItem.hxx>
544 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWExternallyDefinedSymbol.hxx>
545 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWExternallyDefinedTextFont.hxx>
546 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWExternallyDefinedTileStyle.hxx>
547 #include <RWStepShape_RWExtrudedAreaSolid.hxx>
548 #include <RWStepShape_RWFace.hxx>
549 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepShape_RWFaceBasedSurfaceModel.hxx>
550 #include <RWStepShape_RWFaceBound.hxx>
551 #include <RWStepShape_RWFaceOuterBound.hxx>
552 #include <RWStepShape_RWFaceSurface.hxx>
553 #include <RWStepShape_RWFacetedBrep.hxx>
554 #include <RWStepShape_RWFacetedBrepShapeRepresentation.hxx>
555 #include <RWStepVisual_RWFillAreaStyle.hxx>
556 #include <RWStepVisual_RWFillAreaStyleColour.hxx>
557 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWFillAreaStyleHatching.hxx>
558 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWFillAreaStyleTileSymbolWithStyle.hxx>
559 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWFillAreaStyleTiles.hxx>
560 #include <RWStepRepr_RWFunctionallyDefinedTransformation.hxx>
561 #include <RWStepShape_RWGeometricCurveSet.hxx>
562 #include <RWStepGeom_RWGeometricRepresentationContext.hxx>
563 #include <RWStepGeom_RWGeometricRepresentationItem.hxx>
564 #include <RWStepShape_RWGeometricSet.hxx>
565 #include <RWStepShape_RWGeometricallyBoundedSurfaceShapeRepresentation.hxx>
566 #include <RWStepShape_RWGeometricallyBoundedWireframeShapeRepresentation.hxx>
567 #include <RWStepRepr_RWGlobalUncertaintyAssignedContext.hxx>
568 #include <RWStepRepr_RWGlobalUnitAssignedContext.hxx>
569 #include <RWStepBasic_RWGroup.hxx>
570 #include <RWStepBasic_RWGroupRelationship.hxx>
571 #include <RWStepShape_RWHalfSpaceSolid.hxx>
572 #include <RWStepGeom_RWHyperbola.hxx>
573 #include <RWStepGeom_RWIntersectionCurve.hxx>
574 #include <RWStepVisual_RWInvisibility.hxx>
575 #include <RWStepBasic_RWLengthMeasureWithUnit.hxx>
576 #include <RWStepBasic_RWLengthUnit.hxx>
577 #include <RWStepGeom_RWLine.hxx>
578 #include <RWStepBasic_RWLocalTime.hxx>
579 #include <RWStepShape_RWLoop.hxx>
580 #include <RWStepShape_RWManifoldSolidBrep.hxx>
581 #include <RWStepShape_RWManifoldSurfaceShapeRepresentation.hxx>
582 #include <RWStepRepr_RWMappedItem.hxx>
583 #include <RWStepBasic_RWMeasureWithUnit.hxx>
584 #include <RWStepVisual_RWMechanicalDesignGeometricPresentationArea.hxx>
585 #include <RWStepVisual_RWMechanicalDesignGeometricPresentationRepresentation.hxx>
586 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWMechanicalDesignPresentationArea.hxx>
587 #include <RWStepBasic_RWNamedUnit.hxx>
588 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepShape_RWNonManifoldSurfaceShapeRepresentation.hxx>
589 #include <RWStepGeom_RWOffsetCurve3d.hxx>
590 #include <RWStepGeom_RWOffsetSurface.hxx>
591 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepAP214_RWOneDirectionRepeatFactor.hxx>
592 #include <RWStepShape_RWOpenShell.hxx>
593 #include <RWStepBasic_RWOrdinalDate.hxx>
594 #include <RWStepBasic_RWOrganization.hxx>
595 #include <RWStepBasic_RWOrganizationRole.hxx>
596 #include <RWStepBasic_RWOrganizationalAddress.hxx>
597 #include <RWStepShape_RWOrientedClosedShell.hxx>
598 #include <RWStepShape_RWOrientedEdge.hxx>
599 #include <RWStepShape_RWOrientedFace.hxx>
600 #include <RWStepShape_RWOrientedOpenShell.hxx>
601 #include <RWStepShape_RWOrientedPath.hxx>
602 #include <RWStepGeom_RWOuterBoundaryCurve.hxx>
603 #include <RWStepVisual_RWOverRidingStyledItem.hxx>
604 #include <RWStepGeom_RWParabola.hxx>
605 #include <RWStepRepr_RWParametricRepresentationContext.hxx>
606 #include <RWStepShape_RWPath.hxx>
607 #include <RWStepGeom_RWPcurve.hxx>
608 #include <RWStepBasic_RWPerson.hxx>
609 #include <RWStepBasic_RWPersonAndOrganization.hxx>
610 #include <RWStepBasic_RWPersonAndOrganizationRole.hxx>
611 #include <RWStepBasic_RWPersonalAddress.hxx>
612 #include <RWStepGeom_RWPlacement.hxx>
613 #include <RWStepVisual_RWPlanarBox.hxx>
614 #include <RWStepVisual_RWPlanarExtent.hxx>
615 #include <RWStepGeom_RWPlane.hxx>
616 #include <RWStepBasic_RWPlaneAngleMeasureWithUnit.hxx>
617 #include <RWStepBasic_RWPlaneAngleUnit.hxx>
618 #include <RWStepGeom_RWPoint.hxx>
619 #include <RWStepGeom_RWPointOnCurve.hxx>
620 #include <RWStepGeom_RWPointOnSurface.hxx>
621 #include <RWStepGeom_RWPointReplica.hxx>
622 #include <RWStepVisual_RWPointStyle.hxx>
623 #include <RWStepShape_RWPolyLoop.hxx>
624 #include <RWStepGeom_RWPolyline.hxx>
625 #include <RWStepVisual_RWPreDefinedColour.hxx>
626 #include <RWStepVisual_RWPreDefinedCurveFont.hxx>
627 #include <RWStepVisual_RWPreDefinedItem.hxx>
628 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWPreDefinedSymbol.hxx>
629 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWPreDefinedTextFont.hxx>
630 #include <RWStepVisual_RWPresentationArea.hxx>
631 #include <RWStepVisual_RWPresentationLayerAssignment.hxx>
632 #include <RWStepVisual_RWPresentationRepresentation.hxx>
633 #include <RWStepVisual_RWPresentationSet.hxx>
634 #include <RWStepVisual_RWPresentationSize.hxx>
635 #include <RWStepVisual_RWPresentationStyleAssignment.hxx>
636 #include <RWStepVisual_RWPresentationStyleByContext.hxx>
637 #include <RWStepVisual_RWPresentationView.hxx>
638 #include <RWStepBasic_RWProduct.hxx>
639 #include <RWStepBasic_RWProductCategory.hxx>
640 #include <RWStepBasic_RWProductContext.hxx>
641 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWProductDataRepresentationView.hxx>
642 #include <RWStepBasic_RWProductDefinition.hxx>
643 #include <RWStepBasic_RWProductDefinitionContext.hxx>
644 #include <RWStepBasic_RWProductDefinitionFormation.hxx>
645 #include <RWStepBasic_RWProductDefinitionFormationWithSpecifiedSource.hxx>
646 #include <RWStepRepr_RWProductDefinitionShape.hxx>
647 #include <RWStepBasic_RWProductRelatedProductCategory.hxx>
648 #include <RWStepBasic_RWProductType.hxx>
649 #include <RWStepRepr_RWPropertyDefinition.hxx>
650 #include <RWStepRepr_RWPropertyDefinitionRepresentation.hxx>
651 #include <RWStepGeom_RWQuasiUniformCurve.hxx>
652 #include <RWStepGeom_RWQuasiUniformSurface.hxx>
653 #include <RWStepBasic_RWRatioMeasureWithUnit.hxx>
654 #include <RWStepGeom_RWRationalBSplineCurve.hxx>
655 #include <RWStepGeom_RWRationalBSplineSurface.hxx>
656 #include <RWStepGeom_RWRectangularCompositeSurface.hxx>
657 #include <RWStepGeom_RWRectangularTrimmedSurface.hxx>
658 #include <RWStepAP214_RWRepItemGroup.hxx>
659 #include <RWStepGeom_RWReparametrisedCompositeCurveSegment.hxx>
660 #include <RWStepRepr_RWRepresentation.hxx>
661 #include <RWStepRepr_RWRepresentationContext.hxx>
662 #include <RWStepRepr_RWRepresentationItem.hxx>
663 #include <RWStepRepr_RWRepresentationMap.hxx>
664 #include <RWStepRepr_RWRepresentationRelationship.hxx>
665 #include <RWStepShape_RWRevolvedAreaSolid.hxx>
666 #include <RWStepShape_RWRightAngularWedge.hxx>
667 #include <RWStepShape_RWRightCircularCone.hxx>
668 #include <RWStepShape_RWRightCircularCylinder.hxx>
669 #include <RWStepGeom_RWSeamCurve.hxx>
670 #include <RWStepBasic_RWSecurityClassification.hxx>
671 #include <RWStepBasic_RWSecurityClassificationLevel.hxx>
672 #include <RWStepRepr_RWShapeAspect.hxx>
673 #include <RWStepRepr_RWShapeAspectRelationship.hxx>
674 #include <RWStepRepr_RWShapeAspectTransition.hxx>
675 #include <RWStepShape_RWShapeDefinitionRepresentation.hxx>
676 #include <RWStepShape_RWShapeRepresentation.hxx>
677 #include <RWStepShape_RWShellBasedSurfaceModel.hxx>
678 #include <RWStepBasic_RWSiUnit.hxx>
679 #include <RWStepBasic_RWSolidAngleMeasureWithUnit.hxx>
680 #include <RWStepShape_RWSolidModel.hxx>
681 #include <RWStepShape_RWSolidReplica.hxx>
682 #include <RWStepShape_RWSphere.hxx>
683 #include <RWStepGeom_RWSphericalSurface.hxx>
684 #include <RWStepVisual_RWStyledItem.hxx>
685 #include <RWStepGeom_RWSurface.hxx>
686 #include <RWStepGeom_RWSurfaceCurve.hxx>
687 #include <RWStepGeom_RWSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion.hxx>
688 #include <RWStepGeom_RWSurfaceOfRevolution.hxx>
689 #include <RWStepGeom_RWSurfaceCurveAndBoundedCurve.hxx>
690 #include <RWStepGeom_RWSurfacePatch.hxx>
691 #include <RWStepGeom_RWSurfaceReplica.hxx>
692 #include <RWStepVisual_RWSurfaceSideStyle.hxx>
693 #include <RWStepVisual_RWSurfaceStyleBoundary.hxx>
694 #include <RWStepVisual_RWSurfaceStyleControlGrid.hxx>
695 #include <RWStepVisual_RWSurfaceStyleFillArea.hxx>
696 #include <RWStepVisual_RWSurfaceStyleParameterLine.hxx>
697 #include <RWStepVisual_RWSurfaceStyleSegmentationCurve.hxx>
698 #include <RWStepVisual_RWSurfaceStyleSilhouette.hxx>
699 #include <RWStepVisual_RWSurfaceStyleUsage.hxx>
700 #include <RWStepShape_RWSweptAreaSolid.hxx>
701 #include <RWStepGeom_RWSweptSurface.hxx>
702 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWSymbolColour.hxx>
703 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWSymbolRepresentation.hxx>
704 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWSymbolRepresentationMap.hxx>
705 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWSymbolStyle.hxx>
706 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWSymbolTarget.hxx>
707 #include <RWStepVisual_RWTemplate.hxx>
708 #include <RWStepVisual_RWTemplateInstance.hxx>
709 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWTerminatorSymbol.hxx>
710 // Removed from CC1-Rev2 to CC1-Rev4, re-added CC2-Rev4 :
711 #include <RWStepVisual_RWTextLiteral.hxx>
712 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWTextLiteralWithAssociatedCurves.hxx>
713 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWTextLiteralWithBlankingBox.hxx>
714 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWTextLiteralWithDelineation.hxx>
715 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWTextLiteralWithExtent.hxx>
716 // Removed from CC1-Rev2 to CC1-Rev4, re-added CC2-Rev4 :
717 #include <RWStepVisual_RWTextStyle.hxx>
718 #include <RWStepVisual_RWTextStyleForDefinedFont.hxx>
719 #include <RWStepVisual_RWTextStyleWithBoxCharacteristics.hxx>
720 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepVisual_RWTextStyleWithMirror.hxx>
721 #include <RWStepShape_RWTopologicalRepresentationItem.hxx>
722 #include <RWStepGeom_RWToroidalSurface.hxx>
723 #include <RWStepShape_RWTorus.hxx>
724 #include <RWStepShape_RWTransitionalShapeRepresentation.hxx>
725 #include <RWStepGeom_RWTrimmedCurve.hxx>
726 // Removed from Rev2 to Rev4 :  <RWStepAP214_RWTwoDirectionRepeatFactor.hxx>
727 #include <RWStepBasic_RWUncertaintyMeasureWithUnit.hxx>
728 #include <RWStepGeom_RWUniformCurve.hxx>
729 #include <RWStepGeom_RWUniformSurface.hxx>
730 #include <RWStepGeom_RWVector.hxx>
731 #include <RWStepShape_RWVertex.hxx>
732 #include <RWStepShape_RWVertexLoop.hxx>
733 #include <RWStepShape_RWVertexPoint.hxx>
734 #include <RWStepVisual_RWViewVolume.hxx>
735 #include <RWStepBasic_RWWeekOfYearAndDayDate.hxx>
736 #include <RWStepGeom_RWUniformCurveAndRationalBSplineCurve.hxx>
737 #include <RWStepGeom_RWBSplineCurveWithKnotsAndRationalBSplineCurve.hxx>
738 #include <RWStepGeom_RWQuasiUniformCurveAndRationalBSplineCurve.hxx>
739 #include <RWStepGeom_RWBezierCurveAndRationalBSplineCurve.hxx>
740 #include <RWStepGeom_RWBSplineSurfaceWithKnotsAndRationalBSplineSurface.hxx>
741 #include <RWStepGeom_RWUniformSurfaceAndRationalBSplineSurface.hxx>
742 #include <RWStepGeom_RWQuasiUniformSurfaceAndRationalBSplineSurface.hxx>
743 #include <RWStepGeom_RWBezierSurfaceAndRationalBSplineSurface.hxx>
744 #include <RWStepBasic_RWSiUnitAndLengthUnit.hxx>
745 #include <RWStepBasic_RWSiUnitAndPlaneAngleUnit.hxx>
746 #include <RWStepBasic_RWConversionBasedUnitAndLengthUnit.hxx>
747 #include <RWStepBasic_RWConversionBasedUnitAndPlaneAngleUnit.hxx>
748 #include <RWStepGeom_RWGeometricRepresentationContextAndGlobalUnitAssignedContext.hxx>
749 #include <RWStepShape_RWLoopAndPath.hxx>
751 // Added by FMA  for Rev4
752 #include <RWStepGeom_RWGeomRepContextAndGlobUnitAssCtxAndGlobUncertaintyAssCtx.hxx>
753 #include <RWStepGeom_RWGeometricRepresentationContextAndParametricRepresentationContext.hxx>
754 #include <RWStepBasic_RWConversionBasedUnitAndSolidAngleUnit.hxx>
755 #include <RWStepBasic_RWSiUnitAndSolidAngleUnit.hxx>
756 #include <RWStepBasic_RWSolidAngleUnit.hxx>
757 #include <RWStepShape_RWFacetedBrepAndBrepWithVoids.hxx>
758 #include <RWStepBasic_RWMechanicalContext.hxx>
760 // full Rev4
761 #include <RWStepBasic_RWSiUnitAndRatioUnit.hxx>
762 #include <RWStepBasic_RWSiUnitAndTimeUnit.hxx>
763 #include <RWStepBasic_RWConversionBasedUnitAndRatioUnit.hxx>
764 #include <RWStepBasic_RWConversionBasedUnitAndTimeUnit.hxx>
766 #include <RWStepBasic_RWApprovalDateTime.hxx>
767 #include <RWStepBasic_RWDerivedUnit.hxx>
768 #include <RWStepBasic_RWDerivedUnitElement.hxx>
769 #include <RWStepRepr_RWItemDefinedTransformation.hxx>
770 #include <RWStepVisual_RWPresentedItemRepresentation.hxx>
771 #include <RWStepVisual_RWPresentationLayerUsage.hxx>
774 //  Added by CKY (JUL-1998) for AP214 CC1 -> CC2
776 #include <RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignDocumentReference.hxx>
777 #include <RWStepBasic_RWDocument.hxx>
778 #include <RWStepBasic_RWDocumentRelationship.hxx>
779 #include <RWStepBasic_RWDocumentType.hxx>
780 #include <RWStepBasic_RWDocumentUsageConstraint.hxx>
781 #include <RWStepBasic_RWEffectivity.hxx>
782 #include <RWStepBasic_RWProductDefinitionEffectivity.hxx>
783 #include <RWStepBasic_RWProductDefinitionRelationship.hxx>
785 #include <RWStepBasic_RWProductDefinitionWithAssociatedDocuments.hxx>
788 #include <RWStepRepr_RWMakeFromUsageOption.hxx>
789 #include <RWStepRepr_RWAssemblyComponentUsage.hxx>
790 #include <RWStepRepr_RWQuantifiedAssemblyComponentUsage.hxx>
791 #include <RWStepRepr_RWSpecifiedHigherUsageOccurrence.hxx>
792 #include <RWStepRepr_RWAssemblyComponentUsageSubstitute.hxx>
793 #include <RWStepRepr_RWRepresentationRelationshipWithTransformation.hxx>
794 #include <RWStepRepr_RWShapeRepresentationRelationshipWithTransformation.hxx>
795 #include <RWStepRepr_RWMaterialDesignation.hxx>
797 #include <RWStepShape_RWContextDependentShapeRepresentation.hxx>
798 //Added from CC2 to DIS :j4
800 #include <StepAP214_AppliedDateAndTimeAssignment.hxx>
801 #include <StepAP214_AppliedDateAssignment.hxx>
802 #include <StepAP214_AppliedApprovalAssignment.hxx>
803 #include <StepAP214_AppliedDocumentReference.hxx>
804 #include <StepAP214_AppliedGroupAssignment.hxx>
805 #include <StepAP214_AppliedOrganizationAssignment.hxx>
806 #include <StepAP214_AppliedPersonAndOrganizationAssignment.hxx>
807 #include <StepAP214_AppliedPresentedItem.hxx>
808 #include <StepAP214_AppliedSecurityClassificationAssignment.hxx>
809 #include <StepBasic_DocumentFile.hxx>
810 #include <StepBasic_CharacterizedObject.hxx>  
811 #include <StepShape_ExtrudedFaceSolid.hxx>
812 #include <StepShape_RevolvedFaceSolid.hxx>  
813 #include <StepShape_SweptFaceSolid.hxx>  
815 #include <RWStepAP214_RWAppliedDateAndTimeAssignment.hxx>
816 #include <RWStepAP214_RWAppliedDateAssignment.hxx>
817 #include <RWStepAP214_RWAppliedApprovalAssignment.hxx>
818 #include <RWStepAP214_RWAppliedDocumentReference.hxx>
819 #include <RWStepAP214_RWAppliedGroupAssignment.hxx>
820 #include <RWStepAP214_RWAppliedOrganizationAssignment.hxx>
821 #include <RWStepAP214_RWAppliedPersonAndOrganizationAssignment.hxx>
822 #include <RWStepAP214_RWAppliedPresentedItem.hxx>
823 #include <RWStepAP214_RWAppliedSecurityClassificationAssignment.hxx>
824 #include <RWStepBasic_RWDocumentFile.hxx>
825 #include <RWStepBasic_RWCharacterizedObject.hxx>  
826 #include <RWStepShape_RWExtrudedFaceSolid.hxx>
827 #include <RWStepShape_RWRevolvedFaceSolid.hxx>  
828 #include <RWStepShape_RWSweptFaceSolid.hxx> 
830 // Added by ABV 08.09.99 for CAX TRJ 2 (validation properties)
831 #include <StepRepr_MeasureRepresentationItem.hxx>
832 #include <RWStepRepr_RWMeasureRepresentationItem.hxx>
833 #include <StepBasic_AreaUnit.hxx>
834 #include <StepBasic_VolumeUnit.hxx>
835 #include <StepBasic_SiUnitAndAreaUnit.hxx>
836 #include <StepBasic_SiUnitAndVolumeUnit.hxx>
837 #include <StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnitAndAreaUnit.hxx>
838 #include <StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnitAndVolumeUnit.hxx>
839 #include <RWStepBasic_RWConversionBasedUnitAndVolumeUnit.hxx>
840 #include <RWStepBasic_RWConversionBasedUnitAndAreaUnit.hxx>
842 // Added by ABV 10.11.99 for AP203
843 #include <StepBasic_Action.hxx>
844 #include <StepBasic_ActionAssignment.hxx>
845 #include <StepBasic_ActionMethod.hxx>
846 #include <StepBasic_ActionRequestAssignment.hxx>
847 #include <StepAP203_CcDesignApproval.hxx>
848 #include <StepAP203_CcDesignCertification.hxx>
849 #include <StepAP203_CcDesignContract.hxx>
850 #include <StepAP203_CcDesignDateAndTimeAssignment.hxx>
851 #include <StepAP203_CcDesignPersonAndOrganizationAssignment.hxx>
852 #include <StepAP203_CcDesignSecurityClassification.hxx>
853 #include <StepAP203_CcDesignSpecificationReference.hxx>
854 #include <StepBasic_Certification.hxx>
855 #include <StepBasic_CertificationAssignment.hxx>
856 #include <StepBasic_CertificationType.hxx>
857 #include <StepAP203_Change.hxx>
858 #include <StepAP203_ChangeRequest.hxx>
859 #include <StepRepr_ConfigurationDesign.hxx>
860 #include <StepRepr_ConfigurationEffectivity.hxx>
861 #include <StepBasic_Contract.hxx>
862 #include <StepBasic_ContractAssignment.hxx>
863 #include <StepBasic_ContractType.hxx>
864 #include <StepRepr_ProductConcept.hxx>
865 #include <StepBasic_ProductConceptContext.hxx>
866 #include <StepAP203_StartRequest.hxx>
867 #include <StepAP203_StartWork.hxx>
868 #include <StepBasic_VersionedActionRequest.hxx>
869 #include <StepBasic_ProductCategoryRelationship.hxx>
870 #include <StepBasic_ActionRequestSolution.hxx>
871 #include <RWStepBasic_RWAction.hxx>
872 #include <RWStepBasic_RWActionAssignment.hxx>
873 #include <RWStepBasic_RWActionMethod.hxx>
874 #include <RWStepBasic_RWActionRequestAssignment.hxx>
875 #include <RWStepAP203_RWCcDesignApproval.hxx>
876 #include <RWStepAP203_RWCcDesignCertification.hxx>
877 #include <RWStepAP203_RWCcDesignContract.hxx>
878 #include <RWStepAP203_RWCcDesignDateAndTimeAssignment.hxx>
879 #include <RWStepAP203_RWCcDesignPersonAndOrganizationAssignment.hxx>
880 #include <RWStepAP203_RWCcDesignSecurityClassification.hxx>
881 #include <RWStepAP203_RWCcDesignSpecificationReference.hxx>
882 #include <RWStepBasic_RWCertification.hxx>
883 #include <RWStepBasic_RWCertificationAssignment.hxx>
884 #include <RWStepBasic_RWCertificationType.hxx>
885 #include <RWStepAP203_RWChange.hxx>
886 #include <RWStepAP203_RWChangeRequest.hxx>
887 #include <RWStepRepr_RWConfigurationDesign.hxx>
888 #include <RWStepRepr_RWConfigurationEffectivity.hxx>
889 #include <RWStepBasic_RWContract.hxx>
890 #include <RWStepBasic_RWContractAssignment.hxx>
891 #include <RWStepBasic_RWContractType.hxx>
892 #include <RWStepRepr_RWProductConcept.hxx>
893 #include <RWStepBasic_RWProductConceptContext.hxx>
894 #include <RWStepAP203_RWStartRequest.hxx>
895 #include <RWStepAP203_RWStartWork.hxx>
896 #include <RWStepBasic_RWVersionedActionRequest.hxx>
897 #include <RWStepBasic_RWProductCategoryRelationship.hxx>
898 #include <RWStepBasic_RWActionRequestSolution.hxx>
900 // Added by ABV 13.01.00 for CAX-IF TRJ3
901 #include <StepVisual_DraughtingModel.hxx>
902 #include <RWStepVisual_RWDraughtingModel.hxx>
904 // Added by ABV 18.04.00 for CAX-IF TRJ4 (dimensions)
905 #include <StepShape_AngularLocation.hxx>
906 #include <StepShape_AngularSize.hxx>
907 #include <StepShape_DimensionalCharacteristicRepresentation.hxx>
908 #include <StepShape_DimensionalLocation.hxx>
909 #include <StepShape_DimensionalLocationWithPath.hxx>
910 #include <StepShape_DimensionalSize.hxx>
911 #include <StepShape_DimensionalSizeWithPath.hxx>
912 #include <StepShape_ShapeDimensionRepresentation.hxx>
913 #include <RWStepShape_RWAngularLocation.hxx>
914 #include <RWStepShape_RWAngularSize.hxx>
915 #include <RWStepShape_RWDimensionalCharacteristicRepresentation.hxx>
916 #include <RWStepShape_RWDimensionalLocation.hxx>
917 #include <RWStepShape_RWDimensionalLocationWithPath.hxx>
918 #include <RWStepShape_RWDimensionalSize.hxx>
919 #include <RWStepShape_RWDimensionalSizeWithPath.hxx>
920 #include <RWStepShape_RWShapeDimensionRepresentation.hxx>
922 // Added by ABV 10.05.00 for CAX-IF TRJ4 (external references)
923 #include <StepBasic_DocumentRepresentationType.hxx>
924 #include <StepBasic_ObjectRole.hxx>
925 #include <StepBasic_RoleAssociation.hxx>
926 #include <StepBasic_IdentificationRole.hxx>
927 #include <StepBasic_IdentificationAssignment.hxx>
928 #include <StepBasic_ExternalIdentificationAssignment.hxx>
929 #include <StepBasic_EffectivityAssignment.hxx>
930 #include <StepBasic_NameAssignment.hxx>
931 #include <StepBasic_GeneralProperty.hxx>
932 #include <StepAP214_Class.hxx>
933 #include <StepAP214_ExternallyDefinedClass.hxx>
934 #include <StepAP214_ExternallyDefinedGeneralProperty.hxx>
935 #include <StepAP214_AppliedExternalIdentificationAssignment.hxx>
936 #include <RWStepBasic_RWDocumentRepresentationType.hxx>
937 #include <RWStepBasic_RWObjectRole.hxx>
938 #include <RWStepBasic_RWRoleAssociation.hxx>
939 #include <RWStepBasic_RWIdentificationRole.hxx>
940 #include <RWStepBasic_RWIdentificationAssignment.hxx>
941 #include <RWStepBasic_RWExternalIdentificationAssignment.hxx>
942 #include <RWStepBasic_RWEffectivityAssignment.hxx>
943 #include <RWStepBasic_RWNameAssignment.hxx>
944 #include <RWStepBasic_RWGeneralProperty.hxx>
945 #include <RWStepAP214_RWClass.hxx>
946 #include <RWStepAP214_RWExternallyDefinedClass.hxx>
947 #include <RWStepAP214_RWExternallyDefinedGeneralProperty.hxx>
948 #include <RWStepAP214_RWAppliedExternalIdentificationAssignment.hxx>
949 #include <StepShape_DefinitionalRepresentationAndShapeRepresentation.hxx>
950 #include <RWStepShape_RWDefinitionalRepresentationAndShapeRepresentation.hxx>
952 // Added by CKY , 25 APR 2001 for Dimensional Tolerances (CAX-IF TRJ7)
953 #include <StepRepr_CompositeShapeAspect.hxx>
954 #include <StepRepr_DerivedShapeAspect.hxx>
955 #include <StepRepr_Extension.hxx>
956 #include <StepShape_DirectedDimensionalLocation.hxx>
957 #include <StepShape_LimitsAndFits.hxx>
958 #include <StepShape_ToleranceValue.hxx>
959 #include <StepShape_MeasureQualification.hxx>
960 #include <StepShape_PlusMinusTolerance.hxx>
961 #include <StepShape_PrecisionQualifier.hxx>
962 #include <StepShape_TypeQualifier.hxx>
963 #include <StepShape_QualifiedRepresentationItem.hxx>
964 #include <StepShape_MeasureRepresentationItemAndQualifiedRepresentationItem.hxx>
965 #include <StepRepr_CompoundRepresentationItem.hxx>
966 #include <StepRepr_ValueRange.hxx>
967 #include <StepRepr_ShapeAspectDerivingRelationship.hxx>
968 #include <RWStepShape_RWLimitsAndFits.hxx>
969 #include <RWStepShape_RWToleranceValue.hxx>
970 #include <RWStepShape_RWMeasureQualification.hxx>
971 #include <RWStepShape_RWPlusMinusTolerance.hxx>
972 #include <RWStepShape_RWPrecisionQualifier.hxx>
973 #include <RWStepShape_RWTypeQualifier.hxx>
974 #include <RWStepShape_RWQualifiedRepresentationItem.hxx>
975 #include <RWStepShape_RWMeasureRepresentationItemAndQualifiedRepresentationItem.hxx>
976 #include <RWStepRepr_RWCompoundRepresentationItem.hxx>
978 // abv 28.12.01: CAX-IF TRJ9: edge_based_wireframe
979 #include <StepShape_CompoundShapeRepresentation.hxx>
980 #include <StepShape_ConnectedEdgeSet.hxx>
981 #include <StepShape_ConnectedFaceShapeRepresentation.hxx>
982 #include <StepShape_EdgeBasedWireframeModel.hxx>
983 #include <StepShape_EdgeBasedWireframeShapeRepresentation.hxx>
984 #include <StepShape_FaceBasedSurfaceModel.hxx>
985 #include <StepShape_NonManifoldSurfaceShapeRepresentation.hxx>
986 #include <RWStepShape_RWCompoundShapeRepresentation.hxx>
987 #include <RWStepShape_RWConnectedEdgeSet.hxx>
988 #include <RWStepShape_RWConnectedFaceShapeRepresentation.hxx>
989 #include <RWStepShape_RWEdgeBasedWireframeModel.hxx>
990 #include <RWStepShape_RWEdgeBasedWireframeShapeRepresentation.hxx>
991 #include <RWStepShape_RWFaceBasedSurfaceModel.hxx>
992 #include <RWStepShape_RWNonManifoldSurfaceShapeRepresentation.hxx>
993 #include <StepGeom_OrientedSurface.hxx>
994 #include <StepShape_Subface.hxx>
995 #include <StepShape_Subedge.hxx>
996 #include <StepShape_SeamEdge.hxx>
997 #include <StepShape_ConnectedFaceSubSet.hxx>
998 #include <RWStepGeom_RWOrientedSurface.hxx>
999 #include <RWStepShape_RWSubface.hxx>
1000 #include <RWStepShape_RWSubedge.hxx>
1001 #include <RWStepShape_RWSeamEdge.hxx>
1002 #include <RWStepShape_RWConnectedFaceSubSet.hxx>
1003 #include <RWStepShape_RWConnectedFaceSubSet.hxx>
1004 #include <RWStepShape_RWConnectedFaceSubSet.hxx>
1005 //Addef for AP209
1006 #include <StepBasic_EulerAngles.hxx>
1007 #include <StepBasic_MassUnit.hxx>
1008 #include <StepBasic_ThermodynamicTemperatureUnit.hxx>
1009 #include <StepElement_AnalysisItemWithinRepresentation.hxx>
1010 #include <StepElement_Curve3dElementDescriptor.hxx>
1011 #include <StepElement_CurveElementEndReleasePacket.hxx>
1012 #include <StepElement_CurveElementSectionDefinition.hxx>
1013 #include <StepElement_CurveElementSectionDerivedDefinitions.hxx>
1014 #include <StepElement_ElementDescriptor.hxx>
1015 #include <StepElement_ElementMaterial.hxx>
1016 #include <StepElement_Surface3dElementDescriptor.hxx>
1017 #include <StepElement_SurfaceElementProperty.hxx>
1018 #include <StepElement_SurfaceSection.hxx>
1019 #include <StepElement_SurfaceSectionField.hxx>
1020 #include <StepElement_SurfaceSectionFieldConstant.hxx>
1021 #include <StepElement_SurfaceSectionFieldVarying.hxx>
1022 #include <StepElement_UniformSurfaceSection.hxx>
1023 #include <StepElement_Volume3dElementDescriptor.hxx>
1024 #include <StepFEA_AlignedCurve3dElementCoordinateSystem.hxx>
1025 #include <StepFEA_ArbitraryVolume3dElementCoordinateSystem.hxx>
1026 #include <StepFEA_Curve3dElementProperty.hxx>
1027 #include <StepFEA_Curve3dElementRepresentation.hxx>
1028 #include <StepFEA_Node.hxx>
1029 #include <StepFEA_CurveElementEndCoordinateSystem.hxx>
1030 #include <StepFEA_CurveElementEndOffset.hxx>
1031 #include <StepFEA_CurveElementEndRelease.hxx>
1032 #include <StepFEA_CurveElementInterval.hxx>
1033 #include <StepFEA_CurveElementIntervalConstant.hxx>
1034 #include <StepFEA_DummyNode.hxx>
1035 #include <StepFEA_CurveElementLocation.hxx>
1036 #include <StepFEA_ElementGeometricRelationship.hxx>
1037 #include <StepFEA_ElementGroup.hxx>
1038 #include <StepFEA_ElementRepresentation.hxx>
1039 #include <StepFEA_FeaAreaDensity.hxx>
1040 #include <StepFEA_FeaAxis2Placement3d.hxx>
1041 #include <StepFEA_FeaGroup.hxx>
1042 #include <StepFEA_FeaLinearElasticity.hxx>
1043 #include <StepFEA_FeaMassDensity.hxx>
1044 #include <StepFEA_FeaMaterialPropertyRepresentation.hxx>
1045 #include <StepFEA_FeaMaterialPropertyRepresentationItem.hxx>
1046 #include <StepFEA_FeaModel.hxx>
1047 #include <StepFEA_FeaModel3d.hxx>
1048 #include <StepFEA_FeaMoistureAbsorption.hxx>
1049 #include <StepFEA_FeaParametricPoint.hxx>
1050 #include <StepFEA_FeaRepresentationItem.hxx>
1051 #include <StepFEA_FeaSecantCoefficientOfLinearThermalExpansion.hxx>
1052 #include <StepFEA_FeaShellBendingStiffness.hxx>
1053 #include <StepFEA_FeaShellMembraneBendingCouplingStiffness.hxx>
1054 #include <StepFEA_FeaShellMembraneStiffness.hxx>
1055 #include <StepFEA_FeaShellShearStiffness.hxx>
1056 #include <StepFEA_GeometricNode.hxx>
1057 #include <StepFEA_FeaTangentialCoefficientOfLinearThermalExpansion.hxx>
1058 #include <StepFEA_NodeGroup.hxx>
1059 #include <StepFEA_NodeRepresentation.hxx>
1060 #include <StepFEA_NodeSet.hxx>
1061 #include <StepFEA_NodeWithSolutionCoordinateSystem.hxx>
1062 #include <StepFEA_NodeWithVector.hxx>
1063 #include <StepFEA_ParametricCurve3dElementCoordinateDirection.hxx>
1064 #include <StepFEA_ParametricCurve3dElementCoordinateSystem.hxx>
1065 #include <StepFEA_ParametricSurface3dElementCoordinateSystem.hxx>
1066 #include <StepFEA_Surface3dElementRepresentation.hxx>
1067 #include <StepFEA_SymmetricTensor22d.hxx>
1068 #include <StepFEA_SymmetricTensor42d.hxx>
1069 #include <StepFEA_SymmetricTensor43d.hxx>
1070 #include <StepFEA_Volume3dElementRepresentation.hxx>
1071 #include <StepRepr_DataEnvironment.hxx>
1072 #include <StepRepr_MaterialPropertyRepresentation.hxx>
1073 #include <StepRepr_PropertyDefinitionRelationship.hxx>
1074 #include <StepShape_PointRepresentation.hxx>
1075 #include <StepRepr_MaterialProperty.hxx>
1076 #include <StepFEA_FeaModelDefinition.hxx>
1077 #include <StepFEA_FreedomAndCoefficient.hxx>
1078 #include <StepFEA_FreedomsList.hxx>
1079 #include <StepBasic_ProductDefinitionFormationRelationship.hxx>
1080 #include <StepFEA_NodeDefinition.hxx>
1081 #include <StepRepr_StructuralResponseProperty.hxx>
1082 #include <StepRepr_StructuralResponsePropertyDefinitionRepresentation.hxx>
1083 #include <RWStepBasic_RWEulerAngles.hxx>
1084 #include <RWStepBasic_RWMassUnit.hxx>
1085 #include <RWStepBasic_RWThermodynamicTemperatureUnit.hxx>
1086 #include <RWStepElement_RWAnalysisItemWithinRepresentation.hxx>
1087 #include <RWStepElement_RWCurve3dElementDescriptor.hxx>
1088 #include <RWStepElement_RWCurveElementEndReleasePacket.hxx>
1089 #include <RWStepElement_RWCurveElementSectionDefinition.hxx>
1090 #include <RWStepElement_RWCurveElementSectionDerivedDefinitions.hxx>
1091 #include <RWStepElement_RWElementDescriptor.hxx>
1092 #include <RWStepElement_RWElementMaterial.hxx>
1093 #include <RWStepElement_RWSurface3dElementDescriptor.hxx>
1094 #include <RWStepElement_RWSurfaceElementProperty.hxx>
1095 #include <RWStepElement_RWSurfaceSection.hxx>
1096 #include <RWStepElement_RWSurfaceSectionField.hxx>
1097 #include <RWStepElement_RWSurfaceSectionFieldConstant.hxx>
1098 #include <RWStepElement_RWSurfaceSectionFieldVarying.hxx>
1099 #include <RWStepElement_RWUniformSurfaceSection.hxx>
1100 #include <RWStepElement_RWVolume3dElementDescriptor.hxx>
1101 #include <RWStepFEA_RWAlignedCurve3dElementCoordinateSystem.hxx>
1102 #include <RWStepFEA_RWArbitraryVolume3dElementCoordinateSystem.hxx>
1103 #include <RWStepFEA_RWCurve3dElementProperty.hxx>
