0023948: Wrong intersection between a surface of revolution and a plane.
[occt.git] / src / TCollection / TCollection_DataMap.cdl
b311480e 1-- Created on: 1993-01-08
2-- Created by: Remi LEQUETTE
3-- Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Matra Datavision
973c2be1 4-- Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
b311480e 5--
973c2be1 6-- This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
b311480e 7--
d5f74e42 8-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
9-- the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
973c2be1 10-- by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
11-- OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
12-- distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
b311480e 13--
973c2be1 14-- Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
15-- commercial license or contractual agreement.
7fd59977 16
17generic class DataMap from TCollection
18 (TheKey as any;
19 TheItem as any;
20 Hasher as any) -- as MapHasher(TheKey)
21inherits BasicMap from TCollection
23 ---Purpose: The DataMap is a Map to store keys with associated
24 -- Items.An entry of a DataMap is composed of both the key and the item.
25 -- The DataMap can be seen as an extended array where
26 -- the Keys are the indices. For this reason the
27 -- operator () is defined on DataMap to fetch an Item
28 -- from a Key. So the following syntax can be used :
29 --
30 -- anItem = aMap(aKey);
31 -- aMap(aKey) = anItem;
32 --
33 -- This analogy has its limit. aMap(aKey) = anItem
34 -- can be done only if aKey was previously bound to
35 -- an item in the map.
36 -- DataMap is a generic class which depends on three parameters:
37 -- - Key is the type of key for an entry in the map,
38 -- - Item is the type of element associated with a key in the map,
39 -- - Hasher is the type of hasher on keys.
40 -- Use a DataMapIterator iterator to explore a DataMap map.
41 -- Notes:
42 -- - An iterator class is automatically instantiated from the
43 -- TCollection_DataMapIterator generic class at the
44 -- time of instantiation of a DataMap map.
45 -- - TCollection_MapHasher class describes the
46 -- functions required for a Hasher object.
48 DomainError from Standard,
49 NoSuchObject from Standard
51 class DataMapNode from TCollection
52 inherits MapNode from TCollection
56 uses MapNodePtr from TCollection
57 is
58 Create(K : TheKey; I : TheItem; n : MapNodePtr from TCollection) returns DataMapNode from TCollection;
59 --- Purpose: Constructs a DataMap with NbBuckets (defaulted to 1) buckets.
60 -- Note that the map will be automatically redimensioned
61 -- during its use if the number of entries becomes too large.
62 -- Use:
63 -- - the function Bind to add an entry (key, item) in the map,
64 -- - operator() to read an item from a key, or to assign a
65 -- new value to this item,
66 -- - the function UnBind to remove an entry (key, item) from the map,
67 -- - and a map iterator to explore the map.
68 ---C++: inline
70 Key(me) returns TheKey;
71 ---C++: return &
72 ---C++: inline
74 Value(me) returns TheItem;
75 ---C++: return &
76 ---C++: inline
78 fields
79 myKey : TheKey;
80 myValue : TheItem;
81 end;
83 class DataMapIterator inherits BasicMapIterator from TCollection
84 ---Purpose: Functions used for iterating the contents of a DataMap
85 -- Note: an iterator class is automatically instantiated from
86 -- this generic class at the time of instantiation of a DataMap.
87 -- Warning
88 -- - A map is a non-ordered data structure. The order in
89 -- which entries of a map are explored by the iterator
90 -- depends on its contents, and change when the map is edited.
91 -- - It is not recommended to modify the contents of a map
92 -- during iteration: the result is unpredictable.
94 raises NoSuchObject from Standard
95 is
96 Create returns DataMapIterator from TCollection;
97 ---Purpose: Creates an undefined Iterator (empty); use the function Initialize to define the map to explore.
99 Create (aMap : DataMap from TCollection)
100 returns DataMapIterator from TCollection;
101 ---Purpose: Creates an Iterator on the map <aMap>.
103 Initialize(me : in out; aMap : DataMap from TCollection)
104 ---Level: Public
105 ---Purpose: Sets, or resets the Iterator in the map <aMap>.
