0025880: fuzzy booleans with multiple tools
[occt.git] / src / GeomLib / GeomLib.cdl
b311480e 1-- Created on: 1993-07-07
2-- Created by: Jean Claude VAUTHIER
3-- Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Matra Datavision
973c2be1 4-- Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
b311480e 5--
973c2be1 6-- This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
b311480e 7--
d5f74e42 8-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
9-- the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
973c2be1 10-- by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
11-- OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
12-- distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
b311480e 13--
973c2be1 14-- Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
15-- commercial license or contractual agreement.
b311480e 16
7fd59977 17-- jct : modified 15-Apr-97 : added method ExtendSurfByLength
20package GeomLib
22 ---Purpose: Geom Library. This package provides an
23 -- implementation of functions for basic computation
24 -- on geometric entity from packages Geom and Geom2d.
28 TCollection,
29 TColStd,
30 TColgp,
31 TColGeom,
32 TColGeom2d,
33 Adaptor3d,
34 AdvApprox,
35 Geom,
36 Geom2d,
37 GeomAbs,
38 math,
39 gp,
40 StdFail
44 enumeration InterpolationErrors is
45 ---Purpose: in case the interpolation errors out, this
46 -- tells what happened
47 NoError,
48 NotEnoughtPoints,
49 DegreeSmallerThan3,
50 InversionProblem
52 end InterpolationErrors;
54 -- -- --------------- --
55 -- C L A S S E S --
56 -- --------------- --
58 class Array1OfMat instantiates
59 Array1 from TCollection (Mat from gp);
61 class MakeCurvefromApprox;
7fd59977 62
63 class Interpolate ;
7fd59977 64
ff8178ef 65 class DenominatorMultiplier ;
7fd59977 66
67 class CheckBSplineCurve ;
ff8178ef 68
7fd59977 69 class Check2dBSplineCurve ;
7fd59977 70
71 class IsPlanarSurface;
73 class Tool;
7fd59977 74
75 private class PolyFunc;
77 private class LogSample;
79 pointer DenominatorMultiplierPtr to DenominatorMultiplier from GeomLib ;
80 -------------------------
81 -- M E T H O D E S --
82 -- ----------------- --
84 To3d (Position : in Ax2 from gp;
85 Curve2d : in Curve from Geom2d)
86 returns Curve from Geom;
87 ---Purpose: Computes the curve 3d from package Geom
88 -- corresponding to curve 2d from package Geom2d, on
89 -- the plan defined with the local coordinate system
90 -- Position.
93 GTransform( Curve : in Curve from Geom2d;
94 GTrsf : in GTrsf2d from gp)
95 returns Curve from Geom2d;
96 ---Purpose: Computes the curve 3d from package Geom
97 -- corresponding to the curve 3d from package Geom,
98 -- transformed with the transformation <GTrsf>
99 -- WARNING : this method may return a null Handle if
100 -- it's impossible to compute the transformation of
101 -- a curve. It's not implemented when :
102 -- 1) the curve is an infinite parabola or hyperbola
103 -- 2) the curve is an offsetcurve
105 SameRange(Tolerance : in Real from Standard ;
106 Curve2dPtr : in Curve from Geom2d ;
107 First : in Real from Standard ;
108 Last : in Real from Standard ;
109 RequestedFirst : in Real from Standard ;
110 RequestedLast : in Real from Standard ;
111 NewCurve2dPtr : out Curve from Geom2d) ;
113 ---Purpose: Make the curve Curve2dPtr have the imposed
114 -- range First to List the most economic way,
115 -- that is if it can change the range without
116 -- changing the nature of the curve it will try
117 -- to do that. Otherwise it will produce a Bspline
118 -- curve that has the required range
119 BuildCurve3d(Tolerance : in Real from Standard ;
120 CurvePtr : in out CurveOnSurface from Adaptor3d ;
121 FirstParameter : in Real from Standard ;
122 LastParameter : in Real from Standard ;
123 NewCurvePtr : out Curve from Geom ;
124 MaxDeviation : out Real from Standard ;
125 AverageDeviation : out Real from Standard ;
126 Continuity : Shape from GeomAbs = GeomAbs_C1;
127 MaxDegree : Integer = 14;
128 MaxSegment : Integer = 30);
130 AdjustExtremity(Curve : in out BoundedCurve from Geom;
131 P1, P2 : Pnt from gp;
132 T1, T2 : Vec from gp);
134 ExtendCurveToPoint(Curve : in out BoundedCurve from Geom;
135 Point : Pnt from gp;
136 Cont : Integer from Standard;
137 After : Boolean from Standard);
138 ---Purpose: Extends the bounded curve Curve to the point Point.
