0029050: SKIPPED test cases are no listed in header of summary.html
[occt.git] / src / DrawResources / TestCommands.tcl
d5f74e42 1# Copyright (c) 2013-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
40093367 2#
973c2be1 3# This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
40093367 4#
d5f74e42 5# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
6# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
973c2be1 7# by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
8# OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
9# distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
40093367 10#
973c2be1 11# Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
12# commercial license or contractual agreement.
40093367 13
15# This file defines scripts for execution of OCCT tests.
16# It should be loaded automatically when DRAW is started, and provides
351bbcba 17# top-level commands starting with 'test'. Type 'help test' to get their
18# synopsys.
40093367 19# See OCCT Tests User Guide for description of the test system.
21# Note: procedures with names starting with underscore are for internal use
22# inside the test system.
25# Default verbose level for command _run_test
26set _tests_verbose 0
28# regexp for parsing test case results in summary log
29set _test_case_regexp {^CASE\s+([\w.-]+)\s+([\w.-]+)\s+([\w.-]+)\s*:\s*([\w]+)(.*)}
31# Basic command to run indicated test case in DRAW
b725d7c5 32help test {
33 Run specified test case
433673e0 34 Use: test group grid casename [options...]
35 Allowed options are:
36 -echo: all commands and results are echoed immediately,
37 but log is not saved and summary is not produced
38 It is also possible to use "1" instead of "-echo"
39 If echo is OFF, log is stored in memory and only summary
40 is output (the log can be obtained with command "dlog get")
41 -outfile filename: set log file (should be non-existing),
42 it is possible to save log file in text file or
43 in html file(with snapshot), for that "filename"
44 should have ".html" extension
45 -overwrite: force writing log in existing file
46 -beep: play sound signal at the end of the test
5fd3308a 47 -errors: show all lines from the log report that are recognized as errors
48 This key will be ignored if the "-echo" key is already set.
b725d7c5 49}
433673e0 50proc test {group grid casename {args {}}} {
51 # set default values of arguments
52 set echo 0
5fd3308a 53 set errors 0
433673e0 54 set logfile ""
55 set overwrite 0
56 set signal 0
40093367 58 # get test case paths (will raise error if input is invalid)
59 _get_test $group $grid $casename dir gridname casefile
433673e0 61 # check arguments
62 for {set narg 0} {$narg < [llength $args]} {incr narg} {
63 set arg [lindex $args $narg]
433673e0 64 # if echo specified as "-echo", convert it to bool
65 if { $arg == "-echo" || $arg == "1" } {
6d368502 66 set echo t
67 continue
433673e0 68 }
70 # output log file
71 if { $arg == "-outfile" } {
6d368502 72 incr narg
73 if { $narg < [llength $args] && ! [regexp {^-} [lindex $args $narg]] } {
74 set logfile [lindex $args $narg]
75 } else {
76 error "Option -outfile requires argument"
77 }
78 continue
433673e0 79 }
81 # allow overwrite existing log
82 if { $arg == "-overwrite" } {
6d368502 83 set overwrite 1
84 continue
433673e0 85 }
87 # sound signal at the end of the test
88 if { $arg == "-beep" } {
6d368502 89 set signal t
90 continue
433673e0 91 }
5fd3308a 93 # if errors specified as "-errors", convert it to bool
94 if { $arg == "-errors" } {
6d368502 95 set errors t
96 continue
5fd3308a 97 }
433673e0 99 # unsupported option
100 error "Error: unsupported option \"$arg\""
101 }
40093367 102 # run test
c97067ad 103 uplevel _run_test $dir $group $gridname $casefile $echo
40093367 104
105 # check log
433673e0 106 if { !$echo } {
5fd3308a 107 _check_log $dir $group $gridname $casename $errors [dlog get] summary html_log
433673e0 108
109 # create log file
110 if { ! $overwrite && [file isfile $logfile] } {
111 error "Error: Specified log file \"$logfile\" exists; please remove it before running test or use -overwrite option"
112 }
113 if {$logfile != ""} {
6d368502 114 if {[file extension $logfile] == ".html"} {
115 if {[regexp {vdump ([^\s\n]+)} $html_log dump snapshot]} {
116 catch {file copy -force $snapshot [file rootname $logfile][file extension $snapshot]}
117 }
118 _log_html $logfile $html_log "Test $group $grid $casename"
119 } else {
120 _log_save $logfile "[dlog get]\n$summary" "Test $group $grid $casename"
433673e0 121 }
433673e0 122 }
5df3a117 123 }
40093367 124
433673e0 125 # play sound signal at the end of test
126 if {$signal} {
6d368502 127 puts "\7\7\7\7"
433673e0 128 }
40093367 129 return
132# Basic command to run indicated test case in DRAW
b725d7c5 133help testgrid {
134 Run all tests, or specified group, or one grid
87f42a3f 135 Use: testgrid [groupmask [gridmask [casemask]]] [options...]
b725d7c5 136 Allowed options are:
137 -parallel N: run N parallel processes (default is number of CPUs, 0 to disable)
9753e6de 138 -refresh N: save summary logs every N seconds (default 600, minimal 1, 0 to disable)
b725d7c5 139 -outdir dirname: set log directory (should be empty or non-existing)
140 -overwrite: force writing logs in existing non-empty directory
141 -xml filename: write XML report for Jenkins (in JUnit-like format)
433673e0 142 -beep: play sound signal at the end of the tests
b502ddc1 143 -regress dirname: re-run only a set of tests that have been detected as regressions on some previous run.
144 Here "dirname" is path to directory containing results of previous run.
87f42a3f 145 Groups, grids, and test cases to be executed can be specified by list of file
146 masks, separated by spaces or comma; default is all (*).
40093367 147}
b725d7c5 148proc testgrid {args} {
40093367 149 global env tcl_platform _tests_verbose
151 ######################################################
152 # check arguments
153 ######################################################
155 # check that environment variable defining paths to test scripts is defined
156 if { ! [info exists env(CSF_TestScriptsPath)] ||
6d368502 157 [llength $env(CSF_TestScriptsPath)] <= 0 } {
40093367 158 error "Error: Environment variable CSF_TestScriptsPath is not defined"
159 }
161 # treat options
b725d7c5 162 set parallel [_get_nb_cpus]
40093367 163 set refresh 60
b725d7c5 164 set logdir ""
40093367 165 set overwrite 0
166 set xmlfile ""
433673e0 167 set signal 0
b502ddc1 168 set regress 0
169 set prev_logdir ""
40093367 170 for {set narg 0} {$narg < [llength $args]} {incr narg} {
6d368502 171 set arg [lindex $args $narg]
173 # parallel execution
174 if { $arg == "-parallel" } {
175 incr narg
176 if { $narg < [llength $args] && ! [regexp {^-} [lindex $args $narg]] } {
177 set parallel [expr [lindex $args $narg]]
178 } else {
179 error "Option -parallel requires argument"
180 }
181 continue
182 }
184 # refresh logs time
185 if { $arg == "-refresh" } {
186 incr narg
187 if { $narg < [llength $args] && ! [regexp {^-} [lindex $args $narg]] } {
188 set refresh [expr [lindex $args $narg]]
189 } else {
190 error "Option -refresh requires argument"
191 }
192 continue
193 }
195 # output directory
196 if { $arg == "-outdir" } {
197 incr narg
198 if { $narg < [llength $args] && ! [regexp {^-} [lindex $args $narg]] } {
199 set logdir [lindex $args $narg]
200 } else {
201 error "Option -outdir requires argument"
202 }
203 continue
204 }
206 # allow overwrite logs
207 if { $arg == "-overwrite" } {
208 set overwrite 1
209 continue
210 }
212 # refresh logs time
213 if { $arg == "-xml" } {
214 incr narg
215 if { $narg < [llength $args] && ! [regexp {^-} [lindex $args $narg]] } {
216 set xmlfile [lindex $args $narg]
217 }
218 if { $xmlfile == "" } {
219 set xmlfile TESTS-summary.xml
220 }
221 continue
222 }
224 # sound signal at the end of the test
225 if { $arg == "-beep" } {
226 set signal t
227 continue
228 }
b502ddc1 230 # re-run only a set of tests that have been detected as regressions on some previous run
231 if { $arg == "-regress" } {
232 incr narg
233 if { $narg < [llength $args] && ! [regexp {^-} [lindex $args $narg]] } {
234 set prev_logdir [lindex $args $narg]
235 set regress 1
236 } else {
237 error "Option -regress requires argument"
238 }
239 continue
240 }
6d368502 242 # unsupported option
243 if { [regexp {^-} $arg] } {
244 error "Error: unsupported option \"$arg\""
245 }
247 # treat arguments not recognized as options as group and grid names
248 if { ! [info exists groupmask] } {
249 set groupmask [split $arg ,]
250 } elseif { ! [info exists gridmask] } {
251 set gridmask [split $arg ,]
252 } elseif { ! [info exists casemask] } {
253 set casemask [split $arg ,]
254 } else {
255 error "Error: cannot interpret argument $narg ($arg)"
256 }
40093367 257 }
259 # check that target log directory is empty or does not exist
260 set logdir [file normalize [string trim $logdir]]
b502ddc1 261 set prev_logdir [file normalize [string trim $prev_logdir]]
40093367 262 if { $logdir == "" } {
6d368502 263 # if specified logdir is empty string, generate unique name like
ffc26091 264 # results/<branch>_<timestamp>
265 set prefix ""
b725d7c5 266 if { ! [catch {exec git branch} gitout] &&
b502ddc1 267 [regexp {[*] ([\w-]+)} $gitout res branch] } {
ffc26091 268 set prefix "${branch}_"
b725d7c5 269 }
6d368502 270 set logdir "results/${prefix}[clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y-%m-%dT%H%M}]"
096ef695 271
6d368502 272 set logdir [file normalize $logdir]
40093367 273 }
274 if { [file isdirectory $logdir] && ! $overwrite && ! [catch {glob -directory $logdir *}] } {
6d368502 275 error "Error: Specified log directory \"$logdir\" is not empty; please clean it before running tests"
40093367 276 }
277 if { [catch {file mkdir $logdir}] || ! [file writable $logdir] } {
6d368502 278 error "Error: Cannot create directory \"$logdir\", or it is not writable"
40093367 279 }
87f42a3f 281 # masks for search of test groups, grids, and cases
282 if { ! [info exists groupmask] } { set groupmask * }
283 if { ! [info exists gridmask ] } { set gridmask * }
284 if { ! [info exists casemask ] } { set casemask * }
b502ddc1 286 # Find test cases with FAILED and IMPROVEMENT statuses in previous run
287 # if option "regress" is given
288 set rerun_group_grid_case {}
290 if { ${regress} > 0 } {
291 if { "${groupmask}" != "*"} {
292 lappend rerun_group_grid_case [list $groupmask $gridmask $casemask]
293 }
294 } else {
295 lappend rerun_group_grid_case [list $groupmask $gridmask $casemask]
296 }
298 if { ${regress} > 0 } {
299 if { [file exists ${prev_logdir}/tests.log] } {
300 set fd [open ${prev_logdir}/tests.log]
301 while { [gets $fd line] >= 0 } {
302 if {[regexp {CASE ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+): FAILED} $line dump group grid casename] ||
303 [regexp {CASE ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+): IMPROVEMENT} $line dump group grid casename]} {
304 lappend rerun_group_grid_case [list $group $grid $casename]
305 }
306 }
307 close $fd
308 } else {
309 error "Error: file ${prev_logdir}/tests.log is not found, check your input arguments!"
