--- /dev/null
+@echo OFF
+rem Auxiliary script for semi-automated building of OCCT for WASM platform.
+rem wasm_custom.bat should be configured with paths to CMake, 3rd-parties and Emscripten SDK.
+rem FreeType should be specified as mandatory dependency.
+set "aSrcRoot=%~dp0..\.."
+set "aBuildRoot=work"
+set "toCMake=1"
+set "toClean=0"
+set "toMake=1"
+set "toInstall=1"
+set "BUILD_ModelingData=ON"
+set "BUILD_ModelingAlgorithms=ON"
+set "BUILD_Visualization=ON"
+set "BUILD_ApplicationFramework=ON"
+set "BUILD_DataExchange=ON"
+rem Configuration file
+if exist "%~dp0wasm_custom.bat" call "%~dp0wasm_custom.bat"
+call "%EMSDK_ROOT%\emsdk_env.bat"
+set "aToolchain=%EMSDK%/upstream/emscripten/cmake/Modules/Platform/Emscripten.cmake"
+set "anOcctVerSuffix="
+set "anOcctVersion=0.0.0"
+set "aGitBranch="
+for /f tokens^=2^ delims^=^" %%i in ('findstr /b /c:"#define OCC_VERSION_DEVELOPMENT" "%aSrcRoot%\src\Standard\Standard_Version.hxx"') do ( set "anOcctVerSuffix=%%i" )
+for /f tokens^=2^ delims^=^" %%i in ('findstr /b /c:"#define OCC_VERSION_COMPLETE" "%aSrcRoot%\src\Standard\Standard_Version.hxx"') do ( set "anOcctVersion=%%i" )
+for /f %%i in ('git symbolic-ref --short HEAD') do ( set "aGitBranch=%%i" )
+call :cmakeGenerate
+if not ["%1"] == ["-nopause"] (
+ pause
+goto :eof
+set "aPlatformAndCompiler=wasm"
+set "aWorkDir=%aSrcRoot%\%aBuildRoot%\%aPlatformAndCompiler%-make"
+set "aDestDir=%aSrcRoot%\%aBuildRoot%\%aPlatformAndCompiler%"
+set "aLogFile=%aSrcRoot%\%aBuildRoot%\build-%aPlatformAndCompiler%.log"
+if not exist "%aWorkDir%" ( mkdir "%aWorkDir%" )
+if exist "%aLogFile%" ( del "%aLogFile%" )
+rem include some information about OCCT into archive
+echo ^<pre^>> "%aWorkDir%\VERSION.html"
+git status >> "%aWorkDir%\VERSION.html"
+git log -n 100 >> "%aWorkDir%\VERSION.html"
+echo ^</pre^>>> "%aWorkDir%\VERSION.html"
+echo Start building OCCT for %aPlatformAndCompiler%
+echo Start building OCCT for %aPlatformAndCompiler%>> %aLogFile%
+pushd "%aWorkDir%"
+set aTimeZERO=%TIME%
+if ["%toCMake%"] == ["1"] (
+ echo "Configuring OCCT for WASM..."
+ cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" ^
+ -D INSTALL_DIR:PATH="%aDestDir%" ^
+ -D 3RDPARTY_FREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIR_freetype2:FILEPATH="%aFreeType%/include" ^
+ -D 3RDPARTY_FREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIR_ft2build:FILEPATH="%aFreeType%/include" ^
+ -D BUILD_MODULE_FoundationClasses:BOOL="ON" ^
+ -D BUILD_MODULE_ModelingData:BOOL="%BUILD_ModelingData%" ^
+ -D BUILD_MODULE_ModelingAlgorithms:BOOL="%BUILD_ModelingAlgorithms%" ^
+ -D BUILD_MODULE_Visualization:BOOL="%BUILD_Visualization%" ^
+ -D BUILD_MODULE_ApplicationFramework:BOOL="%BUILD_ApplicationFramework%" ^
+ -D BUILD_MODULE_DataExchange:BOOL="%BUILD_DataExchange%" ^
+ -D BUILD_DOC_Overview:BOOL="OFF" ^
+ "%aSrcRoot%"
+ if errorlevel 1 (
+ popd
+ exit /B 1
+ goto :eof
+ )
+set aTimeGEN=%TIME%
+call :computeDuration %aTimeZERO% %aTimeGEN%
+if ["%toCMake%"] == ["1"] (
+ echo Generation time: %DURATION%
+ echo Generation time: %DURATION%>> "%aLogFile%"
+if "%toClean%"=="1" (
+ mingw32-make clean
+if "%toMake%"=="1" (
+ echo Building...