1104 #include <RWStepFEA_RWCurve3dElementRepresentation.hxx>
1105 #include <RWStepFEA_RWNode.hxx>
1106 #include <RWStepFEA_RWCurveElementEndOffset.hxx>
1107 #include <RWStepFEA_RWCurveElementEndRelease.hxx>
1108 #include <RWStepFEA_RWCurveElementInterval.hxx>
1109 #include <RWStepFEA_RWCurveElementIntervalConstant.hxx>
1110 #include <RWStepFEA_RWDummyNode.hxx>
1111 #include <RWStepFEA_RWCurveElementLocation.hxx>
1112 #include <RWStepFEA_RWElementGeometricRelationship.hxx>
1113 #include <RWStepFEA_RWElementGroup.hxx>
1114 #include <RWStepFEA_RWElementRepresentation.hxx>
1115 #include <RWStepFEA_RWFeaAreaDensity.hxx>
1116 #include <RWStepFEA_RWFeaAxis2Placement3d.hxx>
1117 #include <RWStepFEA_RWFeaGroup.hxx>
1118 #include <RWStepFEA_RWFeaLinearElasticity.hxx>
1119 #include <RWStepFEA_RWFeaMassDensity.hxx>
1120 #include <RWStepFEA_RWFeaMaterialPropertyRepresentation.hxx>
1121 #include <RWStepFEA_RWFeaMaterialPropertyRepresentationItem.hxx>
1122 #include <RWStepFEA_RWFeaModel.hxx>
1123 #include <RWStepFEA_RWFeaModel3d.hxx>
1124 #include <RWStepFEA_RWFeaMoistureAbsorption.hxx>
1125 #include <RWStepFEA_RWFeaParametricPoint.hxx>
1126 #include <RWStepFEA_RWFeaRepresentationItem.hxx>
1127 #include <RWStepFEA_RWFeaSecantCoefficientOfLinearThermalExpansion.hxx>
1128 #include <RWStepFEA_RWFeaShellBendingStiffness.hxx>
1129 #include <RWStepFEA_RWFeaShellMembraneBendingCouplingStiffness.hxx>
1130 #include <RWStepFEA_RWFeaShellMembraneStiffness.hxx>
1131 #include <RWStepFEA_RWFeaShellShearStiffness.hxx>
1132 #include <RWStepFEA_RWGeometricNode.hxx>
1133 #include <RWStepFEA_RWFeaTangentialCoefficientOfLinearThermalExpansion.hxx>
1134 #include <RWStepFEA_RWNodeGroup.hxx>
1135 #include <RWStepFEA_RWNodeRepresentation.hxx>
1136 #include <RWStepFEA_RWNodeSet.hxx>
1137 #include <RWStepFEA_RWNodeWithSolutionCoordinateSystem.hxx>
1138 #include <RWStepFEA_RWNodeWithVector.hxx>
1139 #include <RWStepFEA_RWParametricCurve3dElementCoordinateDirection.hxx>
1140 #include <RWStepFEA_RWParametricCurve3dElementCoordinateSystem.hxx>
1141 #include <RWStepFEA_RWParametricSurface3dElementCoordinateSystem.hxx>
1142 #include <RWStepFEA_RWSurface3dElementRepresentation.hxx>
1143 #include <RWStepFEA_RWVolume3dElementRepresentation.hxx>
1144 #include <RWStepRepr_RWDataEnvironment.hxx>
1145 #include <RWStepRepr_RWMaterialPropertyRepresentation.hxx>
1146 #include <RWStepRepr_RWPropertyDefinitionRelationship.hxx>
1147 #include <RWStepShape_RWPointRepresentation.hxx>
1148 #include <RWStepRepr_RWMaterialProperty.hxx>
1149 #include <RWStepFEA_RWFeaModelDefinition.hxx>
1150 #include <RWStepFEA_RWFreedomAndCoefficient.hxx>
1151 #include <RWStepFEA_RWFreedomsList.hxx>
1152 #include <RWStepBasic_RWProductDefinitionFormationRelationship.hxx>
1153 #include <RWStepFEA_RWNodeDefinition.hxx>
1154 #include <RWStepRepr_RWStructuralResponseProperty.hxx>
1155 #include <RWStepRepr_RWStructuralResponsePropertyDefinitionRepresentation.hxx>
1157 #include <StepBasic_SiUnitAndMassUnit.hxx>
1158 #include <StepBasic_SiUnitAndThermodynamicTemperatureUnit.hxx>
1159 #include <RWStepBasic_RWSiUnitAndMassUnit.hxx>
1160 #include <RWStepBasic_RWSiUnitAndThermodynamicTemperatureUnit.hxx>
1162 #include <StepFEA_AlignedSurface3dElementCoordinateSystem.hxx>
1163 #include <StepFEA_ConstantSurface3dElementCoordinateSystem.hxx>
1164 #include <RWStepFEA_RWAlignedSurface3dElementCoordinateSystem.hxx>
1165 #include <RWStepFEA_RWConstantSurface3dElementCoordinateSystem.hxx>
1167 // 23.01.2003
1168 #include <StepFEA_CurveElementIntervalLinearlyVarying.hxx>
1169 #include <StepFEA_FeaCurveSectionGeometricRelationship.hxx>
1170 #include <StepFEA_FeaSurfaceSectionGeometricRelationship.hxx>
1171 #include <RWStepFEA_RWCurveElementIntervalLinearlyVarying.hxx>
1172 #include <RWStepFEA_RWFeaCurveSectionGeometricRelationship.hxx>
1173 #include <RWStepFEA_RWFeaSurfaceSectionGeometricRelationship.hxx>
1175 // ptv 28.01.2003
1176 #include <StepBasic_DocumentProductAssociation.hxx>
1177 #include <StepBasic_DocumentProductEquivalence.hxx>
1178 #include <RWStepBasic_RWDocumentProductAssociation.hxx>
1179 #include <RWStepBasic_RWDocumentProductEquivalence.hxx>
1181 //  TR12J 04.06.2003 G&DT entities GKA 
1182 #include <StepShape_ShapeRepresentationWithParameters.hxx>
1183 #include <StepDimTol_AngularityTolerance.hxx>
1184 #include <StepDimTol_ConcentricityTolerance.hxx>
1185 #include <StepDimTol_CircularRunoutTolerance.hxx>
1186 #include <StepDimTol_CoaxialityTolerance.hxx>
1187 #include <StepDimTol_FlatnessTolerance.hxx>
1188 #include <StepDimTol_LineProfileTolerance.hxx>
1189 #include <StepDimTol_ParallelismTolerance.hxx>
1190 #include <StepDimTol_PerpendicularityTolerance.hxx>
1191 #include <StepDimTol_PositionTolerance.hxx>
1192 #include <StepDimTol_RoundnessTolerance.hxx>
1193 #include <StepDimTol_StraightnessTolerance.hxx>
1194 #include <StepDimTol_SurfaceProfileTolerance.hxx>
1195 #include <StepDimTol_SymmetryTolerance.hxx>
1196 #include <StepDimTol_TotalRunoutTolerance.hxx>
1197 #include <StepDimTol_GeometricTolerance.hxx>
1198 #include <StepDimTol_GeometricToleranceWithDatumReference.hxx>
1199 #include <StepDimTol_ModifiedGeometricTolerance.hxx>
1200 #include <StepDimTol_Datum.hxx>
1201 #include <StepDimTol_DatumFeature.hxx>
1202 #include <StepDimTol_DatumReference.hxx>
1203 #include <StepDimTol_CommonDatum.hxx>
1204 #include <StepDimTol_DatumTarget.hxx>
1205 #include <StepDimTol_PlacedDatumTargetFeature.hxx>
1206 #include <StepRepr_ValueRange.hxx>
1207 #include <StepRepr_CompositeShapeAspect.hxx>
1208 #include <StepRepr_DerivedShapeAspect.hxx>
1209 #include <StepRepr_Extension.hxx>
1210 #include <RWStepRepr_RWCompositeShapeAspect.hxx>
1211 #include <RWStepRepr_RWDerivedShapeAspect.hxx>
1212 #include <RWStepRepr_RWExtension.hxx>
1213 #include <RWStepShape_RWShapeRepresentationWithParameters.hxx>
1214 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWAngularityTolerance.hxx>
1215 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWConcentricityTolerance.hxx>
1216 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWCircularRunoutTolerance.hxx>
1217 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWCoaxialityTolerance.hxx>
1218 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWFlatnessTolerance.hxx>
1219 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWLineProfileTolerance.hxx>
1220 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWParallelismTolerance.hxx>
1221 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWPerpendicularityTolerance.hxx>
1222 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWPositionTolerance.hxx>
1223 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWRoundnessTolerance.hxx>
1224 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWStraightnessTolerance.hxx>
1225 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWSurfaceProfileTolerance.hxx>
1226 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWSymmetryTolerance.hxx>
1227 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWTotalRunoutTolerance.hxx>
1228 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWGeometricTolerance.hxx>
1229 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWGeometricToleranceWithDatumReference.hxx>
1230 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWModifiedGeometricTolerance.hxx>
1231 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWDatum.hxx>
1232 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWDatumFeature.hxx>
1233 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWDatumReference.hxx>
1234 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWCommonDatum.hxx>
1235 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWDatumTarget.hxx>
1236 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWPlacedDatumTargetFeature.hxx>
1237 #include <StepDimTol_GeometricToleranceRelationship.hxx>
1238 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWGeometricToleranceRelationship.hxx>
1240 #include <StepRepr_ReprItemAndLengthMeasureWithUnit.hxx>
1241 #include <RWStepRepr_RWReprItemAndLengthMeasureWithUnit.hxx>
1242 #include <StepDimTol_GeoTolAndGeoTolWthDatRefAndModGeoTolAndPosTol.hxx>
1243 #include <RWStepDimTol_RWGeoTolAndGeoTolWthDatRefAndModGeoTolAndPosTol.hxx>
1245 // added by skl 10.02.2004 for TRJ13
1246 #include <StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnitAndMassUnit.hxx>
1247 #include <RWStepBasic_RWConversionBasedUnitAndMassUnit.hxx>
1248 #include <StepBasic_MassMeasureWithUnit.hxx>
1249 #include <RWStepBasic_RWMassMeasureWithUnit.hxx>
1252 static Standard_Integer catsh,catdr,catstr,catdsc,cataux;
1255 //=======================================================================
1256 //function : RWStepAP214_GeneralModule
1257 //purpose  : 
1258 //=======================================================================
1260 RWStepAP214_GeneralModule::RWStepAP214_GeneralModule ()
1261 {
1262   Interface_Category::Init();
1263   catsh  = Interface_Category::Number("Shape");
1264   catdr  = Interface_Category::Number("Drawing");
1265   catstr = Interface_Category::Number("Structure");
1266   catdsc = Interface_Category::Number("Description");
1267   cataux = Interface_Category::Number("Auxiliary");
1268 //// Interface_GeneralLib::SetGlobal(Handle(RWStepAP214_GeneralModule)::DownCast(This()), StepAP214::Protocol());
1269 }
1272 //=======================================================================
1273 //function : FillShared
1274 //purpose  : 
1275 //=======================================================================
1276 /*
1277 void RWStepAP214_GeneralModule::FillShared (const Handle(Interface_InterfaceModel)& model,
1278                                             const Standard_Integer CN,
1279                                             const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent,
1280                                             Interface_EntityIterator& iter) const
1281 {
1282   switch (CN) {
1283   case 261 : {
1284     DeclareAndCast(StepShape_ShapeDefinitionRepresentation,anent,ent);
1285     RWStepShape_RWShapeDefinitionRepresentation tool;
1286     tool.Share(model,anent,iter);
1287   }
1288     break;
1289   case 391 : {
1290     DeclareAndCast(StepShape_ContextDependentShapeRepresentation,anent,ent);
1291     RWStepShape_RWContextDependentShapeRepresentation tool;
1292     tool.Share(model,anent,iter);
1293   }
1294     break;
1295     default : FillSharedCase (CN,ent,iter);  // all other cases
1296     break;
1297   }
1298 }
1299 */
1301 //=======================================================================
1302 //function : FillSharedCase
1303 //purpose  : 
1304 //=======================================================================
1306 void RWStepAP214_GeneralModule::FillSharedCase(const Standard_Integer CN,
1307                                                const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent,
1308                                                Interface_EntityIterator& iter) const
1309 {
1310   switch(CN)
1311     {
1313     case 2:
1314       {
1315         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_AdvancedBrepShapeRepresentation,anent,ent);
1316         RWStepShape_RWAdvancedBrepShapeRepresentation tool;
1317         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1318       }
1319       break;
1320     case 3:
1321       {
1322         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_AdvancedFace,anent,ent);
1323         RWStepShape_RWAdvancedFace tool;
1324         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1325       }
1326       break;
1327     case 7:
1328       {
1329         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_StyledItem,anent,ent);
1330         RWStepVisual_RWStyledItem tool;
1331         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1332       }
1333       break;
1334     case 11:
1335       {
1336         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_MappedItem,anent,ent);
1337         RWStepRepr_RWMappedItem tool;
1338         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1339       }
1340       break;
1341     case 12:
1342       {
1343         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_StyledItem,anent,ent);
1344         RWStepVisual_RWStyledItem tool;
1345         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1346       }
1347       break;
1348     case 14:
1349       {
1350         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ApplicationContextElement,anent,ent);
1351         RWStepBasic_RWApplicationContextElement tool;
1352         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1353       }
1354       break;
1355     case 15:
1356       {
1357         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ApplicationProtocolDefinition,anent,ent);
1358         RWStepBasic_RWApplicationProtocolDefinition tool;
1359         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1360       }
1361       break;
1362     case 16:
1363       {
1364         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_Approval,anent,ent);
1365         RWStepBasic_RWApproval tool;
1366         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1367       }
1368       break;
1369     case 18:
1370       {
1371         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ApprovalPersonOrganization,anent,ent);
1372         RWStepBasic_RWApprovalPersonOrganization tool;
1373         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1374       }
1375       break;
1376     case 19:
1377       {
1378         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ApprovalRelationship,anent,ent);
1379         RWStepBasic_RWApprovalRelationship tool;
1380         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1381       }
1382       break;
1383     case 22:
1384       {
1385         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_AreaInSet,anent,ent);
1386         RWStepVisual_RWAreaInSet tool;
1387         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1388       }
1389       break;
1390     case 23:
1391       {
1392         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_AutoDesignActualDateAndTimeAssignment,anent,ent);
1393         RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignActualDateAndTimeAssignment tool;
1394         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1395       }
1396       break;
1397     case 24:
1398       {
1399         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_AutoDesignActualDateAssignment,anent,ent);
1400         RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignActualDateAssignment tool;
1401         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1402       }
1403       break;
1404     case 25:
1405       {
1406         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_AutoDesignApprovalAssignment,anent,ent);
1407         RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignApprovalAssignment tool;
1408         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1409       }
1410       break;
1411     case 26:
1412       {
1413         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_AutoDesignDateAndPersonAssignment,anent,ent);
1414         RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignDateAndPersonAssignment tool;
1415         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1416       }
1417       break;
1418     case 27:
1419       {
1420         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_AutoDesignGroupAssignment,anent,ent);
1421         RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignGroupAssignment tool;
1422         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1423       }
1424       break;
1425     case 28:
1426       {
1427         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_AutoDesignNominalDateAndTimeAssignment,anent,ent);
1428         RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignNominalDateAndTimeAssignment tool;
1429         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1430       }
1431       break;
1432     case 29:
1433       {
1434         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_AutoDesignNominalDateAssignment,anent,ent);
1435         RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignNominalDateAssignment tool;
1436         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1437       }
1438       break;
1439     case 30:
1440       {
1441         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_AutoDesignOrganizationAssignment,anent,ent);
1442         RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignOrganizationAssignment tool;
1443         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1444       }
1445       break;
1446     case 31:
1447       {
1448         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_AutoDesignPersonAndOrganizationAssignment,anent,ent);
1449         RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignPersonAndOrganizationAssignment tool;
1450         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1451       }
1452       break;
1453     case 32:
1454       {
1455         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_AutoDesignPresentedItem,anent,ent);
1456         RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignPresentedItem tool;
1457         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1458       }
1459       break;
1460     case 33:
1461       {
1462         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_AutoDesignSecurityClassificationAssignment,anent,ent);
1463         RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignSecurityClassificationAssignment tool;
1464         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1465       }
1466       break;
1468     case 35:
1469       {
1470         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_Axis1Placement,anent,ent);
1471         RWStepGeom_RWAxis1Placement tool;
1472         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1473       }
1474       break;
1475     case 36:
1476       {
1477         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_Axis2Placement2d,anent,ent);
1478         RWStepGeom_RWAxis2Placement2d tool;
1479         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1480       }
1481       break;
1482     case 37:
1483       {
1484         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_Axis2Placement3d,anent,ent);
1485         RWStepGeom_RWAxis2Placement3d tool;
1486         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1487       }
1488       break;
1489     case 38:
1490       {
1491         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_BSplineCurve,anent,ent);
1492         RWStepGeom_RWBSplineCurve tool;
1493         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1494       }
1495       break;
1496     case 39:
1497       {
1498         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_BSplineCurveWithKnots,anent,ent);
1499         RWStepGeom_RWBSplineCurveWithKnots tool;
1500         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1501       }
1502       break;
1503     case 40:
1504       {
1505         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_BSplineSurface,anent,ent);
1506         RWStepGeom_RWBSplineSurface tool;
1507         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1508       }
1509       break;
1510     case 41:
1511       {
1512         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_BSplineSurfaceWithKnots,anent,ent);
1513         RWStepGeom_RWBSplineSurfaceWithKnots tool;
1514         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1515       }
1516       break;
1517     case 42:
1518       {
1519         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_BackgroundColour,anent,ent);
1520         RWStepVisual_RWBackgroundColour tool;
1521         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1522       }
1523       break;
1524     case 43:
1525       {
1526         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_BezierCurve,anent,ent);
1527         RWStepGeom_RWBezierCurve tool;
1528         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1529       }
1530       break;
1531     case 44:
1532       {
1533         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_BezierSurface,anent,ent);
1534         RWStepGeom_RWBezierSurface tool;
1535         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1536       }
1537       break;
1538     case 45:
1539       {
1540         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_Block,anent,ent);
1541         RWStepShape_RWBlock tool;
1542         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1543       }
1544       break;
1545     case 46:
1546       {
1547         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_BooleanResult,anent,ent);
1548         RWStepShape_RWBooleanResult tool;
1549         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1550       }
1551       break;
1552     case 47:
1553       {
1554         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_BoundaryCurve,anent,ent);
1555         RWStepGeom_RWBoundaryCurve tool;
1556         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1557       }
1558       break;
1559     case 50:
1560       {
1561         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_BoxDomain,anent,ent);
1562         RWStepShape_RWBoxDomain tool;
1563         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1564       }
1565       break;
1566     case 51:
1567       {
1568         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_BoxedHalfSpace,anent,ent);
1569         RWStepShape_RWBoxedHalfSpace tool;
1570         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1571       }
1572       break;
1573     case 52:
1574       {
1575         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_BrepWithVoids,anent,ent);
1576         RWStepShape_RWBrepWithVoids tool;
1577         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1578       }
1579       break;
1580     case 54:
1581       {
1582         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_CameraImage,anent,ent);
1583         RWStepVisual_RWCameraImage tool;
1584         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1585       }
1586       break;
1587     case 56:
1588       {
1589         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_CameraModelD2,anent,ent);
1590         RWStepVisual_RWCameraModelD2 tool;
1591         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1592       }
1593       break;
1594     case 57:
1595       {
1596         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_CameraModelD3,anent,ent);
1597         RWStepVisual_RWCameraModelD3 tool;
1598         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1599       }
1600       break;
1601     case 58:
1602       {
1603         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_CameraUsage,anent,ent);
1604         RWStepVisual_RWCameraUsage tool;
1605         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1606       }
1607       break;
1608     case 60:
1609       {
1610         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_CartesianTransformationOperator,anent,ent);
1611         RWStepGeom_RWCartesianTransformationOperator tool;
1612         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1613       }
1614       break;
1615     case 61:
1616       {
1617         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_CartesianTransformationOperator3d,anent,ent);
1618         RWStepGeom_RWCartesianTransformationOperator3d tool;
1619         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1620       }
1621       break;
1622     case 62:
1623       {
1624         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_Circle,anent,ent);
1625         RWStepGeom_RWCircle tool;
1626         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1627       }
1628       break;
1629     case 63:
1630       {
1631         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_ClosedShell,anent,ent);
1632         RWStepShape_RWClosedShell tool;
1633         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1634       }
1635       break;
1636     case 67:
1637       {
1638         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_CompositeCurve,anent,ent);
1639         RWStepGeom_RWCompositeCurve tool;
1640         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1641       }
1642       break;
1643     case 68:
1644       {
1645         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_CompositeCurveOnSurface,anent,ent);
1646         RWStepGeom_RWCompositeCurveOnSurface tool;
1647         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1648       }
1649       break;
1650     case 69:
1651       {
1652         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_CompositeCurveSegment,anent,ent);
1653         RWStepGeom_RWCompositeCurveSegment tool;
1654         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1655       }
1656       break;
1658     case 70:
1659       {
1660         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_CompositeText,anent,ent);
1661         RWStepVisual_RWCompositeText tool;
1662         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1663       }
1664       break;
1665     case 73:
1666       {
1667         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_CompositeTextWithExtent,anent,ent);
1668         RWStepVisual_RWCompositeTextWithExtent tool;
1669         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1670       }
1671       break;
1672     case 74:
1673       {
1674         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_Conic,anent,ent);
1675         RWStepGeom_RWConic tool;
1676         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1677       }
1678       break;
1679     case 75:
1680       {
1681         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_ConicalSurface,anent,ent);
1682         RWStepGeom_RWConicalSurface tool;
1683         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1684       }
1685       break;
1686     case 76:
1687       {
1688         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_ConnectedFaceSet,anent,ent);
1689         RWStepShape_RWConnectedFaceSet tool;
1690         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1691       }
1692       break;
1693     case 77:
1694       {
1695         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_ContextDependentInvisibility,anent,ent);
1696         RWStepVisual_RWContextDependentInvisibility tool;
1697         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1698       }
1699       break;
1700     case 78:
1701       {
1702         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_ContextDependentOverRidingStyledItem,anent,ent);
1703         RWStepVisual_RWContextDependentOverRidingStyledItem tool;
1704         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1705       }
1706       break;
1707     case 79:
1708       {
1709         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnit,anent,ent);
1710         RWStepBasic_RWConversionBasedUnit tool;
1711         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1712       }
1713       break;
1715     case 82:
1716       {
1717         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_CsgShapeRepresentation,anent,ent);
1718         RWStepShape_RWCsgShapeRepresentation tool;
1719         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1720       }
1721       break;
1722     case 83:
1723       {
1724         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_CsgSolid,anent,ent);
1725         RWStepShape_RWCsgSolid tool;
1726         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1727       }
1728       break;
1729     case 85:
1730       {
1731         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_CurveBoundedSurface,anent,ent);
1732         RWStepGeom_RWCurveBoundedSurface tool;
1733         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1734       }
1735       break;
1736     case 86:
1737       {
1738         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_CurveReplica,anent,ent);
1739         RWStepGeom_RWCurveReplica tool;
1740         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1741       }
1742       break;
1743     case 87:
1744       {
1745         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_CurveStyle,anent,ent);
1746         RWStepVisual_RWCurveStyle tool;
1747         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1748       }
1749       break;
1750     case 88:
1751       {
1752         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_CurveStyleFont,anent,ent);
1753         RWStepVisual_RWCurveStyleFont tool;
1754         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1755       }
1756       break;
1757     case 90:
1758       {
1759         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_CylindricalSurface,anent,ent);
1760         RWStepGeom_RWCylindricalSurface tool;
1761         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1762       }
1763       break;
1764     case 92:
1765       {
1766         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_DateAndTime,anent,ent);
1767         RWStepBasic_RWDateAndTime tool;
1768         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1769       }
1770       break;
1771     case 98:
1772       {
1773         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_DefinitionalRepresentation,anent,ent);
1774         RWStepRepr_RWDefinitionalRepresentation tool;
1775         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1776       }
1777       break;
1778     case 99:
1779       {
1780         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_DegeneratePcurve,anent,ent);
1781         RWStepGeom_RWDegeneratePcurve tool;