310 }
311 }
40093367 313 ######################################################
314 # prepare list of tests to be performed
315 ######################################################
317 # list of tests, each defined by a list of:
318 # test scripts directory
319 # group (subfolder) name
320 # grid (subfolder) name
321 # test case name
322 # path to test case file
323 set tests_list {}
b502ddc1 325 foreach group_grid_case ${rerun_group_grid_case} {
326 set groupmask [lindex $group_grid_case 0]
327 set gridmask [lindex $group_grid_case 1]
328 set casemask [lindex $group_grid_case 2]
40093367 329
b502ddc1 330 # iterate by all script paths
331 foreach dir [lsort -unique [_split_path $env(CSF_TestScriptsPath)]] {
332 # protection against empty paths
333 set dir [string trim $dir]
334 if { $dir == "" } { continue }
40093367 335
b502ddc1 336 if { $_tests_verbose > 0 } { _log_and_puts log "Examining tests directory $dir" }
40093367 337
b502ddc1 338 # check that directory exists
339 if { ! [file isdirectory $dir] } {
340 _log_and_puts log "Warning: directory $dir listed in CSF_TestScriptsPath does not exist, skipped"
6d368502 341 continue
342 }
b502ddc1 344 # search all directories in the current dir with specified mask
345 if [catch {glob -directory $dir -tail -types d {*}$groupmask} groups] { continue }
6d368502 346
b502ddc1 347 # iterate by groups
348 if { $_tests_verbose > 0 } { _log_and_puts log "Groups to be executed: $groups" }
349 foreach group [lsort -dictionary $groups] {
350 if { $_tests_verbose > 0 } { _log_and_puts log "Examining group directory $group" }
6d368502 351
b502ddc1 352 # file grids.list must exist: it defines sequence of grids in the group
353 if { ! [file exists $dir/$group/grids.list] } {
354 _log_and_puts log "Warning: directory $dir/$group does not contain file grids.list, skipped"
6d368502 355 continue
356 }
b502ddc1 358 # read grids.list file and make a list of grids to be executed
359 set gridlist {}
360 set fd [open $dir/$group/grids.list]
361 set nline 0
362 while { [gets $fd line] >= 0 } {
363 incr nline
6d368502 364
b502ddc1 365 # skip comments and empty lines
366 if { [regexp "\[ \t\]*\#.*" $line] } { continue }
367 if { [string trim $line] == "" } { continue }
6d368502 368
b502ddc1 369 # get grid id and name
370 if { ! [regexp "^\(\[0-9\]+\)\[ \t\]*\(\[A-Za-z0-9_.-\]+\)\$" $line res gridid grid] } {
371 _log_and_puts log "Warning: cannot recognize line $nline in file $dir/$group/grids.list as \"gridid gridname\"; ignored"
372 continue
87f42a3f 373 }
6d368502 374
b502ddc1 375 # check that grid fits into the specified mask
376 foreach mask $gridmask {
377 if { $mask == $gridid || [string match $mask $grid] } {
378 lappend gridlist $grid
379 }
380 }
6d368502 381 }
b502ddc1 382 close $fd
384 # iterate by all grids
385 foreach grid $gridlist {
387 # check if this grid is aliased to another one
388 set griddir $dir/$group/$grid
389 if { [file exists $griddir/cases.list] } {
390 set fd [open $griddir/cases.list]
391 if { [gets $fd line] >= 0 } {
392 set griddir [file normalize $dir/$group/$grid/[string trim $line]]
393 }
394 close $fd
395 }
6d368502 396
b502ddc1 397 # check if grid directory actually exists
398 if { ! [file isdirectory $griddir] } {
399 _log_and_puts log "Error: tests directory for grid $grid ($griddir) is missing; skipped"
6d368502 400 continue
87f42a3f 401 }
40093367 402
b502ddc1 403 # create directory for logging test results
404 if { $logdir != "" } { file mkdir $logdir/$group/$grid }
406 # iterate by all tests in the grid directory
407 if { [catch {glob -directory $griddir -type f {*}$casemask} testfiles] } { continue }
408 foreach casefile [lsort -dictionary $testfiles] {
409 # filter out files with reserved names
410 set casename [file tail $casefile]
411 if { $casename == "begin" || $casename == "end" ||
412 $casename == "parse.rules" } {
413 continue
414 }
416 lappend tests_list [list $dir $group $grid $casename $casefile]
417 }
6d368502 418 }
419 }
420 }
40093367 421 }
422 if { [llength $tests_list] < 1 } {
b502ddc1 423 error "Error: no tests are found, check your input arguments and variable CSF_TestScriptsPath!"
433673e0 424 } else {
6d368502 425 puts "Running tests (total [llength $tests_list] test cases)..."
40093367 426 }
428 ######################################################
429 # run tests
430 ######################################################
432 # log command arguments and environment
9753e6de 433 lappend log "Command: testgrid $args"
434 lappend log "Host: [info hostname]"
435 lappend log "Started on: [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}]"
436 catch {lappend log "DRAW build:\n[dversion]" }
437 lappend log "Environment:"
8a262fa1 438 foreach envar [lsort [array names env]] {
6d368502 439 lappend log "$envar=\"$env($envar)\""
40093367 440 }
9753e6de 441 lappend log ""
40093367 442
443 set refresh_timer [clock seconds]
444 uplevel dchrono _timer reset
445 uplevel dchrono _timer start
447 # if parallel execution is requested, allocate thread pool
448 if { $parallel > 0 } {
6d368502 449 if { ! [info exists tcl_platform(threaded)] || [catch {package require Thread}] } {
450 _log_and_puts log "Warning: Tcl package Thread is not available, running in sequential mode"
451 set parallel 0
452 } else {
453 set worker [tpool::create -minworkers $parallel -maxworkers $parallel]
454 # suspend the pool until all jobs are posted, to prevent blocking of the process
455 # of starting / processing jobs by running threads
456 catch {tpool::suspend $worker}
457 if { $_tests_verbose > 0 } { _log_and_puts log "Executing tests in (up to) $parallel threads" }
9753e6de 458 # limit number of jobs in the queue by reasonable value
459 # to prevent slowdown due to unnecessary queue processing
460 set nbpooled 0
461 set nbpooled_max [expr 10 * $parallel]
462 set nbpooled_ok [expr 5 * $parallel]
6d368502 463 }
40093367 464 }
466 # start test cases
8a262fa1 467 set userbreak 0
40093367 468 foreach test_def $tests_list {
8a262fa1 469 # check for user break
9753e6de 470 if { $userbreak || "[info commands dbreak]" == "dbreak" && [catch dbreak] } {
8a262fa1 471 set userbreak 1
472 break
473 }
6d368502 475 set dir [lindex $test_def 0]
476 set group [lindex $test_def 1]
477 set grid [lindex $test_def 2]
478 set casename [lindex $test_def 3]
479 set casefile [lindex $test_def 4]
481 # command to set tests for generation of image in results directory
482 set imgdir_cmd ""
483 if { $logdir != "" } { set imgdir_cmd "set imagedir $logdir/$group/$grid" }
485 # prepare command file for running test case in separate instance of DRAW
486 set fd_cmd [open $logdir/$group/$grid/${casename}.tcl w]
487 puts $fd_cmd "$imgdir_cmd"
488 puts $fd_cmd "set test_image $casename"
489 puts $fd_cmd "_run_test $dir $group $grid $casefile t"
491 # use dlog command to obtain complete output of the test when it is absent (i.e. since OCCT 6.6.0)
492 # note: this is not needed if echo is set to 1 in call to _run_test above
493 if { ! [catch {dlog get}] } {
494 puts $fd_cmd "puts \[dlog get\]"
495 } else {
496 # else try to use old-style QA_ variables to get more output...
497 set env(QA_DUMP) 1
498 set env(QA_DUP) 1
499 set env(QA_print_command) 1
500 }
502 # final 'exit' is needed when running on Linux under VirtualGl
503 puts $fd_cmd "exit"
504 close $fd_cmd
8418c617 505
506 # commant to run DRAW with a command file;
507 # note that empty string is passed as standard input to avoid possible
508 # hang-ups due to waiting for stdin of the launching process
6d368502 509 set command "exec <<{} DRAWEXE -f $logdir/$group/$grid/${casename}.tcl"
511 # alternative method to run without temporary file; disabled as it needs too many backslashes
512 # else {
513 # set command "exec <<\"\" DRAWEXE -c $imgdir_cmd\\\; set test_image $casename\\\; \
514 # _run_test $dir $group $grid $casefile\\\; \
515 # puts \\\[dlog get\\\]\\\; exit"
516 # }
518 # run test case, either in parallel or sequentially
519 if { $parallel > 0 } {
520 # parallel execution
521 set job [tpool::post -nowait $worker "catch \"$command\" output; return \$output"]
522 set job_def($job) [list $logdir $dir $group $grid $casename]
9753e6de 523 incr nbpooled
524 if { $nbpooled > $nbpooled_max } {
525 _testgrid_process_jobs $worker $nbpooled_ok
526 }
6d368502 527 } else {
528 # sequential execution
529 catch {eval $command} output
530 _log_test_case $output $logdir $dir $group $grid $casename log
532 # update summary log with requested period
533 if { $logdir != "" && $refresh > 0 && [expr [clock seconds] - $refresh_timer > $refresh] } {
534 # update and dump summary
535 _log_summarize $logdir $log
536 set refresh_timer [clock seconds]
537 }
538 }
40093367 539 }
541 # get results of started threads
542 if { $parallel > 0 } {
9753e6de 543 _testgrid_process_jobs $worker
6d368502 544 # release thread pool
9753e6de 545 if { $nbpooled > 0 } {
6d368502 546 tpool::cancel $worker [array names job_def]
9753e6de 547 }
548 catch {tpool::resume $worker}
6d368502 549 tpool::release $worker
40093367 550 }
552 uplevel dchrono _timer stop
553 set time [lindex [split [uplevel dchrono _timer show] "\n"] 0]
8a262fa1 555 if { $userbreak } {
9753e6de 556 _log_and_puts log "*********** Stopped by user break ***********"
8a262fa1 557 set time "${time} \nNote: the process is not finished, stopped by user break!"
558 }
40093367 560 ######################################################
561 # output summary logs and exit
562 ######################################################
564 _log_summarize $logdir $log $time
565 if { $logdir != "" } {
6d368502 566 puts "Detailed logs are saved in $logdir"
40093367 567 }
568 if { $logdir != "" && $xmlfile != "" } {
6d368502 569 # XML output file is assumed relative to log dir unless it is absolute
570 if { [ file pathtype $xmlfile] == "relative" } {
571 set xmlfile [file normalize $logdir/$xmlfile]
572 }
573 _log_xml_summary $logdir $xmlfile $log 0
574 puts "XML summary is saved to $xmlfile"
40093367 575 }
433673e0 576 # play sound signal at the end of test
577 if {$signal} {
6d368502 578 puts "\7\7\7\7"
433673e0 579 }
40093367 580 return
22db40eb 583# Procedure to regenerate summary log from logs of test cases
584help testsummarize {
585 Regenerate summary log in the test directory from logs of test cases.
586 This can be necessary if test grids are executed separately (e.g. on
587 different stations) or some grids have been re-executed.
588 Use: testsummarize dir
590proc testsummarize {dir} {
591 global _test_case_regexp
593 if { ! [file isdirectory $dir] } {
6d368502 594 error "Error: \"$dir\" is not a directory"
22db40eb 595 }
597 # get summary statements from all test cases in one log
9753e6de 598 set log {}
22db40eb 599
600 # to avoid huge listing of logs, first find all subdirectories and iterate
601 # by them, parsing log files in each subdirectory independently
602 foreach grid [glob -directory $dir -types d -tails */*] {
603 foreach caselog [glob -nocomplain -directory [file join $dir $grid] -types f -tails *.log] {
604 set file [file join $dir $grid $caselog]
605 set nbfound 0
606 set fd [open $file r]
6d368502 607 while { [gets $fd line] >= 0 } {
608 if { [regexp $_test_case_regexp $line res grp grd cas status message] } {
22db40eb 609 if { "[file join $grid $caselog]" != "[file join $grp $grd ${cas}.log]" } {
610 puts "Error: $file contains status line for another test case ($line)"
611 }
6d368502 612 lappend log $line
613 incr nbfound
614 }
615 }
22db40eb 616 close $fd
618 if { $nbfound != 1 } {
619 puts "Error: $file contains $nbfound status lines, expected 1"
620 }
621 }
622 }
624 _log_summarize $dir $log "Summary regenerated from logs at [clock format [clock seconds]]"
625 return
cc6a292d 628# Procedure to compare results of two runs of test cases
b725d7c5 629help testdiff {
630 Compare results of two executions of tests (CPU times, ...)
22db40eb 631 Use: testdiff dir1 dir2 [groupname [gridname]] [options...]
b725d7c5 632 Where dir1 and dir2 are directories containing logs of two test runs.
