0033661: Data Exchange, Step Import - Tessellated GDTs are not imported
[occt.git] / tests / bugs / caf / bug31748_3
dbab9c53 1puts "==========="
2puts "0031748: Application Framework - Efficient OCAF transactions in OCCT"
3puts "==========="
5# This test checks behavior of attributes in different combinations of transactions:
6# creation/modification/deletion of attributes inside and outside of transaction and after
7# that on Undo/Redo.
9NewDocument D
10UndoLimit D 100
12# enumeration of actions: first come actions where no attribute needed on the label, after none, after - attribute must be on the label
13set act_create 0
14set act_createforget 1
15set act_createmodify 2
16set act_none 3
17set act_modify 4
18set act_modifyforget 5
19set act_forget 6
20set act_forgetcreate 7
21# the number of possible actions that can be done on attribute
22set actions 8
23# some action undome in transaction
24set act_undone 100
26set act_afternone [expr $act_none+1]
7b5e532f 28# returns 1 if after this action there exists attribute on the label
dbab9c53 29proc produces_attribute1 {action} {
30 global act_create act_modify act_forgetcreate act_createmodify
31 if {$action==$act_create || $action==$act_createmodify || $action==$act_modify || $action==$act_forgetcreate} {
32 return 1
33 }
34 return 0
7b5e532f 37# returns 1 if after two actions there exists attribute on the label
dbab9c53 38proc produces_attribute2 {action1 action2} {
39 global act_create act_modify act_modifyforget act_forget act_createforget act_none act_forgetcreate act_undone
41 if {$action1 == $act_undone && $action2 == $act_modify} {
42 return 0
43 }
44 if {$action1 == $act_undone && $action2 == $act_forgetcreate} {
45 return 0
46 }
47 if {[produces_attribute1 $action2]} {
48 return 1
49 }
50 if {$action2!=$act_forget && $action2!=$act_createforget && $action2!=$act_modifyforget && [produces_attribute1 $action1]} {
51 return 1
52 }
53 return 0
7b5e532f 56# returns value of the attribute produced by two actions
dbab9c53 57proc produces_value {action1 action2} {
58 global act_modify act_createmodify act_none act_forgetcreate
59 if {$action2==$act_modify} {
60 if {$action1==$act_createmodify} {
61 return 3
62 }
63 return 2
64 }
65 if {$action2==$act_createmodify} {
66 return 2
67 }
68 if {$action1==$act_createmodify && $action2!=$act_forgetcreate} {
69 return 2
70 }
71 if {$action1==$act_none && $action1==$act_createmodify} {
72 return 2
73 }
74 return 1
77proc attribute_name attr_id {
78 if $attr_id==0 {
79 return Integer
80 }
81 return Real
84proc do_action {label attr action} {
85 global D
86 set attrName [attribute_name $attr]
87 switch $action { # first there are atcions that leave attribute, then - none, then - that remove it
88 0 { # sets a new attribute
89 Set$attrName D $label 1
90 }
91 1 { # creates and immediately forgets a new attribute
92 Set$attrName D $label 1
93 if $attr==0 { # forget integer
94 ForgetAtt D $label 2a96b606-ec8b-11d0-bee7-080009dc3333
95 } else { # forget real
96 ForgetAtt D $label 2a96b60f-ec8b-11d0-bee7-080009dc3333
97 }
98 }
99 2 { # sets and modifies attribute
100 Set$attrName D $label 1
101 Set$attrName D $label 2
102 }
103 3 { # nothing to do
104 }
105 4 { # modifies (increments) an attribute value if it is already exists on this label
106 set value [Get$attrName D $label]
107 Set$attrName D $label [expr $value+1]
108 }
109 5 { # modifies and immediately forgets an attribute
110 set value [Get$attrName D $label]
111 Set$attrName D $label [expr $value+1]
112 if $attr==0 { # forget integer
113 ForgetAtt D $label 2a96b606-ec8b-11d0-bee7-080009dc3333
114 } else { # forget real
115 ForgetAtt D $label 2a96b60f-ec8b-11d0-bee7-080009dc3333
116 }
117 }
118 6 { # forgets the attribute
119 if $attr==0 { # forget integer
120 ForgetAtt D $label 2a96b606-ec8b-11d0-bee7-080009dc3333
121 } else { # forget real
122 ForgetAtt D $label 2a96b60f-ec8b-11d0-bee7-080009dc3333
123 }
124 }
125 7 { # forgets and immediately creates an attribute
126 if $attr==0 { # forget integer
127 ForgetAtt D $label 2a96b606-ec8b-11d0-bee7-080009dc3333
128 } else { # forget real
129 ForgetAtt D $label 2a96b60f-ec8b-11d0-bee7-080009dc3333
130 }
131 Set$attrName D $label 1
132 }
133 }
136proc check_attribute {action1 action2 lab attr} {
137 global D
138 set attrName [attribute_name $attr]
139 if [produces_attribute2 $action1 $action2] {
140 set value [Get$attrName D $lab]
141 set expected_value [produces_value $action1 $action2]
142 if $value!=$expected_value {
143 puts "Error : attribute $attrName value $value does not match the expected $expected_value at the label $lab"
144 }