1782         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1783       }
1784       break;
1785     case 100:
1786       {
1787         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_DegenerateToroidalSurface,anent,ent);
1788         RWStepGeom_RWDegenerateToroidalSurface tool;
1789         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1790       }
1791       break;
1792     case 106:
1793       {
1794         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_StyledItem,anent,ent);
1795         RWStepVisual_RWStyledItem tool;
1796         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1797       }
1798       break;
1799     case 116:
1800       {
1801         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_EdgeCurve,anent,ent);
1802         RWStepShape_RWEdgeCurve tool;
1803         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1804       }
1805       break;
1806     case 117:
1807       {
1808         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_EdgeLoop,anent,ent);
1809         RWStepShape_RWEdgeLoop tool;
1810         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1811       }
1812       break;
1813     case 118:
1814       {
1815         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_ElementarySurface,anent,ent);
1816         RWStepGeom_RWElementarySurface tool;
1817         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1818       }
1819       break;
1820     case 119:
1821       {
1822         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_Ellipse,anent,ent);
1823         RWStepGeom_RWEllipse tool;
1824         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1825       }
1826       break;
1827     case 120:
1828       {
1829         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_EvaluatedDegeneratePcurve,anent,ent);
1830         RWStepGeom_RWEvaluatedDegeneratePcurve tool;
1831         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1832       }
1833       break;
1834     case 122:
1835       {
1836         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_ExternallyDefinedCurveFont,anent,ent);
1837         RWStepVisual_RWExternallyDefinedCurveFont tool;
1838         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1839       }
1840       break;
1841     case 124:
1842     case 126:
1843       {
1844         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ExternallyDefinedItem,anent,ent);
1845         RWStepBasic_RWExternallyDefinedItem tool;
1846         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1847       }
1848       break;
1850     case 128:
1851       {
1852         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_ExtrudedAreaSolid,anent,ent);
1853         RWStepShape_RWExtrudedAreaSolid tool;
1854         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1855       }
1856       break;
1857     case 129:
1858       {
1859         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_Face,anent,ent);
1860         RWStepShape_RWFace tool;
1861         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1862       }
1863       break;
1864     case 131:
1865       {
1866         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_FaceBound,anent,ent);
1867         RWStepShape_RWFaceBound tool;
1868         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1869       }
1870       break;
1871     case 132:
1872       {
1873         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_FaceOuterBound,anent,ent);
1874         RWStepShape_RWFaceOuterBound tool;
1875         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1876       }
1877       break;
1878     case 133:
1879       {
1880         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_FaceSurface,anent,ent);
1881         RWStepShape_RWFaceSurface tool;
1882         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1883       }
1884       break;
1885     case 134:
1886       {
1887         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_FacetedBrep,anent,ent);
1888         RWStepShape_RWFacetedBrep tool;
1889         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1890       }
1891       break;
1892     case 135:
1893       {
1894         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_FacetedBrepShapeRepresentation,anent,ent);
1895         RWStepShape_RWFacetedBrepShapeRepresentation tool;
1896         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1897       }
1898       break;
1899     case 136:
1900       {
1901         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_FillAreaStyle,anent,ent);
1902         RWStepVisual_RWFillAreaStyle tool;
1903         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1904       }
1905       break;
1906     case 137:
1907       {
1908         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_FillAreaStyleColour,anent,ent);
1909         RWStepVisual_RWFillAreaStyleColour tool;
1910         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1911       }
1912       break;
1913     case 142:
1914       {
1915         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_GeometricCurveSet,anent,ent);
1916         RWStepShape_RWGeometricCurveSet tool;
1917         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1918       }
1919       break;
1920     case 145:
1921       {
1922         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_GeometricSet,anent,ent);
1923         RWStepShape_RWGeometricSet tool;
1924         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1925       }
1926       break;
1927     case 146:
1928       {
1929         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_GeometricallyBoundedSurfaceShapeRepresentation,anent,ent);
1930         RWStepShape_RWGeometricallyBoundedSurfaceShapeRepresentation tool;
1931         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1932       }
1933       break;
1934     case 147:
1935       {
1936         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_GeometricallyBoundedWireframeShapeRepresentation,anent,ent);
1937         RWStepShape_RWGeometricallyBoundedWireframeShapeRepresentation tool;
1938         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1939       }
1940       break;
1941     case 148:
1942       {
1943         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_GlobalUncertaintyAssignedContext,anent,ent);
1944         RWStepRepr_RWGlobalUncertaintyAssignedContext tool;
1945         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1946       }
1947       break;
1948     case 149:
1949       {
1950         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_GlobalUnitAssignedContext,anent,ent);
1951         RWStepRepr_RWGlobalUnitAssignedContext tool;
1952         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1953       }
1954       break;
1955     case 152:
1956       {
1957         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_GroupRelationship,anent,ent);
1958         RWStepBasic_RWGroupRelationship tool;
1959         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1960       }
1961       break;
1962     case 153:
1963       {
1964         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_HalfSpaceSolid,anent,ent);
1965         RWStepShape_RWHalfSpaceSolid tool;
1966         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1967       }
1968       break;
1969     case 154:
1970       {
1971         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_Hyperbola,anent,ent);
1972         RWStepGeom_RWHyperbola tool;
1973         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1974       }
1975       break;
1976     case 155:
1977       {
1978         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_IntersectionCurve,anent,ent);
1979         RWStepGeom_RWIntersectionCurve tool;
1980         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1981       }
1982       break;
1983     case 156:
1984       {
1985         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_Invisibility,anent,ent);
1986         RWStepVisual_RWInvisibility tool;
1987         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1988       }
1989       break;
1990     case 157:
1991       {
1992         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_LengthMeasureWithUnit,anent,ent);
1993         RWStepBasic_RWLengthMeasureWithUnit tool;
1994         tool.Share(anent,iter);
1995       }
1996       break;
1997     case 158:
1998       {
1999         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_LengthUnit,anent,ent);
2000         RWStepBasic_RWLengthUnit tool;
2001         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2002       }
2003       break;
2004     case 159:
2005       {
2006         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_Line,anent,ent);
2007         RWStepGeom_RWLine tool;
2008         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2009       }
2010       break;
2011     case 160:
2012       {
2013         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_LocalTime,anent,ent);
2014         RWStepBasic_RWLocalTime tool;
2015         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2016       }
2017       break;
2018     case 162:
2019       {
2020         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_ManifoldSolidBrep,anent,ent);
2021         RWStepShape_RWManifoldSolidBrep tool;
2022         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2023       }
2024       break;
2025     case 163:
2026       {
2027         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_ManifoldSurfaceShapeRepresentation,anent,ent);
2028         RWStepShape_RWManifoldSurfaceShapeRepresentation tool;
2029         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2030       }
2031       break;
2032     case 164:
2033       {
2034         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_MappedItem,anent,ent);
2035         RWStepRepr_RWMappedItem tool;
2036         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2037       }
2038       break;
2039     case 165:
2040       {
2041         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_MeasureWithUnit,anent,ent);
2042         RWStepBasic_RWMeasureWithUnit tool;
2043         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2044       }
2045       break;
2046     case 166:
2047       {
2048         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_MechanicalDesignGeometricPresentationArea,anent,ent);
2049         RWStepVisual_RWMechanicalDesignGeometricPresentationArea tool;
2050         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2051       }
2052       break;
2053     case 167:
2054       {
2055         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_MechanicalDesignGeometricPresentationRepresentation,anent,ent);
2056         RWStepVisual_RWMechanicalDesignGeometricPresentationRepresentation tool;
2057         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2058       }
2059       break;
2060     case 169:
2061       {
2062         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_NamedUnit,anent,ent);
2063         RWStepBasic_RWNamedUnit tool;
2064         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2065       }
2066       break;
2067     case 171:
2068       {
2069         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_OffsetCurve3d,anent,ent);
2070         RWStepGeom_RWOffsetCurve3d tool;
2071         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2072       }
2073       break;
2074     case 172:
2075       {
2076         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_OffsetSurface,anent,ent);
2077         RWStepGeom_RWOffsetSurface tool;
2078         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2079       }
2080       break;
2081     case 174:
2082       {
2083         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_OpenShell,anent,ent);
2084         RWStepShape_RWOpenShell tool;
2085         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2086       }
2087       break;
2088     case 179:
2089       {
2090         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_OrganizationalAddress,anent,ent);
2091         RWStepBasic_RWOrganizationalAddress tool;
2092         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2093       }
2094       break;
2095     case 180:
2096       {
2097         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_OrientedClosedShell,anent,ent);
2098         RWStepShape_RWOrientedClosedShell tool;
2099         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2100       }
2101       break;
2102     case 181:
2103       {
2104         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_OrientedEdge,anent,ent);
2105         RWStepShape_RWOrientedEdge tool;
2106         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2107       }
2108       break;
2109     case 182:
2110       {
2111         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_OrientedFace,anent,ent);
2112         RWStepShape_RWOrientedFace tool;
2113         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2114       }
2115       break;
2116     case 183:
2117       {
2118         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_OrientedOpenShell,anent,ent);
2119         RWStepShape_RWOrientedOpenShell tool;
2120         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2121       }
2122       break;
2123     case 184:
2124       {
2125         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_OrientedPath,anent,ent);
2126         RWStepShape_RWOrientedPath tool;
2127         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2128       }
2129       break;
2130     case 185:
2131       {
2132         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_OuterBoundaryCurve,anent,ent);
2133         RWStepGeom_RWOuterBoundaryCurve tool;
2134         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2135       }
2136       break;
2137     case 186:
2138       {
2139         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_OverRidingStyledItem,anent,ent);
2140         RWStepVisual_RWOverRidingStyledItem tool;
2141         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2142       }
2143       break;
2144     case 187:
2145       {
2146         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_Parabola,anent,ent);
2147         RWStepGeom_RWParabola tool;
2148         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2149       }
2150       break;
2151     case 189:
2152       {
2153         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_Path,anent,ent);
2154         RWStepShape_RWPath tool;
2155         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2156       }
2157       break;
2158     case 190:
2159       {
2160         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_Pcurve,anent,ent);
2161         RWStepGeom_RWPcurve tool;
2162         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2163       }
2164       break;
2165     case 192:
2166       {
2167         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_PersonAndOrganization,anent,ent);
2168         RWStepBasic_RWPersonAndOrganization tool;
2169         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2170       }
2171       break;
2172     case 195:
2173       {
2174         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_PersonalAddress,anent,ent);
2175         RWStepBasic_RWPersonalAddress tool;
2176         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2177       }
2178       break;
2179     case 196:
2180       {
2181         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_Placement,anent,ent);
2182         RWStepGeom_RWPlacement tool;
2183         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2184       }
2185       break;
2186     case 197:
2187       {
2188         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_PlanarBox,anent,ent);
2189         RWStepVisual_RWPlanarBox tool;
2190         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2191       }
2192       break;
2193     case 199:
2194       {
2195         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_Plane,anent,ent);
2196         RWStepGeom_RWPlane tool;
2197         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2198       }
2199       break;
2200     case 200:
2201       {
2202         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_PlaneAngleMeasureWithUnit,anent,ent);
2203         RWStepBasic_RWPlaneAngleMeasureWithUnit tool;
2204         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2205       }
2206       break;
2207     case 201:
2208       {
2209         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_PlaneAngleUnit,anent,ent);
2210         RWStepBasic_RWPlaneAngleUnit tool;
2211         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2212       }
2213       break;
2214     case 203:
2215       {
2216         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_PointOnCurve,anent,ent);
2217         RWStepGeom_RWPointOnCurve tool;
2218         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2219       }
2220       break;
2221     case 204:
2222       {
2223         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_PointOnSurface,anent,ent);
2224         RWStepGeom_RWPointOnSurface tool;
2225         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2226       }
2227       break;
2228     case 205:
2229       {
2230         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_PointReplica,anent,ent);
2231         RWStepGeom_RWPointReplica tool;
2232         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2233       }
2234       break;
2235     case 206:
2236       {
2237         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_PointStyle,anent,ent);
2238         RWStepVisual_RWPointStyle tool;
2239         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2240       }
2241       break;
2242     case 207:
2243       {
2244         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_PolyLoop,anent,ent);
2245         RWStepShape_RWPolyLoop tool;
2246         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2247       }
2248       break;
2249     case 208:
2250       {
2251         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_Polyline,anent,ent);
2252         RWStepGeom_RWPolyline tool;
2253         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2254       }
2255       break;
2256     case 214:
2257       {
2258         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_PresentationArea,anent,ent);
2259         RWStepVisual_RWPresentationArea tool;
2260         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2261       }
2262       break;
2263     case 215:
2264       {
2265         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_PresentationLayerAssignment,anent,ent);
2266         RWStepVisual_RWPresentationLayerAssignment tool;
2267         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2268       }
2269       break;
2270     case 216:
2271       {
2272         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_PresentationRepresentation,anent,ent);
2273         RWStepVisual_RWPresentationRepresentation tool;
2274         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2275       }
2276       break;
2277     case 218:
2278       {
2279         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_PresentationSize,anent,ent);
2280         RWStepVisual_RWPresentationSize tool;
2281         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2282       }
2283       break;
2284     case 219:
2285       {
2286         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_PresentationStyleAssignment,anent,ent);
2287         RWStepVisual_RWPresentationStyleAssignment tool;
2288         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2289       }
2290       break;
2291     case 220:
2292       {
2293         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_PresentationStyleByContext,anent,ent);
2294         RWStepVisual_RWPresentationStyleByContext tool;
2295         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2296       }
2297       break;
2298     case 221:
2299       {
2300         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_PresentationView,anent,ent);
2301         RWStepVisual_RWPresentationView tool;
2302         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2303       }
2304       break;
2305     case 223:
2306       {
2307         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_Product,anent,ent);
2308         RWStepBasic_RWProduct tool;
2309         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2310       }
2311       break;
2312     case 225:
2313       {
2314         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ProductContext,anent,ent);
2315         RWStepBasic_RWProductContext tool;
2316         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2317       }
2318       break;
2319     case 227:
2320       {
2321         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ProductDefinition,anent,ent);
2322         RWStepBasic_RWProductDefinition tool;
2323         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2324       }
2325       break;
2326     case 228:
2327       {
2328         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ProductDefinitionContext,anent,ent);
2329         RWStepBasic_RWProductDefinitionContext tool;
2330         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2331       }
2332       break;
2333     case 229:
2334       {
2335         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ProductDefinitionFormation,anent,ent);
2336         RWStepBasic_RWProductDefinitionFormation tool;
2337         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2338       }
2339       break;
2340     case 230:
2341       {
2342         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ProductDefinitionFormationWithSpecifiedSource,anent,ent);
2343         RWStepBasic_RWProductDefinitionFormationWithSpecifiedSource tool;
2344         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2345       }
2346       break;
2347     case 231:
2348       {
2349         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_ProductDefinitionShape,anent,ent);
2350         RWStepRepr_RWProductDefinitionShape tool;
2351         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2352       }
2353       break;
2354     case 232:
2355       {
2356         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ProductRelatedProductCategory,anent,ent);
2357         RWStepBasic_RWProductRelatedProductCategory tool;
2358         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2359       }
2360       break;
2361     case 233:
2362       {
2363         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ProductType,anent,ent);
2364         RWStepBasic_RWProductType tool;
2365         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2366       }
2367       break;
2368     case 234:
2369       {
2370         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_PropertyDefinition,anent,ent);
2371         RWStepRepr_RWPropertyDefinition tool;
2372         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2373       }
2374       break;
2375     case 235:
2376       {
2377         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_PropertyDefinitionRepresentation,anent,ent);
2378         RWStepRepr_RWPropertyDefinitionRepresentation tool;
2379         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2380       }
2381       break;
2382     case 236:
2383       {
2384         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_QuasiUniformCurve,anent,ent);
2385         RWStepGeom_RWQuasiUniformCurve tool;
2386         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2387       }
2388       break;
2389     case 237:
2390       {
2391         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_QuasiUniformSurface,anent,ent);
2392         RWStepGeom_RWQuasiUniformSurface tool;
2393         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2394       }
2395       break;
2396     case 238:
2397       {
2398         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_RatioMeasureWithUnit,anent,ent);
2399         RWStepBasic_RWRatioMeasureWithUnit tool;
2400         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2401       }
2402       break;
2403     case 239:
2404       {
2405         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_RationalBSplineCurve,anent,ent);
2406         RWStepGeom_RWRationalBSplineCurve tool;
2407         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2408       }
2409       break;
2410     case 240:
2411       {
2412         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_RationalBSplineSurface,anent,ent);
2413         RWStepGeom_RWRationalBSplineSurface tool;
2414         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2415       }
2416       break;
2417     case 241:
2418       {
2419         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_RectangularCompositeSurface,anent,ent);
2420         RWStepGeom_RWRectangularCompositeSurface tool;
2421         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2422       }
2423       break;
2424     case 242:
2425       {
2426         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_RectangularTrimmedSurface,anent,ent);
2427         RWStepGeom_RWRectangularTrimmedSurface tool;
2428         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2429       }
2430       break;
2431     case 244:
2432       {
2433         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_ReparametrisedCompositeCurveSegment,anent,ent);
2434         RWStepGeom_RWReparametrisedCompositeCurveSegment tool;
2435         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2436       }
2437       break;
2438     case 245:
2439       {
2440         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_Representation,anent,ent);
2441         RWStepRepr_RWRepresentation tool;
2442         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2443       }
2444       break;
2445     case 248:
2446       {
2447         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_RepresentationMap,anent,ent);
2448         RWStepRepr_RWRepresentationMap tool;
2449         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2450       }
2451       break;
2452     case 249:
2453       {
2454         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_RepresentationRelationship,anent,ent);
2455         RWStepRepr_RWRepresentationRelationship tool;
2456         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2457       }
2458       break;
2459     case 250:
2460       {
2461         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_RevolvedAreaSolid,anent,ent);
2462         RWStepShape_RWRevolvedAreaSolid tool;
2463         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2464       }
2465       break;
2466     case 251:
2467       {
2468         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_RightAngularWedge,anent,ent);
2469         RWStepShape_RWRightAngularWedge tool;
2470         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2471       }
2472       break;
2473     case 252:
2474       {
2475         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_RightCircularCone,anent,ent);
2476         RWStepShape_RWRightCircularCone tool;
2477         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2478       }
2479       break;
2480     case 253:
2481       {
2482         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_RightCircularCylinder,anent,ent);
2483         RWStepShape_RWRightCircularCylinder tool;
2484         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2485       }
2486       break;
2487     case 254:
2488       {
2489         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_SeamCurve,anent,ent);
2490         RWStepGeom_RWSeamCurve tool;
2491         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2492       }
2493       break;
2494     case 255:
2495       {
2496         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_SecurityClassification,anent,ent);
2497         RWStepBasic_RWSecurityClassification tool;
2498         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2499       }
2500       break;
2501     case 258:
2502       {
2503         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_ShapeAspect,anent,ent);
2504         RWStepRepr_RWShapeAspect tool;
2505         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2506       }
2507       break;
2508     case 259:
2509       {
2510         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_ShapeAspectRelationship,anent,ent);
2511         RWStepRepr_RWShapeAspectRelationship tool;
2512         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2513       }
2514       break;
2515     case 260:
2516       {
2517         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_ShapeAspectTransition,anent,ent);
2518         RWStepRepr_RWShapeAspectTransition tool;
2519         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2520       }
2521       break;
2522     case 261:
2523       {
2524         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_ShapeDefinitionRepresentation,anent,ent);
2525         RWStepShape_RWShapeDefinitionRepresentation tool;
2526         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2527       }
2528       break;
2529     case 262:
2530       {
2531         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_ShapeRepresentation,anent,ent);
2532         RWStepShape_RWShapeRepresentation tool;
2533         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2534       }
2535       break;
2536     case 263:
2537       {