633 Allowed options are:
28cab376 634 -image [filename]: compare only images and save its in specified file (default
635 name is <dir1>/diffimage-<dir2>.log)
636 -cpu [filename]: compare only CPU and save it in specified file (default
637 name is <dir1>/diffcpu-<dir2>.log)
638 -memory [filename]: compare only memory and save it in specified file (default
639 name is <dir1>/diffmemory-<dir2>.log)
22db40eb 640 -save filename: save resulting log in specified file (default name is
60874ff8 641 <dir1>/diff-<dir2>.log); HTML log is saved with same name
22db40eb 642 and extension .html
b725d7c5 643 -status {same|ok|all}: filter cases for comparing by their status:
644 same - only cases with same status are compared (default)
645 ok - only cases with OK status in both logs are compared
646 all - results are compared regardless of status
647 -verbose level:
648 1 - output only differences
22db40eb 649 2 - output also list of logs and directories present in one of dirs only
650 3 - (default) output also progress messages
d5f061b6 651 -highlight_percent value: highlight considerable (>value in %) deviations
652 of CPU and memory (default value is 5%)
cc6a292d 653}
654proc testdiff {dir1 dir2 args} {
655 if { "$dir1" == "$dir2" } {
6d368502 656 error "Input directories are the same"
cc6a292d 657 }
659 ######################################################
660 # check arguments
661 ######################################################
663 # treat options
22db40eb 664 set logfile [file join $dir1 "diff-[file tail $dir2].log"]
28cab376 665 set logfile_image ""
666 set logfile_cpu ""
667 set logfile_memory ""
668 set image false
669 set cpu false
670 set memory false
cc6a292d 671 set basename ""
28cab376 672 set save false
cc6a292d 673 set status "same"
674 set verbose 3
6d368502 675 set highlight_percent 5
cc6a292d 676 for {set narg 0} {$narg < [llength $args]} {incr narg} {
6d368502 677 set arg [lindex $args $narg]
6d368502 678 # log file name
679 if { $arg == "-save" } {
680 incr narg
681 if { $narg < [llength $args] && ! [regexp {^-} [lindex $args $narg]] } {
682 set logfile [lindex $args $narg]
683 } else {
684 error "Error: Option -save must be followed by log file name"
685 }
28cab376 686 set save true
6d368502 687 continue
688 }
28cab376 689
690 # image compared log
691 if { $arg == "-image" } {
692 incr narg
693 if { $narg < [llength $args] && ! [regexp {^-} [lindex $args $narg]] } {
694 set logfile_image [lindex $args $narg]
695 } else {
696 set logfile_image [file join $dir1 "diffimage-[file tail $dir2].log"]
697 incr narg -1
698 }
699 set image true
700 continue
701 }
703 # CPU compared log
704 if { $arg == "-cpu" } {
705 incr narg
706 if { $narg < [llength $args] && ! [regexp {^-} [lindex $args $narg]] } {
707 set logfile_cpu [lindex $args $narg]
708 } else {
709 set logfile_cpu [file join $dir1 "diffcpu-[file tail $dir2].log"]
710 incr narg -1
711 }
712 set cpu true
713 continue
714 }
716 # memory compared log
717 if { $arg == "-memory" } {
718 incr narg
719 if { $narg < [llength $args] && ! [regexp {^-} [lindex $args $narg]] } {
720 set logfile_memory [lindex $args $narg]
721 } else {
722 set logfile_memory [file join $dir1 "diffmemory-[file tail $dir2].log"]
723 incr narg -1
724 }
725 set memory true
726 continue
727 }
6d368502 729 # status filter
730 if { $arg == "-status" } {
731 incr narg
732 if { $narg < [llength $args] && ! [regexp {^-} [lindex $args $narg]] } {
733 set status [lindex $args $narg]
734 } else {
735 set status ""
736 }
737 if { "$status" != "same" && "$status" != "all" && "$status" != "ok" } {
738 error "Error: Option -status must be followed by one of \"same\", \"all\", or \"ok\""
739 }
740 continue
741 }
743 # verbose level
744 if { $arg == "-verbose" } {
745 incr narg
746 if { $narg < [llength $args] && ! [regexp {^-} [lindex $args $narg]] } {
747 set verbose [expr [lindex $args $narg]]
748 } else {
749 error "Error: Option -verbose must be followed by integer verbose level"
750 }
751 continue
752 }
754 # highlight_percent
755 if { $arg == "-highlight_percent" } {
756 incr narg
757 if { $narg < [llength $args] && ! [regexp {^-} [lindex $args $narg]] } {
758 set highlight_percent [expr [lindex $args $narg]]
759 } else {
760 error "Error: Option -highlight_percent must be followed by integer value"
761 }
762 continue
763 }
765 if { [regexp {^-} $arg] } {
766 error "Error: unsupported option \"$arg\""
767 }
22db40eb 768
769 # non-option arguments form a subdirectory path
6d368502 770 set basename [file join $basename $arg]
cc6a292d 771 }
28cab376 772
773 if {$image != false || $cpu != false || $memory != false} {
774 if {$save != false} {
775 error "Error: Option -save can not be used with image/cpu/memory options"
776 }
777 }
cc6a292d 778
779 # run diff procedure (recursive)
28cab376 780 _test_diff $dir1 $dir2 $basename $image $cpu $memory $status $verbose log log_image log_cpu log_memory
cc6a292d 782 # save result to log file
28cab376 783 if {$image == false && $cpu == false && $memory == false} {
784 if { "$logfile" != "" } {
785 _log_save $logfile [join $log "\n"]
786 _log_html_diff "[file rootname $logfile].html" $log $dir1 $dir2 ${highlight_percent}
787 puts "Log is saved to $logfile (and .html)"
788 }
789 } else {
790 foreach mode {image cpu memory} {
791 if {"[set logfile_${mode}]" != ""} {
792 _log_save "[set logfile_${mode}]" [join "[set log_${mode}]" "\n"]
793 _log_html_diff "[file rootname [set logfile_${mode}]].html" "[set log_${mode}]" $dir1 $dir2 ${highlight_percent}
794 puts "Log (${mode}) is saved to [set logfile_${mode}] (and .html)"
795 }
796 }
cc6a292d 797 }
cc6a292d 798 return
351bbcba 801# Procedure to check data file before adding it to repository
802help testfile {
803 Check data file and prepare it for putting to test data files repository.
804 Use: testfile [filelist]
806 Will report if:
807 - data file (non-binary) is in DOS encoding (CR/LF)
808 - same data file (with same or another name) already exists in the repository
809 - another file with the same name already exists
810 Note that names are assumed to be case-insensitive (for Windows).
812 Unless the file is already in the repository, tries to load it, reports
813 the recognized file format, file size, number of faces and edges in the
60874ff8 814 loaded shape (if any), and makes snapshot (in the temporary directory).
351bbcba 815 Finally it advises whether the file should be put to public section of the
816 repository.
818proc testfile {filelist} {
819 global env
821 # check that CSF_TestDataPath is defined
822 if { ! [info exists env(CSF_TestDataPath)] } {
823 error "Environment variable CSF_TestDataPath must be defined!"
824 }
826 # build registry of existing data files (name -> path) and (size -> path)
827 puts "Checking available test data files..."
828 foreach dir [_split_path $env(CSF_TestDataPath)] {
829 while {[llength $dir] != 0} {
830 set curr [lindex $dir 0]
831 set dir [lrange $dir 1 end]
832 eval lappend dir [glob -nocomplain -directory $curr -type d *]
833 foreach file [glob -nocomplain -directory $curr -type f *] {
834 set name [file tail $file]
835 set name_lower [string tolower $name]
837 # check that the file is not in DOS encoding
838 if { [_check_dos_encoding $file] } {
839 puts "Warning: file $file is in DOS encoding; was this intended?"
840 }
841 _check_file_format $file
843 # check if file with the same name is present twice or more
844 if { [info exists names($name_lower)] } {
845 puts "Error: more than one file with name $name is present in the repository:"
846 if { [_diff_files $file $names($name_lower)] } {
847 puts "(files are different by content)"
848 } else {
849 puts "(files are same by content)"
850 }
851 puts "--> $file"
852 puts "--> $names($name_lower)"
853 continue
854 }
856 # check if file with the same content exists
857 set size [file size $file]
858 if { [info exists sizes($size)] } {
859 foreach other $sizes($size) {
860 if { ! [_diff_files $file $other] } {
861 puts "Warning: two files with the same content found:"
862 puts "--> $file"
863 puts "--> $other"
864 }
865 }
866 }
868 # add the file to the registry
869 set names($name_lower) $file
870 lappend sizes($size) $file
6d368502 871 }
872 }
351bbcba 873 }
874 if { [llength $filelist] <= 0 } { return }
876 # check the new files
877 set has_images f
878 puts "Checking new file(s)..."
879 foreach file $filelist {
880 # check for DOS encoding
881 if { [_check_dos_encoding $file] } {
882 puts "$file: Warning: DOS encoding detected"
883 }
885 set name [file tail $file]
886 set name_lower [string tolower $name]
888 # check for presence of the file with same name
889 if { [info exists names($name_lower)] } {
890 if { [_diff_files $file $names($name_lower)] } {
891 puts "$file: Error: name is already used by existing file\n--> $names($name_lower)"
892 } else {
893 puts "$file: OK: already in the repository \n--> $names($name_lower)"
894 continue
895 }
896 }
898 # check if file with the same content exists
899 set size [file size $file]
900 if { [info exists sizes($size)] } {
901 set found f
902 foreach other $sizes($size) {
903 if { ! [_diff_files $file $other] } {
6d368502 904 puts "$file: OK: the same file is already present under name [file tail $other]\n--> $other"
905 set found t
906 break
351bbcba 907 }
908 }
909 if { $found } { continue }
910 }
912 # try to read the file
913 set format [_check_file_format $file]
914 if { [catch {uplevel load_data_file $file $format a}] } {
915 puts "$file: Error: Cannot read as $format file"
916 continue
917 }
919 # get number of faces and edges
920 set edges 0
921 set faces 0
922 set nbs [uplevel nbshapes a]
923 regexp {EDGE[ \t:]*([0-9]+)} $nbs res edges
924 regexp {FACE[ \t:]*([0-9]+)} $nbs res faces
926 # classify; first check file size and number of faces and edges
927 if { $size < 95000 && $faces < 20 && $edges < 100 } {
928 set dir public
929 } else {
930 set dir private
931 # check if one of names of that file corresponds to typical name for
932 # MDTV bugs or has extension .rle, this should be old model
933 if { [regexp -nocase {.*(cts|ats|pro|buc|ger|fra|usa|uki)[0-9]+.*} $name] ||
934 [regexp -nocase {[.]rle\y} $name] } {
935 set dir old
936 }
937 }
939 # add stats
940 puts "$file: $format size=[expr $size / 1024] KiB, nbfaces=$faces, nbedges=$edges -> $dir"
60874ff8 942 set tmpdir [_get_temp_dir]
943 file mkdir $tmpdir/$dir
351bbcba 944
945 # make snapshot
946 pload AISV
947 uplevel vdisplay a
948 uplevel vfit
949 uplevel vzfit
60874ff8 950 uplevel vdump $tmpdir/$dir/[file rootname [file tail $file]].png
351bbcba 951 set has_images t
952 }
953 if { $has_images } {
60874ff8 954 puts "Snapshots are saved in subdirectory [_get_temp_dir]"
351bbcba 955 }
22db40eb 958# Procedure to locate data file for test given its name.
959# The search is performed assuming that the function is called
960# from the test case script; the search order is:
961# - subdirectory "data" of the test script (grid) folder
962# - subdirectories in environment variable CSF_TestDataPath
963# - subdirectory set by datadir command
964# If file is not found, raises Tcl error.
965proc locate_data_file {filename} {
966 global env groupname gridname casename
968 # check if the file is located in the subdirectory data of the script dir
969 set scriptfile [info script]
970 if { $scriptfile != "" } {
971 set path [file join [file dirname $scriptfile] data $filename]
6d368502 972 if { [file exists $path] } {
973 return [file normalize $path]
974 }
22db40eb 975 }
977 # check sub-directories in paths indicated by CSF_TestDataPath
978 if { [info exists env(CSF_TestDataPath)] } {
6d368502 979 foreach dir [_split_path $env(CSF_TestDataPath)] {
980 while {[llength $dir] != 0} {
981 set name [lindex $dir 0]
982 set dir [lrange $dir 1 end]
80482e01 983 # skip directories starting with dot
984 if { [regexp {^[.]} $name] } { continue }
6d368502 985 if { [file exists $name/$filename] } {
986 return [file normalize $name/$filename]
987 }
988 eval lappend dir [glob -nocomplain -directory $name -type d *]
989 }
990 }
22db40eb 991 }
993 # check current datadir
994 if { [file exists [uplevel datadir]/$filename] } {
6d368502 995 return [file normalize [uplevel datadir]/$filename]
22db40eb 996 }
998 # raise error
c97067ad 999 error [join [list "File $filename could not be found" \
6d368502 1000 "(should be in paths indicated by CSF_TestDataPath environment variable, " \
22db40eb 1001 "or in subfolder data in the script directory)"] "\n"]
40093367 1004# Internal procedure to find test case indicated by group, grid, and test case names;
1005# returns:
1006# - dir: path to the base directory of the tests group
1007# - gridname: actual name of the grid
1008# - casefile: path to the test case script
1009# if no such test is found, raises error with appropriate message
1010proc _get_test {group grid casename _dir _gridname _casefile} {
1011 upvar $_dir dir
1012 upvar $_gridname gridname
1013 upvar $_casefile casefile
1015 global env
1017 # check that environment variable defining paths to test scripts is defined
1018 if { ! [info exists env(CSF_TestScriptsPath)] ||
1019 [llength $env(CSF_TestScriptsPath)] <= 0 } {
1020 error "Error: Environment variable CSF_TestScriptsPath is not defined"
1021 }
1023 # iterate by all script paths
1024 foreach dir [_split_path $env(CSF_TestScriptsPath)] {
6d368502 1025 # protection against empty paths
1026 set dir [string trim $dir]
1027 if { $dir == "" } { continue }
40093367 1028
1029 # check that directory exists
1030 if { ! [file isdirectory $dir] } {
1031 puts "Warning: directory $dir listed in CSF_TestScriptsPath does not exist, skipped"
6d368502 1032 continue
40093367 1033 }
1035 # check if test group with given name exists in this dir
1036 # if not, continue to the next test dir
1037 if { ! [file isdirectory $dir/$group] } { continue }
1039 # check that grid with given name (possibly alias) exists; stop otherwise
1040 set gridname $grid
1041 if { ! [file isdirectory $dir/$group/$gridname] } {
1042 # check if grid is named by alias rather than by actual name
1043 if { [file exists $dir/$group/grids.list] } {
1044 set fd [open $dir/$group/grids.list]
1045 while { [gets $fd line] >= 0 } {
1046 if { [regexp "\[ \t\]*\#.*" $line] } { continue }
1047 if { [regexp "^$grid\[ \t\]*\(\[A-Za-z0-9_.-\]+\)\$" $line res gridname] } {
1048 break
1049 }
1050 }
1051 close $fd
6d368502 1052 }
1053 }
40093367 1054 if { ! [file isdirectory $dir/$group/$gridname] } { continue }
1056 # get actual file name of the script; stop if it cannot be found
1057 set casefile $dir/$group/$gridname/$casename
1058 if { ! [file exists $casefile] } {
1059 # check if this grid is aliased to another one
1060 if { [file exists $dir/$group/$gridname/cases.list] } {
1061 set fd [open $dir/$group/$gridname/cases.list]
1062 if { [gets $fd line] >= 0 } {
1063 set casefile [file normalize $dir/$group/$gridname/[string trim $line]/$casename]
1064 }
6d368502 1065 close $fd
1066 }
40093367 1067 }
1068 if { [file exists $casefile] } {
1069 # normal return
1070 return
1071 }
1072 }
1074 # coming here means specified test is not found; report error
1075 error [join [list "Error: test case $group / $grid / $casename is not found in paths listed in variable" \
6d368502 1076 "CSF_TestScriptsPath (current value is \"$env(CSF_TestScriptsPath)\")"] "\n"]
40093367 1077}
1079# Internal procedure to run test case indicated by base directory,
1080# grid and grid names, and test case file path.