145 } else {
146 set attributes [Attributes D $lab]
147 if {[lsearch $attributes TDataStd_$attrName]>=0} {
148 puts "Error : attribute $attrName exists but it should not at the label $lab"
149 }
150 }
153# special check for attributes if transaction->no transaction is performed and
154# Undo->Redo done: modified attributes become modified, but removed attributes in the no-transaction
155# do not removed after Redo
156proc check_attribute_notransaction {action1 action_notr lab attr} {
157 global D
158 set attrName [attribute_name $attr]
159 if [produces_attribute2 $action1 $action_notr] {
160 set value [Get$attrName D $lab]
161 set expected_value [produces_value $action1 $action_notr]
162 if $value!=$expected_value {
163 puts "Error : attribute $attrName value $value does not match the expected $expected_value at the label $lab"
164 }
165 } else {
166 if [produces_attribute1 $action_notr]==0 {
167 set attributes [Attributes D $lab]
168 if {[lsearch $attributes TDataStd_$attrName]>=0} {
169 puts "Error : attribute $attrName exists but it should not at the label $lab"
170 }
171 }
172 }
176set lab_index 1
177set num_variants 0
178# cycles by variables t<operation number>a<attribute number> = action id
179for {set t1a1 0} {$t1a1 < $act_afternone} {incr t1a1} {
180 for {set t1a2 0} {$t1a2 < $act_afternone} {incr t1a2} {
181 set t2a1_min 0
182 set t2a1_max $actions
183 if [produces_attribute1 $t1a1] {set t2a1_min $act_none} {set t2a1_max $act_afternone}
184 for {set t2a1 $t2a1_min} {$t2a1 < $t2a1_max} {incr t2a1} {
185 set t2a2_min 0
186 set t2a2_max $actions
187 if [produces_attribute1 $t1a2] {set t2a2_min $act_none} {set t2a2_max $act_afternone}
188 for {set t2a2 $t2a2_min} {$t2a2 < $t2a2_max} {incr t2a2} {
189 set lab [Label D 0:$lab_index]
190 ForgetAll D $lab
191 incr lab_index
192 incr num_variants
193 # for the first operation no transaction opened and closed
194 do_action $lab 0 $t1a1
195 do_action $lab 1 $t1a2
196 # after do operation in transaction
197 NewCommand D
198 do_action $lab 0 $t2a1
199 do_action $lab 1 $t2a2
200 CommitCommand D
201 # check all attributes are correctly located in the tree
202 check_attribute $t1a1 $t2a1 $lab 0
203 check_attribute $t1a2 $t2a2 $lab 1
204 # check attributes state after undo and then - redo (but if all actions are None, there is no transaction, don't do it)
205 if {[expr $t2a1!=$act_none && $t2a1!=$act_createforget] || [expr $t2a2!=$act_none && $t2a2!=$act_createforget]} {
206 Undo D
207 check_attribute $act_none $t1a1 $lab 0
208 check_attribute $act_none $t1a2 $lab 1
209 Redo D
210 check_attribute $t1a1 $t2a1 $lab 0
211 check_attribute $t1a2 $t2a2 $lab 1
212 }
213 }
214 }
215 }
217puts "Checked $num_variants variants in cycles no transaction->transaction"
219set num_variants 0
220# cycles by variables t<operation number>a<attribute number> = action id
221for {set t1a1 0} {$t1a1 < $act_afternone} {incr t1a1} {
222 for {set t1a2 0} {$t1a2 < $act_afternone} {incr t1a2} {
223 set t2a1_min 0
224 set t2a1_max $actions
225 if [produces_attribute1 $t1a1] {set t2a1_min $act_none} {set t2a1_max $act_afternone}
226 for {set t2a1 $t2a1_min} {$t2a1 < $t2a1_max} {incr t2a1} {
227 set t2a2_min 0
228 set t2a2_max $actions
229 if [produces_attribute1 $t1a2] {set t2a2_min $act_none} {set t2a2_max $act_afternone}
230 for {set t2a2 $t2a2_min} {$t2a2 < $t2a2_max} {incr t2a2} {
231 set lab [Label D 0:$lab_index]
232 incr lab_index
233 incr num_variants
234 # for the first operation open transaction
235 NewCommand D
236 do_action $lab 0 $t1a1
237 do_action $lab 1 $t1a2
238 CommitCommand D
239 # then no transaction is opened
240 do_action $lab 0 $t2a1
241 do_action $lab 1 $t2a2
242 # check all attributes are correctly located in the tree
243 check_attribute $t1a1 $t2a1 $lab 0
244 check_attribute $t1a2 $t2a2 $lab 1
245 # check attributes state after undo and then - redo (but if all actions are None, there is no transaction, don't do it)
246 if {[expr $t2a1!=$act_none && $t2a1!=$act_createforget] || [expr $t2a2!=$act_none && $t2a2!=$act_createforget]} {
247 Undo D
248 if {$t1a1 == $act_createforget || $t1a1 == $act_none} {
249 set first_tr $t1a1
250 } else {
251 set first_tr $act_undone
252 }
253 check_attribute $first_tr $t2a1 $lab 0
254 if {$t1a2 == $act_createforget || $t1a2 == $act_none} {
255 set first_tr $t1a2
256 } else {
257 set first_tr $act_undone
258 }
259 check_attribute $first_tr $t2a2 $lab 1
260 Redo D
261 check_attribute_notransaction $t1a1 $t2a1 $lab 0
262 check_attribute_notransaction $t1a2 $t2a2 $lab 1
263 }
264 }
265 }
266 }
268puts "Checked $num_variants variants in cycles transaction->no transaction"