2538         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_ShellBasedSurfaceModel,anent,ent);
2539         RWStepShape_RWShellBasedSurfaceModel tool;
2540         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2541       }
2542       break;
2543     case 265:
2544       {
2545         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_SolidAngleMeasureWithUnit,anent,ent);
2546         RWStepBasic_RWSolidAngleMeasureWithUnit tool;
2547         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2548       }
2549       break;
2550     case 267:
2551       {
2552         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_SolidReplica,anent,ent);
2553         RWStepShape_RWSolidReplica tool;
2554         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2555       }
2556       break;
2557     case 268:
2558       {
2559         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_Sphere,anent,ent);
2560         RWStepShape_RWSphere tool;
2561         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2562       }
2563       break;
2564     case 269:
2565       {
2566         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_SphericalSurface,anent,ent);
2567         RWStepGeom_RWSphericalSurface tool;
2568         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2569       }
2570       break;
2571     case 270:
2572       {
2573         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_StyledItem,anent,ent);
2574         RWStepVisual_RWStyledItem tool;
2575         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2576       }
2577       break;
2578     case 272:
2579       {
2580         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_SurfaceCurve,anent,ent);
2581         RWStepGeom_RWSurfaceCurve tool;
2582         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2583       }
2584       break;
2585     case 273:
2586       {
2587         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion,anent,ent);
2588         RWStepGeom_RWSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion tool;
2589         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2590       }
2591       break;
2592     case 274:
2593       {
2594         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_SurfaceOfRevolution,anent,ent);
2595         RWStepGeom_RWSurfaceOfRevolution tool;
2596         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2597       }
2598       break;
2599     case 275:
2600       {
2601         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_SurfacePatch,anent,ent);
2602         RWStepGeom_RWSurfacePatch tool;
2603         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2604       }
2605       break;
2606     case 276:
2607       {
2608         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_SurfaceReplica,anent,ent);
2609         RWStepGeom_RWSurfaceReplica tool;
2610         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2611       }
2612       break;
2613     case 277:
2614       {
2615         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_SurfaceSideStyle,anent,ent);
2616         RWStepVisual_RWSurfaceSideStyle tool;
2617         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2618       }
2619       break;
2620     case 278:
2621       {
2622         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_SurfaceStyleBoundary,anent,ent);
2623         RWStepVisual_RWSurfaceStyleBoundary tool;
2624         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2625       }
2626       break;
2627     case 279:
2628       {
2629         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_SurfaceStyleControlGrid,anent,ent);
2630         RWStepVisual_RWSurfaceStyleControlGrid tool;
2631         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2632       }
2633       break;
2634     case 280:
2635       {
2636         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_SurfaceStyleFillArea,anent,ent);
2637         RWStepVisual_RWSurfaceStyleFillArea tool;
2638         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2639       }
2640       break;
2641     case 281:
2642       {
2643         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_SurfaceStyleParameterLine,anent,ent);
2644         RWStepVisual_RWSurfaceStyleParameterLine tool;
2645         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2646       }
2647       break;
2648     case 282:
2649       {
2650         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_SurfaceStyleSegmentationCurve,anent,ent);
2651         RWStepVisual_RWSurfaceStyleSegmentationCurve tool;
2652         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2653       }
2654       break;
2655     case 283:
2656       {
2657         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_SurfaceStyleSilhouette,anent,ent);
2658         RWStepVisual_RWSurfaceStyleSilhouette tool;
2659         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2660       }
2661       break;
2662     case 284:
2663       {
2664         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_SurfaceStyleUsage,anent,ent);
2665         RWStepVisual_RWSurfaceStyleUsage tool;
2666         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2667       }
2668       break;
2669     case 285:
2670       {
2671         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_SweptAreaSolid,anent,ent);
2672         RWStepShape_RWSweptAreaSolid tool;
2673         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2674       }
2675       break;
2676     case 286:
2677       {
2678         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_SweptSurface,anent,ent);
2679         RWStepGeom_RWSweptSurface tool;
2680         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2681       }
2682       break;
2683     case 292:
2684       {
2685         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_Template,anent,ent);
2686         RWStepVisual_RWTemplate tool;
2687         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2688       }
2689       break;
2690     case 293:
2691       {
2692         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_TemplateInstance,anent,ent);
2693         RWStepVisual_RWTemplateInstance tool;
2694         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2695       }
2696       break;
2697     case 295:
2698       {
2699         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_TextLiteral,anent,ent);
2700         RWStepVisual_RWTextLiteral tool;
2701         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2702       }
2703       break;
2704     case 300:
2705       {
2706         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_TextStyle,anent,ent);
2707         RWStepVisual_RWTextStyle tool;
2708         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2709       }
2710       break;
2711     case 301:
2712       {
2713         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_TextStyleForDefinedFont,anent,ent);
2714         RWStepVisual_RWTextStyleForDefinedFont tool;
2715         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2716       }
2717       break;
2718     case 302:
2719       {
2720         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_TextStyleWithBoxCharacteristics,anent,ent);
2721         RWStepVisual_RWTextStyleWithBoxCharacteristics tool;
2722         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2723       }
2724       break;
2726     case 305:
2727       {
2728         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_ToroidalSurface,anent,ent);
2729         RWStepGeom_RWToroidalSurface tool;
2730         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2731       }
2732       break;
2733     case 306:
2734       {
2735         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_Torus,anent,ent);
2736         RWStepShape_RWTorus tool;
2737         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2738       }
2739       break;
2740     case 307:
2741       {
2742         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_TransitionalShapeRepresentation,anent,ent);
2743         RWStepShape_RWTransitionalShapeRepresentation tool;
2744         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2745       }
2746       break;
2747     case 308:
2748       {
2749         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_TrimmedCurve,anent,ent);
2750         RWStepGeom_RWTrimmedCurve tool;
2751         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2752       }
2753       break;
2754     case 310:
2755       {
2756         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_UncertaintyMeasureWithUnit,anent,ent);
2757         RWStepBasic_RWUncertaintyMeasureWithUnit tool;
2758         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2759       }
2760       break;
2761     case 311:
2762       {
2763         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_UniformCurve,anent,ent);
2764         RWStepGeom_RWUniformCurve tool;
2765         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2766       }
2767       break;
2768     case 312:
2769       {
2770         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_UniformSurface,anent,ent);
2771         RWStepGeom_RWUniformSurface tool;
2772         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2773       }
2774       break;
2775     case 313:
2776       {
2777         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_Vector,anent,ent);
2778         RWStepGeom_RWVector tool;
2779         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2780       }
2781       break;
2782     case 315:
2783       {
2784         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_VertexLoop,anent,ent);
2785         RWStepShape_RWVertexLoop tool;
2786         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2787       }
2788       break;
2789     case 316:
2790       {
2791         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_VertexPoint,anent,ent);
2792         RWStepShape_RWVertexPoint tool;
2793         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2794       }
2795       break;
2796     case 317:
2797       {
2798         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_ViewVolume,anent,ent);
2799         RWStepVisual_RWViewVolume tool;
2800         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2801       }
2802       break;
2803     case 319:
2804       {
2805         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_UniformCurveAndRationalBSplineCurve,anent,ent);
2806         RWStepGeom_RWUniformCurveAndRationalBSplineCurve tool;
2807         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2808       }
2809       break;
2810     case 320:
2811       {
2812         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_BSplineCurveWithKnotsAndRationalBSplineCurve,anent,ent);
2813         RWStepGeom_RWBSplineCurveWithKnotsAndRationalBSplineCurve tool;
2814         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2815       }
2816       break;
2817     case 321:
2818       {
2819         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_QuasiUniformCurveAndRationalBSplineCurve,anent,ent);
2820         RWStepGeom_RWQuasiUniformCurveAndRationalBSplineCurve tool;
2821         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2822       }
2823       break;
2824     case 322:
2825       {
2826         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_BezierCurveAndRationalBSplineCurve,anent,ent);
2827         RWStepGeom_RWBezierCurveAndRationalBSplineCurve tool;
2828         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2829       }
2830       break;
2831     case 323:
2832       {
2833         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_BSplineSurfaceWithKnotsAndRationalBSplineSurface,anent,ent);
2834         RWStepGeom_RWBSplineSurfaceWithKnotsAndRationalBSplineSurface tool;
2835         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2836       }
2837       break;
2838     case 324:
2839       {
2840         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_UniformSurfaceAndRationalBSplineSurface,anent,ent);
2841         RWStepGeom_RWUniformSurfaceAndRationalBSplineSurface tool;
2842         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2843       }
2844       break;
2845     case 325:
2846       {
2847         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_QuasiUniformSurfaceAndRationalBSplineSurface,anent,ent);
2848         RWStepGeom_RWQuasiUniformSurfaceAndRationalBSplineSurface tool;
2849         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2850       }
2851       break;
2852     case 326:
2853       {
2854         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_BezierSurfaceAndRationalBSplineSurface,anent,ent);
2855         RWStepGeom_RWBezierSurfaceAndRationalBSplineSurface tool;
2856         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2857       }
2858       break;
2859     case 329:
2860       {
2861         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnitAndLengthUnit,anent,ent);
2862         RWStepBasic_RWConversionBasedUnitAndLengthUnit tool;
2863         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2864       }
2865       break;
2866     case 330:
2867       {
2868         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnitAndPlaneAngleUnit,anent,ent);
2869         RWStepBasic_RWConversionBasedUnitAndPlaneAngleUnit tool;
2870         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2871       }
2872       break;
2873     case 331:
2874       {
2875         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_GeometricRepresentationContextAndGlobalUnitAssignedContext,anent,ent);
2876         RWStepGeom_RWGeometricRepresentationContextAndGlobalUnitAssignedContext tool;
2877         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2878       }
2879       break;
2880     case 332:
2881       {
2882         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_LoopAndPath,anent,ent);
2883         RWStepShape_RWLoopAndPath tool;
2884         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2885       }
2886       break;
2888       // ------------
2889       // Added by FMA
2890       // ------------
2892     case 333 :
2893       {
2894         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_GeomRepContextAndGlobUnitAssCtxAndGlobUncertaintyAssCtx, anent, ent);
2895         RWStepGeom_RWGeomRepContextAndGlobUnitAssCtxAndGlobUncertaintyAssCtx tool;
2896         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2897       }
2898       break;
2899     case 334 :
2900       {
2901         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnitAndSolidAngleUnit, anent, ent);
2902         RWStepBasic_RWConversionBasedUnitAndSolidAngleUnit tool;
2903         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2904       }
2905       break;
2906     case 336 :
2907       {
2908         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_SolidAngleUnit, anent, ent);
2909         RWStepBasic_RWSolidAngleUnit tool;
2910         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2911       }
2912       break;
2913     case 337 :
2914       {
2915         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_FacetedBrepAndBrepWithVoids, anent, ent);
2916         RWStepShape_RWFacetedBrepAndBrepWithVoids tool;
2917         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2918       }
2919       break;
2920     case 338:
2921       {
2922         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_GeometricRepresentationContextAndParametricRepresentationContext,anent,ent);
2923         RWStepGeom_RWGeometricRepresentationContextAndParametricRepresentationContext tool;
2924         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2925       }
2926       break;
2927     case 339:
2928       {
2929         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_MechanicalContext,anent,ent);
2930         RWStepBasic_RWMechanicalContext tool;
2931         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2932       }
2933       break;
2935       // ------------
2936       // Added by CKY
2937       // ------------
2939     case 340:
2940       {
2941         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ProductDefinitionContext,anent,ent);
2942         RWStepBasic_RWProductDefinitionContext tool;
2943         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2944       }
2945       break;
2947       // -----------
2948       // Added for Rev4
2949       // -----------
2951     case 341:  // TimeMeasureWithUnit
2952       {
2953         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_MeasureWithUnit,anent,ent);
2954         RWStepBasic_RWMeasureWithUnit tool;
2955         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2956       }
2957       break;
2959     case 342:
2960     case 343:  // RatioUnit, TimeUnit
2961       {
2962         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_NamedUnit,anent,ent);
2963         RWStepBasic_RWNamedUnit tool;
2964         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2965       }
2966       break;
2967 //  343 a 347 : no Shared
2968     case 348:  // ApprovalDateTime
2969       {
2970         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ApprovalDateTime,anent,ent);
2971         RWStepBasic_RWApprovalDateTime tool;
2972         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2973       }
2974       break;
2975     case 349: // CameraImage 2d and 3d
2976     case 350:
2977       {
2978         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_CameraImage,anent,ent);
2979         RWStepVisual_RWCameraImage tool;
2980         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2981       }
2982       break;
2983     case 351:
2984       {
2985         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_CartesianTransformationOperator,anent,ent);
2986         RWStepGeom_RWCartesianTransformationOperator tool;
2987         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2988       }
2989       break;
2990     case 352:
2991       {
2992         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_DerivedUnit,anent,ent);
2993         RWStepBasic_RWDerivedUnit tool;
2994         tool.Share(anent,iter);
2995       }
2996       break;
2997     case 353:
2998       {
2999         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_DerivedUnitElement,anent,ent);
3000         RWStepBasic_RWDerivedUnitElement tool;
3001         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3002       }
3003       break;
3004     case 354:
3005       {
3006         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_ItemDefinedTransformation,anent,ent);
3007         RWStepRepr_RWItemDefinedTransformation tool;
3008         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3009       }
3010       break;
3011     case 355:
3012       {
3013         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_PresentedItemRepresentation,anent,ent);
3014         RWStepVisual_RWPresentedItemRepresentation tool;
3015         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3016       }
3017       break;
3018     case 356:
3019       {
3020         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_PresentationLayerUsage,anent,ent);
3021         RWStepVisual_RWPresentationLayerUsage tool;
3022         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3023       }
3024       break;
3025     //:n5 abv 15 Feb 99: S4132 complex type bounded_curve + surface_curve
3026     case 358:
3027       {
3028         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_SurfaceCurveAndBoundedCurve,anent,ent);
3029         RWStepGeom_RWSurfaceCurveAndBoundedCurve tool;
3030         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3031       }
3032       break;
3034 //  AP214 : CC1 -> CC2
3035     case 366:
3036       {
3037         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_AutoDesignDocumentReference,anent,ent);
3038         RWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignDocumentReference tool;
3039         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3040       }
3041       break;
3042     case 367:
3043     case 368:
3044       {
3045         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_Document,anent,ent);
3046         RWStepBasic_RWDocument tool;
3047         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3048       }
3049       break;
3050     case 369:
3051       {
3052         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_DocumentRelationship,anent,ent);
3053         RWStepBasic_RWDocumentRelationship tool;
3054         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3055       }
3056       break;
3057     case 370:
3058       {
3059         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_DocumentType,anent,ent);
3060         RWStepBasic_RWDocumentType tool;
3061         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3062       }
3063       break;
3064     case 371:
3065       {
3066         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_DocumentUsageConstraint,anent,ent);
3067         RWStepBasic_RWDocumentUsageConstraint tool;
3068         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3069       }
3070       break;
3071     case 372:
3072       {
3073         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_Effectivity,anent,ent);
3074         RWStepBasic_RWEffectivity tool;
3075         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3076       }
3077       break;
3078     case 373:
3079       {
3080         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ProductDefinitionEffectivity,anent,ent);
3081         RWStepBasic_RWProductDefinitionEffectivity tool;
3082         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3083       }
3084       break;
3085     case 374:
3086       {
3087         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ProductDefinitionRelationship,anent,ent);
3088         RWStepBasic_RWProductDefinitionRelationship tool;
3089         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3090       }
3091       break;
3092     case 375:
3093       {
3094         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ProductDefinitionWithAssociatedDocuments,anent,ent);
3095         RWStepBasic_RWProductDefinitionWithAssociatedDocuments tool;
3096         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3097       }
3098       break;
3099     case 376:
3100       {
3101         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_PhysicallyModeledProductDefinition,anent,ent);
3102         RWStepBasic_RWProductDefinition tool;
3103         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3104       }
3105       break;
3107     case 377:
3108       {
3109         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_ProductDefinitionUsage,anent,ent);
3110         RWStepBasic_RWProductDefinitionRelationship tool;
3111         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3112       }
3113       break;
3114     case 378:
3115       {
3116         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_MakeFromUsageOption,anent,ent);
3117         RWStepRepr_RWMakeFromUsageOption tool;
3118         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3119       }
3120       break;
3121     case 379:
3122     case 380:
3123     case 381:
3124       {
3125         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_AssemblyComponentUsage,anent,ent);
3126         RWStepRepr_RWAssemblyComponentUsage tool;
3127         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3128       }
3129       break;
3130     case 382:
3131       {
3132         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_QuantifiedAssemblyComponentUsage,anent,ent);
3133         RWStepRepr_RWQuantifiedAssemblyComponentUsage tool;
3134         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3135       }
3136       break;
3137     case 383:
3138       {
3139         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_SpecifiedHigherUsageOccurrence,anent,ent);
3140         RWStepRepr_RWSpecifiedHigherUsageOccurrence tool;
3141         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3142       }
3143       break;
3144     case 384:
3145       {
3146         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_AssemblyComponentUsageSubstitute,anent,ent);
3147         RWStepRepr_RWAssemblyComponentUsageSubstitute tool;
3148         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3149       }
3150       break;
3151     case 385:
3152       {
3153         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_SuppliedPartRelationship,anent,ent);
3154         RWStepBasic_RWProductDefinitionRelationship tool;
3155         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3156       }
3157       break;
3158     case 386:
3159       {
3160         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_ExternallyDefinedRepresentation,anent,ent);
3161         RWStepRepr_RWRepresentation tool;
3162         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3163       }
3164       break;
3165     case 387:
3166       {
3167         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_ShapeRepresentationRelationship,anent,ent);
3168         RWStepRepr_RWRepresentationRelationship tool;
3169         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3170       }
3171       break;
3172     case 388:
3173       {
3174         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_RepresentationRelationshipWithTransformation,anent,ent);
3175         RWStepRepr_RWRepresentationRelationshipWithTransformation tool;
3176         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3177       }
3178       break;
3180     case 389:
3181       {
3182         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_ShapeRepresentationRelationshipWithTransformation,anent,ent);
3183         RWStepRepr_RWShapeRepresentationRelationshipWithTransformation tool;
3184         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3185       }
3186       break;
3188     case 390:
3189       {
3190         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_MaterialDesignation,anent,ent);
3191         RWStepRepr_RWMaterialDesignation tool;
3192         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3193       }
3194       break;
3196     case 391:
3197       {
3198         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_ContextDependentShapeRepresentation,anent,ent);
3199         RWStepShape_RWContextDependentShapeRepresentation tool;
3200         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3201       }
3202       break;
3204     //:S4134: Added from CD to DIS
3205     case 392:
3206       {
3207         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_AppliedDateAndTimeAssignment,anent,ent);
3208         RWStepAP214_RWAppliedDateAndTimeAssignment tool;
3209         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3210       }
3211       break;
3212     case 393:
3213       {
3214         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_AppliedDateAssignment,anent,ent);
3215         RWStepAP214_RWAppliedDateAssignment tool;
3216         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3217       }
3218       break;
3219     case 394:
3220       {
3221         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_AppliedApprovalAssignment,anent,ent);
3222         RWStepAP214_RWAppliedApprovalAssignment tool;
3223         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3224       }
3225       break;
3226     case 395:
3227       {
3228         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_AppliedGroupAssignment,anent,ent);
3229         RWStepAP214_RWAppliedGroupAssignment tool;
3230         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3231       }
3232       break;
3233     case 396:
3234       {
3235         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_AppliedOrganizationAssignment,anent,ent);
3236         RWStepAP214_RWAppliedOrganizationAssignment tool;
3237         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3238       }
3239       break;
3240     case 397:
3241       {
3242         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_AppliedPersonAndOrganizationAssignment,anent,ent);
3243         RWStepAP214_RWAppliedPersonAndOrganizationAssignment tool;
3244         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3245       }
3246       break;
3247     case 398:
3248       {
3249         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_AppliedPresentedItem,anent,ent);
3250         RWStepAP214_RWAppliedPresentedItem tool;
3251         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3252       }
3253       break;
3254     case 399:
3255       {
3256         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_AppliedSecurityClassificationAssignment,anent,ent);
3257         RWStepAP214_RWAppliedSecurityClassificationAssignment tool;
3258         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3259       }
3260       break;
3261     case 400:
3262       {
3263         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_AppliedDocumentReference,anent,ent);
3264         RWStepAP214_RWAppliedDocumentReference tool;
3265         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3266       }
3267       break;
3268     case 401:
3269       {
3270         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_DocumentFile,anent,ent);
3271         RWStepBasic_RWDocumentFile tool;
3272         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3273       }
3274       break;
3275     case 402:
3276       {
3277 //      DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_CharacterizedObject,anent,ent);
3278 //      RWStepBasic_RWCharacterizedObject tool;