1081# The log can be obtained by command "dlog get".
5df3a117 1082proc _run_test {scriptsdir group gridname casefile echo} {
40093367 1083 global env
1085 # start timer
1086 uplevel dchrono _timer reset
1087 uplevel dchrono _timer start
433673e0 1088 catch {uplevel meminfo h} membase
40093367 1089
1090 # enable commands logging; switch to old-style mode if dlog command is not present
1091 set dlog_exists 1
1092 if { [catch {dlog reset}] } {
6d368502 1093 set dlog_exists 0
5df3a117 1094 } elseif { $echo } {
1095 decho on
40093367 1096 } else {
6d368502 1097 dlog reset
1098 dlog on
1099 rename puts puts-saved
1100 proc puts args {
1101 global _tests_verbose
1103 # log only output to stdout and stderr, not to file!
1104 if {[llength $args] > 1} {
1105 set optarg [lindex $args end-1]
1106 if { $optarg == "stdout" || $optarg == "stderr" || $optarg == "-newline" } {
1107 dlog add [lindex $args end]
1108 } else {
1109 eval puts-saved $args
1110 }
1111 } else {
1112 dlog add [lindex $args end]
1113 }
1114 }
40093367 1115 }
40093367 1117 # evaluate test case
936f43da 1118 set tmp_imagedir 0
40093367 1119 if [catch {
60874ff8 1120 # set variables identifying test case
6d368502 1121 uplevel set casename [file tail $casefile]
1122 uplevel set groupname $group
1123 uplevel set gridname $gridname
1124 uplevel set dirname $scriptsdir
40093367 1125
6d368502 1126 # set path for saving of log and images (if not yet set) to temp dir
1127 if { ! [uplevel info exists imagedir] } {
1128 uplevel set test_image \$casename
a3ef6605 1129
1130 # create subdirectory in temp named after group and grid with timestamp
1131 set rootlogdir [_get_temp_dir]
1133 set imagedir "${group}-${gridname}-${::casename}-[clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y-%m-%dT%Hh%Mm%Ss}]"
1134 set imagedir [file normalize ${rootlogdir}/$imagedir]
1136 if { [catch {file mkdir $imagedir}] || ! [file writable $imagedir] ||
1137 ! [catch {glob -directory $imagedir *}] } {
6d368502 1138 # puts "Warning: Cannot create directory \"$imagedir\", or it is not empty; \"${rootlogdir}\" is used"
a3ef6605 1139 set imagedir $rootlogdir
1140 }
d16b64f1 1142 uplevel set imagedir \"$imagedir\"
936f43da 1143 set tmp_imagedir 1
6d368502 1144 }
60874ff8 1145
6d368502 1146 # execute test scripts
40093367 1147 if { [file exists $scriptsdir/$group/begin] } {
6d368502 1148 puts "Executing $scriptsdir/$group/begin..."; flush stdout
1149 uplevel source $scriptsdir/$group/begin
1150 }
1151 if { [file exists $scriptsdir/$group/$gridname/begin] } {
1152 puts "Executing $scriptsdir/$group/$gridname/begin..."; flush stdout
1153 uplevel source $scriptsdir/$group/$gridname/begin
1154 }
1156 puts "Executing $casefile..."; flush stdout
1157 uplevel source $casefile
1159 if { [file exists $scriptsdir/$group/$gridname/end] } {
1160 puts "Executing $scriptsdir/$group/$gridname/end..."; flush stdout
1161 uplevel source $scriptsdir/$group/$gridname/end
1162 }
1163 if { [file exists $scriptsdir/$group/end] } {
1164 puts "Executing $scriptsdir/$group/end..."; flush stdout
1165 uplevel source $scriptsdir/$group/end
1166 }
40093367 1167 } res] {
6d368502 1168 puts "Tcl Exception: $res"
40093367 1169 }
40093367 1171 # stop logging
1172 if { $dlog_exists } {
5df3a117 1173 if { $echo } {
6d368502 1174 decho off
5df3a117 1175 } else {
1176 rename puts {}
6d368502 1177 rename puts-saved puts
1178 dlog off
1179 }
40093367 1180 }
8418c617 1182 # stop cpulimit killer if armed by the test
1183 cpulimit
22db40eb 1185 # add memory and timing info
1186 set stats ""
433673e0 1187 if { ! [catch {uplevel meminfo h} memuse] } {
936f43da 1188 append stats "MEMORY DELTA: [expr ($memuse - $membase) / 1024] KiB\n"
22db40eb 1189 }
40093367 1190 uplevel dchrono _timer stop
1191 set time [uplevel dchrono _timer show]
936f43da 1192 if { [regexp -nocase {CPU user time:[ \t]*([0-9.e-]+)} $time res cpu_usr] } {
6d368502 1193 append stats "TOTAL CPU TIME: $cpu_usr sec\n"
22db40eb 1194 }
1195 if { $dlog_exists && ! $echo } {
6d368502 1196 dlog add $stats
22db40eb 1197 } else {
6d368502 1198 puts $stats
40093367 1199 }
936f43da 1200
1201 # unset global vars
1202 uplevel unset casename groupname gridname dirname
1203 if { $tmp_imagedir } { uplevel unset imagedir test_image }
40093367 1204}
1206# Internal procedure to check log of test execution and decide if it passed or failed
5fd3308a 1207proc _check_log {dir group gridname casename errors log {_summary {}} {_html_log {}}} {
40093367 1208 global env
1209 if { $_summary != "" } { upvar $_summary summary }
1210 if { $_html_log != "" } { upvar $_html_log html_log }
9753e6de 1211 set summary {}
1212 set html_log {}
5fd3308a 1213 set errors_log {}
40093367 1214
6d368502 1215 if [catch {
1217 # load definition of 'bad words' indicating test failure
1218 # note that rules are loaded in the order of decreasing priority (grid - group - common),
1219 # thus grid rules will override group ones
1220 set badwords {}
1221 foreach rulesfile [list $dir/$group/$gridname/parse.rules $dir/$group/parse.rules $dir/parse.rules] {
1222 if [catch {set fd [open $rulesfile r]}] { continue }
1223 while { [gets $fd line] >= 0 } {
1224 # skip comments and empty lines
1225 if { [regexp "\[ \t\]*\#.*" $line] } { continue }
1226 if { [string trim $line] == "" } { continue }
1227 # extract regexp
1228 if { ! [regexp {^([^/]*)/([^/]*)/(.*)$} $line res status rexp comment] } {
1229 puts "Warning: cannot recognize parsing rule \"$line\" in file $rulesfile"
1230 continue
1231 }
1232 set status [string trim $status]
1233 if { $comment != "" } { append status " ([string trim $comment])" }
1234 set rexp [regsub -all {\\b} $rexp {\\y}] ;# convert regexp from Perl to Tcl style
1235 lappend badwords [list $status $rexp]
1236 }
1237 close $fd
1238 }
1239 if { [llength $badwords] <= 0 } {
1240 puts "Warning: no definition of error indicators found (check files parse.rules)"
1241 }
1243 # analyse log line-by-line
1244 set todos {} ;# TODO statements
1245 set requs {} ;# REQUIRED statements
1246 set todo_incomplete -1
1247 set status ""
1248 foreach line [split $log "\n"] {
1249 # check if line defines specific treatment of some messages
1250 if [regexp -nocase {^[ \s]*TODO ([^:]*):(.*)$} $line res platforms pattern] {
1251 if { ! [regexp -nocase {\mAll\M} $platforms] &&
863f782a 1252 ! [regexp -nocase "\\m[checkplatform]\\M" $platforms] } {
6d368502 1253 lappend html_log [_html_highlight IGNORE $line]
1254 continue ;# TODO statement is for another platform
1255 }
1257 # record TODOs that mark unstable cases
1258 if { [regexp {[\?]} $platforms] } {
1259 set todos_unstable([llength $todos]) 1
1260 }
1262 # convert legacy regexps from Perl to Tcl style
1263 set pattern [regsub -all {\\b} [string trim $pattern] {\\y}]
1265 # special case: TODO TEST INCOMPLETE
1266 if { [string trim $pattern] == "TEST INCOMPLETE" } {
1267 set todo_incomplete [llength $todos]
1268 }
1270 lappend todos [list $pattern [llength $html_log] $line]
1271 lappend html_log [_html_highlight BAD $line]
1272 continue
1273 }
1274 if [regexp -nocase {^[ \s]*REQUIRED ([^:]*):[ \s]*(.*)$} $line res platforms pattern] {
1275 if { ! [regexp -nocase {\mAll\M} $platforms] &&
863f782a 1276 ! [regexp -nocase "\\m[checkplatform]\\M" $platforms] } {
6d368502 1277 lappend html_log [_html_highlight IGNORE $line]
1278 continue ;# REQUIRED statement is for another platform
1279 }
1280 lappend requs [list $pattern [llength $html_log] $line]
1281 lappend html_log [_html_highlight OK $line]
1282 continue
1283 }
1285 # check for presence of required messages
1286 set ismarked 0
1287 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $requs]} {incr i} {
1288 set pattern [lindex $requs $i 0]
1289 if { [regexp $pattern $line] } {
1290 incr required_count($i)
1291 lappend html_log [_html_highlight OK $line]
1292 set ismarked 1
1293 continue
1294 }
1295 }
1296 if { $ismarked } {
1297 continue
1298 }
1300 # check for presence of messages indicating test result
1301 foreach bw $badwords {
1302 if { [regexp [lindex $bw 1] $line] } {
1303 # check if this is known bad case
1304 set is_known 0
1305 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $todos]} {incr i} {
1306 set pattern [lindex $todos $i 0]
1307 if { [regexp $pattern $line] } {
1308 set is_known 1
1309 incr todo_count($i)
1310 lappend html_log [_html_highlight BAD $line]
1311 break
1312 }
1313 }
1315 # if it is not in todo, define status
1316 if { ! $is_known } {
1317 set stat [lindex $bw 0 0]
1318 if {$errors} {
1319 lappend errors_log $line
1320 }
1321 lappend html_log [_html_highlight $stat $line]
1322 if { $status == "" && $stat != "OK" && ! [regexp -nocase {^IGNOR} $stat] } {
1323 set status [lindex $bw 0]
1324 }
1325 }
1326 set ismarked 1
1327 break
1328 }
1329 }
1330 if { ! $ismarked } {
1331 lappend html_log $line
1332 }
1333 }
1335 # check for presence of TEST COMPLETED statement
1336 if { $status == "" && ! [regexp {TEST COMPLETED} $log] } {
1337 # check whether absence of TEST COMPLETED is known problem
1338 if { $todo_incomplete >= 0 } {
1339 incr todo_count($todo_incomplete)
1340 } else {
1341 set status "FAILED (no final message is found)"
1342 }
1343 }
1345 # report test as failed if it doesn't contain required pattern
1346 if { $status == "" } {
1347 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $requs]} {incr i} {
1348 if { ! [info exists required_count($i)] } {
1349 set linenum [lindex $requs $i 1]
1350 set html_log [lreplace $html_log $linenum $linenum [_html_highlight FAILED [lindex $requs $i 2]]]
1351 set status "FAILED (REQUIRED statement no. [expr $i + 1] is not found)"
1352 }
1353 }
1354 }
1356 # check declared bad cases and diagnose possible improvement
1357 # (bad case declared but not detected).
1358 # Note that absence of the problem marked by TODO with question mark
1359 # (unstable) is not reported as improvement.