+ mingw32-make -j %aNbJobs% 2>> "%aLogFile%"
+ if errorlevel 1 (
+ popd
+ exit /B 1
+ goto :eof
+ )
+ type "%aLogFile%"
+set aTimeBUILD=%TIME%
+call :computeDuration %aTimeGEN% %aTimeBUILD%
+if "%toMake%"=="1" (
+ echo Building time: %DURATION%
+ echo Building time: %DURATION%>> "%aLogFile%"
+call :computeDuration %aTimeZERO% %aTimeBUILD%
+if "%toMake%"=="1" (
+ echo Total building time: %DURATION%
+ echo Total building time: %DURATION%>> "%aLogFile%"
+if "%toInstall%"=="1" (
+ echo Installing into %aDestDir%...
+ mingw32-make install 2>> "%aLogFile%"
+ copy /Y "%aWorkDir%\VERSION.html" "%aDestDir%\VERSION.html"
+set aTimeINSTALL=%TIME%
+call :computeDuration %aTimeBUILD% %aTimeINSTALL%
+if "%toInstall%"=="1" (
+ echo Install time: %DURATION%
+ echo Install time: %DURATION%>> "%aLogFile%"
+call :computeDuration %aTimeZERO% %aTimeINSTALL%
+echo Total time: %DURATION%
+echo Total time: %DURATION%>> "%aLogFile%"
+goto :eof
+set aTimeFrom=%1
+set aTimeEnd=%2
+rem handle time before 10AM (win10 - remove empty space at the beginning)
+if "%aTimeFrom:~0,1%"==" " set "aTimeFrom=%aTimeFrom:~1%"
+if "%aTimeEnd:~0,1%"==" " set "aTimeEnd=%aTimeEnd:~1%"
+rem handle time before 10AM (win7 - add 0 at the beginning)
+if "%aTimeFrom:~1,1%"==":" set "aTimeFrom=0%aTimeFrom%"
+if "%aTimeEnd:~1,1%"==":" set "aTimeEnd=0%aTimeEnd%"
+rem convert hours:minutes:seconds:ms into duration
+set /A aTimeFrom=(1%aTimeFrom:~0,2%-100)*360000 + (1%aTimeFrom:~3,2%-100)*6000 + (1%aTimeFrom:~6,2%-100)*100 + (1%aTimeFrom:~9,2%-100)
+set /A aTimeEnd= (1%aTimeEnd:~0,2%-100)*360000 + (1%aTimeEnd:~3,2%-100)*6000 + (1%aTimeEnd:~6,2%-100)*100 + (1%aTimeEnd:~9,2%-100)
+set /A aDurTotalSec=%aTimeEnd%-%aTimeFrom%
+if %aTimeEnd% LSS %aTimeFrom% set set /A aDurTotalSec=%aTimeFrom%-%aTimeEnd%
+set /A aDurHH=%aDurTotalSec% / 360000
+set /A aDurMM=(%aDurTotalSec% - %aDurHH%*360000) / 6000
+set /A aDurSS=(%aDurTotalSec% - %aDurHH%*360000 - %aDurMM%*6000) / 100
+if %aDurHH% LSS 10 set aDurHH=0%aDurHH%
+if %aDurMM% LSS 10 set aDurMM=0%aDurMM%
+if %aDurSS% LSS 10 set aDurSS=0%aDurSS%
+set "DURATION=%aDurHH%:%aDurMM%:%aDurSS%"
+goto :eof
--- /dev/null
+# Auxiliary script for semi-automated building of OCCT for WASM platform.
+# wasm_custom.sh should be configured with paths to CMake, 3rd-parties and Emscripten SDK.
+# FreeType should be specified as mandatory dependency.
+export aScriptDir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
+export aSrcRoot="${aScriptDir}/../.."