3279 //      tool.Share (anent,iter);
3280       }
3281       break;
3282     case 403:
3283       {
3284         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_ExtrudedFaceSolid,anent,ent);
3285         RWStepShape_RWExtrudedFaceSolid tool;
3286         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3287       }
3288       break;
3290     case 404:
3291       {
3292         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_RevolvedFaceSolid,anent,ent);
3293         RWStepShape_RWRevolvedFaceSolid tool;
3294         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3295       }
3296       break;
3297     case 405:
3298       {
3299         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_SweptFaceSolid,anent,ent);
3300         RWStepShape_RWSweptFaceSolid tool;
3301         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3302       }
3303       break;
3305     // Added by ABV 08.09.99 for CAX TRJ 2 (validation properties)
3306     case 406:
3307       {
3308         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_MeasureRepresentationItem,anent,ent);
3309         RWStepRepr_RWMeasureRepresentationItem tool;
3310         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3311       }
3312       break;
3313     case 407:
3314       {
3315         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_AreaUnit,anent,ent);
3316         RWStepBasic_RWNamedUnit tool;
3317         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3318       }
3319       break;
3320     case 408:
3321       {
3322         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_VolumeUnit,anent,ent);
3323         RWStepBasic_RWNamedUnit tool;
3324         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3325       }
3326       break;
3327     case 411:
3328       {
3329         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnitAndAreaUnit,anent,ent);
3330         RWStepBasic_RWConversionBasedUnitAndAreaUnit tool;
3331         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3332       }
3333       break;
3334     case 412:
3335       {
3336         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnitAndVolumeUnit,anent,ent);
3337         RWStepBasic_RWConversionBasedUnitAndVolumeUnit tool;
3338         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3339       }
3340       break;
3342     // Added by ABV 10.11.99 for AP203
3343     case 413:
3344       {
3345         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_Action,anent,ent);
3346         RWStepBasic_RWAction tool;
3347         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3348       }
3349       break;
3350     case 414:
3351       {
3352         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ActionAssignment,anent,ent);
3353         RWStepBasic_RWActionAssignment tool;
3354         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3355       }
3356       break;
3357     case 415:
3358       {
3359         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ActionMethod,anent,ent);
3360         RWStepBasic_RWActionMethod tool;
3361         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3362       }
3363       break;
3364     case 416:
3365       {
3366         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ActionRequestAssignment,anent,ent);
3367         RWStepBasic_RWActionRequestAssignment tool;
3368         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3369       }
3370       break;
3371     case 417:
3372       {
3373         DeclareAndCast(StepAP203_CcDesignApproval,anent,ent);
3374         RWStepAP203_RWCcDesignApproval tool;
3375         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3376       }
3377       break;
3378     case 418:
3379       {
3380         DeclareAndCast(StepAP203_CcDesignCertification,anent,ent);
3381         RWStepAP203_RWCcDesignCertification tool;
3382         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3383       }
3384       break;
3385     case 419:
3386       {
3387         DeclareAndCast(StepAP203_CcDesignContract,anent,ent);
3388         RWStepAP203_RWCcDesignContract tool;
3389         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3390       }
3391       break;
3392     case 420:
3393       {
3394         DeclareAndCast(StepAP203_CcDesignDateAndTimeAssignment,anent,ent);
3395         RWStepAP203_RWCcDesignDateAndTimeAssignment tool;
3396         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3397       }
3398       break;
3399     case 421:
3400       {
3401         DeclareAndCast(StepAP203_CcDesignPersonAndOrganizationAssignment,anent,ent);
3402         RWStepAP203_RWCcDesignPersonAndOrganizationAssignment tool;
3403         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3404       }
3405       break;
3406     case 422:
3407       {
3408         DeclareAndCast(StepAP203_CcDesignSecurityClassification,anent,ent);
3409         RWStepAP203_RWCcDesignSecurityClassification tool;
3410         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3411       }
3412       break;
3413     case 423:
3414       {
3415         DeclareAndCast(StepAP203_CcDesignSpecificationReference,anent,ent);
3416         RWStepAP203_RWCcDesignSpecificationReference tool;
3417         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3418       }
3419       break;
3420     case 424:
3421       {
3422         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_Certification,anent,ent);
3423         RWStepBasic_RWCertification tool;
3424         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3425       }
3426       break;
3427     case 425:
3428       {
3429         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_CertificationAssignment,anent,ent);
3430         RWStepBasic_RWCertificationAssignment tool;
3431         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3432       }
3433       break;
3434     case 426:
3435       {
3436         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_CertificationType,anent,ent);
3437         RWStepBasic_RWCertificationType tool;
3438         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3439       }
3440       break;
3441     case 427:
3442       {
3443         DeclareAndCast(StepAP203_Change,anent,ent);
3444         RWStepAP203_RWChange tool;
3445         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3446       }
3447       break;
3448     case 428:
3449       {
3450         DeclareAndCast(StepAP203_ChangeRequest,anent,ent);
3451         RWStepAP203_RWChangeRequest tool;
3452         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3453       }
3454       break;
3455     case 429:
3456       {
3457         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_ConfigurationDesign,anent,ent);
3458         RWStepRepr_RWConfigurationDesign tool;
3459         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3460       }
3461       break;
3462     case 430:
3463       {
3464         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_ConfigurationEffectivity,anent,ent);
3465         RWStepRepr_RWConfigurationEffectivity tool;
3466         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3467       }
3468       break;
3469     case 431:
3470       {
3471         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_Contract,anent,ent);
3472         RWStepBasic_RWContract tool;
3473         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3474       }
3475       break;
3476     case 432:
3477       {
3478         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ContractAssignment,anent,ent);
3479         RWStepBasic_RWContractAssignment tool;
3480         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3481       }
3482       break;
3483     case 433:
3484       {
3485         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ContractType,anent,ent);
3486         RWStepBasic_RWContractType tool;
3487         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3488       }
3489       break;
3490     case 434:
3491       {
3492         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_ProductConcept,anent,ent);
3493         RWStepRepr_RWProductConcept tool;
3494         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3495       }
3496       break;
3497     case 435:
3498       {
3499         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ProductConceptContext,anent,ent);
3500         RWStepBasic_RWProductConceptContext tool;
3501         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3502       }
3503       break;
3504     case 436:
3505       {
3506         DeclareAndCast(StepAP203_StartRequest,anent,ent);
3507         RWStepAP203_RWStartRequest tool;
3508         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3509       }
3510       break;
3511     case 437:
3512       {
3513         DeclareAndCast(StepAP203_StartWork,anent,ent);
3514         RWStepAP203_RWStartWork tool;
3515         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3516       }
3517       break;
3518     case 438:
3519       {
3520         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_VersionedActionRequest,anent,ent);
3521         RWStepBasic_RWVersionedActionRequest tool;
3522         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3523       }
3524       break;
3525     case 439:
3526       {
3527         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ProductCategoryRelationship,anent,ent);
3528         RWStepBasic_RWProductCategoryRelationship tool;
3529         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3530       }
3531       break;
3532     case 440:
3533       {
3534         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ActionRequestSolution,anent,ent);
3535         RWStepBasic_RWActionRequestSolution tool;
3536         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3537       }
3538       break;
3540     case 441:
3541       {
3542         DeclareAndCast(StepVisual_DraughtingModel,anent,ent);
3543         RWStepVisual_RWDraughtingModel tool;
3544         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3545       }
3546       break;
3548       // Added by ABV 18.04.00 for CAX-IF TRJ4
3549     case 442:
3550       {
3551         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_AngularLocation,anent,ent);
3552         RWStepShape_RWAngularLocation tool;
3553         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3554       }
3555       break;
3556     case 443:
3557       {
3558         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_AngularSize,anent,ent);
3559         RWStepShape_RWAngularSize tool;
3560         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3561       }
3562       break;
3563     case 444:
3564       {
3565         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_DimensionalCharacteristicRepresentation,anent,ent);
3566         RWStepShape_RWDimensionalCharacteristicRepresentation tool;
3567         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3568       }
3569       break;
3570     case 445:
3571       {
3572         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_DimensionalLocation,anent,ent);
3573         RWStepShape_RWDimensionalLocation tool;
3574         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3575       }
3576       break;
3577     case 446:
3578       {
3579         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_DimensionalLocationWithPath,anent,ent);
3580         RWStepShape_RWDimensionalLocationWithPath tool;
3581         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3582       }
3583       break;
3584     case 447:
3585       {
3586         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_DimensionalSize,anent,ent);
3587         RWStepShape_RWDimensionalSize tool;
3588         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3589       }
3590       break;
3591     case 448:
3592       {
3593         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_DimensionalSizeWithPath,anent,ent);
3594         RWStepShape_RWDimensionalSizeWithPath tool;
3595         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3596       }
3597       break;
3598     case 449:
3599       {
3600         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_ShapeDimensionRepresentation,anent,ent);
3601         RWStepShape_RWShapeDimensionRepresentation tool;
3602         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3603       }
3604       break;
3606       // Added by ABV 10.05.00 for CAX-IF TRJ4 (external references)
3607     case 450:
3608       {
3609         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_DocumentRepresentationType,anent,ent);
3610         RWStepBasic_RWDocumentRepresentationType tool;
3611         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3612       }
3613       break;
3614     case 451:
3615       {
3616         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ObjectRole,anent,ent);
3617         RWStepBasic_RWObjectRole tool;
3618         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3619       }
3620       break;
3621     case 452:
3622       {
3623         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_RoleAssociation,anent,ent);
3624         RWStepBasic_RWRoleAssociation tool;
3625         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3626       }
3627       break;
3628     case 453:
3629       {
3630         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_IdentificationRole,anent,ent);
3631         RWStepBasic_RWIdentificationRole tool;
3632         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3633       }
3634       break;
3635     case 454:
3636       {
3637         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_IdentificationAssignment,anent,ent);
3638         RWStepBasic_RWIdentificationAssignment tool;
3639         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3640       }
3641       break;
3642     case 455:
3643       {
3644         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ExternalIdentificationAssignment,anent,ent);
3645         RWStepBasic_RWExternalIdentificationAssignment tool;
3646         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3647       }
3648       break;
3649     case 456:
3650       {
3651         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_EffectivityAssignment,anent,ent);
3652         RWStepBasic_RWEffectivityAssignment tool;
3653         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3654       }
3655       break;
3656     case 457:
3657       {
3658         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_NameAssignment,anent,ent);
3659         RWStepBasic_RWNameAssignment tool;
3660         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3661       }
3662       break;
3663     case 458:
3664       {
3665         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_GeneralProperty,anent,ent);
3666         RWStepBasic_RWGeneralProperty tool;
3667         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3668       }
3669       break;
3670     case 459:
3671       {
3672         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_Class,anent,ent);
3673         RWStepAP214_RWClass tool;
3674         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3675       }
3676       break;
3677     case 460:
3678       {
3679         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_ExternallyDefinedClass,anent,ent);
3680         RWStepAP214_RWExternallyDefinedClass tool;
3681         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3682       }
3683       break;
3684     case 461:
3685       {
3686         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_ExternallyDefinedGeneralProperty,anent,ent);
3687         RWStepAP214_RWExternallyDefinedGeneralProperty tool;
3688         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3689       }
3690       break;
3691     case 462:
3692       {
3693         DeclareAndCast(StepAP214_AppliedExternalIdentificationAssignment,anent,ent);
3694         RWStepAP214_RWAppliedExternalIdentificationAssignment tool;
3695         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3696       }
3697       break;
3699     case 463:
3700       {
3701         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_DefinitionalRepresentationAndShapeRepresentation,anent,ent);
3702         RWStepShape_RWDefinitionalRepresentationAndShapeRepresentation tool;
3703         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3704       }
3705       break;
3707       // Added by CKY 25 APR 2001 for CAX-IF TRJ7 (dimensional tolerances)
3708     case 470:
3709       {
3710         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_CompositeShapeAspect,anent,ent);
3711         RWStepRepr_RWCompositeShapeAspect tool;
3712         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3713       }
3714     case 471: {
3715       DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_DerivedShapeAspect,anent,ent);
3716       RWStepRepr_RWDerivedShapeAspect tool;
3717       tool.Share(anent,iter);
3718     }
3719     case 472:  // same as ShapeAspect
3720       {
3721         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_Extension,anent,ent);
3722         RWStepRepr_RWExtension tool;
3723         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3724       }
3725       break;
3726     case 473:  // same as DimensionalLocation
3727       {
3728         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_DirectedDimensionalLocation,anent,ent);
3729         RWStepShape_RWDimensionalLocation tool;
3730         tool.Share (anent,iter);
3731       }
3732       break;
3733 // cases 474, 478, 479 : no shared entities
3734     case 475:
3735       {
3736         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_ToleranceValue,anent,ent);
3737         RWStepShape_RWToleranceValue tool;
3738         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3739       }
3740       break;
3741     case 476:
3742       {
3743         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_MeasureQualification,anent,ent);
3744         RWStepShape_RWMeasureQualification tool;
3745         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3746       }
3747       break;
3748     case 477:
3749       {
3750         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_PlusMinusTolerance,anent,ent);
3751         RWStepShape_RWPlusMinusTolerance tool;
3752         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3753       }
3754       break;
3755     case 480:
3756       {
3757         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_QualifiedRepresentationItem,anent,ent);
3758         RWStepShape_RWQualifiedRepresentationItem tool;
3759         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3760       }
3761       break;
3762     case 481:
3763       {
3764         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_MeasureRepresentationItemAndQualifiedRepresentationItem,anent,ent);
3765         RWStepShape_RWMeasureRepresentationItemAndQualifiedRepresentationItem tool;
3766         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3767       }
3768       break;
3769     case 482:
3770     case 483:
3771       {
3772         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_CompoundRepresentationItem,anent,ent);
3773         RWStepRepr_RWCompoundRepresentationItem tool;
3774         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3775       }
3776       break;
3777     case 484:  // same as ShapeAspectRelationship
3778       {
3779         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_ShapeAspectRelationship,anent,ent);
3780         RWStepRepr_RWShapeAspectRelationship tool;
3781         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3782       }
3783       break;
3785     // abv 28.12.01
3786     case 485:
3787       {
3788         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_CompoundShapeRepresentation,anent,ent);
3789         RWStepShape_RWCompoundShapeRepresentation tool;
3790         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3791       }
3792       break;
3793     case 486:
3794       {
3795         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_ConnectedEdgeSet,anent,ent);
3796         RWStepShape_RWConnectedEdgeSet tool;
3797         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3798       }
3799       break;
3800     case 487:
3801       {
3802         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_ConnectedFaceShapeRepresentation,anent,ent);
3803         RWStepShape_RWConnectedFaceShapeRepresentation tool;
3804         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3805       }
3806       break;
3807     case 488:
3808       {
3809         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_EdgeBasedWireframeModel,anent,ent);
3810         RWStepShape_RWEdgeBasedWireframeModel tool;
3811         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3812       }
3813       break;
3814     case 489:
3815       {
3816         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_EdgeBasedWireframeShapeRepresentation,anent,ent);
3817         RWStepShape_RWEdgeBasedWireframeShapeRepresentation tool;
3818         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3819       }
3820       break;
3821     case 490:
3822       {
3823         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_FaceBasedSurfaceModel,anent,ent);
3824         RWStepShape_RWFaceBasedSurfaceModel tool;
3825         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3826       }
3827       break;
3828     case 491:
3829       {
3830         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_NonManifoldSurfaceShapeRepresentation,anent,ent);
3831         RWStepShape_RWNonManifoldSurfaceShapeRepresentation tool;
3832         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3833       }
3834       break;
3835       //gka TRJ9
3836       case 492:
3837     {
3838       DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_OrientedSurface,anent,ent);
3839       RWStepGeom_RWOrientedSurface tool;
3840       tool.Share(anent,iter);
3841     }
3842     break;
3843     case 493:
3844     {
3845       DeclareAndCast(StepShape_Subface,anent,ent);
3846       RWStepShape_RWSubface tool;
3847       tool.Share(anent,iter);
3848     }
3849     break;
3850     case 494:
3851     {
3852       DeclareAndCast(StepShape_Subedge,anent,ent);
3853       RWStepShape_RWSubedge tool;
3854       tool.Share(anent,iter);
3855     }
3856     break;
3857     case 495:
3858     {
3859       DeclareAndCast(StepShape_SeamEdge,anent,ent);
3860       RWStepShape_RWSeamEdge tool;
3861       tool.Share(anent,iter);
3862     }
3863     break;
3864     case 496:
3865     {
3866       DeclareAndCast(StepShape_ConnectedFaceSubSet,anent,ent);
3867       RWStepShape_RWConnectedFaceSubSet tool;
3868       tool.Share(anent,iter);
3869     }
3870     break;
3871     case 500:
3872     {
3873       DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_EulerAngles,anent,ent);
3874       RWStepBasic_RWEulerAngles tool;
3875       tool.Share(anent,iter);
3876     }
3877     break;
3878     case 501:
3879       {
3880         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_MassUnit,anent,ent);
3881         RWStepBasic_RWMassUnit tool;
3882         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3883       }
3884       break;
3885     case 502:
3886       {
3887         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ThermodynamicTemperatureUnit,anent,ent);
3888         RWStepBasic_RWThermodynamicTemperatureUnit tool;
3889         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3890       }
3891       break;
3892     case 503:
3893       {
3894         DeclareAndCast(StepElement_AnalysisItemWithinRepresentation,anent,ent);
3895         RWStepElement_RWAnalysisItemWithinRepresentation tool;
3896         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3897       }
3898       break;
3899     case 504:
3900       {
3901         DeclareAndCast(StepElement_Curve3dElementDescriptor,anent,ent);
3902         RWStepElement_RWCurve3dElementDescriptor tool;
3903         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3904       }
3905       break;
3906     case 505:
3907       {
3908         DeclareAndCast(StepElement_CurveElementEndReleasePacket,anent,ent);
3909         RWStepElement_RWCurveElementEndReleasePacket tool;
3910         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3911       }
3912       break;
3913     case 506:
3914       {
3915         DeclareAndCast(StepElement_CurveElementSectionDefinition,anent,ent);
3916         RWStepElement_RWCurveElementSectionDefinition tool;
3917         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3918       }
3919       break;
3920     case 507:
3921       {
3922         DeclareAndCast(StepElement_CurveElementSectionDerivedDefinitions,anent,ent);
3923         RWStepElement_RWCurveElementSectionDerivedDefinitions tool;
3924         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3925       }
3926       break;
3927     case 508:
3928       {
3929         DeclareAndCast(StepElement_ElementDescriptor,anent,ent);
3930         RWStepElement_RWElementDescriptor tool;
3931         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3932       }
3933       break;
3934     case 509:
3935       {
3936         DeclareAndCast(StepElement_ElementMaterial,anent,ent);
3937         RWStepElement_RWElementMaterial tool;
3938         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3939       }
3940       break;
3941     case 510:
3942       {
3943         DeclareAndCast(StepElement_Surface3dElementDescriptor,anent,ent);
3944         RWStepElement_RWSurface3dElementDescriptor tool;
3945         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3946       }
3947       break;
3948     case 511:
3949       {
3950         DeclareAndCast(StepElement_SurfaceElementProperty,anent,ent);
3951         RWStepElement_RWSurfaceElementProperty tool;
3952         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3953       }
3954       break;
3955     case 512:
3956       {
3957         DeclareAndCast(StepElement_SurfaceSection,anent,ent);
3958         RWStepElement_RWSurfaceSection tool;
3959         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3960       }
3961       break;
3962     case 513:
3963       {
3964         DeclareAndCast(StepElement_SurfaceSectionField,anent,ent);
3965         RWStepElement_RWSurfaceSectionField tool;
3966         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3967       }
3968       break;
3969     case 514:
3970       {
3971         DeclareAndCast(StepElement_SurfaceSectionFieldConstant,anent,ent);
3972         RWStepElement_RWSurfaceSectionFieldConstant tool;
3973         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3974       }
3975       break;
3976     case 515:
3977       {
3978         DeclareAndCast(StepElement_SurfaceSectionFieldVarying,anent,ent);
3979         RWStepElement_RWSurfaceSectionFieldVarying tool;
3980         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3981       }
3982       break;
3983     case 516:
3984       {
3985         DeclareAndCast(StepElement_UniformSurfaceSection,anent,ent);
3986         RWStepElement_RWUniformSurfaceSection tool;
3987         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3988       }
3989       break;
3990     case 517:
3991       {
3992         DeclareAndCast(StepElement_Volume3dElementDescriptor,anent,ent);
3993         RWStepElement_RWVolume3dElementDescriptor tool;
3994         tool.Share(anent,iter);
3995       }
3996       break;
3997     case 518:
3998       {
3999         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_AlignedCurve3dElementCoordinateSystem,anent,ent);
4000         RWStepFEA_RWAlignedCurve3dElementCoordinateSystem tool;
4001         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4002       }
4003       break;
4004     case 519:
4005       {
4006         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_ArbitraryVolume3dElementCoordinateSystem,anent,ent);
4007         RWStepFEA_RWArbitraryVolume3dElementCoordinateSystem tool;
4008         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4009       }
4010       break;
4011     case 520:
4012       {
4013         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_Curve3dElementProperty,anent,ent);
4014         RWStepFEA_RWCurve3dElementProperty tool;
4015         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4016       }
4017       break;
4018     case 521:
4019       {
4020         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_Curve3dElementRepresentation,anent,ent);
4021         RWStepFEA_RWCurve3dElementRepresentation tool;
4022         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4023       }
4024       break;
4025     case 522:
4026       {
4027         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_Node,anent,ent);
4028         RWStepFEA_RWNode tool;
4029         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4030       }
4031       break;
4032 //case 523:
4033 //    {
4034 //      DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_CurveElementEndCoordinateSystem,anent,ent);
4035 //      RWStepFEA_RWCurveElementEndCoordinateSystem tool;
4036 //      tool.Share(anent,iter);
4037 //    }
4038 //    break;
4039     case 524:
4040       {
4041         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_CurveElementEndOffset,anent,ent);
4042         RWStepFEA_RWCurveElementEndOffset tool;
4043         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4044       }
4045       break;
4046     case 525:
4047       {
4048         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_CurveElementEndRelease,anent,ent);
4049         RWStepFEA_RWCurveElementEndRelease tool;