1360 if { $status == "" } {
1361 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $todos]} {incr i} {
1362 if { ! [info exists todos_unstable($i)] &&
1363 (! [info exists todo_count($i)] || $todo_count($i) <= 0) } {
1364 set linenum [lindex $todos $i 1]
1365 set html_log [lreplace $html_log $linenum $linenum [_html_highlight IMPROVEMENT [lindex $todos $i 2]]]
1366 set status "IMPROVEMENT (expected problem TODO no. [expr $i + 1] is not detected)"
1367 break;
1368 }
1369 }
1370 }
1372 # report test as known bad if at least one of expected problems is found
1373 if { $status == "" && [llength [array names todo_count]] > 0 } {
1374 set status "BAD (known problem)"
1375 }
1377 # report normal OK
1378 if { $status == "" } {set status "OK" }
1380 } res] {
1381 set status "FAILED ($res)"
1382 }
40093367 1383
1384 # put final message
1385 _log_and_puts summary "CASE $group $gridname $casename: $status"
9753e6de 1386 set summary [join $summary "\n"]
5fd3308a 1387 if {$errors} {
6d368502 1388 foreach error $errors_log {
1389 _log_and_puts summary " $error"
1390 }
5fd3308a 1391 }
9753e6de 1392 set html_log "[_html_highlight [lindex $status 0] $summary]\n[join $html_log \n]"
40093367 1393}
1395# Auxiliary procedure putting message to both cout and log variable (list)
1396proc _log_and_puts {logvar message} {
1397 if { $logvar != "" } {
6d368502 1398 upvar $logvar log
1399 lappend log $message
40093367 1400 }
1401 puts $message
1404# Auxiliary procedure to log result on single test case
1405proc _log_test_case {output logdir dir group grid casename logvar} {
1406 upvar $logvar log
5fd3308a 1407 set show_errors 0
40093367 1408 # check result and make HTML log
5fd3308a 1409 _check_log $dir $group $grid $casename $show_errors $output summary html_log
9753e6de 1410 lappend log $summary
40093367 1411
1412 # save log to file
1413 if { $logdir != "" } {
6d368502 1414 _log_html $logdir/$group/$grid/$casename.html $html_log "Test $group $grid $casename"
1415 _log_save $logdir/$group/$grid/$casename.log "$output\n$summary" "Test $group $grid $casename"
40093367 1416 }
1419# Auxiliary procedure to save log to file
1420proc _log_save {file log {title {}}} {
1421 # create missing directories as needed
1422 catch {file mkdir [file dirname $file]}
1424 # try to open a file
1425 if [catch {set fd [open $file w]} res] {
6d368502 1426 error "Error saving log file $file: $res"
40093367 1427 }
1429 # dump log and close
1430 puts $fd "$title\n"
1431 puts $fd $log
1432 close $fd
1433 return
22db40eb 1436# Auxiliary procedure to make a (relative if possible) URL to a file for
1437# inclusion a reference in HTML log
1438proc _make_url {htmldir file} {
1439 set htmlpath [file split [file normalize $htmldir]]
1440 set filepath [file split [file normalize $file]]
1441 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $htmlpath]} {incr i} {
1442 if { "[lindex $htmlpath $i]" != "[lindex $filepath $i]" } {
1443 if { $i == 0 } { break }
1444 return "[string repeat "../" [expr [llength $htmlpath] - $i - 1]][eval file join [lrange $filepath $i end]]"
1445 }
1446 }
1448 # if relative path could not be made, return full file URL
1449 return "file://[file normalize $file]"
40093367 1452# Auxiliary procedure to save log to file
1453proc _log_html {file log {title {}}} {
1454 # create missing directories as needed
1455 catch {file mkdir [file dirname $file]}
1457 # try to open a file
1458 if [catch {set fd [open $file w]} res] {
6d368502 1459 error "Error saving log file $file: $res"
40093367 1460 }
1462 # print header
22db40eb 1463 puts $fd "<html><head><title>$title</title></head><body><h1>$title</h1>"
40093367 1464
ffc26091 1465 # add images if present; these should have either PNG, GIF, or JPG extension,
1466 # and start with name of the test script, with optional suffix separated
1467 # by underscore or dash
40093367 1468 set imgbasename [file rootname [file tail $file]]
ffc26091 1469 foreach img [lsort [glob -nocomplain -directory [file dirname $file] -tails \
1470 ${imgbasename}.gif ${imgbasename}.png ${imgbasename}.jpg \
1471 ${imgbasename}_*.gif ${imgbasename}_*.png ${imgbasename}_*.jpg \
1472 ${imgbasename}-*.gif ${imgbasename}-*.png ${imgbasename}-*.jpg]] {
6d368502 1473 puts $fd "<p>[file tail $img]<br><img src=\"$img\"/><p>"
40093367 1474 }
b725d7c5 1476 # print log body, trying to add HTML links to script files on lines like
1477 # "Executing <filename>..."
40093367 1478 puts $fd "<pre>"
b725d7c5 1479 foreach line [split $log "\n"] {
1480 if { [regexp {Executing[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9._/:-]+[^.])} $line res script] &&
1481 [file exists $script] } {
22db40eb 1482 set line [regsub $script $line "<a href=\"[_make_url $file $script]\">$script</a>"]
b725d7c5 1483 }
1484 puts $fd $line
1485 }
40093367 1486 puts $fd "</pre></body></html>"
1488 close $fd
1489 return
1492# Auxiliary method to make text with HTML highlighting according to status
1493proc _html_color {status} {
1494 # choose a color for the cell according to result
1495 if { $status == "OK" } {
6d368502 1496 return lightgreen
40093367 1497 } elseif { [regexp -nocase {^FAIL} $status] } {
77887d30 1498 return ff8080
40093367 1499 } elseif { [regexp -nocase {^BAD} $status] } {
6d368502 1500 return yellow
40093367 1501 } elseif { [regexp -nocase {^IMP} $status] } {
6d368502 1502 return orange
40093367 1503 } elseif { [regexp -nocase {^SKIP} $status] } {
6d368502 1504 return gray
40093367 1505 } elseif { [regexp -nocase {^IGNOR} $status] } {
6d368502 1506 return gray
40093367 1507 } else {
6d368502 1508 puts "Warning: no color defined for status $status, using red as if FAILED"
1509 return red
40093367 1510 }
1513# Format text line in HTML to be colored according to the status
1514proc _html_highlight {status line} {
1515 return "<table><tr><td bgcolor=\"[_html_color $status]\">$line</td></tr></table>"
1518# Internal procedure to generate HTML page presenting log of the tests
1519# execution in tabular form, with links to reports on individual cases
4514dc74 1520proc _log_html_summary {logdir log totals regressions improvements skipped total_time} {
40093367 1521 global _test_case_regexp
9753e6de 1523 # create missing directories as needed
1524 file mkdir $logdir
40093367 1525
1526 # try to open a file and start HTML
1527 if [catch {set fd [open $logdir/summary.html w]} res] {
6d368502 1528 error "Error creating log file: $res"
40093367 1529 }
1531 # write HRML header, including command to refresh log if still in progress
1532 puts $fd "<html><head>"
1533 puts $fd "<title>Tests summary</title>"
1534 if { $total_time == "" } {
6d368502 1535 puts $fd "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"10\">"
40093367 1536 }
1537 puts $fd "<meta http-equiv=\"pragma\" content=\"NO-CACHE\">"
1538 puts $fd "</head><body>"
1540 # put summary
1541 set legend(OK) "Test passed OK"
1542 set legend(FAILED) "Test failed (regression)"
1543 set legend(BAD) "Known problem"
1544 set legend(IMPROVEMENT) "Possible improvement (expected problem not detected)"
1545 set legend(SKIPPED) "Test skipped due to lack of data file"
1546 puts $fd "<h1>Summary</h1><table>"
1547 foreach nbstat $totals {
6d368502 1548 set status [lindex $nbstat 1]
1549 if { [info exists legend($status)] } {
1550 set comment $legend($status)
1551 } else {
1552 set comment "User-defined status"
1553 }
1554 puts $fd "<tr><td align=\"right\">[lindex $nbstat 0]</td><td bgcolor=\"[_html_color $status]\">$status</td><td>$comment</td></tr>"
40093367 1555 }
1556 puts $fd "</table>"
1558 # time stamp and elapsed time info
1559 if { $total_time != "" } {
6d368502 1560 puts $fd "<p>Generated on [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}] on [info hostname]\n<p>"
8a262fa1 1561 puts $fd [join [split $total_time "\n"] "<p>"]
40093367 1562 } else {
6d368502 1563 puts $fd "<p>NOTE: This is intermediate summary; the tests are still running! This page will refresh automatically until tests are finished."
40093367 1564 }
1566 # print regressions and improvements
4514dc74 1567 foreach featured [list $regressions $improvements $skipped] {
6d368502 1568 if { [llength $featured] <= 1 } { continue }
1569 set status [string trim [lindex $featured 0] { :}]
1570 puts $fd "<h2>$status</h2>"
1571 puts $fd "<table>"
1572 set groupgrid ""
1573 foreach test [lrange $featured 1 end] {
1574 if { ! [regexp {^(.*)\s+([\w.]+)$} $test res gg name] } {
1575 set gg UNKNOWN
1576 set name "Error building short list; check details"
1577 }
1578 if { $gg != $groupgrid } {
1579 if { $groupgrid != "" } { puts $fd "</tr>" }
1580 set groupgrid $gg
1581 puts $fd "<tr><td>$gg</td>"
1582 }
1583 puts $fd "<td bgcolor=\"[_html_color $status]\"><a href=\"[regsub -all { } $gg /]/${name}.html\">$name</a></td>"
1584 }
1585 if { $groupgrid != "" } { puts $fd "</tr>" }
1586 puts $fd "</table>"
40093367 1587 }
9753e6de 1589 # put detailed log with TOC
1590 puts $fd "<hr><h1>Details</h1>"
1591 puts $fd "<div style=\"float:right; padding: 10px; border-style: solid; border-color: blue; border-width: 2px;\">"
40093367 1592
1593 # process log line-by-line
1594 set group {}
1595 set letter {}
9753e6de 1596 set body {}
1597 foreach line [lsort -dictionary $log] {
6d368502 1598 # check that the line is case report in the form "CASE group grid name: result (explanation)"
1599 if { ! [regexp $_test_case_regexp $line res grp grd casename result message] } {
1600 continue
1601 }
1603 # start new group
1604 if { $grp != $group } {
1605 if { $letter != "" } { lappend body "</tr></table>" }
1606 set letter {}
1607 set group $grp
1608 set grid {}
1609 puts $fd "<a href=\"#$group\">$group</a><br>"
1610 lappend body "<h2><a name=\"$group\">Group $group</a></h2>"
1611 }
1613 # start new grid
1614 if { $grd != $grid } {
1615 if { $letter != "" } { lappend body "</tr></table>" }
1616 set letter {}
1617 set grid $grd
1618 puts $fd "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"#$group-$grid\">$grid</a><br>"
1619 lappend body "<h2><a name=\"$group-$grid\">Grid $group $grid</a></h2>"
1620 }
1622 # check if test case name is <letter><digit>;
1623 # if not, set alnum to period "." to recognize non-standard test name
1624 if { ! [regexp {\A([A-Za-z]{1,2})([0-9]{1,2})\Z} $casename res alnum number] &&
9753e6de 1625 ! [regexp {\A([A-Za-z0-9]+)_([0-9]+)\Z} $casename res alnum number] } {
6d368502 1626 set alnum $casename
1627 }
40093367 1628
6d368502 1629 # start new row when letter changes or for non-standard names
1630 if { $alnum != $letter || $alnum == "." } {
1631 if { $letter != "" } {
1632 lappend body "</tr><tr>"
1633 } else {
1634 lappend body "<table><tr>"
1635 }
1636 set letter $alnum
1637 }
40093367 1638
6d368502 1639 lappend body "<td bgcolor=\"[_html_color $result]\"><a href=\"$group/$grid/${casename}.html\">$casename</a></td>"
40093367 1640 }
9753e6de 1641 puts $fd "</div>\n[join $body "\n"]</tr></table>"
40093367 1642
1643 # add remaining lines of log as plain text
1644 puts $fd "<h2>Plain text messages</h2>\n<pre>"
9753e6de 1645 foreach line $log {
6d368502 1646 if { ! [regexp $_test_case_regexp $line] } {
1647 puts $fd "$line"
1648 }
40093367 1649 }
1650 puts $fd "</pre>"
1652 # close file and exit
1653 puts $fd "</body>"
1654 close $fd
1655 return
1658# Procedure to dump summary logs of tests
1659proc _log_summarize {logdir log {total_time {}}} {
1661 # sort log records alphabetically to have the same behavior on Linux and Windows
1662 # (also needed if tests are run in parallel)
9753e6de 1663 set loglist [lsort -dictionary $log]
40093367 1664
1665 # classify test cases by status
1666 foreach line $loglist {
6d368502 1667 if { [regexp {^CASE ([^:]*): ([[:alnum:]]+).*$} $line res caseid status] } {
1668 lappend stat($status) $caseid
1669 }
40093367 1670 }
1671 set totals {}
1672 set improvements {Improvements:}
1673 set regressions {Failed:}
4514dc74 1674 set skipped {Skipped:}
40093367 1675 if { [info exists stat] } {
6d368502 1676 foreach status [lsort [array names stat]] {
1677 lappend totals [list [llength $stat($status)] $status]
4514dc74 1679 # separately count improvements (status starting with IMP), skipped (status starting with SKIP) and regressions (all except IMP, OK, BAD, and SKIP)
6d368502 1680 if { [regexp -nocase {^IMP} $status] } {
1681 eval lappend improvements $stat($status)
4514dc74 1682 } elseif { [regexp -nocase {^SKIP} $status] } {
1683 eval lappend skipped $stat($status)
6d368502 1684 } elseif { $status != "OK" && ! [regexp -nocase {^BAD} $status] && ! [regexp -nocase {^SKIP} $status] } {
1685 eval lappend regressions $stat($status)
1686 }
1687 }
40093367 1688 }
1690 # if time is specified, add totals
1691 if { $total_time != "" } {
6d368502 1692 if { [llength $improvements] > 1 } {
1693 _log_and_puts log [join $improvements "\n "]
1694 }
1695 if { [llength $regressions] > 1 } {
1696 _log_and_puts log [join $regressions "\n "]
1697 }
4514dc74 1698 if { [llength $skipped] > 1 } {
1699 _log_and_puts log [join $skipped "\n "]
1700 }
6d368502 1701 if { [llength $improvements] == 1 && [llength $regressions] == 1 } {
1702 _log_and_puts log "No regressions"
1703 }
1704 _log_and_puts log "Total cases: [join $totals {, }]"
1705 _log_and_puts log $total_time
40093367 1706 }
1708 # save log to files
1709 if { $logdir != "" } {
4514dc74 1710 _log_html_summary $logdir $log $totals $regressions $improvements $skipped $total_time
6d368502 1711 _log_save $logdir/tests.log [join $log "\n"] "Tests summary"
40093367 1712 }
1714 return
1717# Internal procedure to generate XML log in JUnit style, for further
1718# consumption by Jenkins or similar systems.