+export aBuildRoot=work
+export toCMake=1
+export toClean=0
+export toMake=1
+export toInstall=1
+export BUILD_ModelingData=ON
+export BUILD_ModelingAlgorithms=ON
+export BUILD_Visualization=ON
+export BUILD_ApplicationFramework=ON
+export BUILD_DataExchange=ON
+if [ -f "${aScriptDir}/wasm_custom.sh" ] ; then
+ . "${aScriptDir}/wasm_custom.sh"
+. "${EMSDK_ROOT}/emsdk_env.sh"
+export aToolchain="${EMSDK}/upstream/emscripten/cmake/Modules/Platform/Emscripten.cmake"
+export aGitBranch=`git symbolic-ref --short HEAD`
+echo "Compilation OCCT branch : $aGitBranch"
+export aPlatformAndCompiler=wasm
+export aWorkDir="${aSrcRoot}/${aBuildRoot}/${aPlatformAndCompiler}-make"
+if [ ! -d "${aWorkDir}" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "${aWorkDir}"
+export aDestDir="${aSrcRoot}/${aBuildRoot}/${aPlatformAndCompiler}"
+if [ ! -d "${aDestDir}" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "${aDestDir}"
+export aLogFile="${aSrcRoot}/${aBuildRoot}/build-${aPlatformAndCompiler}.log"
+if [ -f "${aLogFile}" ]; then
+ rm "${aLogFile}"
+echo Start building OCCT for ${aPlatformAndCompiler}
+echo Start building OCCT for ${aPlatformAndCompiler}>> "${aLogFile}"
+pushd "${aWorkDir}"
+echo toCMake=${toCMake}
+if [ "${toCMake}" = "1" ]; then
+echo "Configuring OCCT for WASM..."
+echo cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH="${aToolchain}" \
+-DINSTALL_DIR:PATH="${aDestDir}" \
+-D3RDPARTY_FREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIR_freetype2:FILEPATH="$aFreeType/include" \
+-D3RDPARTY_FREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIR_ft2build:FILEPATH="$aFreeType/include" \
+-DBUILD_MODULE_FoundationClasses:BOOL="ON" \
+-DBUILD_MODULE_ModelingData:BOOL="${BUILD_ModelingData}" \
+-DBUILD_MODULE_ModelingAlgorithms:BOOL="${BUILD_ModelingAlgorithms}" \
+-DBUILD_MODULE_Visualization:BOOL="${BUILD_Visualization}" \
+-DBUILD_MODULE_ApplicationFramework:BOOL="${BUILD_ApplicationFramework}" \
+-DBUILD_MODULE_DataExchange:BOOL="${BUILD_DataExchange}" \
+-DBUILD_DOC_Overview:BOOL="OFF" "${aSrcRoot}"
+cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH="${aToolchain}" \
+-DINSTALL_DIR:PATH="${aDestDir}" \
+-D3RDPARTY_FREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIR_freetype2:FILEPATH="$aFreeType/include" \
+-D3RDPARTY_FREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIR_ft2build:FILEPATH="$aFreeType/include" \
+-DBUILD_MODULE_FoundationClasses:BOOL="ON" \
+-DBUILD_MODULE_ModelingData:BOOL="${BUILD_ModelingData}" \
+-DBUILD_MODULE_ModelingAlgorithms:BOOL="${BUILD_ModelingAlgorithms}" \
+-DBUILD_MODULE_Visualization:BOOL="${BUILD_Visualization}" \
+-DBUILD_MODULE_ApplicationFramework:BOOL="${BUILD_ApplicationFramework}" \
+-DBUILD_MODULE_DataExchange:BOOL="${BUILD_DataExchange}" \
+-DBUILD_DOC_Overview:BOOL="OFF" "${aSrcRoot}"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Problem during configuration"
+ popd
+ exit 1
+ fi
+if [ "${toClean}" = "1" ]; then
+ make clean
+if [ "${toMake}" = "1" ]; then
+ echo Building...
+ make -j ${aNbJobs} 2>> "${aLogFile}"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Problem during make operation"
+ popd
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "${aLogFile}"
+if [ "${toInstall}" = "1" ]; then
+ echo Installing into ${aDestDir}
+ make install 2>> "${aLogFile}"