4050         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4051       }
4052       break;
4053     case 526:
4054       {
4055         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_CurveElementInterval,anent,ent);
4056         RWStepFEA_RWCurveElementInterval tool;
4057         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4058       }
4059       break;
4060     case 527:
4061       {
4062         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_CurveElementIntervalConstant,anent,ent);
4063         RWStepFEA_RWCurveElementIntervalConstant tool;
4064         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4065       }
4066       break;
4067     case 528:
4068       {
4069         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_DummyNode,anent,ent);
4070         RWStepFEA_RWDummyNode tool;
4071         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4072       }
4073       break;
4074     case 529:
4075       {
4076         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_CurveElementLocation,anent,ent);
4077         RWStepFEA_RWCurveElementLocation tool;
4078         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4079       }
4080       break;
4081     case 530:
4082       {
4083         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_ElementGeometricRelationship,anent,ent);
4084         RWStepFEA_RWElementGeometricRelationship tool;
4085         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4086       }
4087       break;
4088     case 531:
4089       {
4090         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_ElementGroup,anent,ent);
4091         RWStepFEA_RWElementGroup tool;
4092         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4093       }
4094       break;
4095     case 532:
4096       {
4097         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_ElementRepresentation,anent,ent);
4098         RWStepFEA_RWElementRepresentation tool;
4099         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4100       }
4101       break;
4102     case 533:
4103       {
4104         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_FeaAreaDensity,anent,ent);
4105         RWStepFEA_RWFeaAreaDensity tool;
4106         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4107       }
4108       break;
4109     case 534:
4110       {
4111         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_FeaAxis2Placement3d,anent,ent);
4112         RWStepFEA_RWFeaAxis2Placement3d tool;
4113         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4114       }
4115       break;
4116     case 535:
4117       {
4118         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_FeaGroup,anent,ent);
4119         RWStepFEA_RWFeaGroup tool;
4120         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4121       }
4122       break;
4123     case 536:
4124       {
4125         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_FeaLinearElasticity,anent,ent);
4126         RWStepFEA_RWFeaLinearElasticity tool;
4127         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4128       }
4129       break;
4130     case 537:
4131       {
4132         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_FeaMassDensity,anent,ent);
4133         RWStepFEA_RWFeaMassDensity tool;
4134         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4135       }
4136       break;
4137     case 538:
4138       {
4139         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_FeaMaterialPropertyRepresentation,anent,ent);
4140         RWStepFEA_RWFeaMaterialPropertyRepresentation tool;
4141         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4142       }
4143       break;
4144     case 539:
4145       {
4146         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_FeaMaterialPropertyRepresentationItem,anent,ent);
4147         RWStepFEA_RWFeaMaterialPropertyRepresentationItem tool;
4148         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4149       }
4150       break;
4151     case 540:
4152       {
4153         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_FeaModel,anent,ent);
4154         RWStepFEA_RWFeaModel tool;
4155         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4156       }
4157       break;
4158     case 541:
4159       {
4160         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_FeaModel3d,anent,ent);
4161         RWStepFEA_RWFeaModel3d tool;
4162         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4163       }
4164       break;
4165     case 542:
4166       {
4167         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_FeaMoistureAbsorption,anent,ent);
4168         RWStepFEA_RWFeaMoistureAbsorption tool;
4169         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4170       }
4171       break;
4172     case 543:
4173       {
4174         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_FeaParametricPoint,anent,ent);
4175         RWStepFEA_RWFeaParametricPoint tool;
4176         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4177       }
4178       break;
4179     case 544:
4180       {
4181         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_FeaRepresentationItem,anent,ent);
4182         RWStepFEA_RWFeaRepresentationItem tool;
4183         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4184       }
4185       break;
4186     case 545:
4187       {
4188         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_FeaSecantCoefficientOfLinearThermalExpansion,anent,ent);
4189         RWStepFEA_RWFeaSecantCoefficientOfLinearThermalExpansion tool;
4190         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4191       }
4192       break;
4193     case 546:
4194       {
4195         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_FeaShellBendingStiffness,anent,ent);
4196         RWStepFEA_RWFeaShellBendingStiffness tool;
4197         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4198       }
4199       break;
4200     case 547:
4201       {
4202         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_FeaShellMembraneBendingCouplingStiffness,anent,ent);
4203         RWStepFEA_RWFeaShellMembraneBendingCouplingStiffness tool;
4204         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4205       }
4206       break;
4207     case 548:
4208       {
4209         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_FeaShellMembraneStiffness,anent,ent);
4210         RWStepFEA_RWFeaShellMembraneStiffness tool;
4211         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4212       }
4213       break;
4214     case 549:
4215       {
4216         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_FeaShellShearStiffness,anent,ent);
4217         RWStepFEA_RWFeaShellShearStiffness tool;
4218         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4219       }
4220       break;
4221     case 550:
4222       {
4223         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_GeometricNode,anent,ent);
4224         RWStepFEA_RWGeometricNode tool;
4225         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4226       }
4227       break;
4228     case 551:
4229       {
4230         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_FeaTangentialCoefficientOfLinearThermalExpansion,anent,ent);
4231         RWStepFEA_RWFeaTangentialCoefficientOfLinearThermalExpansion tool;
4232         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4233       }
4234       break;
4235     case 552:
4236       {
4237         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_NodeGroup,anent,ent);
4238         RWStepFEA_RWNodeGroup tool;
4239         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4240       }
4241       break;
4242     case 553:
4243       {
4244         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_NodeRepresentation,anent,ent);
4245         RWStepFEA_RWNodeRepresentation tool;
4246         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4247       }
4248       break;
4249     case 554:
4250       {
4251         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_NodeSet,anent,ent);
4252         RWStepFEA_RWNodeSet tool;
4253         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4254       }
4255       break;
4256     case 555:
4257       {
4258         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_NodeWithSolutionCoordinateSystem,anent,ent);
4259         RWStepFEA_RWNodeWithSolutionCoordinateSystem tool;
4260         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4261       }
4262       break;
4263     case 556:
4264       {
4265         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_NodeWithVector,anent,ent);
4266         RWStepFEA_RWNodeWithVector tool;
4267         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4268       }
4269       break;
4270     case 557:
4271       {
4272         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_ParametricCurve3dElementCoordinateDirection,anent,ent);
4273         RWStepFEA_RWParametricCurve3dElementCoordinateDirection tool;
4274         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4275       }
4276       break;
4277     case 558:
4278       {
4279         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_ParametricCurve3dElementCoordinateSystem,anent,ent);
4280         RWStepFEA_RWParametricCurve3dElementCoordinateSystem tool;
4281         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4282       }
4283       break;
4284     case 559:
4285       {
4286         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_ParametricSurface3dElementCoordinateSystem,anent,ent);
4287         RWStepFEA_RWParametricSurface3dElementCoordinateSystem tool;
4288         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4289       }
4290       break;
4291     case 560:
4292       {
4293         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_Surface3dElementRepresentation,anent,ent);
4294         RWStepFEA_RWSurface3dElementRepresentation tool;
4295         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4296       }
4297       break;
4298 //case 561:
4299 //    {
4300 //      DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_SymmetricTensor22d,anent,ent);
4301 //      RWStepFEA_RWSymmetricTensor22d tool;
4302 //      tool.Share(anent,iter);
4303 //    }
4304 //    break;
4305 //case 562:
4306 //    {
4307 //      DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_SymmetricTensor42d,anent,ent);
4308 //      RWStepFEA_RWSymmetricTensor42d tool;
4309 //      tool.Share(anent,iter);
4310 //    }
4311 //    break;
4312 //case 563:
4313 //    {
4314 //      DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_SymmetricTensor43d,anent,ent);
4315 //      RWStepFEA_RWSymmetricTensor43d tool;
4316 //      tool.Share(anent,iter);
4317 //    }
4318 //    break;
4319     case 564:
4320       {
4321         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_Volume3dElementRepresentation,anent,ent);
4322         RWStepFEA_RWVolume3dElementRepresentation tool;
4323         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4324       }
4325       break;
4326     case 565:
4327       {
4328         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_DataEnvironment,anent,ent);
4329         RWStepRepr_RWDataEnvironment tool;
4330         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4331       }
4332       break;
4333     case 566:
4334       {
4335         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_MaterialPropertyRepresentation,anent,ent);
4336         RWStepRepr_RWMaterialPropertyRepresentation tool;
4337         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4338       }
4339       break;
4340     case 567:
4341       {
4342         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_PropertyDefinitionRelationship,anent,ent);
4343         RWStepRepr_RWPropertyDefinitionRelationship tool;
4344         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4345       }
4346       break;
4347     case 568:
4348       {
4349         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_PointRepresentation,anent,ent);
4350         RWStepShape_RWPointRepresentation tool;
4351         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4352       }
4353       break;
4354     case 569:
4355       {
4356         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_MaterialProperty,anent,ent);
4357         RWStepRepr_RWMaterialProperty tool;
4358         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4359       }
4360       break;
4361     case 570:
4362       {
4363         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_FeaModelDefinition,anent,ent);
4364         RWStepFEA_RWFeaModelDefinition tool;
4365         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4366       }
4367       break;
4368     case 571:
4369       {
4370         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_FreedomAndCoefficient,anent,ent);
4371         RWStepFEA_RWFreedomAndCoefficient tool;
4372         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4373       }
4374       break;
4375     case 572:
4376       {
4377         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_FreedomsList,anent,ent);
4378         RWStepFEA_RWFreedomsList tool;
4379         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4380       }
4381       break;
4382     case 573:
4383       {
4384         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ProductDefinitionFormationRelationship,anent,ent);
4385         RWStepBasic_RWProductDefinitionFormationRelationship tool;
4386         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4387       }
4388       break;
4389 //case 574:
4390 //    {
4391 //      DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_FeaModelDefinition,anent,ent);
4392 //      RWStepFEA_RWFeaModelDefinition tool;
4393 //      tool.Share(anent,iter);
4394 //    }
4395 //    break;
4396     case 575:
4397       {
4398         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_NodeDefinition,anent,ent);
4399         RWStepFEA_RWNodeDefinition tool;
4400         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4401       }
4402       break;
4403     case 576:
4404       {
4405         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_StructuralResponseProperty,anent,ent);
4406         RWStepRepr_RWStructuralResponseProperty tool;
4407         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4408       }
4409       break;
4410     case 577:
4411       {
4412         DeclareAndCast(StepRepr_StructuralResponsePropertyDefinitionRepresentation,anent,ent);
4413         RWStepRepr_RWStructuralResponsePropertyDefinitionRepresentation tool;
4414         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4415       }
4416       break;
4417     case 579:
4418       {
4419         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_AlignedSurface3dElementCoordinateSystem,anent,ent);
4420         RWStepFEA_RWAlignedSurface3dElementCoordinateSystem tool;
4421         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4422       }
4423       break;
4424     case 580:
4425       {
4426         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_ConstantSurface3dElementCoordinateSystem,anent,ent);
4427         RWStepFEA_RWConstantSurface3dElementCoordinateSystem tool;
4428         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4429       }
4430       break;
4431     case 581:
4432       {
4433         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_CurveElementIntervalLinearlyVarying,anent,ent);
4434         RWStepFEA_RWCurveElementIntervalLinearlyVarying tool;
4435         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4436       }
4437       break;
4438     case 582:
4439       {
4440         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_FeaCurveSectionGeometricRelationship,anent,ent);
4441         RWStepFEA_RWFeaCurveSectionGeometricRelationship tool;
4442         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4443       }
4444       break;
4445     case 583:
4446       {
4447         DeclareAndCast(StepFEA_FeaSurfaceSectionGeometricRelationship,anent,ent);
4448         RWStepFEA_RWFeaSurfaceSectionGeometricRelationship tool;
4449         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4450       }
4451       break;
4452     case 600:
4453       {
4454         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_DocumentProductAssociation,anent,ent);
4455         RWStepBasic_RWDocumentProductAssociation tool;
4456         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4457       }
4458       break;
4459     case 601:
4460       {
4461         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_DocumentProductEquivalence,anent,ent);
4462         RWStepBasic_RWDocumentProductEquivalence tool;
4463         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4464       }
4465       break;
4467       //  TR12J 04.06.2003 G&DT entities GKA      
4468     case 610:
4469       {
4470         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_ShapeRepresentationWithParameters,anent,ent);
4471         RWStepShape_RWShapeRepresentationWithParameters tool;
4472         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4473       }
4474       break;
4475     case 611:
4476       {
4477         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_AngularityTolerance,anent,ent);
4478         RWStepDimTol_RWAngularityTolerance tool;
4479         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4480       }
4481       break;
4482     case 612:
4483       {
4484         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_ConcentricityTolerance,anent,ent);
4485         RWStepDimTol_RWConcentricityTolerance tool;
4486         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4487       }
4488       break;
4489     case 613:
4490       {
4491         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_CircularRunoutTolerance,anent,ent);
4492         RWStepDimTol_RWCircularRunoutTolerance tool;
4493         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4494       }
4495       break;
4496     case 614:
4497       {
4498         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_CoaxialityTolerance,anent,ent);
4499         RWStepDimTol_RWCoaxialityTolerance tool;
4500         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4501       }
4502       break;
4503     case 615:
4504       {
4505         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_FlatnessTolerance,anent,ent);
4506         RWStepDimTol_RWFlatnessTolerance tool;
4507         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4508       }
4509       break;
4510     case 616:
4511       {
4512         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_LineProfileTolerance,anent,ent);
4513         RWStepDimTol_RWLineProfileTolerance tool;
4514         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4515       }
4516       break;
4517     case 617:
4518       {
4519         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_ParallelismTolerance,anent,ent);
4520         RWStepDimTol_RWParallelismTolerance tool;
4521         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4522       }
4523       break;
4524     case 618:
4525       {
4526         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_PerpendicularityTolerance,anent,ent);
4527         RWStepDimTol_RWPerpendicularityTolerance tool;
4528         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4529       }
4530       break;
4531     case 619:
4532       {
4533         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_PositionTolerance,anent,ent);
4534         RWStepDimTol_RWPositionTolerance tool;
4535         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4536       }
4537       break;
4538     case 620:
4539       {
4540         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_RoundnessTolerance,anent,ent);
4541         RWStepDimTol_RWRoundnessTolerance tool;
4542         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4543       }
4544       break;
4545     case 621:
4546       {
4547         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_StraightnessTolerance,anent,ent);
4548         RWStepDimTol_RWStraightnessTolerance tool;
4549         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4550       }
4551       break;  
4552     case 622:
4553       {
4554         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_SurfaceProfileTolerance,anent,ent);
4555         RWStepDimTol_RWSurfaceProfileTolerance tool;
4556         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4557       }
4558       break; 
4559     case 623:
4560       {
4561         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_SymmetryTolerance,anent,ent);
4562         RWStepDimTol_RWSymmetryTolerance tool;
4563         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4564       }
4565       break; 
4566     case 624:
4567       {
4568         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_TotalRunoutTolerance,anent,ent);
4569         RWStepDimTol_RWTotalRunoutTolerance tool;
4570         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4571       }
4572       break; 
4573     case 625:
4574       {
4575         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_GeometricTolerance,anent,ent);
4576         RWStepDimTol_RWGeometricTolerance tool;
4577         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4578       }
4579       break; 
4580     case 626:
4581       {
4582         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_GeometricToleranceRelationship,anent,ent);
4583         RWStepDimTol_RWGeometricToleranceRelationship tool;
4584         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4585       }
4586       break; 
4588     case 627:
4589       {
4590         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_GeometricToleranceWithDatumReference,anent,ent);
4591         RWStepDimTol_RWGeometricToleranceWithDatumReference tool;
4592         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4593       }
4594       break; 
4595     case 628:
4596       {
4597         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_ModifiedGeometricTolerance,anent,ent);
4598         RWStepDimTol_RWModifiedGeometricTolerance tool;
4599         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4600       }
4601       break; 
4602     case 629:
4603       {
4604         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_Datum,anent,ent);
4605         RWStepDimTol_RWDatum tool;
4606         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4607       }
4608       break; 
4610     case 630:
4611       {
4612         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_DatumFeature,anent,ent);
4613         RWStepDimTol_RWDatumFeature tool;
4614         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4615       }
4616       break; 
4617     case 631:
4618       {
4619         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_DatumReference,anent,ent);
4620         RWStepDimTol_RWDatumReference tool;
4621         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4622       }
4623       break; 
4625     case 632:
4626       {
4627         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_CommonDatum,anent,ent);
4628         RWStepDimTol_RWCommonDatum tool;
4629         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4630       }
4631       break; 
4632     case 633:
4633       {
4634         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_DatumTarget,anent,ent);
4635         RWStepDimTol_RWDatumTarget tool;
4636         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4637       }
4638       break; 
4639     case 634:
4640       {
4641         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_PlacedDatumTargetFeature,anent,ent);
4642         RWStepDimTol_RWPlacedDatumTargetFeature tool;
4643         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4644       }
4645       break;   
4646     case 636:
4647       {
4648         DeclareAndCast(StepDimTol_GeoTolAndGeoTolWthDatRefAndModGeoTolAndPosTol,anent,ent);
4649         RWStepDimTol_RWGeoTolAndGeoTolWthDatRefAndModGeoTolAndPosTol tool;
4650         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4651       }
4652       break;   
4653     case 650:
4654       {
4655         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnitAndMassUnit,anent,ent);
4656         RWStepBasic_RWConversionBasedUnitAndMassUnit tool;
4657         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4658       }
4659       break;
4660     case 651:
4661       {
4662         DeclareAndCast(StepBasic_MassMeasureWithUnit,anent,ent);
4663         RWStepBasic_RWMassMeasureWithUnit tool;
4664         tool.Share(anent,iter);
4665       }
4666       break;
4669     default : break;
4670     }
4671 }
4674 //=======================================================================
4675 //function : CheckCase
4676 //purpose  : 
4677 //=======================================================================
4679 void RWStepAP214_GeneralModule::CheckCase(const Standard_Integer CN,
4680                                           const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent,
4681                                           const Interface_ShareTool& shares,
4682                                           Handle(Interface_Check)& ach) const
4683 {  
4684   switch (CN)
4685     {
4686     case 39:
4687       {
4688         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_BSplineCurveWithKnots,anent,ent);
4689         RWStepGeom_RWBSplineCurveWithKnots tool;
4690         tool.Check(anent,shares,ach);
4691         break;
4692       }
4693     case 41 :
4694       {
4695         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_BSplineSurfaceWithKnots,anent,ent);
4696         RWStepGeom_RWBSplineSurfaceWithKnots tool;
4697         tool.Check(anent,shares,ach);
4698         break;
4699       }
4700     case 52:
4701       {
4702         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_BrepWithVoids,anent,ent);
4703         RWStepShape_RWBrepWithVoids tool;
4704         tool.Check(anent,shares,ach);
4705         break;
4706       }
4707     case 105:
4708       {
4709         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_Direction,anent,ent);
4710         RWStepGeom_RWDirection tool;
4711         tool.Check(anent,shares,ach);
4712         break;
4713       }
4714     case 116:
4715       {
4716         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_EdgeCurve,anent,ent);
4717         RWStepShape_RWEdgeCurve tool;
4718         tool.Check(anent,shares,ach);
4719         break;
4720       }
4721     case 117:
4722       {
4723         DeclareAndCast(StepShape_EdgeLoop,anent,ent);
4724         RWStepShape_RWEdgeLoop tool;
4725         tool.Check(anent,shares,ach);
4726         break;
4727       }
4728     case 119:
4729       {
4730         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_Ellipse,anent,ent);
4731         RWStepGeom_RWEllipse tool;
4732         tool.Check(anent,shares,ach);
4733         break;
4734       }
4735 //    case 131:
4736 //      {
4737 //      DeclareAndCast(StepShape_FaceBound,anent,ent);
4738 //      RWStepShape_RWFaceBound tool;
4739 //      tool.Check(anent,shares,ach);
4740 //      break;
4741 //      }
4742     case 239:
4743       {
4744         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_RationalBSplineCurve,anent,ent);
4745         RWStepGeom_RWRationalBSplineCurve tool;
4746         tool.Check(anent,shares,ach);
4747         break;
4748       }
4749     case 240 :
4750       {
4751         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_RationalBSplineSurface,anent,ent);
4752         RWStepGeom_RWRationalBSplineSurface tool;
4753         tool.Check(anent,shares,ach);
4754         break;
4755       }
4756     case 305 :
4757       {
4758         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_ToroidalSurface,anent,ent);
4759         RWStepGeom_RWToroidalSurface tool;
4760         tool.Check(anent,shares,ach);
4761         break;
4762       }
4763     case 313:
4764       {
4765         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_Vector,anent,ent);
4766         RWStepGeom_RWVector tool;
4767         tool.Check(anent,shares,ach);
4768         break;
4769       }
4770     case 320:
4771       {
4772         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_BSplineCurveWithKnotsAndRationalBSplineCurve,anent,ent);
4773         RWStepGeom_RWBSplineCurveWithKnotsAndRationalBSplineCurve tool;
4774         tool.Check(anent,shares,ach);
4775         break;
4776       }
4777     case 323:
4778       {
4779         DeclareAndCast(StepGeom_BSplineSurfaceWithKnotsAndRationalBSplineSurface,anent,ent);
4780         RWStepGeom_RWBSplineSurfaceWithKnotsAndRationalBSplineSurface tool;
4781         tool.Check(anent,shares,ach);
4782         break;
4783       }
4784       default : break;
4785     }
4786 }
4789 //=======================================================================
4790 //function : CopyCase
4791 //purpose  : 
4792 //=======================================================================
4794 void RWStepAP214_GeneralModule::CopyCase(const Standard_Integer /*CN*/, 
4795                                          const Handle(Standard_Transient)& /*entfrom*/, 
4796                                          const Handle(Standard_Transient)& /*entto*/, 
4797                                          Interface_CopyTool& /*TC*/) const
4798 {  
4799 }
4801 // --- Construction of empty classe ---
4803 //=======================================================================
4804 //function : NewVoid
4805 //purpose  : 