106 is static;
108 Key(me) returns any TheKey
109 ---Purpose: Returns the current Key. An error is raised if
110 -- the iterator is empty (More returns False).
111 -- Note: Key is the type of key for an entry in the explored DataMap map.
112 -- Exceptions
113 -- Standard_NoSuchObject if this iterator is empty (i.e.
114 -- when the function More returns false).
115 ---C++: return const &
116 raises
117 NoSuchObject from Standard
118 is static;
120 Value(me) returns any TheItem
121 ---Purpose: Returns the item of the current entry in the map for this iterator.
122 -- Note: Item is the type of element bound to a key in the explored DataMap map.
123 -- Exceptions
124 -- Standard_NoSuchObject if this iterator is empty (i.e.
125 -- when the function More returns false)
126 ---C++: return const &
127 raises
128 NoSuchObject from Standard
129 is static;
131 end DataMapIterator from TCollection;
134 Create(NbBuckets : Integer = 1) returns DataMap from TCollection;
135 ---Purpose: Creates a DataMap with <NbBuckets> buckets. Without
136 -- arguments the map is automatically dimensioned.
139 Create(Other : DataMap from TCollection) returns DataMap from TCollection
140 ---Purpose: As copying Map is an expensive operation it is
141 -- incorrect to do it implicitly. This constructor is private and
142 -- will raise an error if the Map is not empty.
143 -- To copy the content of a DataMap use the Assign method (operator =).
144 raises DomainError from Standard
145 is private;
147 Assign(me : in out; Other : DataMap from TCollection)
148 returns DataMap from TCollection
149 ---Purpose: Copies the contents of the map Other into this map.
150 -- Note that this method is an alias of operator =.
151 ---C++: alias operator =
152 ---C++: return &
153 is static;
155 ReSize(me : in out; NbBuckets : Integer)
156 ---Level: Public
157 ---Purpose: Changes the number of buckets of <me> to be
158 -- <NbBuckets>. The keys already stored in the map are kept.
159 is static;
161 Clear(me : in out)
162 ---Purpose: Removes all keys in the map.
163 ---C++: alias ~
164 is static;
166 Bind(me : in out; K : TheKey; I : TheItem) returns Boolean
167 ---Purpose: Adds the Key <K> to the Map <me> with the Item
168 -- <I>. Returns True if the Key was not already in
169 -- the Map. If the Key was already in the Map the
170 -- Item in the Map is replaced.
171 is static;
173 IsBound(me; K : TheKey) returns Boolean
174 ---Purpose: Returns True if the key <K> is stored in the map <me>.
175 is static;
177 UnBind(me : in out; K : TheKey) returns Boolean
178 ---Purpose: Removes the Key <K> from the map. Returns True if
179 -- the Key was in the Map.
180 -- Returns false if the key K was not in this map.
181 is static;
183 Find(me; K : TheKey) returns any TheItem
184 ---Level: Public
185 ---Purpose: Returns the Item stored with the Key <K> in the Map.
186 -- Trigger: An exception is raised when <K> is not in the map.
187 raises NoSuchObject from Standard
188 ---C++: alias operator()
189 ---C++: return const &
190 is static;
192 ChangeFind(me : in out; K : TheKey) returns any TheItem
193 ---Level: Public
194 ---Purpose: Returns the Item stored with the Key <K> in the
195 -- Map. This Item can be modified with the syntax
196 -- aMap(K) = newItem;
197 -- Trigger: An exception is raised when <K> is not in the map.
198 ---C++: alias operator()
199 ---C++: return &
200 raises NoSuchObject from Standard
201 is static;
cf8e963a 202
203--modified by NIZNHY-PKV Tue Jul 05 09:57:10 2011f
204 Find1(me; K : TheKey)
205 returns Address from Standard;
206 ---Purpose: Returns the address of Item of the key <K>
207 -- or NULL if K is not in the map.
208 ChangeFind1(me:out; K : TheKey)
209 returns Address from Standard;
210 ---Purpose: Returns the address of Item of the key <K>
211 -- or NULL if K is not in the map.
212--modified by NIZNHY-PKV Tue Jul 05 09:57:14 2011t
7fd59977 214end DataMap;