0028724: Extrema between circle and plane cannot be found
[occt.git] / .gitattributes
1 .gitattributes eol=lf
2 .gitignore  eol=lf
3 *.txt       eol=lf
4 *.h         eol=lf
5 *.c         eol=lf
6 *.inl       eol=lf
7 *.cpp       eol=lf
8 *.cxx       eol=lf
9 *.gxx       eol=lf
10 *.hxx       eol=lf
11 *.ixx       eol=lf
12 *.jxx       eol=lf
13 *.lxx       eol=lf
14 *.pxx       eol=lf
15 *.cl        eol=lf
16 *.cdl       eol=lf
17 *.edl       eol=lf
18 *.yacc      eol=lf
19 *.lex       eol=lf
20 *.mm        eol=lf
21 *.el        eol=lf
22 *.sh        eol=lf
23 *.csh       eol=lf
24 *.tcl       eol=lf
25 *.workspace eol=lf
26 *.cbp       eol=lf
27 *.svg       eol=lf
28 *.xib       eol=lf
29 *.plist     eol=lf
30 *.java      eol=lf
31 *.igs       eol=lf
32 *.iges      eol=lf
33 *.stp       eol=lf
34 *.step      eol=lf
35 *.brep      eol=lf
36 *.rle       eol=lf
37 *.vrml      eol=lf
38 *.md        eol=lf
39 *.natvis    eol=lf
40 *.fs        eol=lf
41 *.vs        eol=lf
42 *.glsl      eol=lf
43 FILES       eol=lf
44 PACKAGES    eol=lf
45 EXTERNLIB   eol=lf
46 UDLIST      eol=lf
47 tests/*     eol=lf
48 tests/*/*   eol=lf
49 tests/*/*/* eol=lf
50 adm/upgrade.dat eol=lf
51 *.bat       eol=crlf
52 *.cmd       eol=crlf
53 *.rc        eol=crlf
54 *.cs        eol=crlf
55 *.def       eol=crlf
56 *.iss       eol=crlf
57 *.ini       eol=crlf
58 *.lng       eol=crlf
59 *.vcproj    eol=crlf
60 *.csproj    eol=crlf
61 *.vcxproj*  eol=crlf
62 *.sln       eol=crlf
63 *.res       eol=crlf
64 *.resx      eol=crlf
65 *.dll       binary
66 *.so        binary
67 *.dylib     binary
68 *.7z        binary
69 *.pdf       binary
70 *.png       binary
71 *.jpg       binary
72 *.bmp       binary
73 *.gif       binary
74 *.xwd       binary
75 *.ico       binary
76 *.icns      binary
77 *.std       binary
78 *.gz        binary
79 *.doc       binary
80 *.rgb       binary
81 *.mft       binary
82 *.stl       binary