4806 //=======================================================================
4808 Standard_Boolean RWStepAP214_GeneralModule::NewVoid
4809   (const Standard_Integer CN, Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent) const
4810 {
4811   if (CN == 0) return Standard_False;
4812   switch (CN) {
4813   case 1 : 
4814     ent = new StepBasic_Address;
4815     break;
4816   case 2 : 
4817     ent = new StepShape_AdvancedBrepShapeRepresentation;
4818     break;
4819   case 3 : 
4820     ent = new StepShape_AdvancedFace;
4821     break;
4822   case 7 : 
4823     ent = new StepVisual_AnnotationOccurrence;
4824     break;
4825   case 11 : 
4826     ent = new StepVisual_AnnotationText;
4827     break;
4828   case 12 : 
4829     ent = new StepVisual_AnnotationTextOccurrence;
4830     break;
4831   case 13 : 
4832     ent = new StepBasic_ApplicationContext;
4833     break;
4834   case 14 : 
4835     ent = new StepBasic_ApplicationContextElement;
4836     break;
4837   case 15 : 
4838     ent = new StepBasic_ApplicationProtocolDefinition;
4839     break;
4840   case 16 : 
4841     ent = new StepBasic_Approval;
4842     break;
4843   case 18 : 
4844     ent = new StepBasic_ApprovalPersonOrganization;
4845     break;
4846   case 19 : 
4847     ent = new StepBasic_ApprovalRelationship;
4848     break;
4849   case 20 : 
4850     ent = new StepBasic_ApprovalRole;
4851     break;
4852   case 21 : 
4853     ent = new StepBasic_ApprovalStatus;
4854     break;
4855   case 22 : 
4856     ent = new StepVisual_AreaInSet;
4857     break;
4858   case 23 : 
4859     ent = new StepAP214_AutoDesignActualDateAndTimeAssignment;
4860     break;
4861   case 24 : 
4862     ent = new StepAP214_AutoDesignActualDateAssignment;
4863     break;
4864   case 25 : 
4865     ent = new StepAP214_AutoDesignApprovalAssignment;
4866     break;
4867   case 26 : 
4868     ent = new StepAP214_AutoDesignDateAndPersonAssignment;
4869     break;
4870   case 27 : 
4871     ent = new StepAP214_AutoDesignGroupAssignment;
4872     break;
4873   case 28 : 
4874     ent = new StepAP214_AutoDesignNominalDateAndTimeAssignment;
4875     break;
4876   case 29 : 
4877     ent = new StepAP214_AutoDesignNominalDateAssignment;
4878     break;
4879   case 30 : 
4880     ent = new StepAP214_AutoDesignOrganizationAssignment;
4881     break;
4882   case 31 : 
4883     ent = new StepAP214_AutoDesignPersonAndOrganizationAssignment;
4884     break;
4885   case 32 : 
4886     ent = new StepAP214_AutoDesignPresentedItem;
4887     break;
4888   case 33 : 
4889     ent = new StepAP214_AutoDesignSecurityClassificationAssignment;
4890     break;
4891   case 35 : 
4892     ent = new StepGeom_Axis1Placement;
4893     break;
4894   case 36 : 
4895     ent = new StepGeom_Axis2Placement2d;
4896     break;
4897   case 37 : 
4898     ent = new StepGeom_Axis2Placement3d;
4899     break;
4900   case 38 : 
4901     ent = new StepGeom_BSplineCurve;
4902     break;
4903   case 39 : 
4904     ent = new StepGeom_BSplineCurveWithKnots;
4905     break;
4906   case 40 : 
4907     ent = new StepGeom_BSplineSurface;
4908     break;
4909   case 41 : 
4910     ent = new StepGeom_BSplineSurfaceWithKnots;
4911     break;
4912   case 42 : 
4913     ent = new StepVisual_BackgroundColour;
4914     break;
4915   case 43 : 
4916     ent = new StepGeom_BezierCurve;
4917     break;
4918   case 44 : 
4919     ent = new StepGeom_BezierSurface;
4920     break;
4921   case 45 : 
4922     ent = new StepShape_Block;
4923     break;
4924   case 46 : 
4925     ent = new StepShape_BooleanResult;
4926     break;
4927   case 47 : 
4928     ent = new StepGeom_BoundaryCurve;
4929     break;
4930   case 48 : 
4931     ent = new StepGeom_BoundedCurve;
4932     break;
4933   case 49 : 
4934     ent = new StepGeom_BoundedSurface;
4935     break;
4936   case 50 : 
4937     ent = new StepShape_BoxDomain;
4938     break;
4939   case 51 : 
4940     ent = new StepShape_BoxedHalfSpace;
4941     break;
4942   case 52 : 
4943     ent = new StepShape_BrepWithVoids;
4944     break;
4945   case 53 : 
4946     ent = new StepBasic_CalendarDate;
4947     break;
4948   case 54 : 
4949     ent = new StepVisual_CameraImage;
4950     break;
4951   case 55 : 
4952     ent = new StepVisual_CameraModel;
4953     break;
4954   case 56 : 
4955     ent = new StepVisual_CameraModelD2;
4956     break;
4957   case 57 : 
4958     ent = new StepVisual_CameraModelD3;
4959     break;
4960   case 58 : 
4961     ent = new StepVisual_CameraUsage;
4962     break;
4963   case 59 : 
4964     ent = new StepGeom_CartesianPoint;
4965     break;
4966   case 60 : 
4967     ent = new StepGeom_CartesianTransformationOperator;
4968     break;
4969   case 61 : 
4970     ent = new StepGeom_CartesianTransformationOperator3d;
4971     break;
4972   case 62 : 
4973     ent = new StepGeom_Circle;
4974     break;
4975   case 63 : 
4976     ent = new StepShape_ClosedShell;
4977     break;
4978   case 64 : 
4979     ent = new StepVisual_Colour;
4980     break;
4981   case 65 : 
4982     ent = new StepVisual_ColourRgb;
4983     break;
4984   case 66 : 
4985     ent = new StepVisual_ColourSpecification;
4986     break;
4987   case 67 : 
4988     ent = new StepGeom_CompositeCurve;
4989     break;
4990   case 68 : 
4991     ent = new StepGeom_CompositeCurveOnSurface;
4992     break;
4993   case 69 : 
4994     ent = new StepGeom_CompositeCurveSegment;
4995     break;
4996   case 70 : 
4997     ent = new StepVisual_CompositeText;
4998     break;
4999   case 73 : 
5000     ent = new StepVisual_CompositeTextWithExtent;
5001     break;
5002   case 74 : 
5003     ent = new StepGeom_Conic;
5004     break;
5005   case 75 : 
5006     ent = new StepGeom_ConicalSurface;
5007     break;
5008   case 76 : 
5009     ent = new StepShape_ConnectedFaceSet;
5010     break;
5011   case 77 : 
5012     ent = new StepVisual_ContextDependentInvisibility;
5013     break;
5014   case 78 : 
5015     ent = new StepVisual_ContextDependentOverRidingStyledItem;
5016     break;
5017   case 79 : 
5018     ent = new StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnit;
5019     break;
5020   case 80 : 
5021     ent = new StepBasic_CoordinatedUniversalTimeOffset;
5022     break;
5023   case 82 : 
5024     ent = new StepShape_CsgShapeRepresentation;
5025     break;
5026   case 83 : 
5027     ent = new StepShape_CsgSolid;
5028     break;
5029   case 84 : 
5030     ent = new StepGeom_Curve;
5031     break;
5032   case 85 : 
5033     ent = new StepGeom_CurveBoundedSurface;
5034     break;
5035   case 86 : 
5036     ent = new StepGeom_CurveReplica;
5037     break;
5038   case 87 : 
5039     ent = new StepVisual_CurveStyle;
5040     break;
5041   case 88 : 
5042     ent = new StepVisual_CurveStyleFont;
5043     break;
5044   case 89 : 
5045     ent = new StepVisual_CurveStyleFontPattern;
5046     break;
5047   case 90 : 
5048     ent = new StepGeom_CylindricalSurface;
5049     break;
5050   case 91 : 
5051     ent = new StepBasic_Date;
5052     break;
5053   case 92 : 
5054     ent = new StepBasic_DateAndTime;
5055     break;
5056   case 95 : 
5057     ent = new StepBasic_DateRole;
5058     break;
5059   case 96 : 
5060     ent = new StepBasic_DateTimeRole;
5061     break;
5062   case 98 : 
5063     ent = new StepRepr_DefinitionalRepresentation;
5064     break;
5065   case 99 : 
5066     ent = new StepGeom_DegeneratePcurve;
5067     break;
5068   case 100 : 
5069     ent = new StepGeom_DegenerateToroidalSurface;
5070     break;
5071   case 101 : 
5072     ent = new StepRepr_DescriptiveRepresentationItem;
5073     break;
5074   case 104 : 
5075     ent = new StepBasic_DimensionalExponents;
5076     break;
5077   case 105 : 
5078     ent = new StepGeom_Direction;
5079     break;
5080   case 106 : 
5081     ent = new StepVisual_AnnotationOccurrence;
5082     break;
5083   case 108 : 
5084     ent = new StepVisual_DraughtingPreDefinedColour;
5085     break;
5086   case 109 : 
5087     ent = new StepVisual_DraughtingPreDefinedCurveFont;
5088     break;
5089   case 115 : 
5090     ent = new StepShape_Edge;
5091     break;
5092   case 116 : 
5093     ent = new StepShape_EdgeCurve;
5094     break;
5095   case 117 : 
5096     ent = new StepShape_EdgeLoop;
5097     break;
5098   case 118 : 
5099     ent = new StepGeom_ElementarySurface;
5100     break;
5101   case 119 : 
5102     ent = new StepGeom_Ellipse;
5103     break;
5104   case 120 : 
5105     ent = new StepGeom_EvaluatedDegeneratePcurve;
5106     break;
5107   case 121 : 
5108     ent = new StepBasic_ExternalSource;
5109     break;
5110   case 122 : 
5111     ent = new StepVisual_ExternallyDefinedCurveFont;
5112     break;
5113   case 124 : 
5114     ent = new StepBasic_ExternallyDefinedItem;
5115     break;
5116   case 126 : 
5117     ent = new StepVisual_ExternallyDefinedTextFont;
5118     break;
5119   case 128 : 
5120     ent = new StepShape_ExtrudedAreaSolid;
5121     break;
5122   case 129 : 
5123     ent = new StepShape_Face;
5124     break;
5125   case 131 : 
5126     ent = new StepShape_FaceBound;
5127     break;
5128   case 132 : 
5129     ent = new StepShape_FaceOuterBound;
5130     break;
5131   case 133 : 
5132     ent = new StepShape_FaceSurface;
5133     break;
5134   case 134 : 
5135     ent = new StepShape_FacetedBrep;
5136     break;
5137   case 135 : 
5138     ent = new StepShape_FacetedBrepShapeRepresentation;
5139     break;
5140   case 136 : 
5141     ent = new StepVisual_FillAreaStyle;
5142     break;
5143   case 137 : 
5144     ent = new StepVisual_FillAreaStyleColour;
5145     break;
5146   case 141 : 
5147     ent = new StepRepr_FunctionallyDefinedTransformation;
5148     break;
5149   case 142 : 
5150     ent = new StepShape_GeometricCurveSet;
5151     break;
5152   case 143 : 
5153     ent = new StepGeom_GeometricRepresentationContext;
5154     break;
5155   case 144 : 
5156     ent = new StepGeom_GeometricRepresentationItem;
5157     break;
5158   case 145 : 
5159     ent = new StepShape_GeometricSet;
5160     break;
5161   case 146 : 
5162     ent = new StepShape_GeometricallyBoundedSurfaceShapeRepresentation;
5163     break;
5164   case 147 : 
5165     ent = new StepShape_GeometricallyBoundedWireframeShapeRepresentation;
5166     break;
5167   case 148 : 
5168     ent = new StepRepr_GlobalUncertaintyAssignedContext;
5169     break;
5170   case 149 : 
5171     ent = new StepRepr_GlobalUnitAssignedContext;
5172     break;
5173   case 150 : 
5174     ent = new StepBasic_Group;
5175     break;
5176   case 152 : 
5177     ent = new StepBasic_GroupRelationship;
5178     break;
5179   case 153 : 
5180     ent = new StepShape_HalfSpaceSolid;
5181     break;
5182   case 154 : 
5183     ent = new StepGeom_Hyperbola;
5184     break;
5185   case 155 : 
5186     ent = new StepGeom_IntersectionCurve;
5187     break;
5188   case 156 : 
5189     ent = new StepVisual_Invisibility;
5190     break;
5191   case 157 : 
5192     ent = new StepBasic_LengthMeasureWithUnit;
5193     break;
5194   case 158 : 
5195     ent = new StepBasic_LengthUnit;
5196     break;
5197   case 159 : 
5198     ent = new StepGeom_Line;
5199     break;
5200   case 160 : 
5201     ent = new StepBasic_LocalTime;
5202     break;
5203   case 161 : 
5204     ent = new StepShape_Loop;
5205     break;
5206   case 162 : 
5207     ent = new StepShape_ManifoldSolidBrep;
5208     break;
5209   case 163 : 
5210     ent = new StepShape_ManifoldSurfaceShapeRepresentation;
5211     break;
5212   case 164 : 
5213     ent = new StepRepr_MappedItem;
5214     break;
5215   case 165 : 
5216     ent = new StepBasic_MeasureWithUnit;
5217     break;
5218   case 166 : 
5219     ent = new StepVisual_MechanicalDesignGeometricPresentationArea;
5220     break;
5221   case 167 : 
5222     ent = new StepVisual_MechanicalDesignGeometricPresentationRepresentation;
5223     break;
5224   case 169 : 
5225     ent = new StepBasic_NamedUnit;
5226     break;
5227   case 171 : 
5228     ent = new StepGeom_OffsetCurve3d;
5229     break;
5230   case 172 : 
5231     ent = new StepGeom_OffsetSurface;
5232     break;
5233   case 174 : 
5234     ent = new StepShape_OpenShell;
5235     break;
5236   case 175 : 
5237     ent = new StepBasic_OrdinalDate;
5238     break;
5239   case 176 : 
5240     ent = new StepBasic_Organization;
5241     break;
5242   case 178 : 
5243     ent = new StepBasic_OrganizationRole;
5244     break;
5245   case 179 : 
5246     ent = new StepBasic_OrganizationalAddress;
5247     break;
5248   case 180 : 
5249     ent = new StepShape_OrientedClosedShell;
5250     break;
5251   case 181 : 
5252     ent = new StepShape_OrientedEdge;
5253     break;
5254   case 182 : 
5255     ent = new StepShape_OrientedFace;
5256     break;
5257   case 183 : 
5258     ent = new StepShape_OrientedOpenShell;
5259     break;
5260   case 184 : 
5261     ent = new StepShape_OrientedPath;
5262     break;
5263   case 185 : 
5264     ent = new StepGeom_OuterBoundaryCurve;
5265     break;
5266   case 186 : 
5267     ent = new StepVisual_OverRidingStyledItem;
5268     break;
5269   case 187 : 
5270     ent = new StepGeom_Parabola;
5271     break;
5272   case 188 : 
5273     ent = new StepRepr_ParametricRepresentationContext;
5274     break;
5275   case 189 : 
5276     ent = new StepShape_Path;
5277     break;
5278   case 190 : 
5279     ent = new StepGeom_Pcurve;
5280     break;
5281   case 191 : 
5282     ent = new StepBasic_Person;
5283     break;
5284   case 192 : 
5285     ent = new StepBasic_PersonAndOrganization;
5286     break;
5287   case 194 : 
5288     ent = new StepBasic_PersonAndOrganizationRole;
5289     break;
5290   case 195 : 
5291     ent = new StepBasic_PersonalAddress;
5292     break;
5293   case 196 : 
5294     ent = new StepGeom_Placement;
5295     break;
5296   case 197 : 
5297     ent = new StepVisual_PlanarBox;
5298     break;
5299   case 198 : 
5300     ent = new StepVisual_PlanarExtent;
5301     break;
5302   case 199 : 
5303     ent = new StepGeom_Plane;
5304     break;
5305   case 200 : 
5306     ent = new StepBasic_PlaneAngleMeasureWithUnit;
5307     break;
5308   case 201 : 
5309     ent = new StepBasic_PlaneAngleUnit;
5310     break;
5311   case 202 : 
5312     ent = new StepGeom_Point;
5313     break;
5314   case 203 : 
5315     ent = new StepGeom_PointOnCurve;
5316     break;
5317   case 204 : 
5318     ent = new StepGeom_PointOnSurface;
5319     break;
5320   case 205 : 
5321     ent = new StepGeom_PointReplica;
5322     break;
5323   case 206 : 
5324     ent = new StepVisual_PointStyle;
5325     break;
5326   case 207 : 
5327     ent = new StepShape_PolyLoop;
5328     break;
5329   case 208 : 
5330     ent = new StepGeom_Polyline;
5331     break;
5332   case 209 : 
5333     ent = new StepVisual_PreDefinedColour;
5334     break;
5335   case 210 : 
5336     ent = new StepVisual_PreDefinedCurveFont;
5337     break;
5338   case 211 : 
5339     ent = new StepVisual_PreDefinedItem;
5340     break;
5341   case 213 : 
5342     ent = new StepVisual_PreDefinedTextFont;
5343     break;
5344   case 214 : 
5345     ent = new StepVisual_PresentationArea;
5346     break;
5347   case 215 : 
5348     ent = new StepVisual_PresentationLayerAssignment;
5349     break;
5350   case 216 : 
5351     ent = new StepVisual_PresentationRepresentation;
5352     break;
5353   case 217 : 
5354     ent = new StepVisual_PresentationSet;
5355     break;
5356   case 218 : 
5357     ent = new StepVisual_PresentationSize;
5358     break;
5359   case 219 : 
5360     ent = new StepVisual_PresentationStyleAssignment;
5361     break;
5362   case 220 : 
5363     ent = new StepVisual_PresentationStyleByContext;
5364     break;
5365   case 221 : 
5366     ent = new StepVisual_PresentationView;
5367     break;
5368   case 223 : 
5369     ent = new StepBasic_Product;
5370     break;
5371   case 224 : 
5372     ent = new StepBasic_ProductCategory;
5373     break;
5374   case 225 : 
5375     ent = new StepBasic_ProductContext;
5376     break;
5377   case 227 : 
5378     ent = new StepBasic_ProductDefinition;
5379     break;
5380   case 228 : 
5381     ent = new StepBasic_ProductDefinitionContext;
5382     break;
5383   case 229 : 
5384     ent = new StepBasic_ProductDefinitionFormation;
5385     break;
5386   case 230 : 
5387     ent = new StepBasic_ProductDefinitionFormationWithSpecifiedSource;
5388     break;
5389   case 231 : 
5390     ent = new StepRepr_ProductDefinitionShape;
5391     break;
5392   case 232 : 
5393     ent = new StepBasic_ProductRelatedProductCategory;
5394     break;
5395   case 233 : 
5396     ent = new StepBasic_ProductType;
5397     break;
5398   case 234 : 
5399     ent = new StepRepr_PropertyDefinition;
5400     break;
5401   case 235 : 
5402     ent = new StepRepr_PropertyDefinitionRepresentation;
5403     break;
5404   case 236 : 
5405     ent = new StepGeom_QuasiUniformCurve;
5406     break;
5407   case 237 : 
5408     ent = new StepGeom_QuasiUniformSurface;
5409     break;
5410   case 238 : 
5411     ent = new StepBasic_RatioMeasureWithUnit;
5412     break;
5413   case 239 : 
5414     ent = new StepGeom_RationalBSplineCurve;
5415     break;
5416   case 240 : 
5417     ent = new StepGeom_RationalBSplineSurface;
5418     break;
5419   case 241 : 
5420     ent = new StepGeom_RectangularCompositeSurface;
5421     break;
5422   case 242 : 
5423     ent = new StepGeom_RectangularTrimmedSurface;
5424     break;
5425   case 243 : 
5426     ent = new StepAP214_RepItemGroup;
5427     break;
5428   case 244 : 
5429     ent = new StepGeom_ReparametrisedCompositeCurveSegment;
5430     break;
5431   case 245 : 
5432     ent = new StepRepr_Representation;
5433     break;
5434   case 246 : 
5435     ent = new StepRepr_RepresentationContext;
5436     break;
5437   case 247 : 
5438     ent = new StepRepr_RepresentationItem;
5439     break;
5440   case 248 : 
5441     ent = new StepRepr_RepresentationMap;
5442     break;
5443   case 249 : 
5444     ent = new StepRepr_RepresentationRelationship;
5445     break;
5446   case 250 : 
5447     ent = new StepShape_RevolvedAreaSolid;
5448     break;
5449   case 251 : 
5450     ent = new StepShape_RightAngularWedge;
5451     break;
5452   case 252 : 
5453     ent = new StepShape_RightCircularCone;
5454     break;
5455   case 253 : 
5456     ent = new StepShape_RightCircularCylinder;
5457     break;
5458   case 254 : 
5459     ent = new StepGeom_SeamCurve;
5460     break;
5461   case 255 : 
5462     ent = new StepBasic_SecurityClassification;
5463     break;
5464   case 257 : 
5465     ent = new StepBasic_SecurityClassificationLevel;
5466     break;
5467   case 258 : 
5468     ent = new StepRepr_ShapeAspect;
5469     break;
5470   case 259 : 
5471     ent = new StepRepr_ShapeAspectRelationship;
5472     break;
5473   case 260 : 
5474     ent = new StepRepr_ShapeAspectTransition;
5475     break;
5476   case 261 : 
5477     ent = new StepShape_ShapeDefinitionRepresentation;
5478     break;
5479   case 262 : 
5480     ent = new StepShape_ShapeRepresentation;
5481     break;
5482   case 263 : 
5483     ent = new StepShape_ShellBasedSurfaceModel;
5484     break;
5485   case 264 : 
5486     ent = new StepBasic_SiUnit;
5487     break;
5488   case 265 : 
5489     ent = new StepBasic_SolidAngleMeasureWithUnit;
5490     break;
5491   case 266 : 
5492     ent = new StepShape_SolidModel;
5493     break;
5494   case 267 : 
5495     ent = new StepShape_SolidReplica;
5496     break;
5497   case 268 : 
5498     ent = new StepShape_Sphere;
5499     break;
5500   case 269 : 
5501     ent = new StepGeom_SphericalSurface;
5502     break;
5503   case 270 : 
5504     ent = new StepVisual_StyledItem;
5505     break;
5506   case 271 : 
5507     ent = new StepGeom_Surface;
5508     break;
5509   case 272 : 
5510     ent = new StepGeom_SurfaceCurve;
5511     break;
5512   case 273 : 
5513     ent = new StepGeom_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion;
5514     break;
5515   case 274 : 
5516     ent = new StepGeom_SurfaceOfRevolution;
5517     break;
5518   case 275 : 
5519     ent = new StepGeom_SurfacePatch;
5520     break;
5521   case 276 : 
5522     ent = new StepGeom_SurfaceReplica;
5523     break;
5524   case 277 : 
5525     ent = new StepVisual_SurfaceSideStyle;
5526     break;
5527   case 278 : 
5528     ent = new StepVisual_SurfaceStyleBoundary;
5529     break;
5530   case 279 : 
5531     ent = new StepVisual_SurfaceStyleControlGrid;
5532     break;
5533   case 280 : 
5534     ent = new StepVisual_SurfaceStyleFillArea;
5535     break;
5536   case 281 : 
5537     ent = new StepVisual_SurfaceStyleParameterLine;
5538     break;
5539   case 282 : 
5540     ent = new StepVisual_SurfaceStyleSegmentationCurve;
5541     break;
5542   case 283 : 
5543     ent = new StepVisual_SurfaceStyleSilhouette;
5544     break;
5545   case 284 : 
5546     ent = new StepVisual_SurfaceStyleUsage;
5547     break;
5548   case 285 : 
5549     ent = new StepShape_SweptAreaSolid;
5550     break;
5551   case 286 : 
5552     ent = new StepGeom_SweptSurface;
5553     break;
5554   case 292 : 
5555     ent = new StepVisual_Template;
5556     break;
5557   case 293 : 
5558     ent = new StepVisual_TemplateInstance;
5559     break;
5560   case 295 : 
5561     ent = new StepVisual_TextLiteral;
5562     break;
5563   case 300 : 
5564     ent = new StepVisual_TextStyle;
5565     break;
5566   case 301 : 
5567     ent = new StepVisual_TextStyleForDefinedFont;
5568     break;
5569   case 302 : 
5570     ent = new StepVisual_TextStyleWithBoxCharacteristics;
5571     break;
5572   case 304 : 
5573     ent = new StepShape_TopologicalRepresentationItem;
5574     break;
5575   case 305 : 
5576     ent = new StepGeom_ToroidalSurface;
5577     break;
5578   case 306 : 
5579     ent = new StepShape_Torus;
5580     break;
5581   case 307 : 
5582     ent = new StepShape_TransitionalShapeRepresentation;
5583     break;
5584   case 308 : 
5585     ent = new StepGeom_TrimmedCurve;
5586     break;
5587   case 310 : 
5588     ent = new StepBasic_UncertaintyMeasureWithUnit;
5589     break;
5590   case 311 : 
5591     ent = new StepGeom_UniformCurve;
5592     break;
5593   case 312 : 
5594     ent = new StepGeom_UniformSurface;
5595     break;
5596   case 313 : 
5597     ent = new StepGeom_Vector;
5598     break;
5599   case 314 : 
5600     ent = new StepShape_Vertex;
5601     break;
5602   case 315 : 
5603     ent = new StepShape_VertexLoop;
5604     break;
5605   case 316 : 
5606     ent = new StepShape_VertexPoint;
5607     break;
5608   case 317 : 
5609     ent = new StepVisual_ViewVolume;
5610     break;
5611   case 318 : 
5612     ent = new StepBasic_WeekOfYearAndDayDate;
5613     break;
5614   case 319 : 
5615     ent = new StepGeom_UniformCurveAndRationalBSplineCurve;
5616     break;
5617   case 320 : 
5618     ent = new StepGeom_BSplineCurveWithKnotsAndRationalBSplineCurve;
5619     break;
5620   case 321 : 
5621     ent = new StepGeom_QuasiUniformCurveAndRationalBSplineCurve;
5622     break;
5623   case 322 : 
5624     ent = new StepGeom_BezierCurveAndRationalBSplineCurve;
5625     break;
5626   case 323 : 
5627     ent = new StepGeom_BSplineSurfaceWithKnotsAndRationalBSplineSurface;
5628     break;
5629   case 324 : 
5630     ent = new StepGeom_UniformSurfaceAndRationalBSplineSurface;
5631     break;
5632   case 325 : 
5633     ent = new StepGeom_QuasiUniformSurfaceAndRationalBSplineSurface;
5634     break;
5635   case 326 : 
5636     ent = new StepGeom_BezierSurfaceAndRationalBSplineSurface;
5637     break;
5638   case 327 : 
5639     ent = new StepBasic_SiUnitAndLengthUnit;
5640     break;
5641   case 328 : 
5642     ent = new StepBasic_SiUnitAndPlaneAngleUnit;
5643     break;
5644   case 329 : 
5645     ent = new StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnitAndLengthUnit;
5646     break;
5647   case 330 : 
5648     ent = new StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnitAndPlaneAngleUnit;
5649     break;
5650   case 331 : 
5651     ent = new StepGeom_GeometricRepresentationContextAndGlobalUnitAssignedContext;
5652     break;
5653   case 332 : 
5654     ent = new StepShape_LoopAndPath;
5655     break;
5657     // ------------
5658     // Added by FMA
5659     // ------------
5661   case 333 :
5662     ent = new StepGeom_GeomRepContextAndGlobUnitAssCtxAndGlobUncertaintyAssCtx;
5663     break;
5664   case 334 :
5665     ent = new StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnitAndSolidAngleUnit;
5666     break;
5667   case 335 :
5668     ent = new StepBasic_SiUnitAndSolidAngleUnit;
5669     break;
5670   case 336 :
5671     ent = new StepBasic_SolidAngleUnit;
5672     break;
5673   case 337 :
5674     ent = new StepShape_FacetedBrepAndBrepWithVoids;
5675     break;
5676   case 338 : 
5677     ent = new StepGeom_GeometricRepresentationContextAndParametricRepresentationContext;
5678     break;
5679   case 339:
5680     ent = new StepBasic_MechanicalContext;
5681     break;
5683     // ------------
5684     // Added by CKY
5685     // ------------
5687   case 340:
5688     ent = new StepBasic_DesignContext;
5689     break;
5691     // ------------
5692     // Added for Rev4
5693     // ------------
5695   case 341:
5696     ent = new StepBasic_TimeMeasureWithUnit;
5697     break;
5698   case 342:
5699     ent = new StepBasic_RatioUnit;
5700     break;
5701   case 343:
5702     ent = new StepBasic_TimeUnit;
5703     break;
5704   case 344:
5705     ent = new StepBasic_SiUnitAndRatioUnit;
5706     break;
5707   case 345:
5708     ent = new StepBasic_SiUnitAndTimeUnit;
5709     break;
5710   case 346:
5711     ent = new StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnitAndRatioUnit;
5712     break;
5713   case 347:
5714     ent = new StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnitAndTimeUnit;
5715     break;
5716   case 348:
5717     ent = new StepBasic_ApprovalDateTime;
5718     break;
5719   case 349:
5720     ent = new StepVisual_CameraImage2dWithScale;
5721     break;
5722   case 350:
5723     ent = new StepVisual_CameraImage3dWithScale;
5724     break;
5725   case 351:
5726     ent = new StepGeom_CartesianTransformationOperator2d;
5727     break;
5728   case 352:
5729     ent = new StepBasic_DerivedUnit;
5730     break;
5731   case 353:
5732     ent = new StepBasic_DerivedUnitElement;
5733     break;
5734   case 354:
5735     ent = new StepRepr_ItemDefinedTransformation;
5736     break;
5737   case 355:
5738     ent = new StepVisual_PresentedItemRepresentation;
5739     break;
5740   case 356:
5741     ent = new StepVisual_PresentationLayerUsage;
5742     break;
5743   case 357:  // LECTURE SEULEMENT, origine CATIA. CKY 2-SEP-1997
5744     ent = new StepBasic_UncertaintyMeasureWithUnit;
5745     break;
5746   case 358: //:n5
5747     ent = new StepGeom_SurfaceCurveAndBoundedCurve;
5748     break;
5750 //  Added CKY : AP214 CC1 -> CC2
5751   case 366:
5752     ent = new StepAP214_AutoDesignDocumentReference;
5753     break;
5754   case 367:
5755     ent = new StepBasic_Document;
5756     break;
5757   case 368:
5758     ent = new StepBasic_DigitalDocument;
5759     break;
5760   case 369:
5761     ent = new StepBasic_DocumentRelationship;
5762     break;
5763   case 370:
5764     ent = new StepBasic_DocumentType;
5765     break;
5766   case 371:
5767     ent = new StepBasic_DocumentUsageConstraint;
5768     break;
5769   case 372:
5770     ent = new StepBasic_Effectivity;
5771     break;
5772   case 373:
5773     ent = new StepBasic_ProductDefinitionEffectivity;
5774     break;
5775   case 374:
5776     ent = new StepBasic_ProductDefinitionRelationship;
5777     break;
5779   case 375:
5780     ent = new StepBasic_ProductDefinitionWithAssociatedDocuments;
5781     break;
5782   case 376:
5783     ent = new StepBasic_PhysicallyModeledProductDefinition;
5784     break;
5786   case 377:
5787     ent = new StepRepr_ProductDefinitionUsage;
5788     break;
5789   case 378:
5790     ent = new StepRepr_MakeFromUsageOption;
5791     break;
5792   case 379:
5793     ent = new StepRepr_AssemblyComponentUsage;
5794     break;
5795   case 380:
5796     ent = new StepRepr_NextAssemblyUsageOccurrence;
5797     break;
5798   case 381:
5799     ent = new StepRepr_PromissoryUsageOccurrence;
5800     break;
5801   case 382:
5802     ent = new StepRepr_QuantifiedAssemblyComponentUsage;
5803     break;
5804   case 383:
5805     ent = new StepRepr_SpecifiedHigherUsageOccurrence;
5806     break;
5807   case 384:
5808     ent = new StepRepr_AssemblyComponentUsageSubstitute;
5809     break;
5810   case 385:
5811     ent = new StepRepr_SuppliedPartRelationship;
5812     break;
5813   case 386:
5814     ent = new StepRepr_ExternallyDefinedRepresentation;
5815     break;
5816   case 387:
5817     ent = new StepRepr_ShapeRepresentationRelationship;
5818     break;
5819   case 388:
5820     ent = new StepRepr_RepresentationRelationshipWithTransformation;
5821     break;
5822   case 389:
5823     ent = new StepRepr_ShapeRepresentationRelationshipWithTransformation;
5824     break;
5825   case 390:
5826     ent = new StepRepr_MaterialDesignation;
5827     break;
5829   case 391:
5830     ent = new StepShape_ContextDependentShapeRepresentation;
5831     break;
5833   //:S4134: Added from CD to DIS
5834   case 392:
5835     ent = new StepAP214_AppliedDateAndTimeAssignment;
5836     break;
5837   case 393:
5838     ent = new StepAP214_AppliedDateAssignment;
5839     break;
5840   case 394:
5841     ent = new StepAP214_AppliedApprovalAssignment;
5842     break;
5843   case 395:
5844     ent = new StepAP214_AppliedGroupAssignment;
5845     break;
5846   case 396:
5847     ent = new StepAP214_AppliedOrganizationAssignment;
5848     break;
5849   case 397:
5850     ent = new StepAP214_AppliedPersonAndOrganizationAssignment;
5851     break;
5852   case 398:
5853     ent = new StepAP214_AppliedPresentedItem;
5854     break;
5855   case 399:
5856     ent = new StepAP214_AppliedSecurityClassificationAssignment;
5857     break;
5858   case 400:
5859     ent = new StepAP214_AppliedDocumentReference;
5860     break;
5861   case 401:
5862     ent = new StepBasic_DocumentFile;