1720# The output is intended to conform to XML schema supported by Jenkins found at
1721# https://svn.jenkins-ci.org/trunk/hudson/dtkit/dtkit-format/dtkit-junit-model/src/main/resources/com/thalesgroup/dtkit/junit/model/xsd/junit-4.xsd
1723# The mapping of the fields is inspired by annotated schema of Apache Ant JUnit XML format found at
1724# http://windyroad.org/dl/Open%20Source/JUnit.xsd
1725proc _log_xml_summary {logdir filename log include_cout} {
1726 global _test_case_regexp
1728 catch {file mkdir [file dirname $filename]}
1730 # try to open a file and start XML
1731 if [catch {set fd [open $filename w]} res] {
6d368502 1732 error "Error creating XML summary file $filename: $res"
40093367 1733 }
1734 puts $fd "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>"
1735 puts $fd "<testsuites>"
1737 # prototype for command to generate test suite tag
1738 set time_and_host "timestamp=\"[clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S}]\" hostname=\"[info hostname]\""
1739 set cmd_testsuite {puts $fd "<testsuite name=\"$group $grid\" tests=\"$nbtests\" failures=\"$nbfail\" errors=\"$nberr\" time=\"$time\" skipped=\"$nbskip\" $time_and_host>\n$testcases\n</testsuite>\n"}
1741 # sort log and process it line-by-line
1742 set group {}
9753e6de 1743 foreach line [lsort -dictionary $log] {
6d368502 1744 # check that the line is case report in the form "CASE group grid name: result (explanation)"
1745 if { ! [regexp $_test_case_regexp $line res grp grd casename result message] } {
1746 continue
1747 }
1748 set message [string trim $message " \t\r\n()"]
1750 # start new testsuite for each grid
1751 if { $grp != $group || $grd != $grid } {
1753 # write previous test suite
1754 if [info exists testcases] { eval $cmd_testsuite }
1756 set testcases {}
1757 set nbtests 0
1758 set nberr 0
1759 set nbfail 0
1760 set nbskip 0
1761 set time 0.
1763 set group $grp
1764 set grid $grd
1765 }
1767 incr nbtests
1769 # parse test log and get its CPU time
1770 set testout {}
1771 set add_cpu {}
1772 if { [catch {set fdlog [open $logdir/$group/$grid/${casename}.log r]} ret] } {
1773 puts "Error: cannot open $logdir/$group/$grid/${casename}.log: $ret"
1774 } else {
1775 while { [gets $fdlog logline] >= 0 } {
1776 if { $include_cout } {
1777 append testout "$logline\n"
1778 }
1779 if [regexp -nocase {TOTAL CPU TIME:\s*([\d.]+)\s*sec} $logline res cpu] {
1780 set add_cpu " time=\"$cpu\""
1781 set time [expr $time + $cpu]
1782 }
1783 }
1784 close $fdlog
1785 }
1786 if { ! $include_cout } {
40093367 1787 set testout "$line\n"
6d368502 1788 }
1790 # record test case with its output and status
1791 # Mapping is: SKIPPED, BAD, and OK to OK, all other to failure
1792 append testcases "\n <testcase name=\"$casename\"$add_cpu status=\"$result\">\n"
1793 append testcases "\n <system-out>\n$testout </system-out>"
1794 if { $result != "OK" } {
1795 if { [regexp -nocase {^SKIP} $result] } {
1796 incr nberr
1797 append testcases "\n <error name=\"$result\" message=\"$message\"/>"
1798 } elseif { [regexp -nocase {^BAD} $result] } {
1799 incr nbskip
1800 append testcases "\n <skipped>$message</skipped>"
1801 } else {
1802 incr nbfail
1803 append testcases "\n <failure name=\"$result\" message=\"$message\"/>"
1804 }
1805 }
1806 append testcases "\n </testcase>"
40093367 1807 }
1809 # write last test suite
1810 if [info exists testcases] { eval $cmd_testsuite }
1812 # the end
1813 puts $fd "</testsuites>"
1814 close $fd
1815 return
40093367 1818# Auxiliary procedure to split path specification (usually defined by
1819# environment variable) into list of directories or files
1820proc _split_path {pathspec} {
1821 global tcl_platform
1823 # first replace all \ (which might occur on Windows) by /
1824 regsub -all "\\\\" $pathspec "/" pathspec
1826 # split path by platform-specific separator
1827 return [split $pathspec [_path_separator]]
1830# Auxiliary procedure to define platform-specific separator for directories in
1831# path specification
1832proc _path_separator {} {
1833 global tcl_platform
1835 # split path by platform-specific separator
1836 if { $tcl_platform(platform) == "windows" } {
6d368502 1837 return ";"
40093367 1838 } else {
6d368502 1839 return ":"
40093367 1840 }
cc6a292d 1843# Procedure to make a diff and common of two lists
1844proc _list_diff {list1 list2 _in1 _in2 _common} {
1845 upvar $_in1 in1
1846 upvar $_in2 in2
1847 upvar $_common common
1849 set in1 {}
1850 set in2 {}
1851 set common {}
1852 foreach item $list1 {
6d368502 1853 if { [lsearch -exact $list2 $item] >= 0 } {
1854 lappend common $item
cc6a292d 1855 } else {
6d368502 1856 lappend in1 $item
1857 }
cc6a292d 1858 }
1859 foreach item $list2 {
6d368502 1860 if { [lsearch -exact $common $item] < 0 } {
1861 lappend in2 $item
1862 }
cc6a292d 1863 }
1864 return
1867# procedure to load a file to Tcl string
1868proc _read_file {filename} {
1869 set fd [open $filename r]
1870 set result [read -nonewline $fd]
1871 close $fd
1872 return $result
22db40eb 1875# procedure to construct name for the mage diff file
1876proc _diff_img_name {dir1 dir2 casepath imgfile} {
1877 return [file join $dir1 $casepath "diff-[file tail $dir2]-$imgfile"]
936f43da 1880# auxiliary procedure to produce string comparing two values
1881proc _diff_show_ratio {value1 value2} {
6ae07908 1882 if {[expr double ($value2)] == 0.} {
1883 return "$value1 / $value2"
1884 } else {
1885 return "$value1 / $value2 \[[format "%+5.2f%%" [expr 100 * ($value1 - $value2) / double($value2)]]\]"
1886 }
936f43da 1887}
44fae8b1 1889# procedure to check cpu user time
1890proc _check_time {regexp_msg} {
1891 upvar log log
1892 upvar log1 log1
1893 upvar log2 log2
1894 upvar log_cpu log_cpu
1895 upvar cpu cpu
1896 upvar basename basename
1897 upvar casename casename
1898 set time1_list [dict create]
1899 set time2_list [dict create]
1900 set cpu_find UNDEFINED
1902 foreach line1 [split $log1 "\n"] {
1903 if { [regexp "${regexp_msg}" $line1 dump chronometer_name cpu_find] } {
1904 dict set time1_list "${chronometer_name}" "${cpu_find}"
1905 }
1906 }
1908 foreach line2 [split $log2 "\n"] {
1909 if { [regexp "${regexp_msg}" $line2 dump chronometer_name cpu_find] } {
1910 dict set time2_list "${chronometer_name}" "${cpu_find}"
1911 }
1912 }
1914 if { [llength [dict keys $time1_list]] != [llength [dict keys $time2_list]] } {
1915 puts "Error: number of dchrono/chrono COUNTER are different in the same test cases"
1916 } else {
1917 foreach key [dict keys $time1_list] {
1918 set time1 [dict get $time1_list $key]
1919 set time2 [dict get $time2_list $key]
1921 # compare CPU user time with 10% precision (but not less 0.5 sec)
1922 if { [expr abs ($time1 - $time2) > 0.5 + 0.05 * abs ($time1 + $time2)] } {
1923 if {$cpu != false} {
1924 _log_and_puts log_cpu "COUNTER $key: [split $basename /] $casename: [_diff_show_ratio $time1 $time2]"
1925 } else {
1926 _log_and_puts log "COUNTER $key: [split $basename /] $casename: [_diff_show_ratio $time1 $time2]"
1927 }
1928 }
1929 }
1930 }
cc6a292d 1933# Procedure to compare results of two runs of test cases
28cab376 1934proc _test_diff {dir1 dir2 basename image cpu memory status verbose _logvar _logimage _logcpu _logmemory {_statvar ""}} {
cc6a292d 1935 upvar $_logvar log
28cab376 1936 upvar $_logimage log_image
1937 upvar $_logcpu log_cpu
1938 upvar $_logmemory log_memory
cc6a292d 1939
22db40eb 1940 # make sure to load diffimage command
1941 uplevel pload VISUALIZATION
cc6a292d 1943 # prepare variable (array) for collecting statistics
1944 if { "$_statvar" != "" } {
1945 upvar $_statvar stat
1946 } else {
1947 set stat(cpu1) 0
1948 set stat(cpu2) 0
22db40eb 1949 set stat(mem1) 0
1950 set stat(mem2) 0
cc6a292d 1951 set log {}
28cab376 1952 set log_image {}
1953 set log_cpu {}
1954 set log_memory {}
cc6a292d 1955 }
1957 # first check subdirectories
1958 set path1 [file join $dir1 $basename]
1959 set path2 [file join $dir2 $basename]
1960 set list1 [glob -directory $path1 -types d -tails -nocomplain *]
1961 set list2 [glob -directory $path2 -types d -tails -nocomplain *]
1962 if { [llength $list1] >0 || [llength $list2] > 0 } {
1963 _list_diff $list1 $list2 in1 in2 common
1964 if { "$verbose" > 1 } {
1965 if { [llength $in1] > 0 } { _log_and_puts log "Only in $path1: $in1" }
1966 if { [llength $in2] > 0 } { _log_and_puts log "Only in $path2: $in2" }
1967 }
1968 foreach subdir $common {
1969 if { "$verbose" > 2 } {
6d368502 1970 _log_and_puts log "Checking [file join $basename $subdir]"
1971 }
28cab376 1972 _test_diff $dir1 $dir2 [file join $basename $subdir] $image $cpu $memory $status $verbose log log_image log_cpu log_memory stat
cc6a292d 1973 }
1974 } else {
1975 # check log files (only if directory has no subdirs)
1976 set list1 [glob -directory $path1 -types f -tails -nocomplain *.log]
1977 set list2 [glob -directory $path2 -types f -tails -nocomplain *.log]
1978 _list_diff $list1 $list2 in1 in2 common
1979 if { "$verbose" > 1 } {
1980 if { [llength $in1] > 0 } { _log_and_puts log "Only in $path1: $in1" }
1981 if { [llength $in2] > 0 } { _log_and_puts log "Only in $path2: $in2" }
1982 }
936f43da 1983 set gcpu1 0
1984 set gcpu2 0
1985 set gmem1 0
1986 set gmem2 0
cc6a292d 1987 foreach logfile $common {
1988 # load two logs
6d368502 1989 set log1 [_read_file [file join $dir1 $basename $logfile]]
1990 set log2 [_read_file [file join $dir2 $basename $logfile]]
22db40eb 1991 set casename [file rootname $logfile]
28cab376 1992
cc6a292d 1993 # check execution statuses
28cab376 1994 if {$image == false && $cpu == false && $memory == false} {
1995 set status1 UNDEFINED
1996 set status2 UNDEFINED
1997 if { ! [regexp {CASE [^:]*:\s*([\w]+)} $log1 res1 status1] ||
1998 ! [regexp {CASE [^:]*:\s*([\w]+)} $log2 res2 status2] ||
1999 "$status1" != "$status2" } {
2000 _log_and_puts log "STATUS [split $basename /] $casename: $status1 / $status2"
2001 # if test statuses are different, further comparison makes
2002 # no sense unless explicitly requested
2003 if { "$status" != "all" } {
2004 continue
2005 }
2006 }
2007 if { "$status" == "ok" && "$status1" != "OK" } {
cc6a292d 2008 continue
6d368502 2009 }
2010 }
44fae8b1 2011
2012 if { ! $image } {
2013 # check CPU user time in test cases
2014 set checkCPURegexp "COUNTER (.+): (\[-0-9.+eE\]+)"
2015 if { [regexp "${checkCPURegexp}" $log1] &&
2016 [regexp "${checkCPURegexp}" $log2] } {
2017 _check_time "${checkCPURegexp}"
2018 }
2019 }
28cab376 2020
cc6a292d 2021 # check CPU times
28cab376 2022 if {$cpu != false || ($image == false && $cpu == false && $memory == false)} {