139-- The extension is built:
140-- - at the end of the curve if After equals true, or
141-- - at the beginning of the curve if After equals false.
142-- The extension is performed according to a degree of
143-- continuity equal to Cont, which in its turn must be equal to 1, 2 or 3.
144-- This function converts the bounded curve Curve into a BSpline curve.
145-- Warning
146-- - Nothing is done, and Curve is not modified if Cont is
147-- not equal to 1, 2 or 3.
148-- - It is recommended that the extension should not be
149-- too large with respect to the size of the bounded
150-- curve Curve: Point must not be located too far from
151-- one of the extremities of Curve.
154 ExtendSurfByLength(Surf : in out BoundedSurface from Geom;
155 Length : Real from Standard;
156 Cont : Integer from Standard;
157 InU : Boolean from Standard;
158 After : Boolean from Standard);
159 ---Purpose:
160-- Extends the bounded surface Surf along one of its
161-- boundaries. The chord length of the extension is equal to Length.
162-- The direction of the extension is given as:
163-- - the u parametric direction of Surf, if InU equals true, or
164-- - the v parametric direction of Surf, if InU equals false.
165-- In this parametric direction, the extension is built on the side of:
166-- - the last parameter of Surf, if After equals true, or
167-- - the first parameter of Surf, if After equals false.
168-- The extension is performed according to a degree of
169-- continuity equal to Cont, which in its turn must be equal to 1, 2 or 3.
170-- This function converts the bounded surface Surf into a BSpline surface.
171-- Warning
172-- - Nothing is done, and Surf is not modified if Cont is
173-- not equal to 1, 2 or 3.
174-- - It is recommended that Length, the size of the
175-- extension should not be too large with respect to the
176 -- size of the bounded surface Surf.
177-- - Surf must not be a periodic BSpline surface in the
178-- parametric direction corresponding to the direction of extension.
182 AxeOfInertia(Points : Array1OfPnt from TColgp;
183 Axe : out Ax2 from gp;
184 IsSingular : out Boolean;
185 Tol : Real = 1.0e-7);
186 ---Purpose: Compute axes of inertia, of some points -- -- --
187 -- <Axe>.Location() is the BaryCentre -- -- -- -- --
188 -- <Axe>.XDirection is the axe of upper inertia -- -- --
189 -- -- <Axe>.Direction is the Normal to the average plane
190 -- -- -- -- IsSingular is True if points are on line --
191 -- Tol is used to determine singular cases.
193 Inertia(Points : Array1OfPnt from TColgp;
194 Bary : out Pnt from gp;
195 XDir,YDir : out Dir from gp;
196 Xgap,YGap,ZGap : out Real);
197 ---Level: Advanced
198 ---Purpose: Compute principale axes of inertia, and dispertion
199 -- value of some points.
202 RemovePointsFromArray(NumPoints : Integer from Standard ;
203 InParameters : Array1OfReal from TColStd ;
204 OutParameters : in out HArray1OfReal from TColStd) ;
205 ---Purpose: Warning! This assume that the InParameter is an increasing sequence
206 -- of real number and it will not check for that : Unpredictable
207 -- result can happen if this is not satisfied. It is the caller
208 -- responsability to check for that property.