5863     break;
5864   case 402:
5865     ent = new StepBasic_CharacterizedObject;
5866     break;
5867   case 403:
5868     ent = new StepShape_ExtrudedFaceSolid;
5869     break;
5870   case 404:
5871     ent = new StepShape_RevolvedFaceSolid ;
5872     break;
5873   case 405:
5874     ent = new StepShape_SweptFaceSolid;
5875     break;
5876   case 406:
5877     ent = new StepRepr_MeasureRepresentationItem;
5878     break;
5879   case 407:
5880     ent = new StepBasic_AreaUnit;
5881     break;
5882   case 408:
5883     ent = new StepBasic_VolumeUnit;
5884     break;
5885   case 409:
5886     ent = new StepBasic_SiUnitAndAreaUnit;
5887     break;
5888   case 410:
5889     ent = new StepBasic_SiUnitAndVolumeUnit;
5890     break;
5891   case 411:
5892     ent = new StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnitAndAreaUnit;
5893     break;
5894   case 412:
5895     ent = new StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnitAndVolumeUnit;
5896     break;
5897   // Added by ABV 10.11.99 for AP203
5898   case 413:
5899     ent = new StepBasic_Action;
5900     break;
5901   case 414:
5902     ent = new StepBasic_ActionAssignment;
5903     break;
5904   case 415:
5905     ent = new StepBasic_ActionMethod;
5906     break;
5907   case 416:
5908     ent = new StepBasic_ActionRequestAssignment;
5909     break;
5910   case 417:
5911     ent = new StepAP203_CcDesignApproval;
5912     break;
5913   case 418:
5914     ent = new StepAP203_CcDesignCertification;
5915     break;
5916   case 419:
5917     ent = new StepAP203_CcDesignContract;
5918     break;
5919   case 420:
5920     ent = new StepAP203_CcDesignDateAndTimeAssignment;
5921     break;
5922   case 421:
5923     ent = new StepAP203_CcDesignPersonAndOrganizationAssignment;
5924     break;
5925   case 422:
5926     ent = new StepAP203_CcDesignSecurityClassification;
5927     break;
5928   case 423:
5929     ent = new StepAP203_CcDesignSpecificationReference;
5930     break;
5931   case 424:
5932     ent = new StepBasic_Certification;
5933     break;
5934   case 425:
5935     ent = new StepBasic_CertificationAssignment;
5936     break;
5937   case 426:
5938     ent = new StepBasic_CertificationType;
5939     break;
5940   case 427:
5941     ent = new StepAP203_Change;
5942     break;
5943   case 428:
5944     ent = new StepAP203_ChangeRequest;
5945     break;
5946   case 429:
5947     ent = new StepRepr_ConfigurationDesign;
5948     break;
5949   case 430:
5950     ent = new StepRepr_ConfigurationEffectivity;
5951     break;
5952   case 431:
5953     ent = new StepBasic_Contract;
5954     break;
5955   case 432:
5956     ent = new StepBasic_ContractAssignment;
5957     break;
5958   case 433:
5959     ent = new StepBasic_ContractType;
5960     break;
5961   case 434:
5962     ent = new StepRepr_ProductConcept;
5963     break;
5964   case 435:
5965     ent = new StepBasic_ProductConceptContext;
5966     break;
5967   case 436:
5968     ent = new StepAP203_StartRequest;
5969     break;
5970   case 437:
5971     ent = new StepAP203_StartWork;
5972     break;
5973   case 438:
5974     ent = new StepBasic_VersionedActionRequest;
5975     break;
5976   case 439:
5977     ent = new StepBasic_ProductCategoryRelationship;
5978     break;
5979   case 440:
5980     ent = new StepBasic_ActionRequestSolution;
5981     break;
5982   case 441:
5983     ent = new StepVisual_DraughtingModel;
5984     break;
5985   case 442:
5986     ent = new StepShape_AngularLocation;
5987     break;
5988   case 443:
5989     ent = new StepShape_AngularSize;
5990     break;
5991   case 444:
5992     ent = new StepShape_DimensionalCharacteristicRepresentation;
5993     break;
5994   case 445:
5995     ent = new StepShape_DimensionalLocation;
5996     break;
5997   case 446:
5998     ent = new StepShape_DimensionalLocationWithPath;
5999     break;
6000   case 447:
6001     ent = new StepShape_DimensionalSize;
6002     break;
6003   case 448:
6004     ent = new StepShape_DimensionalSizeWithPath;
6005     break;
6006   case 449:
6007     ent = new StepShape_ShapeDimensionRepresentation;
6008     break;
6009   case 450:
6010     ent = new StepBasic_DocumentRepresentationType;
6011     break;
6012   case 451:
6013     ent = new StepBasic_ObjectRole;
6014     break;
6015   case 452:
6016     ent = new StepBasic_RoleAssociation;
6017     break;
6018   case 453:
6019     ent = new StepBasic_IdentificationRole;
6020     break;
6021   case 454:
6022     ent = new StepBasic_IdentificationAssignment;
6023     break;
6024   case 455:
6025     ent = new StepBasic_ExternalIdentificationAssignment;
6026     break;
6027   case 456:
6028     ent = new StepBasic_EffectivityAssignment;
6029     break;
6030   case 457:
6031     ent = new StepBasic_NameAssignment;
6032     break;
6033   case 458:
6034     ent = new StepBasic_GeneralProperty;
6035     break;
6036   case 459:
6037     ent = new StepAP214_Class;
6038     break;
6039   case 460:
6040     ent = new StepAP214_ExternallyDefinedClass;
6041     break;
6042   case 461:
6043     ent = new StepAP214_ExternallyDefinedGeneralProperty;
6044     break;
6045   case 462:
6046     ent = new StepAP214_AppliedExternalIdentificationAssignment;
6047     break;
6048   case 463:
6049     ent = new StepShape_DefinitionalRepresentationAndShapeRepresentation;
6050     break;
6051 //  added by CKY, 25 APR 2001
6052   case 470:
6053     ent = new StepRepr_CompositeShapeAspect;
6054     break;
6055   case 471:
6056     ent = new StepRepr_DerivedShapeAspect;
6057     break;
6058   case 472:
6059     ent = new StepRepr_Extension;
6060     break;
6061   case 473:
6062     ent = new StepShape_DirectedDimensionalLocation;
6063     break;
6064   case 474:
6065     ent = new StepShape_LimitsAndFits;
6066     break;
6067   case 475:
6068     ent = new StepShape_ToleranceValue;
6069     break;
6070   case 476:
6071     ent = new StepShape_MeasureQualification;
6072     break;
6073   case 477:
6074     ent = new StepShape_PlusMinusTolerance;
6075     break;
6076   case 478:
6077     ent = new StepShape_PrecisionQualifier;
6078     break;
6079   case 479:
6080     ent = new StepShape_TypeQualifier;
6081     break;
6082   case 480:
6083     ent = new StepShape_QualifiedRepresentationItem;
6084     break;
6085   case 481:
6086     ent = new StepShape_MeasureRepresentationItemAndQualifiedRepresentationItem;
6087     break;
6088   case 482:
6089     ent = new StepRepr_CompoundRepresentationItem;
6090     break;
6091   case 483:
6092     ent = new StepRepr_ValueRange;
6093     break;
6094   case 484:
6095     ent = new StepRepr_ShapeAspectDerivingRelationship;
6096     break;
6098   case 485:
6099     ent = new StepShape_CompoundShapeRepresentation;
6100     break;
6101   case 486:
6102     ent = new StepShape_ConnectedEdgeSet;
6103     break;
6104   case 487:
6105     ent = new StepShape_ConnectedFaceShapeRepresentation;
6106     break;
6107   case 488:
6108     ent = new StepShape_EdgeBasedWireframeModel;
6109     break;
6110   case 489:
6111     ent = new StepShape_EdgeBasedWireframeShapeRepresentation;
6112     break;
6113   case 490:
6114     ent = new StepShape_FaceBasedSurfaceModel;
6115     break;
6116   case 491:
6117     ent = new StepShape_NonManifoldSurfaceShapeRepresentation;
6118     break;
6119     //Add gka 08.01.02 TRJ9 DIS->IS
6120   case 492:  
6121     ent = new StepGeom_OrientedSurface;
6122     break;
6123   case 493:  
6124     ent = new StepShape_Subface;
6125     break;
6126    case 494:  
6127     ent = new StepShape_Subedge;
6128     break; 
6130    case 495:  
6131     ent = new StepShape_SeamEdge;
6132     break; 
6134   case 496:  
6135     ent = new StepShape_ConnectedFaceSubSet;
6136     break;   
6138   case 500:  
6139     ent = new StepBasic_EulerAngles;
6140     break;
6141   case 501:  
6142     ent = new StepBasic_MassUnit;
6143     break;
6144   case 502:  
6145     ent = new StepBasic_ThermodynamicTemperatureUnit;
6146     break;
6147   case 503:  
6148     ent = new StepElement_AnalysisItemWithinRepresentation;
6149     break;
6150   case 504:  
6151     ent = new StepElement_Curve3dElementDescriptor;
6152     break;
6153   case 505:  
6154     ent = new StepElement_CurveElementEndReleasePacket;
6155     break;
6156   case 506:  
6157     ent = new StepElement_CurveElementSectionDefinition;
6158     break;
6159   case 507:  
6160     ent = new StepElement_CurveElementSectionDerivedDefinitions;
6161     break;
6162   case 508:  
6163     ent = new StepElement_ElementDescriptor;
6164     break;
6165   case 509:  
6166     ent = new StepElement_ElementMaterial;
6167     break;
6168   case 510:  
6169     ent = new StepElement_Surface3dElementDescriptor;
6170     break;
6171   case 511:  
6172     ent = new StepElement_SurfaceElementProperty;
6173     break;
6174   case 512:  
6175     ent = new StepElement_SurfaceSection;
6176     break;
6177   case 513:  
6178     ent = new StepElement_SurfaceSectionField;
6179     break;
6180   case 514:  
6181     ent = new StepElement_SurfaceSectionFieldConstant;
6182     break;
6183   case 515:  
6184     ent = new StepElement_SurfaceSectionFieldVarying;
6185     break;
6186   case 516:  
6187     ent = new StepElement_UniformSurfaceSection;
6188     break;
6189   case 517:  
6190     ent = new StepElement_Volume3dElementDescriptor;
6191     break;
6192   case 518:  
6193     ent = new StepFEA_AlignedCurve3dElementCoordinateSystem;
6194     break;
6195   case 519:  
6196     ent = new StepFEA_ArbitraryVolume3dElementCoordinateSystem;
6197     break;
6198   case 520:  
6199     ent = new StepFEA_Curve3dElementProperty;
6200     break;
6201   case 521:  
6202     ent = new StepFEA_Curve3dElementRepresentation;
6203     break;
6204   case 522:  
6205     ent = new StepFEA_Node;
6206     break;
6207 //case 523:  
6208 //    ent = new StepFEA_CurveElementEndCoordinateSystem;
6209 //    break;
6210   case 524:  
6211     ent = new StepFEA_CurveElementEndOffset;
6212     break;
6213   case 525:  
6214     ent = new StepFEA_CurveElementEndRelease;
6215     break;
6216   case 526:  
6217     ent = new StepFEA_CurveElementInterval;
6218     break;
6219   case 527:  
6220     ent = new StepFEA_CurveElementIntervalConstant;
6221     break;
6222   case 528:  
6223     ent = new StepFEA_DummyNode;
6224     break;
6225   case 529:  
6226     ent = new StepFEA_CurveElementLocation;
6227     break;
6228   case 530:  
6229     ent = new StepFEA_ElementGeometricRelationship;
6230     break;
6231   case 531:  
6232     ent = new StepFEA_ElementGroup;
6233     break;
6234   case 532:  
6235     ent = new StepFEA_ElementRepresentation;
6236     break;
6237   case 533:  
6238     ent = new StepFEA_FeaAreaDensity;
6239     break;
6240   case 534:  
6241     ent = new StepFEA_FeaAxis2Placement3d;
6242     break;
6243   case 535:  
6244     ent = new StepFEA_FeaGroup;
6245     break;
6246   case 536:  
6247     ent = new StepFEA_FeaLinearElasticity;
6248     break;
6249   case 537:  
6250     ent = new StepFEA_FeaMassDensity;
6251     break;
6252   case 538:  
6253     ent = new StepFEA_FeaMaterialPropertyRepresentation;
6254     break;
6255   case 539:  
6256     ent = new StepFEA_FeaMaterialPropertyRepresentationItem;
6257     break;
6258   case 540:  
6259     ent = new StepFEA_FeaModel;
6260     break;
6261   case 541:  
6262     ent = new StepFEA_FeaModel3d;
6263     break;
6264   case 542:  
6265     ent = new StepFEA_FeaMoistureAbsorption;
6266     break;
6267   case 543:  
6268     ent = new StepFEA_FeaParametricPoint;
6269     break;
6270   case 544:  
6271     ent = new StepFEA_FeaRepresentationItem;
6272     break;
6273   case 545:  
6274     ent = new StepFEA_FeaSecantCoefficientOfLinearThermalExpansion;
6275     break;
6276   case 546:  
6277     ent = new StepFEA_FeaShellBendingStiffness;
6278     break;
6279   case 547:  
6280     ent = new StepFEA_FeaShellMembraneBendingCouplingStiffness;
6281     break;
6282   case 548:  
6283     ent = new StepFEA_FeaShellMembraneStiffness;
6284     break;
6285   case 549:  
6286     ent = new StepFEA_FeaShellShearStiffness;
6287     break;
6288   case 550:  
6289     ent = new StepFEA_GeometricNode;
6290     break;
6291   case 551:  
6292     ent = new StepFEA_FeaTangentialCoefficientOfLinearThermalExpansion;
6293     break;
6294   case 552:  
6295     ent = new StepFEA_NodeGroup;
6296     break;
6297   case 553:  
6298     ent = new StepFEA_NodeRepresentation;
6299     break;
6300   case 554:  
6301     ent = new StepFEA_NodeSet;
6302     break;
6303   case 555:  
6304     ent = new StepFEA_NodeWithSolutionCoordinateSystem;
6305     break;
6306   case 556:  
6307     ent = new StepFEA_NodeWithVector;
6308     break;
6309   case 557:  
6310     ent = new StepFEA_ParametricCurve3dElementCoordinateDirection;
6311     break;
6312   case 558:  
6313     ent = new StepFEA_ParametricCurve3dElementCoordinateSystem;
6314     break;
6315   case 559:  
6316     ent = new StepFEA_ParametricSurface3dElementCoordinateSystem;
6317     break;
6318   case 560:  
6319     ent = new StepFEA_Surface3dElementRepresentation;
6320     break;
6321 //case 561:  
6322 //    ent = new StepFEA_SymmetricTensor22d;
6323 //    break;
6324 //case 562:  
6325 //    ent = new StepFEA_SymmetricTensor42d;
6326 //    break;
6327 //case 563:  
6328 //    ent = new StepFEA_SymmetricTensor43d;
6329 //    break;
6330   case 564:  
6331     ent = new StepFEA_Volume3dElementRepresentation;
6332     break;
6333   case 565:  
6334     ent = new StepRepr_DataEnvironment;
6335     break;
6336   case 566:  
6337     ent = new StepRepr_MaterialPropertyRepresentation;
6338     break;
6339   case 567:  
6340     ent = new StepRepr_PropertyDefinitionRelationship;
6341     break;
6342   case 568:  
6343     ent = new StepShape_PointRepresentation;
6344     break;
6345   case 569:  
6346     ent = new StepRepr_MaterialProperty;
6347     break;
6348   case 570:  
6349     ent = new StepFEA_FeaModelDefinition;
6350     break;
6351   case 571:  
6352     ent = new StepFEA_FreedomAndCoefficient;
6353     break;
6354   case 572:  
6355     ent = new StepFEA_FreedomsList;
6356     break;    
6357   case 573:  
6358     ent = new StepBasic_ProductDefinitionFormationRelationship;
6359     break;
6360   case 574:  
6361     ent = new StepBasic_SiUnitAndMassUnit;
6362     break;
6363   case 575:  
6364     ent = new StepFEA_NodeDefinition;
6365     break;
6366   case 576:  
6367     ent = new StepRepr_StructuralResponseProperty;
6368     break;
6369   case 577:  
6370     ent = new StepRepr_StructuralResponsePropertyDefinitionRepresentation;
6371     break;
6372   case 578:  
6373     ent = new StepBasic_SiUnitAndThermodynamicTemperatureUnit;
6374     break;
6375   case 579:  
6376     ent = new StepFEA_AlignedSurface3dElementCoordinateSystem;
6377     break;
6378   case 580:  
6379     ent = new StepFEA_ConstantSurface3dElementCoordinateSystem;
6380     break;
6381   case 581: 
6382     ent = new StepFEA_CurveElementIntervalLinearlyVarying;
6383     break;
6384   case 582:  
6385     ent = new StepFEA_FeaCurveSectionGeometricRelationship;
6386     break;
6387   case 583:  
6388     ent = new StepFEA_FeaSurfaceSectionGeometricRelationship;
6389     break;
6391   case 600:
6392     ent = new StepBasic_DocumentProductAssociation;
6393     break;
6394   case 601:
6395     ent = new StepBasic_DocumentProductEquivalence;
6396     break;
6398   case 610:
6399     ent = new StepShape_ShapeRepresentationWithParameters;
6400     break;
6402   case 611:
6403     ent = new StepDimTol_AngularityTolerance;
6404     break;
6406   case 612:
6407     ent = new StepDimTol_ConcentricityTolerance;
6408     break;
6409   case 613:
6410     ent = new StepDimTol_CircularRunoutTolerance;
6411     break;
6412   case 614:
6413     ent = new StepDimTol_CoaxialityTolerance;
6414     break;
6415   case 615:
6416     ent = new StepDimTol_FlatnessTolerance;
6417     break;
6418   case 616:
6419     ent = new StepDimTol_LineProfileTolerance;
6420     break;
6421   case 617:
6422     ent = new StepDimTol_ParallelismTolerance;
6423     break;
6424   case 618:
6425     ent = new StepDimTol_PerpendicularityTolerance;
6426     break;
6427   case 619:
6428     ent = new StepDimTol_PositionTolerance;
6429     break;
6430   case 620:
6431     ent = new StepDimTol_RoundnessTolerance;
6432     break;
6433   case 621:
6434     ent = new StepDimTol_StraightnessTolerance;
6435     break;
6436   case 622:
6437     ent = new StepDimTol_SurfaceProfileTolerance;
6438     break;
6439   case 623:
6440     ent = new StepDimTol_SymmetryTolerance;
6441     break;
6442   case 624:
6443     ent = new StepDimTol_TotalRunoutTolerance;
6444     break;
6445   case 625:
6446     ent = new StepDimTol_GeometricTolerance;
6447     break;
6448   case 626:
6449     ent = new StepDimTol_GeometricToleranceRelationship;
6450     break;
6451   case 627:
6452     ent = new StepDimTol_GeometricToleranceWithDatumReference;
6453     break;
6454   case 628:
6455     ent = new StepDimTol_ModifiedGeometricTolerance;
6456     break;
6457   case 629:
6458     ent = new StepDimTol_Datum;
6459     break;
6460   case 630:
6461     ent = new StepDimTol_DatumFeature;
6462     break;
6463   case 631:
6464     ent = new StepDimTol_DatumReference;
6465     break;
6466   case 632:
6467     ent = new StepDimTol_CommonDatum;
6468     break;
6469   case 633:
6470     ent = new StepDimTol_DatumTarget;
6471     break;
6472   case 634:
6473     ent = new StepDimTol_PlacedDatumTargetFeature;
6474     break;
6475   case 635:  
6476     ent = new StepRepr_ReprItemAndLengthMeasureWithUnit;
6477     break;
6478   case 636:
6479     ent = new StepDimTol_GeoTolAndGeoTolWthDatRefAndModGeoTolAndPosTol;
6480     break;
6481   case 650 : 
6482     ent = new StepBasic_ConversionBasedUnitAndMassUnit;
6483     break;
6484   case 651 : 
6485     ent = new StepBasic_MassMeasureWithUnit;
6486     break;
6489   default: 
6490     return Standard_False;
6491   }
6492   return Standard_True;
6493 }
6496 //=======================================================================
6497 //function : CategoryNumber
6498 //purpose  : 
6499 //=======================================================================
6501 Standard_Integer  RWStepAP214_GeneralModule::CategoryNumber
6502   (const Standard_Integer CN, const Handle(Standard_Transient)& /*ent*/, const Interface_ShareTool& /*shares*/) const
6503 {
6504   switch (CN) {
6505   case   1: return catdsc;
6506   case   2:
6507   case   3: return catsh;
6508   case   4:
6509   case   5:
6510   case   6:
6511   case   7:
6512   case   8:
6513   case   9:
6514   case  10:
6515   case  11:
6516   case  12: return catdr;
6517   case  13:
6518   case  14:
6519   case  15:
6520   case  16:
6521   case  17:
6522   case  18:
6523   case  19:
6524   case  20:
6525   case  21: return catdsc;
6526   case  22: return catdr;
6527   case  23:
6528   case  24:
6529   case  25:
6530   case  26:
6531   case  27:
6532   case  28:
6533   case  29:
6534   case  30:
6535   case  31:
6536   case  32:
6537   case  33:
6538   case  34: return catdsc;
6539   case  35:
6540   case  36:
6541   case  37:
6542   case  38:
6543   case  39:
6544   case  40:
6545   case  41: return catsh;
6546   case  42: return catdr;
6547   case  43:
6548   case  44:
6549   case  45:
6550   case  46:
6551   case  47:
6552   case  48:
6553   case  49:
6554   case  50:
6555   case  51:
6556   case  52: return catsh;
6557   case  53: return catdsc;
6558   case  54:
6559   case  55:
6560   case  56:
6561   case  57:
6562   case  58: return cataux;
6563   case  59:
6564   case  60:
6565   case  61:
6566   case  62:
6567   case  63: return catsh;
6568   case  64:
6569   case  65:
6570   case  66: return catdr;
6571   case  67:
6572   case  68:
6573   case  69: return catsh;
6574   case  70:
6575   case  71:
6576   case  72:
6577   case  73: return catdr;
6578   case  74:
6579   case  75:
6580   case  76: return catsh;
6581   case  77:
6582   case  78: return catdr;
6583   case  79: return cataux;
6584   case  80: return catdsc;
6585   case  81:
6586   case  82:
6587   case  83:
6588   case  84:
6589   case  85:
6590   case  86:
6591   case  87:
6592   case  88:
6593   case  89:
6594   case  90: return catsh;
6595   case  91:
6596   case  92:
6597   case  93:
6598   case  94:
6599   case  95:
6600   case  96: return catdsc;
6601   case  97:
6602   case  98: return catdr;
6603   case  99:
6605   case 100: return catsh;
6606   case 101:
6607   case 102:
6608   case 103:
6609   case 104: return catdr;
6610   case 105: return catsh;
6611   case 106:
6612   case 107:
6613   case 108:
6614   case 109:
6615   case 110:
6616   case 111:
6617   case 112:
6618   case 113:
6619   case 114: return catdr;
6620   case 115:
6621   case 116:
6622   case 117:
6623   case 118:
6624   case 119:
6625   case 120: return catsh;
6626   case 121: return catdsc;
6627   case 122:
6628   case 123: return catdr;
6629   case 124: return catdsc;
6630   case 125:
6631   case 126:
6632   case 127: return catdr;
6633   case 128:
6634   case 129:
6635   case 130:
6636   case 131:
6637   case 132:
6638   case 133:
6639   case 134:
6640   case 135: return catsh;
6641   case 136:
6642   case 137:
6643   case 138:
6644   case 139:
6645   case 140: return catdr;
6646   case 141: return cataux;
6647   case 142: return catsh;
6648   case 143: return catdr;
6649   case 144:
6650   case 145:
6651   case 146:
6652   case 147: return catsh;
6653   case 148:
6654   case 149: return cataux;
6655   case 150:
6656   case 151: return catstr;
6657   case 152:
6658   case 153:
6659   case 154:
6660   case 155: return catsh;
6661   case 156: return catdr;
6662   case 157:
6663   case 158: return cataux;
6664   case 159: return catsh;
6665   case 160: return catdsc;
6666   case 161:
6667   case 162:
6668   case 163: return catsh;
6669   case 164: return catdr;
6670   case 165: return cataux;
6671   case 166:
6672   case 167:
6673   case 168: return catdr;
6674   case 169: return cataux;
6675   case 170:
6676   case 171:
6677   case 172: return catsh;
6678   case 173: return catdr;
6679   case 174: return catsh;
6680   case 175:
6681   case 176:
6682   case 177:
6683   case 178:
6684   case 179: return catdsc;
6685   case 180:
6686   case 181:
6687   case 182:
6688   case 183:
6689   case 184:
6690   case 185: return catsh;
6691   case 186: return catdr;
6692   case 187: return catsh;
6693   case 188: return catdr;
6694   case 189:
6695   case 190: return catsh;
6696   case 191: 
6697   case 192:
6698   case 193:
6699   case 194:
6700   case 195: return catdsc;
6701   case 196: return catsh;
6702   case 197:
6703   case 198: return catdr;
6704   case 199: return catsh;
6706   case 200:
6707   case 201: return cataux;
6708   case 202:
6709   case 203:
6710   case 204:
6711   case 205: return catsh;
6712   case 206: return catdr;
6713   case 207:
6714   case 208: return catsh;
6715   case 209:
6716   case 210: return catdr;
6717   case 211: return catdsc;
6718   case 212:
6719   case 213: return catdr;
6720   case 214:
6721   case 215:
6722   case 216:
6723   case 217:
6724   case 218:
6725   case 219:
6726   case 220:
6727   case 221: return catdr;
6728   case 222:
6729   case 223:
6730   case 224:
6731   case 225:
6732   case 226:
6733   case 227:
6734   case 228:
6735   case 229:
6736   case 230:
6737   case 231:
6738   case 232:
6739   case 233:
6740   case 234:
6741   case 235: return catdsc;
6742   case 236:
6743   case 237: return catsh;
6744   case 238: return cataux;
6745   case 239:
6746   case 240:
6747   case 241:
6748   case 242: return catsh;
6749   case 243: return catstr;
6750   case 244: return catsh;
6751   case 245:
6752   case 246:
6753   case 247:
6754   case 248:
6755   case 249: return catstr;
6756   case 250:
6757   case 251:
6758   case 252:
6759   case 253:
6760   case 254: return catsh;
6761   case 255:
6762   case 256:
6763   case 257: return catdsc;
6764   case 258:
6765   case 259:
6766   case 260: return catdr;
6767   case 261: return catsh;  // plutot que dsc
6768   case 262:
6769   case 263: return catsh;
6770   case 264:
6771   case 265: return cataux;
6772   case 266:
6773   case 267:
6774   case 268:
6775   case 269: return catsh;
6776   case 270: return catdr;
6777   case 271:
6778   case 272:
6779   case 273:
6780   case 274:
6781   case 275:
6782   case 276:
6783   case 277: return catsh;
6784   case 278:
6785   case 279:
6786   case 280:
6787   case 281:
6788   case 282:
6789   case 283:
6790   case 284: return catdr;
6791   case 285:
6792   case 286: return catsh;
6793   case 287:
6794   case 288:
6795   case 289:
6796   case 290:
6797   case 291: return catdr;
6798   case 292:
6799   case 293: return catstr;
6800   case 294:
6801   case 295:
6802   case 296:
6803   case 297:
6804   case 298:
6805   case 299:
6807   case 300:
6808   case 301:
6809   case 302:
6810   case 303: return catdr;
6811   case 304:
6812   case 305:
6813   case 306: return catsh;
6814   case 307: return catstr;
6815   case 308: return catsh;
6816   case 309: return catdr;
6817   case 310: return cataux;
6818   case 311:
6819   case 312:
6820   case 313:
6821   case 314:
6822   case 315:
6823   case 316:
6824   case 317: return catsh;
6825   case 318: return catdsc;
6827   case 319:
6828   case 320:
6829   case 321:
6830   case 322:
6831   case 323:
6832   case 324:
6833   case 325:
6834   case 326: return catsh;
6835   case 327:
6836   case 328:
6837   case 329:
6838   case 330:
6839   case 331: return cataux;
6840   case 332: return catsh;
6841   case 333:
6842   case 334:
6843   case 335:
6844   case 336: return cataux;
6845   case 337:
6846   case 338: return catsh;
6847   case 339:
6848   case 340: return catdsc;
6849   case 341:
6850   case 342:
6851   case 343:
6852   case 344:
6853   case 345:
6854   case 346:
6855   case 347: return cataux;
6856   case 348: return catdsc;
6857   case 349:
6858   case 350: return cataux;
6859   case 351: return catsh;
6860   case 352:
6861   case 353:
6862   case 354: return cataux;
6863   case 355:
6864   case 356: return catdr;
6865   case 357: return cataux;
6866   case 358: return catsh; //:n5
6867 //  CC1 -> CC2
6868   case 366:
6869   case 367:
6870   case 368:
6871   case 369:
6872   case 370:
6873   case 371:
6874   case 372:
6875   case 373:
6876   case 374:
6877   case 375:
6878   case 376: return catdsc;
6879   case 377:
6880   case 378:
6881   case 379:
6882   case 380:
6883   case 381:
6884   case 382:
6885   case 383:
6886   case 384:
6887   case 385:
6888   case 386: return catstr;
6889   case 387: 
6890   case 388:
6891   case 389: return catsh;
6892   case 390: return cataux;
6893   case 391: return catsh;
6894   // CD -> DIS
6895   case 392: 
6896   case 393: 
6897   case 394: 
6898   case 395: 
6899   case 396: 
6900   case 397: 
6901   case 398: 
6902   case 399: 
6903   case 400: 
6904   case 401: 
6905   case 402: return catdsc;
6906   case 403: 
6907   case 404: 
6908   case 405: return catsh;    
6909   // CAX TRJ 2
6910   case 406: 
6911   case 407: 
6912   case 408: 
6913   case 409: 
6914   case 410: 
6915   case 411: 
6916   case 412: return cataux;
6917   // AP203
6918   case 413: 
6919   case 414: 
6920   case 415: 
6921   case 416: 
6922   case 417: 
6923   case 418: 
6924   case 419: 
6925   case 420: 
6926   case 421: 
6927   case 422: 
6928   case 423: 
6929   case 424: 
6930   case 425: 
6931   case 426: 
6932   case 427: 
6933   case 428: 
6934   case 429: 
6935   case 430: 
6936   case 431: 
6937   case 432: 
6938   case 433: 
6939   case 434: 
6940   case 435: 
6941   case 436: 
6942   case 437: 
6943   case 438: 
6944   case 439: 
6945   case 440: 
6946   case 441: return catdsc;
6947   case 442:
6948   case 443:
6949   case 444:
6950   case 445:
6951   case 446:
6952   case 447:
6953   case 448:
6954   case 449: return catdsc; // ??
6955   case 450:
6956   case 451:
6957   case 452:
6958   case 453:
6959   case 454:
6960   case 455:
6961   case 456:
6962   case 457:
6963   case 458:
6964   case 459:
6965   case 460:
6966   case 461:
6967   case 462: return catdsc; // ??
6968   case 463: return catdr; // same as 98
6969   case 471:
6970   case 472:
6971   case 473:
6972   case 474:
6973   case 475:
6974   case 476:
6975   case 477:
6976   case 478:
6977   case 479:
6978   case 480:
6979   case 481:
6980   case 482:
6981   case 483:
6982   case 484: return catdr;
6983   case 485:
6984   case 486:
6985   case 487:
6986   case 488:
6987   case 489:
6988   case 490:
6989   case 491: return catsh;
6990   case 492:
6991   case 493:
6992   case 494:
6993   case 495:
6994   case 496: return catsh;
6995   case 600:
6996   case 601: return cataux;
6997   case 610: 
6998   case 611:
6999   case 612:
7000   case 613:
7001   case 614:
7002   case 615:
7003   case 616:
7004   case 617:
7005   case 618:
7006   case 619:
7007   case 620:
7008   case 621:
7009   case 622:
7010   case 623:
7011   case 624:
7012   case 625:
7013   case 626:
7014   case 627:
7015   case 628:
7016   case 629:
7017   case 630:  
7018   case 631:
7019   case 632:
7020   case 633:
7021   case 634: return cataux;
7022   case 635: return cataux;
7023   case 636: return cataux;
7024   case 650: 
7025   case 651: return cataux;
7027   default : break;
7028   }
7029   return 0;
7030 }
7033 //=======================================================================
7034 //function : Name
7035 //purpose  : 
7036 //=======================================================================
7038 Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString)  RWStepAP214_GeneralModule::Name
7039        (const Standard_Integer /*CN*/, const Handle(Standard_Transient)& /*ent*/,
7040         const Interface_ShareTool& ) const
7041 {
7042   //   On joue par down-cast et non par CN, car Name est en general heritee
7043   //   (on pourrait filtrer par CN pour decider quel down-cast faire ...)
7044   Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) nom;
7045   return nom;
7046 }