2023 set cpu1 UNDEFINED
2024 set cpu2 UNDEFINED
2025 if { [regexp {TOTAL CPU TIME:\s*([\d.]+)} $log1 res1 cpu1] &&
2026 [regexp {TOTAL CPU TIME:\s*([\d.]+)} $log2 res1 cpu2] } {
2027 set stat(cpu1) [expr $stat(cpu1) + $cpu1]
2028 set stat(cpu2) [expr $stat(cpu2) + $cpu2]
2029 set gcpu1 [expr $gcpu1 + $cpu1]
2030 set gcpu2 [expr $gcpu2 + $cpu2]
2032 # compare CPU times with 10% precision (but not less 0.5 sec)
2033 if { [expr abs ($cpu1 - $cpu2) > 0.5 + 0.05 * abs ($cpu1 + $cpu2)] } {
2034 if {$cpu != false} {
2035 _log_and_puts log_cpu "CPU [split $basename /] $casename: [_diff_show_ratio $cpu1 $cpu2]"
2036 } else {
2037 _log_and_puts log "CPU [split $basename /] $casename: [_diff_show_ratio $cpu1 $cpu2]"
2038 }
2039 }
cc6a292d 2040 }
6d368502 2041 }
22db40eb 2042
2043 # check memory delta
28cab376 2044 if {$memory != false || ($image == false && $cpu == false && $memory == false)} {
2045 set mem1 UNDEFINED
2046 set mem2 UNDEFINED
2047 if { [regexp {MEMORY DELTA:\s*([\d.]+)} $log1 res1 mem1] &&
2048 [regexp {MEMORY DELTA:\s*([\d.]+)} $log2 res1 mem2] } {
2049 set stat(mem1) [expr $stat(mem1) + $mem1]
2050 set stat(mem2) [expr $stat(mem2) + $mem2]
2051 set gmem1 [expr $gmem1 + $mem1]
2052 set gmem2 [expr $gmem2 + $mem2]
2054 # compare memory usage with 10% precision (but not less 16 KiB)
2055 if { [expr abs ($mem1 - $mem2) > 16 + 0.05 * abs ($mem1 + $mem2)] } {
2056 if {$memory != false} {
2057 _log_and_puts log_memory "MEMORY [split $basename /] $casename: [_diff_show_ratio $mem1 $mem2]"
2058 } else {
2059 _log_and_puts log "MEMORY [split $basename /] $casename: [_diff_show_ratio $mem1 $mem2]"
2060 }
2061 }
22db40eb 2062 }
6d368502 2063 }
22db40eb 2064
2065 # check images
28cab376 2066 if {$image != false || ($image == false && $cpu == false && $memory == false)} {
2067 set imglist1 [glob -directory $path1 -types f -tails -nocomplain ${casename}.{png,gif} ${casename}-*.{png,gif} ${casename}_*.{png,gif}]
2068 set imglist2 [glob -directory $path2 -types f -tails -nocomplain ${casename}.{png,gif} ${casename}-*.{png,gif} ${casename}_*.{png,gif}]
2069 _list_diff $imglist1 $imglist2 imgin1 imgin2 imgcommon
2070 if { "$verbose" > 1 } {
2071 if { [llength $imgin1] > 0 } {
2072 if {$image != false} {
2073 _log_and_puts log_image "Only in $path1: $imgin1"
2074 } else {
2075 _log_and_puts log "Only in $path1: $imgin1"
2076 }
2077 }
2078 if { [llength $imgin2] > 0 } {
2079 if {$image != false} {
2080 _log_and_puts log_image "Only in $path2: $imgin2"
2081 } else {
2082 _log_and_puts log "Only in $path2: $imgin2"
2083 }
2084 }
2085 }
2086 foreach imgfile $imgcommon {
2087 # if { $verbose > 1 } { _log_and_puts log "Checking [split basename /] $casename: $imgfile" }
2088 set diffile [_diff_img_name $dir1 $dir2 $basename $imgfile]
2089 if { [catch {diffimage [file join $dir1 $basename $imgfile] \
2090 [file join $dir2 $basename $imgfile] \
2091 0 0 0 $diffile} diff] } {
2092 if {$image != false} {
2093 _log_and_puts log_image "IMAGE [split $basename /] $casename: $imgfile cannot be compared"
2094 } else {
2095 _log_and_puts log "IMAGE [split $basename /] $casename: $imgfile cannot be compared"
2096 }
2097 file delete -force $diffile ;# clean possible previous result of diffimage
2098 } elseif { $diff != 0 } {
2099 if {$image != false} {
2100 _log_and_puts log_image "IMAGE [split $basename /] $casename: $imgfile differs"
2101 } else {
2102 _log_and_puts log "IMAGE [split $basename /] $casename: $imgfile differs"
2103 }
2104 } else {
2105 file delete -force $diffile ;# clean useless artifact of diffimage
2106 }
22db40eb 2107 }
2108 }
6d368502 2109 }
936f43da 2110
2111 # report CPU and memory difference in group if it is greater than 10%
28cab376 2112 if {$cpu != false || ($image == false && $cpu == false && $memory == false)} {
2113 if { [expr abs ($gcpu1 - $gcpu2) > 0.5 + 0.005 * abs ($gcpu1 + $gcpu2)] } {
2114 if {$cpu != false} {
2115 _log_and_puts log_cpu "CPU [split $basename /]: [_diff_show_ratio $gcpu1 $gcpu2]"
2116 } else {
2117 _log_and_puts log "CPU [split $basename /]: [_diff_show_ratio $gcpu1 $gcpu2]"
2118 }
2119 }
936f43da 2120 }
28cab376 2121 if {$memory != false || ($image == false && $cpu == false && $memory == false)} {
2122 if { [expr abs ($gmem1 - $gmem2) > 16 + 0.005 * abs ($gmem1 + $gmem2)] } {
2123 if {$memory != false} {
2124 _log_and_puts log_memory "MEMORY [split $basename /]: [_diff_show_ratio $gmem1 $gmem2]"
2125 } else {
2126 _log_and_puts log "MEMORY [split $basename /]: [_diff_show_ratio $gmem1 $gmem2]"
2127 }
2128 }
936f43da 2129 }
cc6a292d 2130 }
2132 if { "$_statvar" == "" } {
28cab376 2133 if {$memory != false || ($image == false && $cpu == false && $memory == false)} {
2134 if {$memory != false} {
2135 _log_and_puts log_memory "Total MEMORY difference: [_diff_show_ratio $stat(mem1) $stat(mem2)]"
2136 } else {
2137 _log_and_puts log "Total MEMORY difference: [_diff_show_ratio $stat(mem1) $stat(mem2)]"
2138 }
2139 }
2140 if {$cpu != false || ($image == false && $cpu == false && $memory == false)} {
2141 if {$cpu != false} {
2142 _log_and_puts log_cpu "Total CPU difference: [_diff_show_ratio $stat(cpu1) $stat(cpu2)]"
2143 } else {
2144 _log_and_puts log "Total CPU difference: [_diff_show_ratio $stat(cpu1) $stat(cpu2)]"
2145 }
2146 }
cc6a292d 2147 }
b725d7c5 2149
22db40eb 2150# Auxiliary procedure to save log of results comparison to file
d5f061b6 2151proc _log_html_diff {file log dir1 dir2 highlight_percent} {
22db40eb 2152 # create missing directories as needed
2153 catch {file mkdir [file dirname $file]}
2155 # try to open a file
2156 if [catch {set fd [open $file w]} res] {
6d368502 2157 error "Error saving log file $file: $res"
22db40eb 2158 }
2160 # print header
2161 puts $fd "<html><head><title>Diff $dir1 vs. $dir2</title></head><body>"
433673e0 2162 puts $fd "<h1>Comparison of test results:</h1>"
2163 puts $fd "<h2>Version A - $dir1</h2>"
2164 puts $fd "<h2>Version B - $dir2</h2>"
22db40eb 2165
c231f393 2166 # add script for switching between images on click
2167 puts $fd ""
2168 puts $fd "<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
2169 puts $fd " function diffimage_toggle(img,url1,url2)"
2170 puts $fd " {"
66d61d8a 2171 puts $fd " if (img.show2nd) { img.src = url1; img.show2nd = false; }"
2172 puts $fd " else { img.src = url2; img.show2nd = true; }"
c231f393 2173 puts $fd " }"
66d61d8a 2174 puts $fd " function diffimage_reset(img,url) { img.src = url; img.show2nd = true; }"
c231f393 2175 puts $fd "</script>"
2176 puts $fd ""
2178 # print log body
22db40eb 2179 puts $fd "<pre>"
2180 set logpath [file split [file normalize $file]]
9753e6de 2181 foreach line $log {
d5f061b6 2182 # put a line; highlight considerable (> ${highlight_percent}%) deviations of CPU and memory
936f43da 2183 if { [regexp "\[\\\[](\[0-9.e+-]+)%\[\]]" $line res value] &&
d5f061b6 2184 [expr abs($value)] > ${highlight_percent} } {
77887d30 2185 puts $fd "<table><tr><td bgcolor=\"[expr $value > 0 ? \"ff8080\" : \"lightgreen\"]\">$line</td></tr></table>"
936f43da 2186 } else {
2187 puts $fd $line
2188 }
22db40eb 2189
936f43da 2190 # add images
22db40eb 2191 if { [regexp {IMAGE[ \t]+([^:]+):[ \t]+([A-Za-z0-9_.-]+)} $line res case img] } {
2192 if { [catch {eval file join "" [lrange $case 0 end-1]} gridpath] } {
6d368502 2193 # note: special handler for the case if test grid directoried are compared directly
2194 set gridpath ""
22db40eb 2195 }
17b45a29 2196 set aCaseName [lindex $case end]
c231f393 2197 set img1url [_make_url $file [file join $dir1 $gridpath $img]]
2198 set img2url [_make_url $file [file join $dir2 $gridpath $img]]
2199 set img1 "<a href=\"[_make_url $file [file join $dir1 $gridpath $aCaseName.html]]\"><img src=\"$img1url\"></a>"
2200 set img2 "<a href=\"[_make_url $file [file join $dir2 $gridpath $aCaseName.html]]\"><img src=\"$img2url\"></a>"
22db40eb 2201
2202 set difffile [_diff_img_name $dir1 $dir2 $gridpath $img]
c231f393 2203 set imgdurl [_make_url $file $difffile]
22db40eb 2204 if { [file exists $difffile] } {
c231f393 2205 set imgd "<img src=\"$imgdurl\" onmouseout=diffimage_reset(this,\"$imgdurl\") onclick=diffimage_toggle(this,\"$img1url\",\"$img2url\")>"
22db40eb 2206 } else {
2207 set imgd "N/A"
2208 }
c231f393 2210 puts $fd "<table><tr><th><abbr title=\"$dir1\">Version A</abbr></th><th><abbr title=\"$dir2\">Version B</abbr></th><th>Diff (click to toggle)</th></tr>"
22db40eb 2211 puts $fd "<tr><td>$img1</td><td>$img2</td><td>$imgd</td></tr></table>"
2212 }
2213 }
2214 puts $fd "</pre></body></html>"
2216 close $fd
2217 return
b725d7c5 2220# get number of CPUs on the system
2221proc _get_nb_cpus {} {
2222 global tcl_platform env
2224 if { "$tcl_platform(platform)" == "windows" } {
2225 # on Windows, take the value of the environment variable
2226 if { [info exists env(NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS)] &&
2227 ! [catch {expr $env(NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS) > 0} res] && $res >= 0 } {
2228 return $env(NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS)
2229 }
2230 } elseif { "$tcl_platform(os)" == "Linux" } {
2231 # on Linux, take number of logical processors listed in /proc/cpuinfo
2232 if { [catch {open "/proc/cpuinfo" r} fd] } {
2233 return 0 ;# should never happen, but...
2234 }
2235 set nb 0
6d368502 2236 while { [gets $fd line] >= 0 } {
2237 if { [regexp {^processor[ \t]*:} $line] } {
2238 incr nb
2239 }
2240 }
b725d7c5 2241 close $fd
2242 return $nb
2243 } elseif { "$tcl_platform(os)" == "Darwin" } {
2244 # on MacOS X, call sysctl command
2245 if { ! [catch {exec sysctl hw.ncpu} ret] &&
2246 [regexp {^hw[.]ncpu[ \t]*:[ \t]*([0-9]+)} $ret res nb] } {
2247 return $nb
2248 }
2249 }
2251 # if cannot get good value, return 0 as default
2252 return 0
351bbcba 2254
2255# check two files for difference
2256proc _diff_files {file1 file2} {
2257 set fd1 [open $file1 "r"]
2258 set fd2 [open $file2 "r"]
2260 set differ f
2261 while {! $differ} {
2262 set nb1 [gets $fd1 line1]
2263 set nb2 [gets $fd2 line2]
2264 if { $nb1 != $nb2 } { set differ t; break }
2265 if { $nb1 < 0 } { break }
2266 if { [string compare $line1 $line2] } {
2267 set differ t
2268 }
2269 }
2271 close $fd1
2272 close $fd2
2274 return $differ
2277# Check if file is in DOS encoding.
2278# This check is done by presence of \r\n combination at the end of the first
2279# line (i.e. prior to any other \n symbol).
2280# Note that presence of non-ascii symbols typically used for recognition
2281# of binary files is not suitable since some IGES and STEP files contain
2282# non-ascii symbols.