209 --
210 -- This method makes uniform NumPoints segments S1,...SNumPoints out
211 -- of the segment defined by the first parameter and the
212 -- last parameter ofthe InParameter ; keeps only one
213 -- point of the InParameters set of parameter in each of
214 -- the uniform segments taking care of the first and the
215 -- last parameters. For the ith segment the element of
216 -- the InParameter is the one that is the first to exceed
217 -- the midpoint of the segment and to fall before the
218 -- midpoint of the next segment
219 -- There will be at the end at most NumPoints + 1 if
220 -- NumPoints > 2 in the OutParameters Array
223 DensifyArray1OfReal(MinNumPoints : Integer from Standard ;
224 InParameters : Array1OfReal from TColStd ;
225 OutParameters : in out HArray1OfReal from TColStd) ;
226 ---Purpose: this makes sure that there is at least MinNumPoints
227 -- in OutParameters taking into account the parameters in
228 -- the InParameters array provided those are in order,
229 -- that is the sequence of real in the InParameter is strictly
230 -- non decreasing
231 --
233 FuseIntervals(Interval1, Interval2 : Array1OfReal from TColStd;
234 Fusion : out SequenceOfReal from TColStd;
235 Confusion : Real = 1.0e-9);
237 EvalMaxParametricDistance(Curve : Curve from Adaptor3d ;
238 AReferenceCurve : Curve from Adaptor3d ;
239 Tolerance : Real from Standard ;
240 Parameters : Array1OfReal from TColStd ;
241 MaxDistance : out Real from Standard) ;
243 ---Purpose: this will compute the maximum distance at the
244 -- parameters given in the Parameters array by
245 -- evaluating each parameter the two curves and taking
246 -- the maximum of the evaluated distance
248 EvalMaxDistanceAlongParameter(Curve : Curve from Adaptor3d ;
249 AReferenceCurve : Curve from Adaptor3d ;
250 Tolerance : Real from Standard ;
251 Parameters : Array1OfReal from TColStd ;
252 MaxDistance : out Real from Standard) ;
253 ---Purpose: this will compute the maximum distancef at the parameters
254 -- given in the Parameters array by projecting from the Curve
255 -- to the reference curve and taking the minimum distance
256 -- Than the maximum will be taken on those minimas.
258 CancelDenominatorDerivative(BSurf : in out BSplineSurface from Geom ;
259 UDirection : in Boolean from Standard ;
260 VDirection : in Boolean from Standard) ;
261 ---Purpose: Cancel,on the boudaries,the denominator first derivative
262 -- in the directions wished by the user and set its value to 1.
265-- TensorialProduct(S : in out BSplineSurface from Geom;
266-- Poles : Array1OfMat from GeomLib;
267-- TPoles : Array1OfPnt from TColgp;
268-- Knots : Array1OfReal from TColStd;
269-- Mults : Array1OfInteger from TColStd);
270 -- Purpose: Compute the Tensorial product beetween an
271 -- BSplineSurface <S>(U,V) and an Transformation Law M(v)
272 -- given by NUBS form (<Poles>, <Knots>, <Mults>). The result
273 -- Surface is R(U,V) = M(V)*S(U,V)+T(V).
275 NormEstim(S : Surface from Geom;
276 UV : Pnt2d from gp;
277 Tol : Real from Standard;
278 N : in out Dir from gp)
280 returns Integer from Standard;
281 -- Purpose: Computes normal of surface S in UV point UV
282 -- for regular point N = DU^DV
283 -- if |DU| < Tol or |DV| < Tol special treatment is used:
284 -- N is computed on base of normal of corresponding isoline
285 -- of S
286 -- returns 0 for regular point,
287 -- 1 for quasysingular (ex.: sphere pole)
288 -- 2 for conical singular point
289 -- 3 if computation impossible (for ex. DU||DV - tangent isolines)
292end GeomLib;