2283# Special check is added for PNG files which contain \r\n in the beginning.
2284proc _check_dos_encoding {file} {
2285 set fd [open $file rb]
2286 set isdos f
2287 if { [gets $fd line] && [regexp {.*\r$} $line] &&
2288 ! [regexp {^.PNG} $line] } {
2289 set isdos t
2290 }
2291 close $fd
2292 return $isdos
2295# procedure to recognize format of a data file by its first symbols (for OCCT
2296# BREP and geometry DRAW formats, IGES, and STEP) and extension (all others)
2297proc _check_file_format {file} {
2298 set fd [open $file rb]
2299 set line [read $fd 1024]
2300 close $fd
2302 set warn f
2303 set ext [file extension $file]
2304 set format unknown
2305 if { [regexp {^DBRep_DrawableShape} $line] } {
2306 set format BREP
2307 if { "$ext" != ".brep" && "$ext" != ".rle" &&
2308 "$ext" != ".draw" && "$ext" != "" } {
2309 set warn t
2310 }
2311 } elseif { [regexp {^DrawTrSurf_} $line] } {
2312 set format DRAW
2313 if { "$ext" != ".rle" &&
2314 "$ext" != ".draw" && "$ext" != "" } {
2315 set warn t
2316 }
2317 } elseif { [regexp {^[ \t]*ISO-10303-21} $line] } {
2318 set format STEP
2319 if { "$ext" != ".step" && "$ext" != ".stp" } {
2320 set warn t
2321 }
2322 } elseif { [regexp {^.\{72\}S[0 ]\{6\}1} $line] } {
2323 set format IGES
2324 if { "$ext" != ".iges" && "$ext" != ".igs" } {
2325 set warn t
2326 }
2327 } elseif { "$ext" == ".igs" } {
2328 set format IGES
2329 } elseif { "$ext" == ".stp" } {
2330 set format STEP
2331 } else {
2332 set format [string toupper [string range $ext 1 end]]
2333 }
2335 if { $warn } {
2336 puts "$file: Warning: extension ($ext) does not match format ($format)"
2337 }
2339 return $format
2342# procedure to load file knowing its format
2343proc load_data_file {file format shape} {
2344 switch $format {
6d368502 2345 BREP { uplevel restore $file $shape }
2346 DRAW { uplevel restore $file $shape }
2347 IGES { pload XSDRAW; uplevel igesbrep $file $shape * }
2348 STEP { pload XSDRAW; uplevel stepread $file __a *; uplevel renamevar __a_1 $shape }
2349 STL { pload XSDRAW; uplevel readstl $shape $file }
2350 default { error "Cannot read $format file $file" }
351bbcba 2351 }
60874ff8 2353
2354# procedure to get name of temporary directory,
2355# ensuring it is existing and writeable
2356proc _get_temp_dir {} {
723754e2 2357 global env tcl_platform
60874ff8 2358
2359 # check typical environment variables
2360 foreach var {TempDir Temp Tmp} {
2361 # check different case
2362 foreach name [list [string toupper $var] $var [string tolower $var]] {
2363 if { [info exists env($name)] && [file isdirectory $env($name)] &&
2364 [file writable $env($name)] } {
2365 return [regsub -all {\\} $env($name) /]
2366 }
2367 }
2368 }
2370 # check platform-specific locations
2371 set fallback tmp
2372 if { "$tcl_platform(platform)" == "windows" } {
2373 set paths "c:/TEMP c:/TMP /TEMP /TMP"
2374 if { [info exists env(HOMEDRIVE)] && [info exists env(HOMEPATH)] } {
338434c7 2375 set fallback [regsub -all {\\} "$env(HOMEDRIVE)$env(HOMEPATH)/tmp" /]
60874ff8 2376 }
2377 } else {
2378 set paths "/tmp /var/tmp /usr/tmp"
2379 if { [info exists env(HOME)] } {
2380 set fallback "$env(HOME)/tmp"
2381 }
2382 }
2383 foreach dir $paths {
723754e2 2384 if { [file isdirectory $dir] && [file writable $dir] } {
60874ff8 2385 return $dir
2386 }
2387 }
2389 # fallback case: use subdir /tmp of home or current dir
2390 file mkdir $fallback
2391 return $fallback
9753e6de 2393
2394# extract of code from testgrid command used to process jobs running in
2395# parallel until number of jobs in the queue becomes equal or less than
2396# specified value
2397proc _testgrid_process_jobs {worker {nb_ok 0}} {
2398 # bind local vars to variables of the caller procedure
2399 upvar log log
2400 upvar logdir logdir
2401 upvar job_def job_def
2402 upvar nbpooled nbpooled
2403 upvar userbreak userbreak
2404 upvar refresh refresh
2405 upvar refresh_timer refresh_timer
2407 catch {tpool::resume $worker}
2408 while { ! $userbreak && $nbpooled > $nb_ok } {
2409 foreach job [tpool::wait $worker [array names job_def]] {
2410 eval _log_test_case \[tpool::get $worker $job\] $job_def($job) log
2411 unset job_def($job)
2412 incr nbpooled -1
2413 }
2415 # check for user break
2416 if { "[info commands dbreak]" == "dbreak" && [catch dbreak] } {
2417 set userbreak 1
2418 }
2420 # update summary log with requested period
2421 if { $logdir != "" && $refresh > 0 && [clock seconds] > $refresh_timer + $refresh } {
6d368502 2422 _log_summarize $logdir $log
2423 set refresh_timer [clock seconds]
9753e6de 2424 }
2425 }
2426 catch {tpool::suspend $worker}
ccadc126 2428
2429help checkcolor {
2430 Check pixel color.
2431 Use: checkcolor x y red green blue
2432 x y - pixel coordinates
2433 red green blue - expected pixel color (values from 0 to 1)
2434 Function check color with tolerance (5x5 area)
2436# Procedure to check color using command vreadpixel with tolerance
2437proc checkcolor { coord_x coord_y rd_get gr_get bl_get } {
2438 puts "Coordinate x = $coord_x"
2439 puts "Coordinate y = $coord_y"
2440 puts "RED color of RGB is $rd_get"
2441 puts "GREEN color of RGB is $gr_get"
2442 puts "BLUE color of RGB is $bl_get"
2444 if { $coord_x <= 1 || $coord_y <= 1 } {
6d368502 2445 puts "Error : minimal coordinate is x = 2, y = 2. But we have x = $coord_x y = $coord_y"
2446 return -1
ccadc126 2447 }
2449 set color ""
2450 catch { [set color "[vreadpixel ${coord_x} ${coord_y} rgb]"] }
2451 if {"$color" == ""} {
6d368502 2452 puts "Error : Pixel coordinates (${position_x}; ${position_y}) are out of view"
ccadc126 2453 }
2454 set rd [lindex $color 0]
2455 set gr [lindex $color 1]
2456 set bl [lindex $color 2]
2457 set rd_int [expr int($rd * 1.e+05)]
2458 set gr_int [expr int($gr * 1.e+05)]
2459 set bl_int [expr int($bl * 1.e+05)]
2460 set rd_ch [expr int($rd_get * 1.e+05)]
2461 set gr_ch [expr int($gr_get * 1.e+05)]
2462 set bl_ch [expr int($bl_get * 1.e+05)]
2464 if { $rd_ch != 0 } {
6d368502 2465 set tol_rd [expr abs($rd_ch - $rd_int)/$rd_ch]
ccadc126 2466 } else {
6d368502 2467 set tol_rd $rd_int
ccadc126 2468 }
2469 if { $gr_ch != 0 } {
6d368502 2470 set tol_gr [expr abs($gr_ch - $gr_int)/$gr_ch]
ccadc126 2471 } else {
6d368502 2472 set tol_gr $gr_int
ccadc126 2473 }
2474 if { $bl_ch != 0 } {
6d368502 2475 set tol_bl [expr abs($bl_ch - $bl_int)/$bl_ch]
ccadc126 2476 } else {
6d368502 2477 set tol_bl $bl_int
ccadc126 2478 }
2480 set status 0
2481 if { $tol_rd > 0.2 } {
6d368502 2482 puts "Warning : RED light of additive color model RGB is invalid"
2483 set status 1
ccadc126 2484 }
2485 if { $tol_gr > 0.2 } {
6d368502 2486 puts "Warning : GREEN light of additive color model RGB is invalid"
2487 set status 1
ccadc126 2488 }
2489 if { $tol_bl > 0.2 } {
6d368502 2490 puts "Warning : BLUE light of additive color model RGB is invalid"
2491 set status 1
ccadc126 2492 }
2494 if { $status != 0 } {
6d368502 2495 puts "Warning : Colors of default coordinate are not equal"
ccadc126 2496 }
2498 global stat
2499 if { $tol_rd > 0.2 || $tol_gr > 0.2 || $tol_bl > 0.2 } {
6d368502 2500 set info [_checkpoint $coord_x $coord_y $rd_ch $gr_ch $bl_ch]
2501 set stat [lindex $info end]
2502 if { ${stat} != 1 } {
2503 puts "Error : Colors are not equal in default coordinate and in the near coordinates too"
2504 return $stat
2505 } else {
2506 puts "Point with valid color was found"
2507 return $stat
2508 }
ccadc126 2509 } else {
6d368502 2510 set stat 1
ccadc126 2511 }
2514# Procedure to check color in the point near default coordinate
2515proc _checkpoint {coord_x coord_y rd_ch gr_ch bl_ch} {
2516 set x_start [expr ${coord_x} - 2]
2517 set y_start [expr ${coord_y} - 2]
2518 set mistake 0
2519 set i 0
2520 while { $mistake != 1 && $i <= 5 } {
6d368502 2521 set j 0
2522 while { $mistake != 1 && $j <= 5 } {
2523 set position_x [expr ${x_start} + $j]
2524 set position_y [expr ${y_start} + $i]
2525 puts $position_x
2526 puts $position_y
2528 set color ""
2529 catch { [set color "[vreadpixel ${position_x} ${position_y} rgb]"] }
2530 if {"$color" == ""} {
2531 puts "Warning : Pixel coordinates (${position_x}; ${position_y}) are out of view"
2532 incr j
2533 continue
2534 }
2535 set rd [lindex $color 0]
2536 set gr [lindex $color 1]
2537 set bl [lindex $color 2]
2538 set rd_int [expr int($rd * 1.e+05)]
2539 set gr_int [expr int($gr * 1.e+05)]
2540 set bl_int [expr int($bl * 1.e+05)]
2542 if { $rd_ch != 0 } {
2543 set tol_rd [expr abs($rd_ch - $rd_int)/$rd_ch]
2544 } else {
2545 set tol_rd $rd_int
2546 }
2547 if { $gr_ch != 0 } {
2548 set tol_gr [expr abs($gr_ch - $gr_int)/$gr_ch]
2549 } else {
2550 set tol_gr $gr_int
2551 }
2552 if { $bl_ch != 0 } {
2553 set tol_bl [expr abs($bl_ch - $bl_int)/$bl_ch]
2554 } else {
2555 set tol_bl $bl_int
2556 }
2558 if { $tol_rd > 0.2 || $tol_gr > 0.2 || $tol_bl > 0.2 } {
2559 puts "Warning : Point with true color was not found near default coordinates"
2560 set mistake 0
2561 } else {
2562 set mistake 1
2563 }
ccadc126 2564 incr j
6d368502 2565 }
2566 incr i
ccadc126 2567 }
2568 return $mistake
a2f76b15 2570
2571# Procedure to check if sequence of values in listval follows linear trend
2572# adding the same delta on each step.
2574# The function does statistical estimation of the mean variation of the
2575# values of the sequence, and dispersion, and returns true only if both
2576# dispersion and deviation of the mean from expected delta are within
2577# specified tolerance.
2579# If mean variation differs from expected delta on more than two dispersions,
2580# the check fails and procedure raises error with specified message.
2582# Otherwise the procedure returns false meaning that more iterations are needed.
2583# Note that false is returned in any case if length of listval is less than 3.
2585# See example of use to check memory leaks in bugs/caf/bug23489
2587proc checktrend {listval delta tolerance message} {
2588 set nbval [llength $listval]
2589 if { $nbval < 3} {
2590 return 0
2591 }
2593 # calculate mean value
2594 set mean 0.
2595 set prev [lindex $listval 0]
2596 foreach val [lrange $listval 1 end] {
2597 set mean [expr $mean + ($val - $prev)]
2598 set prev $val
2599 }
2600 set mean [expr $mean / ($nbval - 1)]
2602 # calculate dispersion
2603 set sigma 0.
2604 set prev [lindex $listval 0]
2605 foreach val [lrange $listval 1 end] {
2606 set d [expr ($val - $prev) - $mean]
2607 set sigma [expr $sigma + $d * $d]
2608 set prev $val
2609 }
2610 set sigma [expr sqrt ($sigma / ($nbval - 2))]
2612 puts "Checking trend: nb = $nbval, mean delta = $mean, sigma = $sigma"
2614 # check if deviation is definitely too big
2615 if { abs ($mean - $delta) > $tolerance + 2. * $sigma } {
2616 puts "Checking trend failed: mean delta per step = $mean, sigma = $sigma, expected delta = $delta"
2617 error "$message"
2618 }
2620 # check if deviation is clearly within a range
2621 return [expr abs ($mean - $delta) <= $sigma && $sigma <= $tolerance]